White guy with toy gun shot by police...

...no one cares.

ORLANDO, Fla. - A 28-year-old man who was shot dead by Orlando police Monday night was carrying an Airsoft gun, according to authorities.

Orlando police said Eric Provost died at Florida Hospital East after the shooting, which occurred around 7:20 p.m. at the Courtney Landing Condominiums off Lee Vista Boulevard near Semoran Boulevard.

View attachment 60375

Man shot dead by Orlando police had Airsoft gun
Do you think this guy's a thug?

Are you going to express the same concern as with the Tamir Rice incident? No, because this guy is white.
The police should not have killed him. Especially since according to reports he complied with their orders.

And the fact that he was a felon who stole $88,000 according to the story makes him incomparable to Tamir Rice, who was a 12 year old boy playing in the park instead of a felon on drugs.
...no one cares.

ORLANDO, Fla. - A 28-year-old man who was shot dead by Orlando police Monday night was carrying an Airsoft gun, according to authorities.

Orlando police said Eric Provost died at Florida Hospital East after the shooting, which occurred around 7:20 p.m. at the Courtney Landing Condominiums off Lee Vista Boulevard near Semoran Boulevard.

View attachment 60375

Man shot dead by Orlando police had Airsoft gun
Do you think this guy's a thug?

Are you going to express the same concern as with the Tamir Rice incident? No, because this guy is white.
The police should not have killed him. Especially since according to reports he complied with their orders.

And the fact that he was a felon who stole $88,000 according to the story makes him incomparable to Tamir Rice, who was a 12 year old boy playing in the park instead of a felon on drugs.

That previous conviction doesn't apply to this situation.

The 12 year old boy was playing with something he had modified to look like the real thing.
Obama has called a Press Conference about the white guy with no gun being shot by police. Said no one ever.
...no one cares.

ORLANDO, Fla. - A 28-year-old man who was shot dead by Orlando police Monday night was carrying an Airsoft gun, according to authorities.

Orlando police said Eric Provost died at Florida Hospital East after the shooting, which occurred around 7:20 p.m. at the Courtney Landing Condominiums off Lee Vista Boulevard near Semoran Boulevard.

View attachment 60375

Man shot dead by Orlando police had Airsoft gun
Do you think this guy's a thug?

Are you going to express the same concern as with the Tamir Rice incident? No, because this guy is white.
The police should not have killed him. Especially since according to reports he complied with their orders.

And the fact that he was a felon who stole $88,000 according to the story makes him incomparable to Tamir Rice, who was a 12 year old boy playing in the park instead of a felon on drugs.

That previous conviction doesn't apply to this situation.

The 12 year old boy was playing with something he had modified to look like the real thing.
So you believe both deserved to be killed by police. Will you call the white guy a thug, as conservatives called Tamir Rice?
Some one must have called 911 and said they thought the young man with the gun could be a negro but was wearing white shoe polish on his face.
Black lives matter. :afro:.........sad we don't hear a peep from the protesters ....All life's matter

There, there. I know you are having a rough life. I'm so sorry.

Yes...all lives matter. It's true. Fortunately for some, there hasn't been a need to start a movement to proclaim this fact. For others, there has been such a need. You either ignorantly or purposefully misunderstand the message of that proclamation. You decided that it would be better for you to see it as a slight against your whiteness. You are upset and you feel left out. I understand. But....you'll be OK.

Every single time that a black /white person has been killed by a cop, I stand by the person killed because unless if the person was charging, or hurting another with a gun it was a wrongful death.

WTF...the person has a toy gun just like some who have protested over, and you find my remark not ok?..
.I find you to be insulting with your careless remarks, like I am either stupid, or racist..well lets just say that you are looking through ( only black people can be upset or a victim ) glasses .

It should be a march for all humans when they are shot undeserving by a cop or person with a weapon.

BTW My nieces / great nieces and nephews are black and I love them very much

And Fucking yes, I did have it very hard growing up an orphan, I put myself through school and got a fucking masters degree while working my ass off to pay my rent.

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Black lives matter. :afro:.........sad we don't hear a peep from the protesters ....All life's matter

There, there. I know you are having a rough life. I'm so sorry.

Yes...all lives matter. It's true. Fortunately for some, there hasn't been a need to start a movement to proclaim this fact. For others, there has been such a need. You either ignorantly or purposefully misunderstand the message of that proclamation. You decided that it would be better for you to see it as a slight against your whiteness. You are upset and you feel left out. I understand. But....you'll be OK.

Every single time that a black /white person has been killed by a cop, I stand by the person killed because unless if the person was charging, or hurting another with a gun it was a wrongful death.

WTF...the person has a toy gun just like some who have protested over, and you find my remark not ok?..
.I find you to be insulting with your careless remarks, like I am either stupid, or racist..well lets just say that you are looking through ( only black people can be upset or a victim ) glasses .

It should be a march for all humans when they are shot undeserving by a cop or person with a weapon.

BTW My nieces / great nieces and nephews are black and I love them very much

And Fucking yes, I did have it very hard growing up an orphan, I put myself through school and got a fucking masters degree while working my ass off to pay my rent.

So fuck off with your fucking racist attack.

You apparently are not intelligent enough not to reflexively assume all shootings by LEO are "wrongful deaths". NO LEO shoots ANYONE EVER!!!!!! without legal justification. That's why you stupid asshole, rarely does a LEO get charged with even picking their nose in public.
To be perfectly frank. No LEO gives enough of a shit about your garden variety negro thug to want to risk losing their career over the Bonobo. Doesn't happen.
Get your head out of your ass!
...no one cares.

ORLANDO, Fla. - A 28-year-old man who was shot dead by Orlando police Monday night was carrying an Airsoft gun, according to authorities.

Orlando police said Eric Provost died at Florida Hospital East after the shooting, which occurred around 7:20 p.m. at the Courtney Landing Condominiums off Lee Vista Boulevard near Semoran Boulevard.

View attachment 60375

Man shot dead by Orlando police had Airsoft gun
Do you think this guy's a thug?

Are you going to express the same concern as with the Tamir Rice incident? No, because this guy is white.
whites are so oppressed....that they don't even get the same attention....
Black lives matter. :afro:.........sad we don't hear a peep from the protesters ....All life's matter

There, there. I know you are having a rough life. I'm so sorry.

Yes...all lives matter. It's true. Fortunately for some, there hasn't been a need to start a movement to proclaim this fact. For others, there has been such a need. You either ignorantly or purposefully misunderstand the message of that proclamation. You decided that it would be better for you to see it as a slight against your whiteness. You are upset and you feel left out. I understand. But....you'll be OK.

Every single time that a black /white person has been killed by a cop, I stand by the person killed because unless if the person was charging, or hurting another with a gun it was a wrongful death.

WTF...the person has a toy gun just like some who have protested over, and you find my remark not ok?..
.I find you to be insulting with your careless remarks, like I am either stupid, or racist..well lets just say that you are looking through ( only black people can be upset or a victim ) glasses .

It should be a march for all humans when they are shot undeserving by a cop or person with a weapon.

BTW My nieces / great nieces and nephews are black and I love them very much

And Fucking yes, I did have it very hard growing up an orphan, I put myself through school and got a fucking masters degree while working my ass off to pay my rent.

So fuck off with your fucking racist attack.

You apparently are not intelligent enough not to reflexively assume all shootings by LEO are "wrongful deaths". NO LEO shoots ANYONE EVER!!!!!! without legal justification. That's why you stupid asshole, rarely does a LEO get charged with even picking their nose in public.
To be perfectly frank. No LEO gives enough of a shit about your garden variety negro thug to want to risk losing their career over the Bonobo. Doesn't happen.
Get your head out of your ass!
Your fucking comment garden variety negro comment puts you into the category of why the black people only march for the blacks.
Your fucking Bonobo comment shows clearing what a Hateful Red Neck is.
Your white shoe polish comment in the comment before mine puts you into the category of a Slimy Hateful Redneck who probably hates having a black president and loves Ted Cruz with his low Tea Party white person views ...

For all of your comments you have completely discredited yourself as a human being, and write like a 3rd grader.


Black lives matter. :afro:.........sad we don't hear a peep from the protesters ....All life's matter

There, there. I know you are having a rough life. I'm so sorry.

Yes...all lives matter. It's true. Fortunately for some, there hasn't been a need to start a movement to proclaim this fact. For others, there has been such a need. You either ignorantly or purposefully misunderstand the message of that proclamation. You decided that it would be better for you to see it as a slight against your whiteness. You are upset and you feel left out. I understand. But....you'll be OK.

Every single time that a black /white person has been killed by a cop, I stand by the person killed because unless if the person was charging, or hurting another with a gun it was a wrongful death.

WTF...the person has a toy gun just like some who have protested over, and you find my remark not ok?..
.I find you to be insulting with your careless remarks, like I am either stupid, or racist..well lets just say that you are looking through ( only black people can be upset or a victim ) glasses .

It should be a march for all humans when they are shot undeserving by a cop or person with a weapon.

BTW My nieces / great nieces and nephews are black and I love them very much

And Fucking yes, I did have it very hard growing up an orphan, I put myself through school and got a fucking masters degree while working my ass off to pay my rent.

So fuck off with your fucking racist attack.

You apparently are not intelligent enough not to reflexively assume all shootings by LEO are "wrongful deaths". NO LEO shoots ANYONE EVER!!!!!! without legal justification. That's why you stupid asshole, rarely does a LEO get charged with even picking their nose in public.
To be perfectly frank. No LEO gives enough of a shit about your garden variety negro thug to want to risk losing their career over the Bonobo. Doesn't happen.
Get your head out of your ass!
Your fucking comment garden variety negro comment puts you into the category of why the black people only march for the blacks.
Your fucking Bonobo comment shows clearing what a Hateful Red Neck is.
Your white shoe polish comment in the comment before mine puts you into the category of a Slimy Hateful Redneck who probably hates having a black president and loves Ted Cruz with his low Tea Party white person views ...

For all of your comments you have completely discredited yourself as a human being. And sound like a 3rd grader.

View attachment 60419

Are you a 'Bonobo'?
Are you a cop hating Bonobo?
I'm delighted for you to learn how I feel about garden variety negro thugs. They are a waste of oxygen.
All they accomplish in life is fucking their ten year old cousins and fighting and stealing anything that isn't chained down. The murder their fucking thug cousins over a bag of weed a or a fucking pair of sneakers.
When I see the daily murder count in every inner city negro shithole in the country I smile. They are busy self-exterminating. Saves the 'Makers' AKA taxpayers millions in prison costs.
Enjoy your day loser!

Are you a 'Bonobo'?
Are you a cop hating Bonobo?
I'm delighted for you to learn how I feel about garden variety negro thugs. They are a waste of oxygen.
All they accomplish in life is fucking their ten year old cousins and fighting and stealing anything that isn't chained down. The murder their fucking thug cousins over a bag of weed a or a fucking pair of sneakers.
When I see the daily murder count in every inner city negro shithole in the country I smile. They are busy self-exterminating. Saves the 'Makers' AKA taxpayers millions in prison costs.
Enjoy your day loser!

No I am the desired supremacist hateful redneck breed..white, blonde haired , blue eye breed.
I am ashamed to say that you are a white person..

You are dumb enough to think that white people don't fill the prisons, and it shows just how ignorant you are.
50% more white people fill the prisons than any other race.

Race# of Inmates% of Inmates

Asian..... 2,9471.5%

Black..... 74,45237.8%

Native American .3,9482.0%

White 115,82258.7%

BOP Statistics: Inmate Race

My nieces and great nieces and nephews are black.

I see people staring wondering why black kids are with me in the more expensive area of the San Francisco Bay area. I can't even imagine what it would be like for them in the south.
I see how they are treated.

Your thinking is horrible and harmful , and every single human on earth has a soul that God made.. Color doesn't matter to Him.

You will have to answer to Him someday and discuss that hate for color in your heart.

That hate for color is why we have so much division in our world..


Last edited:
Black lives matter. :afro:.........sad we don't hear a peep from the protesters ....All life's matter

There, there. I know you are having a rough life. I'm so sorry.

Yes...all lives matter. It's true. Fortunately for some, there hasn't been a need to start a movement to proclaim this fact. For others, there has been such a need. You either ignorantly or purposefully misunderstand the message of that proclamation. You decided that it would be better for you to see it as a slight against your whiteness. You are upset and you feel left out. I understand. But....you'll be OK.

Every single time that a black /white person has been killed by a cop, I stand by the person killed because unless if the person was charging, or hurting another with a gun it was a wrongful death.

WTF...the person has a toy gun just like some who have protested over, and you find my remark not ok?..
.I find you to be insulting with your careless remarks, like I am either stupid, or racist..well lets just say that you are looking through ( only black people can be upset or a victim ) glasses .

It should be a march for all humans when they are shot undeserving by a cop or person with a weapon.

BTW My nieces / great nieces and nephews are black and I love them very much

And Fucking yes, I did have it very hard growing up an orphan, I put myself through school and got a fucking masters degree while working my ass off to pay my rent.


Dude....you want people who are protesting unfair treatment of black people to add this guy to their protest? Why would they do that? To make all the assholes who are whining feel better? Black lives matter is a specific response to a specific issue.

I also find all police shootings without a direct and obvious threat to be unwarranted. And...without video, we can't know all the facts when the person is dead.

When you.....one of the brighter conservatives here....pipes is with a whine about how it's sad that the BLM movement doesn't say anything about this.....you might get misunderstood. As if you do not know the origins of the BLM movement and think it's a slam on white lives. Why would you say something like that?
Last edited:

Are you a 'Bonobo'?
Are you a cop hating Bonobo?
I'm delighted for you to learn how I feel about garden variety negro thugs. They are a waste of oxygen.
All they accomplish in life is fucking their ten year old cousins and fighting and stealing anything that isn't chained down. The murder their fucking thug cousins over a bag of weed a or a fucking pair of sneakers.
When I see the daily murder count in every inner city negro shithole in the country I smile. They are busy self-exterminating. Saves the 'Makers' AKA taxpayers millions in prison costs.
Enjoy your day loser!

No I am the desired supremacist hateful redneck breed..white, blonde haired , blue eye breed.
I am ashamed to say that you are a white person..

You are dumb enough to think that white people don't fill the prisons, and it shows just how ignorant you are.
50% more white people fill the prisons than any other race.

Race# of Inmates% of Inmates

Asian..... 2,9471.5%

Black..... 74,45237.8%

Native American .3,9482.0%

White 115,82258.7%

BOP Statistics: Inmate Race

My nieces and great nieces and nephews are black.

I see people staring wondering why black kids are with me in the more expensive area of the San Francisco Bay area. I can't even imagine what it would be like for them in the south.
I see how they are treated.

Your thinking is horrible and harmful , and every single human on earth has a soul that God made.. Color doesn't matter to Him.

You will have to answer to Him someday and discuss that hate for color in your heart.

That hate for color is why we have so much division in our world..


The South…..try how they are treated in cities run by democrats…that is what you really need to worry about……and it isn't just the number in prison…it is the percent of the community….
He obviously did not get his white privilege card pulled out in time for the cop to see it.

What card? Those who claim the white privilege bullshit seem to think the white skin color is the card.
The same card that`s being played by the land stealing hillbillies in Oregon. That white privilege card.

No such thing. There is no official policy in this country where white skin color is taken into consideration in hiring, admitting, etc. There is when it comes to skin colors other than white.
Black lives matter. :afro:.........sad we don't hear a peep from the protesters ....All life's matter

There, there. I know you are having a rough life. I'm so sorry.

Yes...all lives matter. It's true. Fortunately for some, there hasn't been a need to start a movement to proclaim this fact. For others, there has been such a need. You either ignorantly or purposefully misunderstand the message of that proclamation. You decided that it would be better for you to see it as a slight against your whiteness. You are upset and you feel left out. I understand. But....you'll be OK.

Every single time that a black /white person has been killed by a cop, I stand by the person killed because unless if the person was charging, or hurting another with a gun it was a wrongful death.

WTF...the person has a toy gun just like some who have protested over, and you find my remark not ok?..
.I find you to be insulting with your careless remarks, like I am either stupid, or racist..well lets just say that you are looking through ( only black people can be upset or a victim ) glasses .

It should be a march for all humans when they are shot undeserving by a cop or person with a weapon.

BTW My nieces / great nieces and nephews are black and I love them very much

And Fucking yes, I did have it very hard growing up an orphan, I put myself through school and got a fucking masters degree while working my ass off to pay my rent.


Dude....you want people who are protesting unfair treatment of black people to add this guy to their protest? Why would they do that? To make all the assholes who are whining feel better? Black lives matter is a specific response to a specific issue.

I also find all police shootings without a direct and obvious threat to be unwarranted. And...without video, we can't know all the facts when the person is dead.

When you.....one of the brighter conservatives here....pipes is with a whine about how it's sad that the BLM movement doesn't say anything about this.....you might get misunderstood. As if you do not know the origins of the BLM movement and think it's a slam on white lives. Why would you say something like that?

Just like I told the loser dannyboy , take the skin off and we are all the same, God see's the soul. We as humans should be marching together for causes, but that is not going to happen anytime soon.

What about the Blacks whining about not being included for lack of color in the Oscars, when the channel BET awards is not including white people? White people need to include Blacks or we are racist, but it is ok not to include Whites in Black events..
I know the Oscars are of all colors, blah blah
There is not an all White award show, or we would be hearing the whining..

I see the looks from people towards my young great niece, nephew..I get it.

I will also say that I get those same looks with my head bald growing back from chemotherapy , looking like a butch dike, people are fucked up and judge very quickly.

BTW I am a registered democrat leaning right.


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