White House slams Republican offshore drilling bill

"Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe" -- Steve Chu, Obama's Energy Secretary

Palin will demolish Obama in a debate on Energy Policy

Is that debate going to be on Twitter? 'Cause it ain't gonna happen on a stage.

She's the first person since Reagan to withstand a 24/7/365 LMSM barrage and come out the other side laughing at them

If she chooses to run, she will win the nomination.

She will demolish Obama in the debates, he will make a few stupid jokes

All the substance is against the Progressive Jihah (Deficits, Debt, unemployment), she will win all of the 57 states Obama visited in his 08 Campaign.

If she decides to run she's the next POTUS.
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"Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe" -- Steve Chu, Obama's Energy Secretary

Palin will demolish Obama in a debate on Energy Policy

Is that debate going to be on Twitter? 'Cause it ain't gonna happen on a stage.

She's the first person since Reagan to withstand a 24/7/365 LMSM barrage and come out the other side laughing at them

If she chooses to run, she will will win the nomination.

She will demolish Obama in the debates, he will make a few stupid jokes

All the substance is against the Progressive Jihah (Deficits, Debt, unemployment), she will win all of the 57 states Obama visited in his 08 Campaign.

If she decides to run she's the next POTUS.

She's a quitter.
I have to ask...why are we sending money to any country (other that catastrophic Humanitarian reasons)...while we are up to our necks in debt...but we seed other countries as we sow the seeds of our own downfall internally?

*Shaking my head ruefully*

If this is the Statist progressive idea of 'Moving Foward'? I want NO part of it. :eusa_hand:

Is that debate going to be on Twitter? 'Cause it ain't gonna happen on a stage.

She's the first person since Reagan to withstand a 24/7/365 LMSM barrage and come out the other side laughing at them

If she chooses to run, she will will win the nomination.

She will demolish Obama in the debates, he will make a few stupid jokes

All the substance is against the Progressive Jihah (Deficits, Debt, unemployment), she will win all of the 57 states Obama visited in his 08 Campaign.

If she decides to run she's the next POTUS.

She's a quitter.

How many days was Obamma a senator?
Is that debate going to be on Twitter? 'Cause it ain't gonna happen on a stage.

She's the first person since Reagan to withstand a 24/7/365 LMSM barrage and come out the other side laughing at them

If she chooses to run, she will will win the nomination.

She will demolish Obama in the debates, he will make a few stupid jokes

All the substance is against the Progressive Jihah (Deficits, Debt, unemployment), she will win all of the 57 states Obama visited in his 08 Campaign.

If she decides to run she's the next POTUS.

She's a quitter.

...he says as he totally IGNORES why she left her Governorship...

*Morons Abound*...and that would include you.
She's the first person since Reagan to withstand a 24/7/365 LMSM barrage and come out the other side laughing at them

If she chooses to run, she will will win the nomination.

She will demolish Obama in the debates, he will make a few stupid jokes

All the substance is against the Progressive Jihah (Deficits, Debt, unemployment), she will win all of the 57 states Obama visited in his 08 Campaign.

If she decides to run she's the next POTUS.

She's a quitter.

How many days was Obamma a senator?

And he spent the majority of those campaigning for POTUS (Which he hasn't ceased yet, but only ratcheted up)...
Obama and the rest of the loons want a gaurantee that nothing will ever go wrong. In other words, they never intend to allow further offshore drilling, because you can never guarantee such a thing.


Tom Doggett


2:47 p.m. CDT, May 5, 2011

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House sharply criticized a bill passed by the House of Representatives on Thursday that would expand offshore drilling as part of a broader Republican effort to stimulate domestic production in the face of rising gasoline costs.

The bill, which easily cleared the Republican-dominated House, would require lease sales to proceed that were canceled or delayed by the Obama administration offshore Virginia and in the Gulf of Mexico following the BP oil spill.

The White House said the bill would "undercut" new offshore drilling safety reforms imposed after the massive oil spill last year.

"These reforms strengthen requirements for issues ranging from well design to workplace safety to corporate accountability, and they require operators to show that they can contain a subsea oil spill like the Deepwater Horizon oil spill," the White House said.

The White House also said the Interior Department would hold new lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico by mid 2012. The administration had planned to open up drilling offshore Virginia but backtracked on the idea after an explosion aboard the Deepwater Horizon rig sent millions of barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico.

read it all here.
White House slams Republican offshore drilling bill - chicagotribune.com

You've never noticed that liberals spend their entire lives looking for guarantees that nothing will ever go wrong? Their whole public policy is built on the assumption that government can prevent shit from ever happening, if we just pass enough laws and collect enough taxes.
Obama and the rest of the loons want a gaurantee that nothing will ever go wrong. In other words, they never intend to allow further offshore drilling, because you can never guarantee such a thing.


Tom Doggett


2:47 p.m. CDT, May 5, 2011

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House sharply criticized a bill passed by the House of Representatives on Thursday that would expand offshore drilling as part of a broader Republican effort to stimulate domestic production in the face of rising gasoline costs.

The bill, which easily cleared the Republican-dominated House, would require lease sales to proceed that were canceled or delayed by the Obama administration offshore Virginia and in the Gulf of Mexico following the BP oil spill.

The White House said the bill would "undercut" new offshore drilling safety reforms imposed after the massive oil spill last year.

"These reforms strengthen requirements for issues ranging from well design to workplace safety to corporate accountability, and they require operators to show that they can contain a subsea oil spill like the Deepwater Horizon oil spill," the White House said.

The White House also said the Interior Department would hold new lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico by mid 2012. The administration had planned to open up drilling offshore Virginia but backtracked on the idea after an explosion aboard the Deepwater Horizon rig sent millions of barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico.

read it all here.
White House slams Republican offshore drilling bill - chicagotribune.com

You've never noticed that liberals spend their entire lives looking for guarantees that nothing will ever go wrong? Their whole public policy is built on the assumption that government can prevent shit from ever happening, if we just pass enough laws and collect enough taxes.

And when it DOES go wrong for them...they go to their playbook: Blame, Minimize, Deny, Obfuscate...(The *OTHER* guy is at fault as they pave their road of 'good intentions' with shoddy asphalt)...

What a surprise, the Hussein is content with higher gas prices.

All the warmers want higher gas prices, because it will force us to run to alternative energies.

Problem is there is no real alternative energy especially for transit.
What a surprise, the Hussein is content with higher gas prices.

All the warmers want higher gas prices, because it will force us to run to alternative energies.

Problem is there is no real alternative energy especially for transit.

Well Fred and Barny know how to deal with that! The price of shoes might go up.
What a surprise, the Hussein is content with higher gas prices.

All the warmers want higher gas prices, because it will force us to run to alternative energies.

Problem is there is no real alternative energy especially for transit.

We do have an abundance of Natural gas,many transit buses are burning it now,trains should be able also.But then its not really an "alternative " is it.
What a surprise, the Hussein is content with higher gas prices.

All the warmers want higher gas prices, because it will force us to run to alternative energies.

Problem is there is no real alternative energy especially for transit.

It's complete manipulation...and an affront to Liberty.
What a surprise, the Hussein is content with higher gas prices.

All the warmers want higher gas prices, because it will force us to run to alternative energies.

Problem is there is no real alternative energy especially for transit.

We do have an abundance of Natural gas,many transit buses are burning it now,trains should be able also.But then its not really an "alternative " is it.

There is also an abundance of 'Methane ICE' that is estimated to completely eclipse all Coal/Oil/Gas reserves combined...

Problem is? Getting to it...

Fire and Ice -- The Promise
Natural gas locked up in methane hydrates could be the world's next great energy source--if engineers can figure out how to extract it safely.

According to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), 100,000 to 300 million trillion cu. ft. (tcf) of methane exists globally in hydrate form--most of it in the ocean floor. "There's more energy potential locked up in methane hydrate formations across the world than in all other fossil energy resources combined," says Brad Tomer, director of the Department of Energy's Strategic Center for Natural Gas and Oil.

Appearently many Republican politicians believe that despite the fact major that majot problems have yet to be resolved in the Gulf, BP gas earned yet another chance to bid on "offshore" drilling reserves!

Given the fact that in the behavioral sciences, past actions have always been the best predictors of future behavior, doesn't BP's well-deserved reputation as the "Charlie Sheen" of the oil and gas world, have consequences?

Appearently not!

Our conservative friends appear more than willng to "forgive-and-forget" BP's past indiscretions - revealing a side of their character that President Obama and the Democrats have never seen!
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Appearently many Republican politicians believe that despite the fact major that majot problems have yet to be resolved in the Gulf, BP gas earned yet another chance to bid on "offshore" drilling reserves!

Given the fact that in the behavioral sciences, past actions have always been the best predictors of future behavior, doesn't BP's well-deserved reputation as the "Charlie Sheen" of the oil and gas world, have consequences?

Appearently not!

Our conservative friends appear more than willng to "forgive-and-forget" BP's past indiscretions - revealing a side of their character that President Obama and the Democrats have never seen!

That's OK...there are other more responsible Companies that can do the job if this is your main concern...
"Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe" -- Steve Chu, Obama's Energy Secretary

Palin will demolish Obama in a debate on Energy Policy

Is that debate going to be on Twitter? 'Cause it ain't gonna happen on a stage.

She's the first person since Reagan to withstand a 24/7/365 LMSM barrage and come out the other side laughing at them

If she chooses to run, she will win the nomination.

She will demolish Obama in the debates, he will make a few stupid jokes

All the substance is against the Progressive Jihah (Deficits, Debt, unemployment), she will win all of the 57 states Obama visited in his 08 Campaign.

If she decides to run she's the next POTUS.



Turning to the November 2012 general election for President I am going to name some candidates who might run for President in 2012, and for each one I read tell me whether you ... A) Would never vote for that candidate B) Would consider voting for that candidate C) Would enthusiastically vote for that candidate D) Haven't heard enough about the candidate to say yet E) If you have never heard of someone I name, please just say so

Sarah Palin Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom

A) Never 58 24 91 58 54 61
B) Consider 24 42 2 29 29 20
C) Enthusiastically 15 31 3 10 15 15
D) Hvn't hrd enough 2 1 2 2 1 3
E) Never heard of 1 1 1 - - 1
REFUSED 1 1 - 1 1 -


Good luck!
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Offshore drilling will not lower gas prices the way Republicans think it will.

And here's why:

Dearth of Deep-Sea Drilling Ships Hinders Offshore Oil Search - NYTimes.com

This is from an article from 2008:

Mr. Bush called on Congress Wednesday to end a longstanding federal ban on offshore drilling and open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for oil exploration, arguing that the steps were needed to lower gasoline prices and bolster national security. But even as oil trades at more than $135 a barrel — up from $68 a year ago — the world’s existing drill-ships are booked solid for the next five years. Some oil companies have been forced to postpone exploration while waiting for a drilling rig, executives and analysts said.

Demand is so high that shipbuilders, the biggest of whom are in Asia, have raised prices since last year by as much as $100 million a vessel to about half a billion dollars.

“The crunch on rigs is everywhere,” said Alberto Guimaraes, a senior executive at Petrobras, the Brazilian oil company that has discovered some of the most promising offshore oil but has been unable to get at it.

“Almost 100 percent of the oil companies are constrained in their investment program because there is no rig available,” he said.

That's just booking the drill-ships. Then there is the actual process of drilling for the oil. Of course, there has to be evaluations of whether a certain spot has oil. Then there's getting the equipment there. Then there is drilling in the spot. And of course, actually getting the oil. Getting the actual oil field online can take several years.

Of course, after drilling the oil there's the process of getting it to the market. And then it being sold on the market and getting to the gas stations, etc.

So there's at least a decade in that time period.

Oil prices are more influenced by the trading on the commodity marketing than the supply of oil at this point. OPEC actually cut supply of oil back in February due to lack of demand.

So no, the GOP bill isn't about lowering gas prices. It's about allowing Corporations like ExxonMobil to have more places to drill to make billions of dollars. If the GOP cared about oil prices, they would care more about getting alternatives viable for the average American. Especially since oil is not going to last us forever.
Appearently many Republican politicians believe that despite the fact major that majot problems have yet to be resolved in the Gulf, BP gas earned yet another chance to bid on "offshore" drilling reserves!

Given the fact that in the behavioral sciences, past actions have always been the best predictors of future behavior, doesn't BP's well-deserved reputation as the "Charlie Sheen" of the oil and gas world, have consequences?

Appearently not!

Our conservative friends appear more than willng to "forgive-and-forget" BP's past indiscretions - revealing a side of their character that President Obama and the Democrats have never seen!

That's OK...there are other more responsible Companies that can do the job if this is your main concern...
The real question is why don't ALL conservatives share the same MAIN CONCERN - and if they don't, why don't they?

What has BP done to deserve/renew the trust of the US public - the 99.99% of Americans who don't have their common sense influenced by receiving political contributions, with "strings attached?"

If BP were to be given the "death sentence" and excluded from all future off-shore drilling by the federal government, you can be assured that safety concerns would take on a whole new meaning in the "oil and gas" industry!
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What has BP done to deserve/renew the trust of the US public - the 99.99% of Americans who don't have their common sense influenced by receiving political contributions, with "strings attached?"[/b]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4PGBSptYCI]YouTube - "We're Sorry" South Park[/ame]

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