White House Threats: Fisrt Woodward, Now Krugman?

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
White House Threats: First Woodward, Now Krugman?

Gene Sperling Doesn’t Respect Me

So, after reading the Bob Woodward saga of the alleged “threat” from Gene Sperling, the White House supereconwonk, I went through my own correspondence with Gene, and couldn’t find anything threatening — although I guess you could read his injunction, at one point, to “take care” in an ominous tone of voice.

Hey, don’t I rate some proper intimidation?

But then, Woodward’s story is looking supremely silly too. Can Robert Redford unportray him, or star in a sequel titled “All the president’s crybabies”?

Gene Sperling Doesn't Respect Me - NYTimes.com

Gotta love Krugman :clap2:

and what about FOX News calling Sperling a White House Person in one headline. Where does Sperling work? The Director of the NEC is titled the Assistant to the President for Economic Policy and Director of the National Economic Council. Wow! I bet he sits outside the Oval Office :laugh2:

Poor Bob...

So is the Obama administration going to the mattresses against iconic Washington Post columnist Bob Woodward? Is that a Predator drone I see circling over a certain Georgetown residence? OK everyone, take a deep breath and back away from the crazy train. Looking at the exchange in full gives the impression that at best Woodward is being oversensitive and at worst outright disingenuous.

Politico's Jim VandeHei and Mike Allen reported last night and this morning that Woodward had a phone call with Gene Sperling, the director of the White House Economic Council, in which Sperling raised his voice at the reporter. The administration aide subsequently sent Woodward an E-mail that upset the reporter. Here's the in initial Politico account of the exchange:
Did the Obama White House Threaten Bob Woodward? - Robert Schlesinger (usnews.com)
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As usual, your superficial post belies a profound lack of understanding. As Obama's water carrier, Krugman is part of the inner circle of left-wing "economists" who believe that ever increasing government expenditures are a good thing no matter what deficits they incur. Any criticism by Krugman should be viewed as a stamp of approval by any sane person.
As usual, your superficial post belies a profound lack of understanding. As Obama's water carrier, Krugman is part of the inner circle of left-wing "economists" who believe that ever increasing government expenditures are a good thing no matter what deficits they incur. Any criticism by Krugman should be viewed as a stamp of approval by any sane person.

The Obama admin has not followed Krugman's advice. So.. :eek:

As usual, your superficial post belies a profound lack of understanding. As Obama's water carrier, Krugman is part of the inner circle of left-wing "economists" who believe that ever increasing government expenditures are a good thing no matter what deficits they incur. Any criticism by Krugman should be viewed as a stamp of approval by any sane person.

The Obama admin has not followed Krugman's advice. So.. :eek:


His assignment is to make such outlandish recommendations that the Administration appears reasonable and moderate by comparison.
As usual, your superficial post belies a profound lack of understanding. As Obama's water carrier, Krugman is part of the inner circle of left-wing "economists" who believe that ever increasing government expenditures are a good thing no matter what deficits they incur. Any criticism by Krugman should be viewed as a stamp of approval by any sane person.

The Obama admin has not followed Krugman's advice. So.. :eek:


His assignment is to make such outlandish recommendations that the Administration appears reasonable and moderate by comparison.

Really? have you alerted the media to this? :eusa_whistle:

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