Where else but Texas?

Yet we send people into space.
I personally built the flight hardware for the shuttle program.....what have you done?
baboons like perry and abbot? What have they worked on, what have they achieved? The guys in the Texas government are not achievers. They have built nothing. Advanced nothing. Defended nothing.
What do 99% of all politicians achieve other than self-enrichment? One of the few exceptions has been Trump.
He's the king of self-enrichment.
Is that why he's lost millions and donates his salary to charities? Is that why Obama went from an organizer for the mob in Chicago to living the life of the Rich and Famous? Is that why the Clintons went from bankrupt in 96 to world jet setters making 30 million off book deals?
He actually does think that he is a king.
But Barry and Hillary literally ACTED like it. That is why the Supreme Court had to slap Obama down a dozen times and Hillary skipped half the nation calling them deplorable.
But you are deflecting. Who among Texas politicians has ever achieved anything?
Who's deflecting? I answered your question. What has any California politician achieved? New York? New Jersey? Oregon? Maryland maybe? At least Texas has one of the most robust economies in the country.
You are so good a deflection. But it's still deflection. You just love your whore. As for perry, one hand up his ass, and one waving to Jesus in the sky. How could I ever take your ilk seriously?

Texas is a tremendously successful state, thanks to leadership like Abbott and Perry. The taxes are at a reasonable level, their economy is growing, new companies are moving there because they like Texas' no-income tax policy.

California should have governors like Texas has.
This is Texas. It's hilarious. Judging from the state's past and present governors and state legislators, it appears that Texans have the collective IQ of a turnip.

Ummm, Texas was Democrat for many years and Anne Richards was once a Democrat Darling...

Also your comment is racist seeing Texas is a Minority-Majority State and has been for a few years now, so you are saying the minorities of the state are dumber than a box of rocks!

Did you know Houston, Texas was the first Major City to Elect a Lesbian Mayor and most of Texas largest cities have been Democrat Strongholds?

So as you make your asinine comment maybe you should educate yourself about the State first, oh wait you will just wait for the Kos and MSNBC to tell you what to think!
This is Texas. It's hilarious. Judging from the state's past and present governors and state legislators, it appears that Texans have the collective IQ of a turnip.

Yet we send people into space.
I personally built the flight hardware for the shuttle program.....what have you done?

I've spent my life in the field of law. My ex-husband worked on submarines, including sea trials, and went on to build the electronics for the "hurricane hunter" planes for NOAA. But people work in all sorts of endeavors that are needed to run society and advance it. Medical researchers, teachers, etc.

What does your work on the space shuttle have to do with baboons like perry and abbot? What have they worked on, what have they achieved? The guys in the Texas government are not achievers. They have built nothing. Advanced nothing. Defended nothing.

I didnt ask you what your ex husband did.
I can see doing it while frying a turkey

But how do you do it while smoking one?

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