Just think with single payer health Insurance how wonderful life will be ...no more bankruptcies as a result of health care ..............

Just think with single payer health Insurance how wonderful life will be ...no more bankruptcies as a result of health care ..............

Single Payer Health Insurance will save billions annually by eliminating high overhead and profits of the private health insurance industry and HMOs.

The transition to single payer health insurance would apply the savings from administration and profits to expanded and improved coverage for all.

Just Think With Single Payer Health Insurance

Just think with Single Payer Insurance everyone will pay less because all in the USA will be paying their fair share.

Just think with Single Payer Insurance everyone in the USA is paying their own way.

Just think with Medicare Single Payer Insurance every clinic, hospital, doctor and such gets paid thus decreasing the cost of medical care.

Just think with Single Payer Insurance an estimated 2.4 million new jobs are created because the bills for medical care are getting paid..... as they should.

Just think with Single Payer Insurance the USA workforce is evermore productive due to active health and wellness programs.

Just think with Single Payer Insurance every child in the USA never has to do without medical and dental care ever.

Just think with Single Payer Insurance every senior citizen in the USA never has to be without medical and dental care.

Just think with Single Payer Insurance every soldier will never again need to wait for the defense department and capitol hill to declare a condition as service connected BECAUSE they will be covered for whatever. The families will be forever grateful.

Just think with Single Payer Insurance every local community will experience a boost in economic growth because all of the new health care jobs will in fact create other jobs in a community.

Just think with Single Payer Insurance everyone will be healthier thus happier.

Just think with Single Payer Insurance every household will have more $$$$$ to spend and/or invest in their retirement or buy a home or buy a piano or invest in a college education for themselves or children.

Just think with Single Payer Insurance the entire economy is stronger and far more substantial.

Ask any Canadian how it's working out for them
Maybe we should rely on those who gave us the opiode epidemic instead?
You're really idiotic enough to believe the those same fucking criminals wouldn't have their ghoulish mitts all over "universal" medical care, aren't you?
Just think with single payer health Insurance how wonderful life will be ...no more bankruptcies as a result of health care ..............
Yep. Let me think about not getting the MRI I need this Friday, the colonoscopy I’m scheduled for next Friday or the multiple doctors appointments I’ve had in recent weeks because I cannot, in good conscience take Government Medical Care.

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