White House suggesting Atlanta Braves change name

Once all of the Native American nicknames are removed from sports teams, then there will be a movement because Native Americans are not represented. Look, the cartoon logo in Cleveland (Indians) and the Redskin nickname arguably needed to go. But, honoring Native Americans could have stayed in place with modifications; most importantly, input from Native American groups. Nothing wrong with the Atlanta Braves.
What’s an example of a good way to pay homage to native Americans? We all know Native Americans weren’t Indians, so I can see why people would abject to that name. Red skin is or isn’t a slur depending on who you ask.
The age of wokeness continues. The Left will not be satisfied until they remove Native American nicknames from sports teams.

They’re not native Americans. They’re indigenous tribes. I’m a Native American as I was born and have lived here in America as an American.
What’s an example of a good way to pay homage to native Americans? We all know Native Americans weren’t Indians, so I can see why people would abject to that name. Red skin is or isn’t a slur depending on who you ask.
well out west they call them Prarie ni**ers.
So is the term "Braves" really offensive to native-Americans?
Why is a team name so important in the first place? To me, what should matter more is if each player is any good.

God bless you always!!!

The age of wokeness continues. The Left will not be satisfied until they remove Native American nicknames from sports teams.

/———/ Well, since everything is under control, Joe has time to focus on social injustices.
Change the team name to the Atlanta Pale Faces.
Why is a team name so important in the first place? To me, what should matter more is if each player is any good.

God bless you always!!!

would you wanna play for the Cincinnati shitheads?
the carolina cockgobbler?
the Florida fuck tarts?
Not really. They’re heritage in this hemisphere predates the term America. As Americans they are native Americans but not exclusively as the label implies.
I was just pointing out that it is semantics. If you, by virtue of birth in the US are a native American, then they, for the same reasons, are native Americans as well. I liken it to the same arguments that we hear from the black population that they are victims of slavery. In short, I agree with your assertion that "indigenous peoples" predate America--but those people are gone. It is all just so much noise. People are people and if we all treat each other fairly, everyone gains.
How come normally the only people who want names changed, history of non whites changed or eliminated, and all that other non sense are all white people?

Yeah. Let's all just make everything in America inoffensive, bland, generic, boring and sterile.

In 60 seconds aqua teen hunger force wraps it up nicely.

The age of wokeness continues. The Left will not be satisfied until they remove Native American nicknames from sports teams.

The left wants to remove ALL references to non-white people from the public sphere.
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