White House attacks Loomer, which means Loomer is right

No he’s not. That’s just more of the libs calling anyone who opposes the swarm of illegal immigrants a “white nationalist.”
So if you don't believe wikipedia never, never look up anything. Even his Jewish family hates the boy.
She oozes on to my Twitter feed now and then, and holy crap, she can get pretty over-the-top vile.

If you're right about the media, he'll have to have some kind of answer, and he's not very good at, uh, answers.
I came to a hard conclusion quite some time ago that the orange bag O' shit is outwardly mocking and selling out US tradition and what's left of culture at this point with his populism, and his magaturds are too brainwashed to notice the not-subtle-at-all cues. :dunno:

Think about it. Just recently, he:

1. Takes Loomer as his date to a 9/11 memorial.
2. He outwardly markets his own assassination attempt as a way to raise money.
3. The 2024 GOP nominee is still hucking bibles, for fucks sake. :auiqs.jpg: Does he even go to church? :dunno:
4. The 2024 RNC pick sold his mugshot after being convicted of real crimes by a real jury as a way to raise money.

What Loomer said was unequivocally racist, you twat.

It even shocked Marjorie Taylor Greene into rationality for five minutes. MTG also attacked Loomer for her blatantly racist remark.

"If Kamala Harris wins, the White House will smell like curry & White House speeches will be facilitated via a call center and the American people will only be able to convey their feedback through a customer satisfaction survey at the end of the call that nobody will understand." - Laura Loomer

If you can't admit that's unbelievably racist, then guess what. You're a racist, too.


When MTG becomes the voice of reason and is calling you for being racist you know you're on the wrong side of the crazy spectrum, lmao
Marjorie Taylor Greene has condemned Loomer. You know how bad Loomer is when Greene criticizes Loomer.

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