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White men shun Democrats.

Real men vote Republican - or Libertarian. Always.

Sensitive men that like to cry, carry man bags (purses), dye their hair, and wear make up, vote Democrat or Green.

It is really as simple as that.

Boy, you have'nt met my grandfather a Marine WWII veteran and at least half of the members of the local American Legion Post. My Grandfather has a saying "Im neither a Democrat nor a Republican, but I never in my life voted for those Republican SOB's."
From the polls I've seen and done my own averaging, the country is still pretty much split 50/50.
White men shun Democrats
First published in print: Saturday, March 27, 2010
Millions of white men who voted for Barack Obama are walking away from the Democratic Party, and it appears increasingly likely that they'll take the midterms elections in November with them. Their departure could well lead to a GOP landslide on a scale not seen since 1994.

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For more than three decades before the 2008 election, no Democratic president had won a majority of the electorate. In part, that was because of low support -- never more than 38 percent -- among white male voters. Things changed with Obama, who not only won a majority of all people voting, but also pulled in 41 percent of white male voters.
Polling suggests that the shift was not because of Obama but because of the financial meltdown that preceded the election. It was only after the economic collapse that Obama's white male support climbed above the 38 percent ceiling. It was also at that point that Obama first sustained a clear majority among all registered voters, according to the Gallup tracking poll.

Read more: White men shun Democrats -- Page 1 -- Times Union - Albany NY

Looks like the Democrats are sunk in Nov and this mess called Obamacare will in fact become history when it gets repealed.

Poor dimocrats, they work so hard pissing off Americans only to get what the deserve.

Interesting analysis. It would appear, however, that the Republicans have a LOT of work to do. One person's opinion means squat.


You can check ALL the polling and ALL the archived polling at that website. Enjoy!
Real men vote Republican - or Libertarian. Always.

Sensitive men that like to cry, carry man bags (purses), dye their hair, and wear make up, vote Democrat or Green.

It is really as simple as that.

Boy, you have'nt met my grandfather a Marine WWII veteran and at least half of the members of the local American Legion Post. My Grandfather has a saying "Im neither a Democrat nor a Republican, but I never in my life voted for those Republican SOB's."

Then your grandfather must be in the only ALP that doesnt lean right by a large majority. The VFW and ALP I have ever visited have some pretty tough words for any democrat esp candyass liberal democrats that protested, called them names and were too big of cowards to fight for their country.

Truth be told, I think your full of shit.
That's pretty much what I've seen among relatives. The "union bubbas" who voted for Obama because Bush took the fall for the dem's engineered financial collapse (they protected Fannie/Freddie, and gave too many mortgages to the unqualified). The GOP wasn't blameless, but after seeing Obama and the dems in action, its the "lesser of the evils" in 2010 and 2012.

That's interesting. All but myself and one other in my family have been registered Democrats since 1989, with the rest unwilling to even relinquish their old school attachment to the GOP in favor of independence. This year, however, since Obama's election and the vitriol that has been spewed by the GOP's indulgence in and acquiscence to outliers who have grabbed the spotlight, they are thoroughly disgusted with the Republican Party and are frankly ashamed to admit to anyone that they once supported it.

So I guess it depends on which "family" has the most facts in front of them. My own GOP family members are well aware that their party was in the business of the blame game over the economic crisis from the outset, because party leadership has no interest in accepting responsibility for their own outrageous non-reaction to the events that led up to the crisis. They (and I) really did think that once Alan Greenspan and Christopher Cox fully admitted that it was their lack of oversight that helped propel the collapse of financial institutions (and thus threatened the economies worldwide) that Republican leadership (and their adoring pundits) would also begin to accept some blame. But nooooooooooo. Who on the right even remembers those confessions? They have been drowned out by the constant drumbeat that everything (EVERYTHING!) is Obama's fault. And people in the know aren't buying it.
White men shun Democrats
First published in print: Saturday, March 27, 2010
Millions of white men who voted for Barack Obama are walking away from the Democratic Party, and it appears increasingly likely that they'll take the midterms elections in November with them. Their departure could well lead to a GOP landslide on a scale not seen since 1994.

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For more than three decades before the 2008 election, no Democratic president had won a majority of the electorate. In part, that was because of low support -- never more than 38 percent -- among white male voters. Things changed with Obama, who not only won a majority of all people voting, but also pulled in 41 percent of white male voters.
Polling suggests that the shift was not because of Obama but because of the financial meltdown that preceded the election. It was only after the economic collapse that Obama's white male support climbed above the 38 percent ceiling. It was also at that point that Obama first sustained a clear majority among all registered voters, according to the Gallup tracking poll.

Read more: White men shun Democrats -- Page 1 -- Times Union - Albany NY

Looks like the Democrats are sunk in Nov and this mess called Obamacare will in fact become history when it gets repealed.

Poor dimocrats, they work so hard pissing off Americans only to get what the deserve.

my impression is that higher educated white men (with the obvious exception of the LEADERS of the republican party) are more likely to shun hate mongering conservatism, teabagging, white wring lunacies

while lesser educated whites tend to shun logic, reason and sanity
and manners
and civility
and mouth wash
and showers
and clean clothes
and healthy food
Real men vote Republican - or Libertarian. Always.

Sensitive men that like to cry, carry man bags (purses), dye their hair, and wear make up, vote Democrat or Green.

It is really as simple as that.

Sure. Does the Log Cabin Republican organization still exist? Gay men who desperately try to HIDE their sexuality are usually Republicans. Chew on that. Here's a little piece to help you along.

Why are all closet homosexuals in the Republican Party? Or YABAN. | seashell's Blog
Real men vote Republican - or Libertarian. Always.

Sensitive men that like to cry, carry man bags (purses), dye their hair, and wear make up, vote Democrat or Green.

It is really as simple as that.

Such profound political analysis from Zander

Truth hurts.

I'm sure you have a tissue in your European shoulder bag aka cocketbook

That's such an absurd supposition of gayness. Most businessmen carry two bags, one in each hand, his briefcase for papers and his laptop. Just because they don't sling one over the shoulder is hardly any indication of anything. Also, any man's briefcase that I've seen popped open reveals a few sundries and meds sticking out of the pockets, in addition to paperwork. Jeezus, what planet do you people live on? Frankly, you're making this such a silly argument, I have to wonder... do you secretly wish you owned a European bag?
The "union bubbas" who voted for Obama because the Bush too the fall for the dem's engineered financial collapse (they protected Fannie/Freddie, and gave too many mortgages to the unqualified).

WTF kiind of babble is this???

Well Dodd and Frank certainly had their hands in the mortgage mess and good ol Slick Willy signed the legislation that actually removed the very sharp lines between banks, insurance companies and investment companies which led to the too big to fail companies that we ended up bailing out.

By 2004, Fannie & Freddie were making only 5% of subprime loans. The rest were generated by 'conventional' means, i.e., carnival barkers dragging people in off the streets and promising them million dollar homes they would eventually have so much equity in, they'd be able to live there forever. The documented facts have been available forfuckingever, pal.
eh, I'm doubting these types of reports. I don't think I know any people that voted for Obama that are moving away from democratic party.

no your right....but i know many that are seemingly moving away from Obama....lots of them feel like i do....he is not a very good leader....and right now....this Country needs one.....and there are none in sight....even long range sensors cant detect one.....

I'm really not worried. Reagan stumbled, Clinton stumbled, Bush 43 stumbled all in their first year. None of them had impressive polling numbers until at least the last year of their first terms with the exception of Bush who had 911 and unity, but who also began to slip in popularity once the invasion of Iraq started going badly. They all think it's gonna be a piece of cake running Washington their way because they've all just come off the high of adoration and having been elected. Then they find out that it isn't easy trying to please ALL the people ALL the time.
Clinton won in 1996 because he tacked to the center (consistent with his 1992 campaign as a moderate Dem) - and partnered with Gingrich on reforms. It also didn't hurt that Hillarycare failed.

Obama is doing the opposite. He ran as a moderate and is becoming more and more left in his policies, despite the fact that the majority oppose them. He has led no bi-partisanship in Congress and has forced a hugely unpopular health care bill on an unwiling public.

The only thing he and Clinton have in common is they are both the First Black Presidents.

Well I must say you hit the nail on the head. It didn't take long for Obama to realize he would have no Newt Gingrich to rely upon to form compromising positions. I'm sure he just silently said to himself "Fuck it; I'll do things my way then..." Nuff said.
eh, I'm doubting these types of reports. I don't think I know any people that voted for Obama that are moving away from democratic party.

no your right....but i know many that are seemingly moving away from Obama....lots of them feel like i do....he is not a very good leader....and right now....this Country needs one.....and there are none in sight....even long range sensors cant detect one.....

There are two younger Republicans and I seem to mix them in my memory, Ryan and Cantor, who both seem smart, directed and committed.

Rubio in Florida seems like a take no prisoners conservative.

Ryan is okay. He knows his stuff. Canter is just another party-first propagandizing blowhard. Rubio is currently saying all the right things any rookie does. Only time will tell if he has real smarts or just looks smart.
It appears to me it is the Republicans who make an effort to piss people off. They're the ones shouting obscenities and throwing bricks at women, blacks, gays and liberals.

Can they win by doing this? Possibly so, even though white men are a minority. There are more women, blacks, and hispanics, etc. than white men.

thats pretty funny....Pelosi tells jokes i guess....
and white guys might be a minority in number.....but guess who has the most money....and that is what attracts power.....

So you're admitting you like the status quo where money rules? You shock me.
The Republicans have done an excellent job of convincing white males that everything is stacked against them. The country is not the same as it used to be when Blacks, women, minorities and gays knew their place.

By convincing white males that they are victims, the GOP ensures continued support
Surely you can provide concrete examples and links to prove this ignorant assertion? right? :lol:

Republicans make vague promises that they will be the answer to unemployment, that only they can improve the economy; only they will be able to lower the deficit (by lowering taxes?). So I'm actually anxious for them to win enough seats in November and wait as they flail around trying to fulfill empty promises. Because people are so gullible that they think a simple change in parties will be the magic bullet. Sure...
The Republicans have done an excellent job of convincing white males that everything is stacked against them. The country is not the same as it used to be when Blacks, women, minorities and gays knew their place.

By convincing white males that they are victims, the GOP ensures continued support

so why not Rw?.....the black man has played the victim all these years....and so has other minorities....well hey if White people are now the minority..... now its our turn.......im tired of the black man keeping me down....i want reparations....

Oh come ON, Harry. The black man WAS the victim for far too many years. It took the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to change attitudes at least somewhat. In the meantime, as the white man continued to supress their opportunities, their families and communities grew to depend on welfare so that it has NOW become a requirement for many of those families and communities. It's one of the most unfortunate situations of the history of this nation: Both parties are guilty of waiting too long to demand equality, which would have pulled the black population out of poverty long before it became out of control.

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