Which should our politicians condemn...white supremacy or black criminality?

That’s the right, safe answer.
When has a politician been asked to condemn black criminality?

Not safe, it is logical. I don’t favor either they are both damage society on a whole and provide no positive effects. I also believe black supremacists and white criminality are bad.

I don’t recall a politician being asked if white criminality is bad.
...white supremacy ''damages'' society about zero compared to black criminality
..blacks commit crime at MUCH higher levels
That’s the right, safe answer.
When has a politician been asked to condemn black criminality?

There is no such thing as "black criminality". There is only "criminality". Criminality is a function of poverty and lack of opportunity, not race. The reason the USA has a "black crime problem", is that the systemic racism which has been a part of the USA since its founding, has functioned to keep black and brown people subjugated and poor.

Countries which have state approved and systemic racism, is a state which has a crime problem in the communities which it oppresses. Like night following day.

You are a victim of your own hatred of others.

I draw the following conclusions from your twisted post....
Skin color can't be applied to criminality...and only white skin color can be applied to supremacy?
Poor brown and black people are supposed to commit murder / violent crime because whitey?

Didn't we just elect a black president to two terms?

We did, you didn't.
whites did
Which is the greater detriment to American society?
Why should one be blown out of proportion while the other is swept under the rug?
If we are going to ask politicians to “CONDEMN” various groups and behaviors why wouldn’t we start with the most pressing, the most impactful of things?

Q. Which is the greater detriment to American society?

A. There is no singular detriment to American Society.

The United States was created and established as a nation with two seminal documents:
  1. The Declaration of Independence
  2. The Constitution
Both were left to us to as a vision/mission statement (to use contemporary words), these visions included in the former unalienable Rights, and in the latter the Preamble.

The Bill of Rights, and the following Amendments have been passed to protect We the People in the aggregate and to establish justice and insure domestic tranquility. These two visions have not yet been established today, and are under threat as I write this.
undeniably black criminality--black low graduation rate is the much greater detriment
Which is the greater detriment to American society?
Why should one be blown out of proportion while the other is swept under the rug?
If we are going to ask politicians to “CONDEMN” various groups and behaviors why wouldn’t we start with the most pressing, the most impactful of things?

The left doesn't want to address this, because your question is too clear inviting a clear answer.

Where PROGS get confused is numbers. Numbers say left thugs commit far more crime than right supremacists. Matter of fact, both sides may hate republicans and demonicrats equally right? The difference is the left condones and promotes bad behavior from the top, and it's far more plentiful, right PROGS? You betcha.

Leftists are fucking idiots, older I get the more I realize how they don't even have a grasp on history. Yet they're educated, WTF? They're so indoctrinated they don't realize all countries had some form of slavery. Some still do, such as left-loving China. It's just odd they were the party of slavery right?

They don't understand slavery is/was colored blind. More than that they're too dumb to know racism, this ism and that ism has always been and always will be. The left entertains lowest common denominators only, never mind projection is part of their lives. Racism lives in their heads rent-free, they're the worst offenders.

Systemic racism? Fact, it's real. Every time a Demonicrat opens their mouths on racism they're demonstrating exactly that. Using racism to gather votes? Really PROGS? You do it all the time every time.

Blacks are wising up to the DECADES of BS PROGS. Yet another Trump accomplishment, what's Biden done besides stutter and toot meaningless PROG-calls?
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.....white supremacy is no where close to a problem--black criminality is a huge problem
you must be a white guy.....

What does that mean?
Only white folks know that white supremacy is fabricated bullshit that is overblown?
then you must be a white guy too......question loser.....do you condemn white racists?.....
I condemn anybody who hates anybody for the color of their skin.
Personally, I'm an equal opportunity hater, I hate all pieces of shit and I hate white guilt LefTards more than I hate any other group.
That makes it tough for you doesn't it?
.....white supremacy is no where close to a problem--black criminality is a huge problem
you must be a white guy.....

What does that mean?
Only white folks know that white supremacy is fabricated bullshit that is overblown?
then you must be a white guy too......question loser.....do you condemn white racists?.....
Questions for you Harry Balls...do you know any white supremacists and what percentage of violent crime is committed by white supremacists?
.....white supremacy is no where close to a problem--black criminality is a huge problem
you must be a white guy.....

What does that mean?
Only white folks know that white supremacy is fabricated bullshit that is overblown?
then you must be a white guy too......question loser.....do you condemn white racists?.....
I condemn anybody who hates anybody for the color of their skin.
Personally, I'm an equal opportunity hater, I hate all pieces of shit and I hate white guilt LefTards more than I hate any other group.
That makes it tough for you doesn't it?
lol oh dont make me laugh i have read what you think of brown people .....remember me and you have already had conversations about those brown people you hate....geezus loser i cant believe you posted that....
.....white supremacy is no where close to a problem--black criminality is a huge problem
you must be a white guy.....

What does that mean?
Only white folks know that white supremacy is fabricated bullshit that is overblown?
then you must be a white guy too......question loser.....do you condemn white racists?.....
Questions for you Harry Balls...do you know any white supremacists and what percentage of violent crime is committed by white supremacists?
yea i worked with a couple and delivered mail in downtown Anaheim to a house with a bunch living there....you would have been right at home....
Why does a person have to pick one or the other? Shouldn't both be condemned, as they both don't do any good for this country?

No, I don't like crime, but I don't like white supremacists either.
Which have you personally encountered more of in your lifetime?
Serious question; I'm trying to figure it out for myself, and so far, I have seen and dealt with a shit-ton more gangbangers, black and brown, than I have any folks who could be called white supremacists. I'm including kluckers, guys who ran with prison gangs like Peckerwoods, the Brand, and ABoT, and I even encountered a Heathen clan that was more of a white-power group back in 2016.
But those encounters aren't common at all, even in the circles I run in. Meanwhile, I see gang ink on black and brown guys everywhere around H-town, all the time. I see these guys and their women sometimes, coming through the ER at least weekly, and often nightly, I spot them at the gas stations and WalMarts, and whenever I make the mistake of going anywhere near a fast food place. You watch the local crime news and it's about 99% black and brown folks victimizing whites, asians and each other.

It's very common to encounter black and brown gangbangers around here; it's very uncommon to see anyone who could be credibly labeled a white supremacist.
Who is going to base their vote on this? This whole issue to me is a non issue. Let both sides throw their little sissy fits
.....white supremacy is no where close to a problem--black criminality is a huge problem
you must be a white guy.....

What does that mean?
Only white folks know that white supremacy is fabricated bullshit that is overblown?
then you must be a white guy too......question loser.....do you condemn white racists?.....
I condemn anybody who hates anybody for the color of their skin.
Personally, I'm an equal opportunity hater, I hate all pieces of shit and I hate white guilt LefTards more than I hate any other group.
That makes it tough for you doesn't it?
lol oh dont make me laugh i have read what you think of brown people .....remember me and you have already had conversations about those brown people you hate....geezus loser i cant believe you posted that....

Yep, I hate illegal brown people....don't you?
If you woke up tomorrow and found that a bunch of a Mexicans broke into your property and set up tents without your consent would you offer them coffee and tell your neighbors that you support their trespassing since they're "just looking for a better life for their family"?
I worked in a prison, white supremacists, black power, various Latino. Take a guess who did most of the fighting two of three "colors"? It wasn't the white supremacist's. That said, do white supremacist wrong they're probably going to one up. I'll let PROGS explain to me how white supremacist groups are worse than black and brown groups. They're not, but PROGS let others do their thinking for them.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: you just can't make this up, literally. The guy doing their thinking for them is Biden. He even eluded to it last night, and he's got dementia.

Why would anyone believe one race is superior to another? Anti Christian? What gives?

Just like in sports we have those terrible racists statistics that tell the tale...They tell us who is...yep, SUPERIOR.
Sucks huh...those pesky facts always fucking up our FEELZ.
Which is the greater detriment to American society?
Why should one be blown out of proportion while the other is swept under the rug?
If we are going to ask politicians to “CONDEMN” various groups and behaviors why wouldn’t we start with the most pressing, the most impactful of things?
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