White Kid Hired As African American Student Union Director

You know, in all honesty, I get more than a slight whiff of the stench of hypocrisy here. What I see from this group of Black students is a knee-jerk reaction, one it's hard to believe isn't based on race. For all the prattling about "We're not opposed to diversity, we can handle that on our own", it appears they haven't been handling it on their own; I do not see one white face in the protesting group; not one. One can hardly be White and "have been a committee member" if the organization discourages White membership to begin with; so do they in fact discourage Whites from joining? One wonders. The irony is that the student body president who appointed the student in question is himself Black. A bit more open-minded than the membership of the AASU, perhaps?

I hate to make assumptions, but when something looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and walks like a duck, it is a pretty good bet that it is in fact a duck. I've seen Whites accused of racism for a lot less, and so until I see something here that indicates otherwise, I'm betting that this is what it looks like-racial prejudice, which is just as ugly with a Black face as with a White one.
Members of an African American Student Union were left open-mouthed and outraged after a white, freshman was hired for a top job within the group.

Read more: 'It's unlawful' say members of African American Student Union after WHITE, freshman gets director job | Mail Online

They're complaining that he's unqualified, but I bet that didn't stop them from voting for Obama.

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Hmmmm, well it's okay when diversity favors people of color but not so okay when it favors white people? Interesting concept.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...freshman-gets-director-job.html#ixzz1ESi6ziXO
Where's all them libs that just hate racism?

See what you have created?
Hey. Open a newspaper and have a look at what happens when you "hire" a black one to run your show.

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