Which influenced the election: Russian propaganda or Dem misdeeds?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
LOL no one gave the slightest credence to any Russian influence on the election until after Hillary lost and someone else had to be blamed. The fact that enough people were aware of perfidity to elect a newcomer like Donald Trump is no basis for claiming the election was somehow invalid.

One can only hope that a growing number of people realize the danger of the attempt to depose our Constitutionally elected President. Do we really want to go down that road?
Hardcore Liberals and their media are widening the divide in this country with every passing day. They need to think through what the end game is, and what their twisted idea of 'victory' has become.
LOL no one gave the slightest credence to any Russian influence on the election until after Hillary lost and someone else had to be blamed. The fact that enough people were aware of perfidity to elect a newcomer like Donald Trump is no basis for claiming the election was somehow invalid.

One can only hope that a growing number of people realize the danger of the attempt to depose our Constitutionally elected President. Do we really want to go down that road?

The left is in trouble! I know, I know, lefties on here do not think so, but they are not seeing the forest through the trees.

Who knows, they may get Trump...........not for Russian collusion, but because of business dealings. We as people can NOT vouch for what he did BEFORE he was President.

BUT, they have the whole of the DNC in a vise. I know, I also know........that the left either refuses to believe this, or is to into Trump collusion......to pay attention.

Under normal circumstances as an American looking at a country outside of these United States, the bet would have to be------>the whole government comes down! But, what that depends upon, is if they can sink Trump. The Democrats are already cooked, Trump is not, yet.....or maybe not at all!

The key was when they started investigating the Democrats, and their underwear was hanging out. The left MAY get a President for past (before Presidency) actions, The right will get the Democrats for actions WHILE IN OFFICE.

The writing is on the wall as far as the Democrats-------->they are cooked, and it is just a matter of time.

The writing is NOT on the wall for Trump. We will wait for the final analysis. He may yet survive, but the Democrats are sunk!
Which influenced the election: Russian propaganda or Dem misdeeds?

dunno yet, but a lying bitch president influenced the investigations thats for damn sure.
The far left arrogance lost the election for them.

Just look at all the seats they have lost around the country including the governor seats.
LOL no one gave the slightest credence to any Russian influence on the election until after Hillary lost and someone else had to be blamed. The fact that enough people were aware of perfidity to elect a newcomer like Donald Trump is no basis for claiming the election was somehow invalid.

One can only hope that a growing number of people realize the danger of the attempt to depose our Constitutionally elected President. Do we really want to go down that road?

The left would prefer that you didn't pay attention to what was leaked. Their corruption isn't supposed to be the issue. It's the messenger that needs to be dealt with.

They are setting a bad precedent with the way they are shamelessly going after Trump. They don't give a damn about justice or reason. They want power. Period. To them, the ends justify the means. Of course, don't ever think they'll tolerate anyone else doing to them what they do to others.
Hillary ran a worse campaign than McCain and McCain was trying to throw the election to The Kenyan Born Obama
McCain was screwed because even a dying hamster could have beaten any republican in that election after the Dubya disaster.

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