White House attacks Loomer, which means Loomer is right

Are you saying Kamala is not Indian?
Being from India we know she dont eat fried chicken.
Of course it all depends on which race she is speaking to, as to what food she will claim to loke
Curry is the spice in the cooking of the black Jamaicans, called Jamaican Jerk cooking....

I don't think she was implying Indian, though it could be? I am not familiar with what spices Indians commonly use?
She’s Jewish?! I read somewhere that the Dems were saying she was antisemitic.
Yes! She's fully Jewish!

Jewish ‘Alt-Right’ Woman Takes On Richard Spencer​

On June 26th, Richard Spencer, founder of the white nationalist National Policy Institute, and Laura Loomer, of “Julius Caesar” protest fame, presided over competing far-right rallies in the capital. Spencer has little regard for Loomer and her ilk, whom he likes to call “alt-light.”

Loomer, who is Jewish, has called Spencer out for hating Jews.
You glorified AOC. You have lowered the bar repeatedly over the years. Many Republicans on the national level are treading water. There are some who are actually swimming though. Progressives not only on the national level also in many state and local areas are on a cruise ship, with many unaware there are other people besides themselves. The people who work to service them on the ships are their slaves. Like foreign workers in manufacturing plants. This is representative of the power of the Progressives in which they control. Watching Kamala with her scripted look and false reactions towards Trump was sickening. It was like she practiced it and even knew the questions in advance. This is why we are in decline. You can't fool the economy though. And if the Prog fools vote her in what they get will be deserved. It is just the rest of us will get the screwing to.
The line I hated most was when she lied about something that Trump supposedly did and then called him a disgrace for doing it.

That is the Dems’ way of arguing, and I’ve seen it done right here on this forum. One of them will lie and say you said something you never did and then berate you for it. It’s a tactic to keep you in the ropes and away from the gist of the topic - which the Dem can’t defend.
When the liberal Democrats in the White House attack you, you know you've done something right. Democrats are playing the race card again. How predictable.

---The White House on Thursday condemned right-wing activist Laura Loomer---

So if Democrats attack Hitler, you think Hitler is right...

Biden has attacked NAZIs in the past especially on remembrance days...

So you are pro NAZI...

Sorry, I don't like Pro NAZI Hitler fans, could you fuck off...
Unbelievable thread.

Looser was SO wrong and SO racist that even MGT called her out

Trump did not

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