Where Does All the White Rage Go When Donald Trump Loses?

Where does it go....millions of us are going to grab our pitchforks, torches and guns, and go on a zombie killing spree of all you dirtbag, fag, maggot vermin that have fucked up our America...get your sneakers ready, and start losing weight!!!!!
Interesting question , where do they go what will they do?

There simply are not enough angry white people in America to elect him president. Where will all that anger, which has been slowly building among America’s white working class for half a century, go once it is left without a viable political outlet?

In the months since Donald Trump’s presidential campaign has shifted from amusing diversion to cold political reality, the narrative favored by America’s political and media elite has been one of chickens coming home to roost.

Trump is the P.T. Barnum of 21st-century American politics, a gifted impresario able to spot a sucker a mile off

Uh Oh: Where Does All the White Rage Go When Donald Trump Loses?

We'll probably listen to the biggest a-holes in our group when they stand on a car and then yell "Burn this place down!!" we will take our cue and then start breaking windows, robbing liquor stores and appliance stores and setting a few fires.

We may come up with a new chant to go along with it because we are sooo justified --- you know, like "hands up don't shoot."
Don't forget no Justus no peefe
Interesting question , where do they go what will they do?

There simply are not enough angry white people in America to elect him president. Where will all that anger, which has been slowly building among America’s white working class for half a century, go once it is left without a viable political outlet?

In the months since Donald Trump’s presidential campaign has shifted from amusing diversion to cold political reality, the narrative favored by America’s political and media elite has been one of chickens coming home to roost.

Trump is the P.T. Barnum of 21st-century American politics, a gifted impresario able to spot a sucker a mile off

Uh Oh: Where Does All the White Rage Go When Donald Trump Loses?

It doesn't matter. Much like the hard left; they will have to learn to operate in the larger universe of the two-party system. Some will stay politically active but most will go back to not voting. A zero factor politically.
Libtards are the ones that go batshit crazy when they don't get their way.
Just imagine how confusing this must be for the Moon Bats. Many of them probably will commit suicide.

Yes, the "Green" Party has Endorsed Trump Over Clinton

The Green Party’s presidential candidate, Jill Stein, posted today on Facebook a link to an “Open Letter from the Social Media Director of the Stein/Baraka Campaign,” by someone whose name was given only as “Jillian.” The message reads:

…A Clinton presidency is D A N G E R O U S … If a Trump presidency would mean that we have to fight ignorants in the streets—I’m ready for that. “

Stein commented “
I couldn’t have said it better.”
However if Trump wins, even you lefties/morons will be paid better and live in a safer country.

I know, it's hard to understand when you use your head only for eating...

That's not what will happen. Things will get worse. Much, much worse.
All the rage will go towards brainlessly copying and pasting long lists of reasons to impeach Clinton.

All the rage will go towards brainlessly copying and pasting mountains of manufactured bullshit without question.

In short, they will continue to robotically get in line over and over and over again to be lied to, and to echo those lies to each other.

You have to give them credit for determination. They are still trying to impeach Obama.
However if Trump wins, even you lefties/morons will be paid better and live in a safer country.

I know, it's hard to understand when you use your head only for eating...

That's not what will happen. Things will get worse. Much, much worse.

You are confused, big time.

This Crooked Hillary bitch will continue with the failed Left Wing polices of this Obama assholes.

Polices that has given us more poverty, tremendously more debt, more welfare, more illegals, more interventionism, more racial conflict, less freedom, more oppressive regulation, jobs fleeing the country, weak military, more taxes, greater divide between the rich and poor, less family income and a foreign policy that is the laughing stock of the world.

Crooked Hillary has the potential to be even more of a failure than the Obama shithead.
Interesting question , where do they go what will they do?

There simply are not enough angry white people in America to elect him president. Where will all that anger, which has been slowly building among America’s white working class for half a century, go once it is left without a viable political outlet?

In the months since Donald Trump’s presidential campaign has shifted from amusing diversion to cold political reality, the narrative favored by America’s political and media elite has been one of chickens coming home to roost.

Trump is the P.T. Barnum of 21st-century American politics, a gifted impresario able to spot a sucker a mile off

Uh Oh: Where Does All the White Rage Go When Donald Trump Loses?
We don't behave like the primitives who live among us.

You're arrogance is why most of us are excited about the aTrump victory.

Be prepared to see a halt to your march toward communism

There is no march toward communism. However there is a racist, misogynist, con man and liar running for President. And he will be stopped because MOST of America is not racist, misogynist, or batshit crazy, like you.
You are confused, big time.

This Crooked Hillary bitch will continue with the failed Left Wing polices of this Obama assholes.

Polices that has given us more poverty, tremendously more debt, more welfare, more illegals, more interventionism, more racial conflict, less freedom, more oppressive regulation, jobs fleeing the country, weak military, more taxes, greater divide between the rich and poor, less family income and a foreign policy that is the laughing stock of the world.

Crooked Hillary has the potential to be even more of a failure than the Obama shithead.

Obama's policies have NOT given the US more poverty, or more welfare. They are fewer illegals, less regulation, jobs aren't "fleeing the country", the military isn't weak, and your foreign policy is not the laughing stock of the world. All of the above were true under Bush, but Obama stopped the slide on all scores.

Hillary is NOT CROOKED. The crooked candidate is the guy who has been fined by the IRS for using his family charity to bribe politicians, the guy who claims to have made $40 million by declaring bankruptcy, who is facing a trial in November for fraud and racketeering, and one in December for the rape of a 13 year old girl. Trump is also facing 73 other law suits, and charges his family foundation was soliciting illegal donations in New York. And who claims to sexually assault women he finds attractive, and more than a dozen women have come forward to confirm that he does just that.
You are confused, big time.

This Crooked Hillary bitch will continue with the failed Left Wing polices of this Obama assholes.

Polices that has given us more poverty, tremendously more debt, more welfare, more illegals, more interventionism, more racial conflict, less freedom, more oppressive regulation, jobs fleeing the country, weak military, more taxes, greater divide between the rich and poor, less family income and a foreign policy that is the laughing stock of the world.

Crooked Hillary has the potential to be even more of a failure than the Obama shithead.

Obama's policies have NOT given the US more poverty, or more welfare. They are fewer illegals, less regulation, jobs aren't "fleeing the country", the military isn't weak, and your foreign policy is not the laughing stock of the world. All of the above were true under Bush, but Obama stopped the slide on all scores.

Hillary is NOT CROOKED. The crooked candidate is the guy who has been fined by the IRS for using his family charity to bribe politicians, the guy who claims to have made $40 million by declaring bankruptcy, who is facing a trial in November for fraud and racketeering, and one in December for the rape of a 13 year old girl. Trump is also facing 73 other law suits, and charges his family foundation was soliciting illegal donations in New York. And who claims to sexually assault women he finds attractive, and more than a dozen women have come forward to confirm that he does just that.

You really believe your BS?
I don't think I have ever seen an example of "white rage" in my entire adult life. Can it be that the fantasy of "white rage" is just another dirty trick conjured up by the desperate and hopeless left?
Just like "white privilege".
Interesting question , where do they go what will they do?

There simply are not enough angry white people in America to elect him president. Where will all that anger, which has been slowly building among America’s white working class for half a century, go once it is left without a viable political outlet?

In the months since Donald Trump’s presidential campaign has shifted from amusing diversion to cold political reality, the narrative favored by America’s political and media elite has been one of chickens coming home to roost.

Trump is the P.T. Barnum of 21st-century American politics, a gifted impresario able to spot a sucker a mile off

Uh Oh: Where Does All the White Rage Go When Donald Trump Loses?

So what makes you think there will be any white rage? Isn't that the same question you people were asking last two elections? Apparently white rage is just pushing harder for a larger majority in Congress and the Senate.

Where will the liberal, Socialist and Communist rage be if Trump wins? Where will the rage be if this investigation leads to an indictment on Hil-Liar?
The libs are so accustomed to black rage (BLM) they cannot fathom the concept that white people might not "rage" the same way if they don't get their way, regardless that their (white) way may not meet the liberal/progressive definition.
They get ready for the Walmart stampede and brawl on black Friday. I'm thinking many of them are out this weekend buying their way-too-small thongs to wear for the running of the dulls at Walmart the day after Thanksgiving.

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