White House memos


Lakhota's my *****
Jun 4, 2011
Benghazi Emails Directly Contradict White House Claims | The Weekly Standard

As striking as what appears in the email traffic is what does not. There is no mention of the YouTube video that would become a central part of the administration’s explanation of the attacks to the American people until a brief mention in the subject line of emails coming out of an important meeting where further revisions were made.

All these sheep bought this....and many still think it's true.....Useful idiots indeed.......

All this blamed on some clown who made a ridiculous "video" that no one (to my knowledge) has ever seen.

And isn't this poor bastard STILL being held in jail???

What's the deal with that???
Benghazi Emails Directly Contradict White House Claims | The Weekly Standard

As striking as what appears in the email traffic is what does not. There is no mention of the YouTube video that would become a central part of the administration’s explanation of the attacks to the American people until a brief mention in the subject line of emails coming out of an important meeting where further revisions were made.

All these sheep bought this....and many still think it's true.....Useful idiots indeed.......


the first two days are also missing within those memos.

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