DNC Demands Strict Measures to Ensure Ballot Integrity in Virtual Roll Call Vote to Nominate Harris, Yet Opposes Ballot Integrity Measures in States

Voter suppression efforts aren't "perfectly reasonable", Mormon Mike.

Come on, you guys did this shit with poll taxes and literacy tests, nobody trusts you.

Other western nations don't have our history of voter suppression.
They do not have mail in voting either.
yes, it is that way every year. one of the major flaws in our system. But it keeps the same people in power so it will never be addressed.

Texas is getting closer each year. GA had not gone for the Dems since 1992, so these things do change over time.

But yeah, right now in my state, Il, a vote for anyone but Harris is wasted. People mock me for voting for Chase Oliver but his chances to win the state are not any worse than Trump's
Illinois is a shit hole .. my apologies. Yet those "Illinoi-ans" will be forced to vote for someone they didn't select. NPCs and mindless drones.

Unless you vote otherwise.

Kansas Court Temporarily Blocks Voter Suppression Law

Pro-voter organizations were issued a win today after a Kansas court temporarily blocked a law that sought to criminalize some voter registration activities.

House Bill 2183’s false representation provision makes it a felony for an individual to knowingly “[r]epresent oneself as an election official” or “engage in conduct that gives the appearance of being an election official.”

Voting rights groups alleged that this so-called “false representation provision” is overly vague and poses undue risks to civic organizations, which often engage in voter registration activities that overlap with actions undertaken by election officials. In May, the Kansas Supreme Court held that the law likely violates the state constitution and sent the case back down to a trial court for further proceedings.

Why do Repubs hate it when people vote?
have you spent a lot of time here?

You are aware that 90% of the counties in this state vote Repub....right?

Yes, and we've all seen the outcomes of their policies primarily driven by Chicago. 90% could vote Republican, and it means nothing with the solid blue city of Chicago.
Nobody will be forced to vote for anyone. They will all make their own choices.
Unless you vote Democratic, which is the go-to for Illinois and the direction their NPCs will vote for.
Have you looked in a mirror lately?
I have, and I'm voting for the person I selected in the primaries to be the Republican candidate and nominee. Unlike Illinois, which is forced to select Kamala as their Democratic candidate. Someone they didn't vote for and was hand-picked by the democrat elite.

You're not going to win this .. and that may bring tears to your eyes.
You're not going to win this .. and that may bring tears to your eyes.

You are a mindless drone voting for Trump and that does bring tears to my eyes due to me laughing so much at you.

But hey, you go ahead and call it a win, that seems to be very important to you.
You are a mindless drone voting for Trump and that does bring tears to my eyes due to me laughing so much at you.

But hey, you go ahead and call it a win, that seems to be very important to you.
Mindless is voting for four more years of country, incomes, and safety being destroyed. You people offer nothing but hate and chaos. People are sick of it. This election will change this country or kill it.
You are a mindless drone voting for Trump and that does bring tears to my eyes due to me laughing so much at you.

But hey, you go ahead and call it a win, that seems to be very important to you.
No . just an objective thinker who understands the outcomes that you've been unable to comprehend and exhibit. Has nothing to do with my political affiliation and everything to do with the actual outcomes the Democrat party created.
No . just an objective thinker who understands the outcomes that you've been unable to comprehend and exhibit. Has nothing to do with my political affiliation and everything to do with the actual outcomes the Democrat party created.

It is good you can tell yourself these things, probably makes it easier for you to sleep at night.

The reality is it does not matter which of them wins, nothing will change...as it never does
It is good you can tell yourself these things, probably makes it easier for you to sleep at night.

The reality is it does not matter which of them wins, nothing will change...as it never does
A lot has changed since the Marxist Obama was elected in 2008. The government has been weaponized and the police have become servants of politicians and frauds. The MSM has aided in the theft of free speech and differing opinions. We are run by bullies that threaten and intimidate law abiding citizens and protect illegals and criminals.

And as a result we get cocky selfish assholes like you gloating about it. You are miserable people and insist everyone be miserable with you until you save the world. Spineless and cowardly people save nothing or no one. So you know, maggot.
It is good you can tell yourself these things, probably makes it easier for you to sleep at night.

The reality is it does not matter which of them wins, nothing will change...as it never does
You've been the cliche king .. "mindless drone" mentality, and not been able to objectify it. I'd expect nothing more from a low-information voter.

On the reality of things with outcomes .. you're correct, and that shouldn't negate the process that was used to get there -- which you continue to brush off.
Translations: Left to their own devices without verification, democrats will cheat
Re-translation. In the absence of viable and sane candidates to put forth and the abject void of having nothing of policy substance to offer the average voter,
Republicans will seek to suppress the vote and whine like little bitches about fraud and cheating. :)
Re-translation. In the absence of viable and sane candidates to put forth and the abject void of having nothing of policy substance to offer the average voter,
Republicans will seek to suppress the vote and whine like little bitches about fraud and cheating. :)


The dNC requires Voter ID and verification for their internal votes, but America gets the dNC sending in forged, unverified Ballots from Illegals

The dNC requires Voter ID and verification for their internal votes, but America gets the dNC sending in forged, unverified Ballots from Illegals
And, right on cue, we have Example #1..
Elections are secure. All states have their own ID laws and ballot signature matching rules.

Put forth candidates who aren't whack jobs and start peddling something besides rage, bile, hatred, division, and slavish devotion to the Orange Roughy...and you might find yourself winning elections again. :)
You've been the cliche king .. "mindless drone" mentality, and not been able to objectify it. I'd expect nothing more from a low-information voter.

On the reality of things with outcomes .. you're correct, and that shouldn't negate the process that was used to get there -- which you continue to brush off.

This from a Trump voter.

What is life like living it without a sense of irony?
And, right on cue, we have Example #1..
Elections are secure. All states have their own ID laws and ballot signature matching rules.

Put forth candidates who aren't whack jobs and start peddling something besides rage, bile, hatred, division, and slavish devotion to the Orange Roughy...and you might find yourself winning elections again. :)

Elections where unverified votes get dropped off at Drop Boxes and then scanned multiple times are NOT secure

The dNC does not allow that for their voting

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