White House Alerts Agencies to Prepare for a Government Shutdown

Shut it down, it's just sucking mud.

Keep it shut down until after the midterms.
And the best part, the Republicans themselves own this one entirely. It will be another Trump shutdown.
President Donald Trump already said on Tuesday he would welcome a federal government shutdown if Congress is not able to agree to changes in immigration law that he said would prevent criminals from entering the country.

I absolutely agree with him! :clap2:
Memo to self. Bump up the “evil democrats shut down the gov” threads from last month .
I say SHAME to all Congressmen for they should be working together to lower our deficit and keep the confidence in our economy. DACA and other side issues should not be entertained when it comes to the goverment being Shut Down.
I know how to solve this! A separate bill for each agenda!

They should stop with all the pork, earmarks, and riders. Stop attaching different things to these bills, in hopes that of the overall bill passes, then these other things will get passed as well. It actually slows down the system, and it causes more arguments to start.

Budget should be it's own bill, daca should be it's own bill etc..

Yeah, that may mean they have to pass 10,000 bills a year, but I think it would actually get more done and would be quicker, because the smaller stuff would take no time at all and generally be passed bi partisan.

Or, if that's too much, then have it where any major bill (budget, taxes, daca, policy changes) are each their own bill, and all the minor stuff can go into it's own bill as a group.

Seems to me, the whole system is just clogged up and needs to be streamlined. What we have now isn't working.
I know how to solve this! A separate bill for each agenda!

They should stop with all the pork, earmarks, and riders. Stop attaching different things to these bills, in hopes that of the overall bill passes, then these other things will get passed as well. It actually slows down the system, and it causes more arguments to start.

Budget should be it's own bill, daca should be it's own bill etc..

Yeah, that may mean they have to pass 10,000 bills a year, but I think it would actually get more done and would be quicker, because the smaller stuff would take no time at all and generally be passed bi partisan.

Or, if that's too much, then have it where any major bill (budget, taxes, daca, policy changes) are each their own bill, and all the minor stuff can go into it's own bill as a group.

Seems to me, the whole system is just clogged up and needs to be streamlined. What we have now isn't working.
I've said that for year. That is the only reasonable way to handle the logjam we have in Congress. Each item should have their own speeches for and against the bill and a 2 hour debate that congressmen HAVE to be present for.

There would no longer be earmarks attached to bills (or ANYTHING attached to bills ) that the members did not even know existed.
No it's the idiot liberals who own it for putting DACA before the MILITARY!

Learn something, moron.....

During the January threat of a shut down, Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., proposed fast-tracking a bill on the Senate floor................that would have ensured [continued military spending]. But the move was opposed by Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., leaving the military and hundreds of thousands of civilian workers hanging.

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