Where were the Berkley Cops during last night's riot?

Everything You Need to Know About Milo and the Alt-Right in Berkeley - IT'S GOING DOWN

Alt-right supporters of Milo carry a “Pepe the Frog” banner at Milo’s talk in Seattle. Richard Spencer, a white supremacist who coined the term “Alt-Right,” called Pepe the mascot of the movement.
Apparently Milo is such a threat to the lefties they have to invent shit and try to connect him to alt-right then connect alt-right to white nationalists... Does "KKK RACIST" not work on gay people or something?
Apparently Milo is such a threat to the lefties they have to invent shit and try to connect him to alt-right then connect alt-right to white nationalists... Does "KKK RACIST" not work on gay people or something?
That was Milo's Alt-Right supporters with the Nazi mascot, Pepe.
Just because you see pepe, doesn't mean their either alt-right, nor nazi, nor necessarily Milo fans.

I knew the left was going to slip into the "conspiracy theory" category but are you sure you want this stupid to be your first foray? I think you might want to try something that's a bit more difficult to investigate and didn't come from "The Daily Beast" in May 2016 heh

Pepe the Frog | Know Your Meme
Just because you see pepe, doesn't mean their either alt-right, nor nazi, nor necessarily Milo fans.

I knew the left was going to slip into the "conspiracy theory" category but are you sure you want this stupid to be your first foray? I think you might want to try something that's a bit more difficult to investigate and didn't come from "The Daily Beast" in May 2016 heh

Pepe the Frog | Know Your Meme
Apparently you had trouble reading.

Alt-right supporters of Milo carry a “Pepe the Frog” banner at Milo’s talk in Seattle. Richard Spencer, a white supremacist who coined the term “Alt-Right,” called Pepe the mascot of the movement.
Great one or two does not a reality make.

Although I'll eat that if you let us proclaim that because a refugee in Europe did a terrorist thing they're all bad? I'll give up a few Milo / Pepe supporters for that.... wait uhm I'll give up that pepe wavers are milo supporters. Yea that.
Great one or two does not a reality make.

Although I'll eat that if you let us proclaim that because a refugee in Europe did a terrorist thing they're all bad? I'll give up a few Milo / Pepe supporters for that.... wait uhm I'll give up that pepe wavers are milo supporters. Yea that.
Eaglewings I've been warning the liberals of that since the election, they've ignored me. They don't seem to care that their party is getting absolutely wrecked on PR by this stuff because they keep letting it happen and doing nothing about it, even cheer it on. The Women's march was another example, though I don't think that one got /physically/ violent (rather they just told a bunch of women who disagreed with them that they couldn't be there, then had people stand up in front of the crowd and say things like "kill white babies" and "fuck elections and fuck the government" etc.) The Dem party is being taken over by anarchists and they don't seem to give a shit...

Well there are loonies , that is for sure. But what about those tea party people picketing hate at gay peoples funerals.
So this comes from both sides..
Now from what I have seen with the march was peace ...I guess it depends on which channel you watch...


Good grief Westboro Baptists aren't Tea Party and no one on the right has anything to do with them. None.

Ok ...that is good to know..they are hateful people

But you know as well as I do there have been hateful protests from the right extremists. I seriously think that the violence comes from payed planted people to discredit the cause..

Oh Westboro Baptist are truly one of the most vile creatures that walk this planet. Sickening.

I believe many peaceful protests have been hijacked on both sides. That's why I was thrilled when Trump when told that there had been a racial incident involving a couple of his supporters came right out in an interview and said cut it out. What the hell are you doing basically.

Sigh. Unfortunately the media outlet that had the interview didn't release his statement till later. That's CBS for you.

Meanwhile Clinton's camp was busted for having professional agitators. Two key DNC party members were forced to resign.

But I'm still not hearing anyone on the left condemn the violence. Soros funded of course.

I didn't put a name on it, but I did say from both sides..and of coarse it is the big money supplying this violence... Look at the Koch brothers too.
I am happy to debate with you because you do not stick your head in the sand with denial , I appreciate that.

The top $$ shows us 1% of what is really going on to keep people angry and afraid... so they can get away with their corruption on both sides ( doesn't matter who is in office we are the ones who end up paying )

There are paid posters, bloggers, news outlets ..violence , commercials, to fake us unto things ..

The true movie Flags of Our Fathers shows how they faked the pictures of the men holding up the flag ( the actual men ) to sell more bonds..and this was in the 40's..so much worse now.

Those violent rioters have been planted to discredit the cause...I was in a march a few years back and it was very peaceful before you know it later that day some people came in and made it violent..I have seen it happen at all of the political marches..

Maybe, but there are violent protesters and some of those claiming to be peaceful are now openly defending the violence.

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