White House Press Continues to Humiliate Itself During Pandemic

Fauci is a documented Hillary ass kisser. It's merely his opinion. His opinion on the subject is no more valid that Trump's.
You undermine what little credibility you have with every post you write.

Trump keeps promoting an unproven coronavirus treatment — despite his experts’ advice
Trump keeps promoting an unproven coronavirus treatment — despite his experts’ advice

After Trump left the conference, Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, explained that it isn’t possible to “find out very shortly” whether the drugs are effective against the virus — at least not without conducting a number of randomized trials.
The only thing new about the Liar-in-Chief spewing lies is that it's taking place at the WH press briefing podium and not on the lawn while he waits to board the helicopter to go to his w/e golfing trip.
Trump keeping Hillary out of the Whitehouse, he deserves whatever he wants. Watching you lose what little bit of a mind you have, is icing on the cake!
Fauci is a documented Hillary ass kisser. It's merely his opinion. His opinion on the subject is no more valid that Trump's.
You undermine what little credibility you have with every post you write.

Trump keeps promoting an unproven coronavirus treatment — despite his experts’ advice
Trump keeps promoting an unproven coronavirus treatment — despite his experts’ advice

After Trump left the conference, Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, explained that it isn’t possible to “find out very shortly” whether the drugs are effective against the virus — at least not without conducting a number of randomized trials.

His advisor is a lying Hillary-ass-kissing douchebag. The claim that it's "unproven" is meaningless. All that means is that it hasn't gone through the full FDA vetting process that takes 18 months and $250 billion. However, there is abundant evidence that the treatment works.

MUST SEE: Chloroquine Already Used on Coronavirus in US — Study Shows 100% Success Rate — And May Act as Preventative to Virus (VIDEO) | Women System
The TDS morons in here believe the fake news journalists are doing a good jog of destroying Trump. They don't seem to understand that these people are exposing themselves as fools.

They should have a sign at the entrance of the White House Press Room: “Please Check Your Personality Disorder at the Door.”.....Either that or Dante’s epochal “Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch’intrate”—“Abandon hope all ye who enter here.”

The assorted paleo-virtue signalers and candidates for anger management training that comprise the White House press corps have, as if it were possible, humiliated themselves more than ever, almost beyond recognition.

To say they are more interested in scoring points against the president than eliciting information or even improving the precarious health and economic situations of their fellow Americans is close to the understatement of the year.

(Not that it matters. Calling someone a “racist” these days is about as meaningful as calling a classmate “doo-doo head” in nursery school.)

What is interesting is that many of the more extreme questions that are short on content but long on hostility come from the well-paid representatives of the television networks—ABC, NBC, and CBS. These companies received their prominent positions in the press room and, more importantly, on our television screens, decades ago.

....It may be time to revisit the preferences given to these networks that tend to mirror each other in ways that are inherently anti-democratic. Do they have those positions into perpetuity? Why?

Oh do you mean the softball questions they toss to Trump where he could use them to reassure the American public, but instead call them "ugly questions" from a "terrible reporter?" The same questions that Mike Pence answers more like a President 5 minutes later than Trump... Are those what this is about?
We mean stupid question by the same lib reporter accusing trump of giving the public false hope

I can see you don't understand the difference in lying to people to give them false hope, and being a leader and giving a speech that ignites working together and hope to overcome a large barrier.
Trump keeping Hillary out of the Whitehouse, he deserves whatever he wants.
He didn't do that, you nitwits did. We are paying for that colossal mistake.............and will be for a very long time.
The media is a complete joke. Clowns here defending their moronic antics are a bigger joke.
I already did, dumbass.
So.........you think like Trump does, that saying something makes it so. It doesn't. Anyone who believes as you do that Trump's and Fauci's opinions are equivalent is just too stupid for words.

President Donald Trump just can’t stop contradicting his own public health experts on the coronavirus outbreak.

The latest example, from Friday’s coronavirus press briefing, began when reporters asked about chloroquine — a drug typically used for malaria that Trump on Thursday hyped as a potential treatment for Covid-19, the disease caused by the virus.

As it stands, there are no major clinical trials proving the effectiveness of choloroquine for Covid-19, but there’s some anecdotal and weaker evidence that possibly supports it.

Anthony Fauci, the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, first cautioned that the evidence that chloroquine will work for Covid-19 is thin:

The evidence you are talking about is anecdotal evidence. … We’re trying to strike a balance between making something with a potential of an effect to the American people available. At the same time, we do it under the auspices of a protocol that would give us the information to determine if it’s truly safe and effective. But the information that you are referring to specifically is anecdotal — it was not done in a controlled clinical trial — so you really can’t make any definitive statement about it.
The TDS morons in here believe the fake news journalists are doing a good jog of destroying Trump. They don't seem to understand that these people are exposing themselves as fools.

They should have a sign at the entrance of the White House Press Room: “Please Check Your Personality Disorder at the Door.”.....Either that or Dante’s epochal “Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch’intrate”—“Abandon hope all ye who enter here.”

The assorted paleo-virtue signalers and candidates for anger management training that comprise the White House press corps have, as if it were possible, humiliated themselves more than ever, almost beyond recognition.

To say they are more interested in scoring points against the president than eliciting information or even improving the precarious health and economic situations of their fellow Americans is close to the understatement of the year.

(Not that it matters. Calling someone a “racist” these days is about as meaningful as calling a classmate “doo-doo head” in nursery school.)

What is interesting is that many of the more extreme questions that are short on content but long on hostility come from the well-paid representatives of the television networks—ABC, NBC, and CBS. These companies received their prominent positions in the press room and, more importantly, on our television screens, decades ago.

....It may be time to revisit the preferences given to these networks that tend to mirror each other in ways that are inherently anti-democratic. Do they have those positions into perpetuity? Why?

"Epoch Times" :rofl:

Tell us again about political conventions held on trolley tracks in the rain in December. That was "Epoch Times" wasn't it?
Tell us how you're a pathetic douche bag who has to harp on something that happened 4 years ago so you'll have something to whine about.

Oh look it's "4 years" now. Fingerboy's trying to put his colossal boner as far back as he can by any means necessary, even fake numbers. To that end he trots in "Epoch Times".

I was gonna say, in 2½ years of petulance he's completely bailed on admitting to that boner but hey, he wants it to be four, who am I to quibble.
The TDS morons in here believe the fake news journalists are doing a good jog of destroying Trump. They don't seem to understand that these people are exposing themselves as fools.

They should have a sign at the entrance of the White House Press Room: “Please Check Your Personality Disorder at the Door.”.....Either that or Dante’s epochal “Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch’intrate”—“Abandon hope all ye who enter here.”

The assorted paleo-virtue signalers and candidates for anger management training that comprise the White House press corps have, as if it were possible, humiliated themselves more than ever, almost beyond recognition.

To say they are more interested in scoring points against the president than eliciting information or even improving the precarious health and economic situations of their fellow Americans is close to the understatement of the year.

(Not that it matters. Calling someone a “racist” these days is about as meaningful as calling a classmate “doo-doo head” in nursery school.)

What is interesting is that many of the more extreme questions that are short on content but long on hostility come from the well-paid representatives of the television networks—ABC, NBC, and CBS. These companies received their prominent positions in the press room and, more importantly, on our television screens, decades ago.

....It may be time to revisit the preferences given to these networks that tend to mirror each other in ways that are inherently anti-democratic. Do they have those positions into perpetuity? Why?

Oh do you mean the softball questions they toss to Trump where he could use them to reassure the American public, but instead call them "ugly questions" from a "terrible reporter?" The same questions that Mike Pence answers more like a President 5 minutes later than Trump... Are those what this is about?
"Softball questions?" Did you watch the same press conference I watched? As always, your post is at complete variance with reality.

Yes, softball questions. If puppet Mike Pence can answer it, and Trump can't put aside his partisanship, lying, and personal vendetta aside at the time of a national crisis, he has no place whatsoever in the White House. After 9-11 did you see GWB on camera complaining about Democrats and the media?
The TDS morons in here believe the fake news journalists are doing a good jog of destroying Trump. They don't seem to understand that these people are exposing themselves as fools.

They should have a sign at the entrance of the White House Press Room: “Please Check Your Personality Disorder at the Door.”.....Either that or Dante’s epochal “Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch’intrate”—“Abandon hope all ye who enter here.”

The assorted paleo-virtue signalers and candidates for anger management training that comprise the White House press corps have, as if it were possible, humiliated themselves more than ever, almost beyond recognition.

To say they are more interested in scoring points against the president than eliciting information or even improving the precarious health and economic situations of their fellow Americans is close to the understatement of the year.

(Not that it matters. Calling someone a “racist” these days is about as meaningful as calling a classmate “doo-doo head” in nursery school.)

What is interesting is that many of the more extreme questions that are short on content but long on hostility come from the well-paid representatives of the television networks—ABC, NBC, and CBS. These companies received their prominent positions in the press room and, more importantly, on our television screens, decades ago.

....It may be time to revisit the preferences given to these networks that tend to mirror each other in ways that are inherently anti-democratic. Do they have those positions into perpetuity? Why?

Oh do you mean the softball questions they toss to Trump where he could use them to reassure the American public, but instead call them "ugly questions" from a "terrible reporter?" The same questions that Mike Pence answers more like a President 5 minutes later than Trump... Are those what this is about?
"Softball questions?" Did you watch the same press conference I watched? As always, your post is at complete variance with reality.

Yes, softball questions. If puppet Mike Pence can answer it, and Trump can't put aside his partisanship, lying, and personal vendetta aside at the time of a national crisis, he has no place whatsoever in the White House. After 9-11 did you see GWB on camera complaining about Democrats and the media?
Why should he give a douchebag fake news apparatchik a pass? He didn't lie, and no one is more partisan than the "journalists" in the press conference. I howled with laughter when I saw Trump give that idiot a dose of the medicine he so richly deserved.

Bush's main problem is exactly the fact that he let douchebag reporters slap him around. Trump is doing what his supporters want him to do. Kicking party apparatchiks in the balls is exactly what he want to see.
The TDS morons in here believe the fake news journalists are doing a good jog of destroying Trump. They don't seem to understand that these people are exposing themselves as fools.

They should have a sign at the entrance of the White House Press Room: “Please Check Your Personality Disorder at the Door.”.....Either that or Dante’s epochal “Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch’intrate”—“Abandon hope all ye who enter here.”

The assorted paleo-virtue signalers and candidates for anger management training that comprise the White House press corps have, as if it were possible, humiliated themselves more than ever, almost beyond recognition.

To say they are more interested in scoring points against the president than eliciting information or even improving the precarious health and economic situations of their fellow Americans is close to the understatement of the year.

(Not that it matters. Calling someone a “racist” these days is about as meaningful as calling a classmate “doo-doo head” in nursery school.)

What is interesting is that many of the more extreme questions that are short on content but long on hostility come from the well-paid representatives of the television networks—ABC, NBC, and CBS. These companies received their prominent positions in the press room and, more importantly, on our television screens, decades ago.

....It may be time to revisit the preferences given to these networks that tend to mirror each other in ways that are inherently anti-democratic. Do they have those positions into perpetuity? Why?

"Epoch Times" :rofl:

Tell us again about political conventions held on trolley tracks in the rain in December. That was "Epoch Times" wasn't it?
Tell us how you're a pathetic douche bag who has to harp on something that happened 4 years ago so you'll have something to whine about.

Oh look it's "4 years" now. Fingerboy's trying to put his colossal boner as far back as he can by any means necessary, even fake numbers. To that end he trots in "Epoch Times".

I was gonna say, in 2½ years of petulance he's completely bailed on admitting to that boner but hey, he wants it to be four, who am I to quibble.
Oh puhleeze. You are so fucking desperate.
I already did, dumbass.
So.........you think like Trump does, that saying something makes it so. It doesn't. Anyone who believes as you do that Trump's and Fauci's opinions are equivalent is just too stupid for words.

President Donald Trump just can’t stop contradicting his own public health experts on the coronavirus outbreak.

The latest example, from Friday’s coronavirus press briefing, began when reporters asked about chloroquine — a drug typically used for malaria that Trump on Thursday hyped as a potential treatment for Covid-19, the disease caused by the virus.

As it stands, there are no major clinical trials proving the effectiveness of choloroquine for Covid-19, but there’s some anecdotal and weaker evidence that possibly supports it.

Anthony Fauci, the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, first cautioned that the evidence that chloroquine will work for Covid-19 is thin:

The evidence you are talking about is anecdotal evidence. … We’re trying to strike a balance between making something with a potential of an effect to the American people available. At the same time, we do it under the auspices of a protocol that would give us the information to determine if it’s truly safe and effective. But the information that you are referring to specifically is anecdotal — it was not done in a controlled clinical trial — so you really can’t make any definitive statement about it.
By "anectdotal" he means that it hasn't been approved by an 18 month $250 FDA official approval process. There is plenty of evidence that it works, and it's not "anecdotal." Here is an example of some tests that have been performed:

A malaria pill from the 1940s has caught the eyes of doctors, analysts, and even Elon Musk as a potential coronavirus treatment

Fauci is a lying Hillary ass kisser.
The TDS morons in here believe the fake news journalists are doing a good jog of destroying Trump. They don't seem to understand that these people are exposing themselves as fools.

They should have a sign at the entrance of the White House Press Room: “Please Check Your Personality Disorder at the Door.”.....Either that or Dante’s epochal “Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch’intrate”—“Abandon hope all ye who enter here.”

The assorted paleo-virtue signalers and candidates for anger management training that comprise the White House press corps have, as if it were possible, humiliated themselves more than ever, almost beyond recognition.

To say they are more interested in scoring points against the president than eliciting information or even improving the precarious health and economic situations of their fellow Americans is close to the understatement of the year.

(Not that it matters. Calling someone a “racist” these days is about as meaningful as calling a classmate “doo-doo head” in nursery school.)

What is interesting is that many of the more extreme questions that are short on content but long on hostility come from the well-paid representatives of the television networks—ABC, NBC, and CBS. These companies received their prominent positions in the press room and, more importantly, on our television screens, decades ago.

....It may be time to revisit the preferences given to these networks that tend to mirror each other in ways that are inherently anti-democratic. Do they have those positions into perpetuity? Why?

Oh do you mean the softball questions they toss to Trump where he could use them to reassure the American public, but instead call them "ugly questions" from a "terrible reporter?" The same questions that Mike Pence answers more like a President 5 minutes later than Trump... Are those what this is about?
We mean stupid question by the same lib reporter accusing trump of giving the public false hope

I can see you don't understand the difference in lying to people to give them false hope, and being a leader and giving a speech that ignites working together and hope to overcome a large barrier.
In the first case, the media is talking about a Republican. In the second case, they are talking about a Democrat.
That dumb c*nt that began a 'question' with "given your tendency to put a positive spin on things" should have been dragged out of the room by the hair and thrown down the stairs with the underlying message being 'respect the office'. You insipid fucks would not have tolerated that kind of talk to the kenyan lawn jockey.... and we won't either.

The TDS morons in here believe the fake news journalists are doing a good jog of destroying Trump. They don't seem to understand that these people are exposing themselves as fools.

They should have a sign at the entrance of the White House Press Room: “Please Check Your Personality Disorder at the Door.”.....Either that or Dante’s epochal “Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch’intrate”—“Abandon hope all ye who enter here.”

The assorted paleo-virtue signalers and candidates for anger management training that comprise the White House press corps have, as if it were possible, humiliated themselves more than ever, almost beyond recognition.

To say they are more interested in scoring points against the president than eliciting information or even improving the precarious health and economic situations of their fellow Americans is close to the understatement of the year.

(Not that it matters. Calling someone a “racist” these days is about as meaningful as calling a classmate “doo-doo head” in nursery school.)

What is interesting is that many of the more extreme questions that are short on content but long on hostility come from the well-paid representatives of the television networks—ABC, NBC, and CBS. These companies received their prominent positions in the press room and, more importantly, on our television screens, decades ago.

....It may be time to revisit the preferences given to these networks that tend to mirror each other in ways that are inherently anti-democratic. Do they have those positions into perpetuity? Why?

Oh do you mean the softball questions they toss to Trump where he could use them to reassure the American public, but instead call them "ugly questions" from a "terrible reporter?" The same questions that Mike Pence answers more like a President 5 minutes later than Trump... Are those what this is about?
"Softball questions?" Did you watch the same press conference I watched? As always, your post is at complete variance with reality.

Yes, softball questions. If puppet Mike Pence can answer it, and Trump can't put aside his partisanship, lying, and personal vendetta aside at the time of a national crisis, he has no place whatsoever in the White House. After 9-11 did you see GWB on camera complaining about Democrats and the media?
Why should he give a douchebag fake news apparatchik a pass? He didn't lie, and no one is more partisan than the "journalists" in the press conference. I howled with laughter when I saw Trump give that idiot a dose of the medicine he so richly deserved.

Bush's main problem is exactly the fact that he let douchebag reporters slap him around. Trump is doing what his supporters want him to do. Kicking party apparatchiks in the balls is exactly what he want to see.

A pass for what? Doing his job? See how fucked up you are in the brain that you don't expect the President to act like one, but expect others to kiss his ass.
The TDS morons in here believe the fake news journalists are doing a good jog of destroying Trump. They don't seem to understand that these people are exposing themselves as fools.

They should have a sign at the entrance of the White House Press Room: “Please Check Your Personality Disorder at the Door.”.....Either that or Dante’s epochal “Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch’intrate”—“Abandon hope all ye who enter here.”

The assorted paleo-virtue signalers and candidates for anger management training that comprise the White House press corps have, as if it were possible, humiliated themselves more than ever, almost beyond recognition.

To say they are more interested in scoring points against the president than eliciting information or even improving the precarious health and economic situations of their fellow Americans is close to the understatement of the year.

(Not that it matters. Calling someone a “racist” these days is about as meaningful as calling a classmate “doo-doo head” in nursery school.)

What is interesting is that many of the more extreme questions that are short on content but long on hostility come from the well-paid representatives of the television networks—ABC, NBC, and CBS. These companies received their prominent positions in the press room and, more importantly, on our television screens, decades ago.

....It may be time to revisit the preferences given to these networks that tend to mirror each other in ways that are inherently anti-democratic. Do they have those positions into perpetuity? Why?

Oh do you mean the softball questions they toss to Trump where he could use them to reassure the American public, but instead call them "ugly questions" from a "terrible reporter?" The same questions that Mike Pence answers more like a President 5 minutes later than Trump... Are those what this is about?
We mean stupid question by the same lib reporter accusing trump of giving the public false hope

I can see you don't understand the difference in lying to people to give them false hope, and being a leader and giving a speech that ignites working together and hope to overcome a large barrier.
In the first case, the media is talking about a Republican. In the second case, they are talking about a Democrat.

Is Mike Pence a Democrat?

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