White Christian nationalists are poised to remake America in their image during Trump's second term

The quote above by the Irish Ram doesn't appear to be an authentic statement from Abraham Lincoln. While Lincoln did express religious sentiments and his faith evolved over time, there's no verified record of him saying those exact words.

Lincoln's views on religion were complex and evolved throughout his life. He often spoke about God and the Bible, but he was not always explicit about his personal faith2.
Your forgetting the White Pro American Populist Jews and Jewish & Atheist American Nationalists ?
1. Christianity is a good thing and your desire to exclude it from the public space is a bad thing.
It's been great for white folks, everyone else; not so much.
2. DEI is anti-white and anti-male discrimination. Your pretense otherwise is shit talk.
How is that, when it has benefitted WHITE women more than any other group in this country. You mean it takes away part of the WHITE male privilege.
3. We have had TOO much immigration for far too long. We need to cut it to nothing so we can TRY to assimilate the wad we have now. And yes, they are shit hold countries. And no, that is not our fault. Stop blaming America for everything you anti-American hack.
So are you talking about immigration as a whole or just the brown and black folks coming here?
1. Christianity is a good thing and your desire to exclude it from the public space is a bad thing.

2. DEI is anti-white and anti-male discrimination. Your pretense otherwise is shit talk.

3. We have had TOO much immigration for far too long. We need to cut it to nothing so we can TRY to assimilate the wad we have now. And yes, they are shit hold countries. And no, that is not our fault. Stop blaming America for everything you anti-American hack.
It certainly worked for white women, yes.,
About 20% weekly and 40% monthly attend Christian church.

That has fallen in half since the 1960s.
It's been great for white folks, everyone else; not so much.

The Rev Martin Luther King would disagree. He might punch you in the mouth.

You realizde that the civil rights movement was a movement primarily of black CHRISTIAN CHURCHES, right?

How is that, when it has benefitted WHITE women more than any other group in this country. You mean it takes away part of the WHITE male privilege.

It just is. That is the thing it does. That some numbers seem to indicate that some white woman manage dto game the system better than your people, doesn't mean shit, other that they are better at working it, than you and yours.

So are you talking about immigration as a whole or just the brown and black folks coming here?

It certainly worked for white women, yes.,

DEI critics point out that anti-white discrimination is morally wrong and hurts people.

Leftards come back and claim that WHITE women benefit from it "most".

Your claim, doesn't contradict the point, that the anti-white discrimination is wrong nor that it hurts people.

Almost universially, it seems that libs are unable, or unwilling to engage in a real debate where they explain or defend their ideas.

And when I said, "almost", that was me being generous. Because it is all of you leftards.
"the point, that the anti-white discrimination is wrong nor that it hurts people." is wrong because no white discrimination exists and white discrimination has never existed in this country.

And if it ever did happen the negative outcome was far, far less to whites than to people of color.

You are a white boy and never had trouble getting a job.
“There’s an image that captures the threat posed by the White Christian nationalist movement — and how it could become even more dangerous over the next four years.

Taken during the Jan. 6 insurrection, the photo shows a solitary White man, his head pressed in prayer against a massive wooden cross, facing the domed US Capitol building. An American flag stands like a sentinel on a flagpole beside the Capitol under an ominously gray sky.

The photograph depicts a foot soldier in an insurgent religious movement trying to storm the halls of American power. What’s unsettling about the photo four years later is that much of the religious zeal that fed the insurrection is no longer outside the gates of power. Many of that movement’s followers are now on the inside, because their Chosen One, Donald Trump, returns this month to the Oval Office.

This is the scenario Americans could face in Trump’s second term. Under Trump, Christian nationalists will have unprecedented access to the power of the federal government. Trump’s GOP has unified control of Congress. And a conservative supermajority, which has already blurred the line between separation of church and state in a series of decisions favoring Christian interests, controls the US Supreme Court.”

White Christian nationalists are yet another manifestation of the fascist right, another threat to our democratic institutions and protected liberties.

And with a Supreme Court dominated by partisan conservative ideologues hostile to settled, accepted Establishment Clause jurisprudence, realizing the goal of white Christian nationalists to conjoin church and state is real and imminent.
Project 2025
The Rev Martin Luther King would disagree. He might punch you in the mouth.
The Dreamer didn't die, the Visionary was murdered. Guess who attacked and murdered Dr. King? Christians. Dr. King like many other black folks were bamboozled with the Bible.
You realizde that the civil rights movement was a movement primarily of black CHRISTIAN CHURCHES, right?
Yep, and just think about all the black churches that were bombed and burned down by who? White Christians. 4 young black girls were murdered in a Church that was bombed by who? White Christians.
It just is. That is the thing it does. That some numbers seem to indicate that some white woman manage dto game the system better than your people, doesn't mean shit, other that they are better at working it, than you and yours.
The white women benefit and their white husbands right along with them.
Funny that I never see any MAGAs complaining about white immigrants from Europe or Canada. Trump just signed an EO claiming that White South Africans are now refugees, how long before they start pouring in the country?
DEI critics point out that anti-white discrimination is morally wrong and hurts people.

Leftards come back and claim that WHITE women benefit from it "most".

Your claim, doesn't contradict the point, that the anti-white discrimination is wrong nor that it hurts people.

Almost universially, it seems that libs are unable, or unwilling to engage in a real debate where they explain or defend their ideas.

And when I said, "almost", that was me being generous. Because it is all of you leftards.
If white women and white men benefit the most from it, how in the hell is it anti-white discrimination?
He rec'd 2% more of the black vote than what he got in 2020.

Well ...That's an improvement for President Trump by any statistical measure.

Perhaps you should be asking "how" and "why" ... Instead of foolish attempts to ignore it and pretend it isn't there.
But don't worry ... It's a common mistake people make when analyzing broad spectrum trending.

They tend to be too stupid to figure out there are variables that have significant influence over the trends ...
But in all reality ... Cannot be accurately narrowed down to the polluted agenda they are trying to support.

"There's Lies ... Damn Lies ... And Statistics"
They are only as good as the person looking at them ... :thup:

Last edited:

Well ...That's an improvement for President Trump by any statistical measure.

Perhaps you should be asking "how" and "why" ... Instead of foolish attempts to ignore it and pretend it isn't there.
But don't worry ... It a common mistake people make when analyzing broad spectrum trending.

They tend to be too stupid to figure out there are variables that have significant influence over the trends ...
But in all reality ... Cannot be accurately narrowed down to the polluted agenda they are trying to support ... :thup:

I already understand how and why, I'll check what they think in about a year or so.
I already understand how and why, I'll check what they think in about a year or so.

Now if you could only use what you learned to actually accomplish something worthwhile ...
Instead of just waiting for them to change their minds.

I bet you really don't see how stupid what you just posted is ...
Great example of how the Federal Government continues to fail though ... :thup:

Remake it into what the Founders intended.

As John Adams said, the Constitution s made for a moral people and there is nothing moral about DEI and LGBTQ+ nonsense. Nor about ridiculous migration from shithole nations.
Morality, knowing the difference between right and wrong, does not depend upon religion. Most non-religious persons know the difference between right and wrong. Humans knew the difference between right and wrong before organized religion came along.

Now if you could only use what you learned to actually accomplish something worthwhile ...
Instead of just waiting for them to change their minds.

I bet you really don't see how stupid what you just posted is ...
Great example of how the Federal Government continues to fail though ... :thup:

So, are you trying to convince any white voters to vote the way that you do?
So, are you trying to convince any white voters to vote the way that you do?

I don't need to convince the people I know on how to vote ...
They tend to be fairly well educated and can make up their own minds.

In fact ... Quite a few of them can do a damn sight better job of analyzing broad spectrum trending data ...
Than you seem to be able to manage with any proficiency.

You don't understand do you ... There's nothing you can say.
Every thought that crosses your mind is polluted ... :thup:

.I don't need to convince the people I know on how to vote ...
They tend to be fairly well educated and can make up their own minds.
In fact ... Quite a few of them can do a damn sight better job of analyzing broad spectrum trending data ...
Than you seem to be able to manage with any proficiency.
You don't understand do you ... There's nothing you can say.
Every thought that crosses your mind is polluted ... :thup:.
Smug about your data analysis, huh?
Some people vote with their gut, others with their heart, most vote their wallets.
I made a good living proving the data said what I wanted it to say, just sayin'

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