White House Wants Trump Arrested and Prosecuted

Funny how the OP fell magically silent after getting spanked.
Funny how the OP fell magically silent after getting spanked.
Sad to see you think I got "spanked".

The site was established and operated by the White House. It clearly has a url of WhiteHouse.gov. Notice the gov. It is not .com or any other designation. That means IT IS A GOVERNMENT SITE.

The implication is clear - you post and you are posting on a government website.

The post was and is clear. You can sign up on a government website to sign a petition. If you cannot understand that, I feel sorry for YOU. :rolleyes:
Funny how the OP fell magically silent after getting spanked.
Sad to see you think I got "spanked".

The site was established and operated by the White House. It clearly has a url of WhiteHouse.gov. Notice the gov. It is not .com or any other designation. That means IT IS A GOVERNMENT SITE.

The implication is clear - you post and you are posting on a government website.

The post was and is clear. You can sign up on a government website to sign a petition. If you cannot understand that, I feel sorry for YOU. :rolleyes:

So basically your move is to pretend you didn't say what you said. Gotcha.
No, this isn't a joke. It's for real and you can check it out yourself @ Arrest and prosecute Donald J. Trump for incitement to violence. Legal precedent: Brandenburg v. Ohio. | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government

What the hell is happening to this country?

Uh, hi....just want to let you know, once again, that you're a dumbass and as an Army vet it embarrasses me that you were in the same branch.

This is a PETITION that someone posted on the site; something that any Joe Schmo can do and does not reflect the view of the White House.

I'll now leave you to continue being your stupid wingnut self.
Darn....and they got all excited and everything.
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