Which candidate is pro working American?


Gold Member
Jun 4, 2014
Ron and Rand want to open the borders to anyone who wants to work here, despite the fact that we have unemployed Americans to do the jobs if they paid what they were worth doing.

Tom Cruz, also wants to raise H-1B visa's so he's out.

Jeb and Rubio wants to give illegals amnesty.

Ryan is pushing a trade bill without allowing public scrutiny. He can't be for Working America.

Walker as far as I know hasn't said anything about immigration and illegal aliens. Maybe Walker will be it. I like his stand against monopolistic unions and over paid governmental employees.

Democrats wants to bankrupt our country and turn it into a third world country with the elites up top and the rest of us living on the dole.

So who is left that we can vote FOR? Donald Trump?
Walker is far from pro working American. He is pro corporation owner... could care less about the average working guy. He along with Cruz want to turn America into a plutocracy although its practically there now.

I like Rubio..he isn't so radical and speaks some populism which is badly needed.
Walker is far from pro working American. He is pro corporation owner... could care less about the average working guy. He along with Cruz want to turn America into a plutocracy although its practically there now.

I like Rubio..he isn't so radical and speaks some populism which is badly needed.
It is a plutocracy, it has been a plutocracy for decades, arguably since the influence of capital entered politics.
Well those at the top will fight to increase the wealth gap and there will be those on the bottom rooting for the ones at the top. Makes zero sense. Americans aren't that bright I guess.
I don't vote expecting any of these people to represent working people. These days I vote on who'll spend less, which is pretty much a toss up with one party wanting to give money away domestically and the other wanting to pour it into setting up Islamic Republics.

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