Where's The Amnesty Order????


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Jul 21, 2009
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National Archives official confirms shocker – no such filing exists

President Obama strides to a podium in the East Room at the White House Nov. 20 to deliver an address to the nation on his immigration actions (Screenshot from White House video).

NEW YORK – It’s common knowledge President Obama signed an executive order directing the Department of Homeland Security to forgive millions of illegal aliens for their past violations of immigration law, right?


Today the National Archives and Records Administration, responsible for maintaining such filings, said no such executive order was ever signed or filed, confirming WND’s report Wednesday.

A National Archives librarian, Jeffrey Hartley, made the confirmation in an email Thursday to WND.

“As I indicated, it would appear that there is not an Executive Order stemming from the President’s remarks on November 20 on immigration,” Hartley wrote.

Hartley said that neither of the executive orders Obama signed in Las Vegas the day after his announcement fulfill his plan to defer deportations and grant work permits to up to 5 million illegal aliens.

“The only two documents that I have located are two Presidential Memoranda, which are available from the White House site,” Hartley’s email continued. “They can also be found in the November 26, 2014 issue of the Federal Register.”

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The two documents Hartley referenced were the two executive orders Obama signed in Las Vegas Nov. 21.

One was a presidential proclamation creating a White House Task Force on New Americans and the other a presidential memorandum instructing the secretaries of State and Homeland Security to consult with various governmental and non-governmental entities to reduce costs and improve service in issuing immigrant and non-immigrant visas.

What do YOU think? Why didn’t Obama actually sign an amnesty order? Sound off in today’s WND poll!

Read more at Head fake Obama never signed amnesty order

Amnesty shocker The secret behind Obama 8217 s 8216 order 8217
Turns out is was no more than a speech and a memorandum with no power behind it.

The last couple of weeks liberals here at USMB have been crowing over a total fake out.
According to this memorandum which isn't even signed, he doesn't grant amnesty. Instead it contains instructions to create a taskforce designed to ease the integration of "New arrivals" into American society.
It was a total fake out.

Federal Register Volume 79 Issue 228 Wednesday November 26 2014

So what this means is all of the bragging by Obama supporters here at USMB is unjustified. Obama is simply finding homes for all of the people he helped into the country this year. They will qualify for various benefits.

This is human-trafficking BTW.
These are the specifications for where an EO must be published:

Executive Order legal definition of Executive Order

The only place that an EO must be published is in the Federal Register, not in the Archives.

But it has to be signed.

This one was unsigned.

Oh, and it also contains this passage:

(b) This memorandum shall be implemented consistent
with applicable law and subject to the availability of
(c) This memorandum is not intended to, and does
not, create any right or benefit, substantive or
procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any
party against the United States, its departments,
agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or
agents, or any other person.
(d) The Secretary of Homeland Security is hereby
authorized and directed to publish this memorandum in
the Federal Register.

(Presidential Sig.)


Washington, November 21, 2014

[FR Doc. 2014-28191
Filed 11-25-14; 11:15 am]

There is no supporting statutes included in this memorandum. It merely says Obama has the authority.

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The only deadline for getting EO's into the books, WITH SIGNATURE, is the end of the year. Today is December 9th. You all are making a big deal out of clerical stuff. Like I said, this is going to be fun.
We'll see. I don't how you would know that or even believe that it's true.

Truth is, Obama may be trying to avoid being sued or having a major investigation brought against him. He's trying to institute an unwritten law that he has no right to authorize and not be held accountable for it. He may have tried to get Republicans to make a big stink over it and just cause another crisis that will go on for months, even years, like he does with everything. That is most likely why he didn't sign it, even though it was widely reported that he did sign it in Vegas while he was there.

Point is, nothing this administration does can be trusted.
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Watchdog: Executive-order ploy 'criminal conspiracy'
'It's all part of the catch-me-if-you-can Obama presidency'

Vice President Joseph Biden, DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson and President Obama.

NEW YORK – Following confirmation by the National Archives that President Obama did not sign an executive order to implement the immigration policy he announced to the nation, Washington-based watchdog Judicial Watch has called for an investigation into whether the White House has engaged in a criminal conspiracy to spend taxpayer funds on unauthorized purposes.

“The fact that President Obama did not sign an executive order appears to involve a recognition by the White House that President Obama did not have the authority to make the changes in immigration law outlined in his Nov. 20 speech,” said Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch.

Fitton, in an interview with WND, argued executive orders are limited to facilitating the execution of laws, not altering or establishing law.

“Barack Obama did not issue an executive order because he does not have the authority to issue an executive order in this instance,” Fitton said.

He believes White House counsel concluded Obama lacked the authority to defer prosecutions under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, DACA, program and decided to implement the policy through a memorandum issued by Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson. The memo was never filed with the Federal Register for a period of public comment, as federal law requires agencies to do when making rules.

“Jeh Johnson did the bidding of his boss, engaging in a political act, not a legal act, that involves misappropriating public funds to open offices and hire employees to implement the directives of Johnson’s memorandum,” Fitton said.

Thursday, as WND reported, the National Archives and Records Administration, responsible for maintaining executive orders, said no executive order allowing millions of illegal immigrants to remain in the U.S. was ever signed or filed, confirming WND’s report Wednesday.

In addition, the office of Texas Attorney General and Governor-elect Greg Abbott – who has filed a lawsuit against Obama’s immigration action – told WND it was aware there was no executive order signed by Obama implementing the actions outlined to the nation in his Nov. 20 speech.

Obama did sign two executive orders in Las Vegas the day after his speech. One was a presidential proclamation creating a White House Task Force on New Americans and the other a presidential memorandum instructing the secretaries of State and Homeland Security to consult with various governmental and non-governmental entities to reduce costs and improve service in issuing immigrant and non-immigrant visas.

‘Criminal violations

Fitton noted that according to Johnson’s memo, DHS will defer prosecution for three years and issue work authorization permits to qualified illegal immigrant parents of children who are U.S. citizens.

“I have long maintained there are potential criminal violations of law in the federal government taking money for one purpose and spending it for another,” Fitton commented.

He said the White House’s effort to suggest Obama had signed an executive order to implement his immigration plan had all the earmarks of a cover-up of a criminal conspiracy.

“The federal government cannot spend money to violate immigration laws,” Fitton said, pointing to the Anti-deficiency Act, which prohibits government from creating an obligation to pay money before funds have been authorized.

The penalties for violating that law are spelled out in 31 U.S. Code Section 1350.

“We can look at impeachment as a broad fight between the branches of government,” Fitton said. “But when you have executive branch officials taking actions outside of the law, there ought to be criminal consequences in addition to the constitutional checks that you have with impeachment. I’m saying that these recent executive branch actions on immigration are ripe for criminal inquiry.”

Fitton said Johnson “ought to be worried about going to jail for spending money he does not have the right to spend, including hiring employees to do things there’s no authorization for them to do, including issuing work permits to illegal immigrants.”

“This amounts to a brazen, in-your-face action by Johnson, and it’s all part of the ‘catch me if you can’ Obama presidency. The Three-card Monte game Obama played with the executive order is the kind of thing gangsters do when they say, ‘Let’s not meet here, let’s go outside and meet.’

“Not issuing the executive order has the appearance of fraud,” he said.

Fitton said Obama wants to get credit for ordering the immigration reform, “but when it comes down to brass tacks, there are no fingerprints.”

“Johnson may think issuing a DHS memo is smart, but what he’s really doing is rewriting immigration law like a commissar in the old Soviet system and trying to pass it off as nothing more than prosecutorial discretion. This is not representative government or regular agency rule-making.”

Fitton emphasized the need for a criminal investigation.

Read more at Watchdog Executive-order ploy 8216 criminal conspiracy 8217
National Archives official confirms shocker – no such filing exists

President Obama strides to a podium in the East Room at the White House Nov. 20 to deliver an address to the nation on his immigration actions (Screenshot from White House video).

NEW YORK – It’s common knowledge President Obama signed an executive order directing the Department of Homeland Security to forgive millions of illegal aliens for their past violations of immigration law, right?


Today the National Archives and Records Administration, responsible for maintaining such filings, said no such executive order was ever signed or filed, confirming WND’s report Wednesday.

A National Archives librarian, Jeffrey Hartley, made the confirmation in an email Thursday to WND.

“As I indicated, it would appear that there is not an Executive Order stemming from the President’s remarks on November 20 on immigration,” Hartley wrote.

Hartley said that neither of the executive orders Obama signed in Las Vegas the day after his announcement fulfill his plan to defer deportations and grant work permits to up to 5 million illegal aliens.

“The only two documents that I have located are two Presidential Memoranda, which are available from the White House site,” Hartley’s email continued. “They can also be found in the November 26, 2014 issue of the Federal Register.”

Like the reporting you see here? Sign up for free news alerts from WND.com, America’s independent news network.

The two documents Hartley referenced were the two executive orders Obama signed in Las Vegas Nov. 21.

One was a presidential proclamation creating a White House Task Force on New Americans and the other a presidential memorandum instructing the secretaries of State and Homeland Security to consult with various governmental and non-governmental entities to reduce costs and improve service in issuing immigrant and non-immigrant visas.

What do YOU think? Why didn’t Obama actually sign an amnesty order? Sound off in today’s WND poll!

Read more at Head fake Obama never signed amnesty order

Amnesty shocker The secret behind Obama 8217 s 8216 order 8217

Maybe he's waiting for Congress to...you know...do their job???
National Archives official confirms shocker – no such filing exists

President Obama strides to a podium in the East Room at the White House Nov. 20 to deliver an address to the nation on his immigration actions (Screenshot from White House video).

NEW YORK – It’s common knowledge President Obama signed an executive order directing the Department of Homeland Security to forgive millions of illegal aliens for their past violations of immigration law, right?


Today the National Archives and Records Administration, responsible for maintaining such filings, said no such executive order was ever signed or filed, confirming WND’s report Wednesday.

A National Archives librarian, Jeffrey Hartley, made the confirmation in an email Thursday to WND.

“As I indicated, it would appear that there is not an Executive Order stemming from the President’s remarks on November 20 on immigration,” Hartley wrote.

Hartley said that neither of the executive orders Obama signed in Las Vegas the day after his announcement fulfill his plan to defer deportations and grant work permits to up to 5 million illegal aliens.

“The only two documents that I have located are two Presidential Memoranda, which are available from the White House site,” Hartley’s email continued. “They can also be found in the November 26, 2014 issue of the Federal Register.”

Like the reporting you see here? Sign up for free news alerts from WND.com, America’s independent news network.

The two documents Hartley referenced were the two executive orders Obama signed in Las Vegas Nov. 21.

One was a presidential proclamation creating a White House Task Force on New Americans and the other a presidential memorandum instructing the secretaries of State and Homeland Security to consult with various governmental and non-governmental entities to reduce costs and improve service in issuing immigrant and non-immigrant visas.

What do YOU think? Why didn’t Obama actually sign an amnesty order? Sound off in today’s WND poll!

Read more at Head fake Obama never signed amnesty order

Amnesty shocker The secret behind Obama 8217 s 8216 order 8217

Maybe he's waiting for Congress to...you know...do their job???
Maybe Congress is waiting for Obama to do his job first,.......you know.....secure the border......and stop inviting them to come here.

Yuh know?
Another faux scandal?

Yeah, just keep telling yourself that. :booze:

We better start a pointless multi-million dollar investigation just to be sure.
Kind of like the $40,000,000.00 they spent on Dianne Feinstein's little investigation? Like that?
Didn't interview anybody that was actually there. Just talked amongst themselves and concocted some self-righteous proclamation about how evil we are.

Same ole Democrat shit.
Another faux scandal?

Yeah, just keep telling yourself that. :booze:

We better start a pointless multi-million dollar investigation just to be sure.
Kind of like the $40,000,000.00 they spent on Dianne Feinstein's little investigation? Like that?
Didn't interview anybody that was actually there. Just talked amongst themselves and concocted some self-righteous proclamation about how evil we are.

Same ole Democrat shit.

No please let's go back to the non-issue of Obama not signing something that you hated anyways because he doesn't have to sign it yet. This is even more important than finding his birth certificate!


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