Which part of Mittens hurts the most this morning?

Which part of Mittens hurts the most this morning?

  • His pride

    Votes: 5 41.7%
  • His head

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • His asshole

    Votes: 5 41.7%

  • Total voters
So this morning, the left talks about a'women's binder' as the big gaffe of the debate.

I wonder... so what of Barry's obvious ignorance concerning the reason gas is $4.00 a gallon now as opposed to $1.86 when he came into office. Or perhaps the absolutely LIE he told about the federal drilling permits.

Substance anyone. But hey, when you're in the tank... critical thinking is NOT a strong point.
No part. He may not have won, but neither did the dishonest twit he went up against.

And that very partisan opinion means that the President definately won.

No, you fucking twit. It means that unlike you I am being objective. Mitt did not WIN this one the way he won the first one. But, he did not lose it either.

The incumbent needed a decisive win. He fell quite short.

To be a bit charitable, the two managed a draw.

That is simply the cold hard truth. Thus, you resort (typically) to your dishonest spin-shit.

I took a morning dump and my shit was about as objective as you. I've eaten, digested, and the end-product got flushed. Last debate, Obama got blind sided by how willing Mittens was to lie out his ass. This debate, Obama wasn't baffled with Mitt's bullshit.
So this morning, the left talks about a'women's binder' as the big gaffe of the debate.

A gaffe, or a total lie? Mind The Binder - Talking Politics

I wonder... so what of Barry's obvious ignorance concerning the reason gas is $4.00 a gallon now as opposed to $1.86 when he came into office. Or perhaps the absolutely LIE he told about the federal drilling permits.

So you want the federal government to direct oil companies to sell to the American market at a below market rate? You want oil companies to maintain their leases after they've sat on their ass, and didn't drill? You want to shut down the commodity exchange that buys and sells oil on a free market basis?

You sound like a communist.
Romney did very well in that debate.

The only reason I say that Romney "Lost" the debate is due to Obama's much improved performance. Even so, Obama did not convince me enough to give him a second term.

Obama never did say what he would do differently in his next four years that he hasn't already done during his first term. He just regurgitates the same 'ol message about government spending and education. Yet, people are still frustrated spending months looking for work, having to work two jobs while household incomes drop, with staggering gas prices that haven't dropped below $3.50 a gallion in months. Add insult to injury, we are now looking at an additional 6 Trillion of wasted unanswered accumulating debt due to all of Obama's reckless spending. Mitt was right, in that, what you see is all you are going to get under this administration.
Romney did very well in that debate.

The only reason I say that Romney "Lost" the debate is due to Obama's much improved performance. Even so, Obama did not convince me enough to give him a second term.

Obama never did say what he would do differently in his next four years that he hasn't already done during his first term. He just regurgitates the same 'ol message about government spending and education. Yet, people are still frustrated spending months looking for work, having to work two jobs while household incomes drop, with staggering gas prices that haven't dropped below $3.50 a gallion in months. Add insult to injury, we are now looking at an additional 6 Trillion of wasted unanswered accumulating debt due to all of Obama's reckless spending. Mitt was right, in that, what you see is all you are going to get under this administration.

I gather you liked the Bush approach of cutting the price of gas, down from his RECORD HIGH, by destroying the economy.
Romney did very well in that debate.

The only reason I say that Romney "Lost" the debate is due to Obama's much improved performance. Even so, Obama did not convince me enough to give him a second term.

Unemployment's down, housing up, stock market's up. Yes gas prices are up but they were up in the summer of 2008 under Bush also. Imagine where we would be if Republicans hadn't declared war on Obama on the eve of his inauguration. Instead, they've all signed a pledge to a guy that runs a right wing think tank. Not a pledge to help the American people. What more evidence do you need? Things are on the way up. Don't give in to the party of fear.
The worst part? His opposition. Full of lies he was. I guess everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Even though you might not know the truth. Do some research, then come back

did you watch the first debate... mitt doesn't seem to truck much in facts.

i think he might have an allergy to them.


Obama lies a heck of a lot more.

The biggest one last night was Obama would use the money that he saves in military spending to go towards the deficit. That money is borrowed. So that means he still wants to continue borrowing and racking up the credit card.
Obama lied so much I wondered what country he was president of. Romney nailed him on the drilling permits. He wouldn't let go and Obama couldn't give a reasonable answer. Obama talking about the importance of coal was a hoot, given his long term opposition to it.
Romney did very well in that debate.

The only reason I say that Romney "Lost" the debate is due to Obama's much improved performance. Even so, Obama did not convince me enough to give him a second term.

Unemployment's down, housing up, stock market's up. Yes gas prices are up but they were up in the summer of 2008 under Bush also. Imagine where we would be if Republicans hadn't declared war on Obama on the eve of his inauguration. Instead, they've all signed a pledge to a guy that runs a right wing think tank. Not a pledge to help the American people. What more evidence do you need? Things are on the way up. Don't give in to the party of fear.

We also have a increase in debt, a weak standing in the world, the falling dollar and unemployment is still way to high.
The biggest threat right now is the QE3 that Bernanke is doing, the devaluing of our dollar. This is going to effect everyone who has any savings.
Romney will fire Bernanke, Obama won't.
Obama's policies are dong great harm to our Nation.
Romney did very well in that debate.

The only reason I say that Romney "Lost" the debate is due to Obama's much improved performance. Even so, Obama did not convince me enough to give him a second term.

Obama never did say what he would do differently in his next four years that he hasn't already done during his first term. He just regurgitates the same 'ol message about government spending and education. Yet, people are still frustrated spending months looking for work, having to work two jobs while household incomes drop, with staggering gas prices that haven't dropped below $3.50 a gallion in months. Add insult to injury, we are now looking at an additional 6 Trillion of wasted unanswered accumulating debt due to all of Obama's reckless spending. Mitt was right, in that, what you see is all you are going to get under this administration.

So where did Obama spend that 6 trillion?
Nothing. He has no concience, he will say and do anything to win the vote.
The turning point of that debate was when Obama told his blatant lie about supposedly calling what happened in Bengazi a terrorist attack in his Rose Garden speech and Romney immediately called him on it only to have Candy Crowley step in and inform Romney that Obama was indeed correct....at which point a gleeful Obama requests that Crowley repeat what she just said. Why is Obama so happy? Because he KNOWS he just lied and yet he got backed up on that lie by his pet liberal moderator, Crowley.

Here's reality, Kiddies...

Barack Obama never referred to what happened as a "terrorist attack" in that Rose Garden speech because he and his handlers had already decided that they would attempt to blame Ambassador Stevens death on the YouTube video inciting a spontaneous mob to riot. It was the story that they proceeded to trot out day after day. Make no mistake about it...Obama gave us that lie. Hilary Clinton gave us that lie. Jay Carney gave us that lie. Susan Rice gave us that lie on wall to wall Sunday talk shows almost a week after the killings. Because they felt that the truth would be a major political embarrassment such a short time before the election, the Obama Camp decided to lie to us. They knew within hours of the death of those four men that it was an organized attack by Al Queda terrorists but because one of Barry's campaign talking points was how much his policies had weakened Al Queda they needed it to be something it wasn't and they thought that if they misled us with the story about the video being the cause of the "riot" that they could hold that lie together until AFTER the elections.

President Barack Obama stood on that stage and wagged his finger at Mitt Romney and accused him of playing politics with this. That moment right there shows you EXACTLY who Obama is. He's been caught red handed telling a blatant lie about what caused the deaths of four Americans and he's been caught doing so for no other reason than wanting to deflect responsibility for what happened to someone OTHER than himself (as he does EVERY time his policies don't work!) but instead of admitting what he has done...he simply blames someone else.

Obama isn't to blame because he told a lie! Oh no...the person at fault is Mitt Romney because he pointed out the lie! As usual the buck doesn't stop at Barack Obama's desk...it stops at someone else's. Funny how he's so quick to claim full responsibility for being in charge when things go well...like the Osama Bin Laden raid but even quicker to make it someone else's fault if thing go badly.

People say that Barry took a huge risk by OKing the Bin Laden raid? How? If it had failed he would have done what he ALWAYS does...blame someone else.
The turning point of that debate was when Obama told his blatant lie about supposedly calling what happened in Bengazi a terrorist attack in his Rose Garden speech and Romney immediately called him on it only to have Candy Crowley step in and inform Romney that Obama was indeed correct....at which point a gleeful Obama requests that Crowley repeat what she just said. Why is Obama so happy? Because he KNOWS he just lied and yet he got backed up on that lie by his pet liberal moderator, Crowley.

Here's reality, Kiddies...

Barack Obama never referred to what happened as a "terrorist attack" in that Rose Garden speech because he and his handlers had already decided that they would attempt to blame Ambassador Stevens death on the YouTube video inciting a spontaneous mob to riot. It was the story that they proceeded to trot out day after day. Make no mistake about it...Obama gave us that lie. Hilary Clinton gave us that lie. Jay Carney gave us that lie. Susan Rice gave us that lie on wall to wall Sunday talk shows almost a week after the killings. Because they felt that the truth would be a major political embarrassment such a short time before the election, the Obama Camp decided to lie to us. They knew within hours of the death of those four men that it was an organized attack by Al Queda terrorists but because one of Barry's campaign talking points was how much his policies had weakened Al Queda they needed it to be something it wasn't and they thought that if they misled us with the story about the video being the cause of the "riot" that they could hold that lie together until AFTER the elections.

President Barack Obama stood on that stage and wagged his finger at Mitt Romney and accused him of playing politics with this. That moment right there shows you EXACTLY who Obama is. He's been caught red handed telling a blatant lie about what caused the deaths of four Americans and he's been caught doing so for no other reason than wanting to deflect responsibility for what happened to someone OTHER than himself (as he does EVERY time his policies don't work!) but instead of admitting what he has done...he simply blames someone else.

Obama isn't to blame because he told a lie! Oh no...the person at fault is Mitt Romney because he pointed out the lie! As usual the buck doesn't stop at Barack Obama's desk...it stops at someone else's. Funny how he's so quick to claim full responsibility for being in charge when things go well...like the Osama Bin Laden raid but even quicker to make it someone else's fault if thing go badly.

People say that Barry took a huge risk by OKing the Bin Laden raid? How? If it had failed he would have done what he ALWAYS does...blame someone else.

Not only did he call it an act of terror in the Rose Garden speech but also in Co. the next day.

So what I want all of you to know is that we are going to bring those who killed our fellow Americans to justice. (Applause.) I want people around the world to hear me: To all those who would do us harm, no act of terror will go unpunished. It will not dim the light of the values that we proudly present to the rest of the world. No act of violence shakes the resolve of the United States of America. (Applause.)

Remarks by the President in Golden, CO | The White House
The worst part? His opposition. Full of lies he was. I guess everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Even though you might not know the truth. Do some research, then come back

did you watch the first debate... mitt doesn't seem to truck much in facts.

i think he might have an allergy to them.


I saw it very differently. The fact that Obama had no answers for the spending and denial of permits and focus on more spending for teachers was pretty evident. He had nothing he would do differently which has been the problem. He had no answer when asked why he did nothing he said given he had a favorable congress for two years. And he refused to address the fast and furious question all together.
Which part of Mittens hurts the most this morning?

poll pending

He looked offended that someone talked back to him from what I saw....

Yeah...he was used to mowing down Newt, Herman, and Perry...didn't work so well last night.

Basically he looked like an ass who didn't get the date last night.
The turning point of that debate was when Obama told his blatant lie about supposedly calling what happened in Bengazi a terrorist attack in his Rose Garden speech and Romney immediately called him on it only to have Candy Crowley step in and inform Romney that Obama was indeed correct....at which point a gleeful Obama requests that Crowley repeat what she just said. Why is Obama so happy? Because he KNOWS he just lied and yet he got backed up on that lie by his pet liberal moderator, Crowley.

Here's reality, Kiddies...

Barack Obama never referred to what happened as a "terrorist attack" in that Rose Garden speech because he and his handlers had already decided that they would attempt to blame Ambassador Stevens death on the YouTube video inciting a spontaneous mob to riot. It was the story that they proceeded to trot out day after day. Make no mistake about it...Obama gave us that lie. Hilary Clinton gave us that lie. Jay Carney gave us that lie. Susan Rice gave us that lie on wall to wall Sunday talk shows almost a week after the killings. Because they felt that the truth would be a major political embarrassment such a short time before the election, the Obama Camp decided to lie to us. They knew within hours of the death of those four men that it was an organized attack by Al Queda terrorists but because one of Barry's campaign talking points was how much his policies had weakened Al Queda they needed it to be something it wasn't and they thought that if they misled us with the story about the video being the cause of the "riot" that they could hold that lie together until AFTER the elections.

President Barack Obama stood on that stage and wagged his finger at Mitt Romney and accused him of playing politics with this. That moment right there shows you EXACTLY who Obama is. He's been caught red handed telling a blatant lie about what caused the deaths of four Americans and he's been caught doing so for no other reason than wanting to deflect responsibility for what happened to someone OTHER than himself (as he does EVERY time his policies don't work!) but instead of admitting what he has done...he simply blames someone else.

Obama isn't to blame because he told a lie! Oh no...the person at fault is Mitt Romney because he pointed out the lie! As usual the buck doesn't stop at Barack Obama's desk...it stops at someone else's. Funny how he's so quick to claim full responsibility for being in charge when things go well...like the Osama Bin Laden raid but even quicker to make it someone else's fault if thing go badly.

People say that Barry took a huge risk by OKing the Bin Laden raid? How? If it had failed he would have done what he ALWAYS does...blame someone else.

Not only did he call it an act of terror in the Rose Garden speech but also in Co. the next day.

So what I want all of you to know is that we are going to bring those who killed our fellow Americans to justice. (Applause.) I want people around the world to hear me: To all those who would do us harm, no act of terror will go unpunished. It will not dim the light of the values that we proudly present to the rest of the world. No act of violence shakes the resolve of the United States of America. (Applause.)

Remarks by the President in Golden, CO | The White House

repeating the same lie over and over doesn't magically make it fact.

Please, in the Rose garden speech... show me the words 'The attack in Benghazi was an act of terror'.

I'll wait.....

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