White nationalist attacks 2 asian women.

Just kidding. Its always a black guy. One despicable coward slinks out of the store while another loser attacks 2 women with a fucking brick. Are there no real men in this community?

Well its their own fault----they work which makes others who want to claim victimhood look bad and then they are much smaller which makes to easy of targets to pass up.
Just kidding. Its always a black guy. One despicable coward slinks out of the store while another loser attacks 2 women with a fucking brick. Are there no real men in this community?

Well its their own fault----they work which makes others who want to claim victimhood look bad and then they are much smaller which makes to easy of targets to pass up.

Plus, democrats dont give a fuck about asians anyway. Their pandering goes exclusively to black people, illegals, gays and trannies. Asians dont make the list so they are on their own.

Why would Asians be in Baltimore?

They should have chosen a safer city, although it is difficult nowadays to find one.
Just kidding. Its always a black guy. One despicable coward slinks out of the store while another loser attacks 2 women with a fucking brick. Are there no real men in this community?

Typical of what to expect from a negative-culture black in the inner-city. Aside from the beating of the Asian, the other sad part is that, since a brick can kill, he's only being charged with aggravated assault, rather than attempted murder.
According to Sen. Hawley, it's not a big deal.
We should start asking black leadership for help with this matter.

Even getting shot in the back by police for not cooperating or even resisting lawful arrest doesn't seem as just plain Wrong, as what some of the Youth of the Nation seem to be doing.
Why are elderly Asians being targeted? Is there no respect for our elders.

Any blacks have any answers?
Not black here, but here's one sad thing about the United States, versus Asian nations. In the United States, we have a "youth worship mentality" and the youth in this nation considers the elderly.....largely worthless and for the lack of a better word....'yucky."
In Asia, the elderly are respected. There's also the collectivistic society and family of Asians, versus the independent, on your own society of the United States. There's good and bad in both societies. Collective societies tend to work into the governments, hence Communism and Socialism, whereas in Individualistic Societies in the west, allow for more freedoms and individual paths to be taken.
My preference remains with the United States liberties. But it would be nice if there were more respect for the elderly and society as a whole, rather than being....well (nowadays), more tribal.
You also have to keep in mind that many inner-city blacks (and gangs of any racial heritage) are part of a negative culture that doesn't care about the lives of those not in their group.
Just kidding. Its always a black guy. One despicable coward slinks out of the store while another loser attacks 2 women with a fucking brick. Are there no real men in this community?

Fucking Planet of the Apes . . .
Just kidding. Its always a black guy. One despicable coward slinks out of the store while another loser attacks 2 women with a fucking brick. Are there no real men in this community?

That newsreader is pretty hot...
Just kidding. Its always a black guy. One despicable coward slinks out of the store while another loser attacks 2 women with a fucking brick. Are there no real men in this community?

Well its their own fault----they work which makes others who want to claim victimhood look bad and then they are much smaller which makes to easy of targets to pass up.

Plus, democrats dont give a fuck about asians anyway. Their pandering goes exclusively to black people, illegals, gays and trannies. Asians dont make the list so they are on their own.

Right wingers love Asian folks. Didn't the President just sign a Asian Crime Bill.
Just kidding. Its always a black guy. One despicable coward slinks out of the store while another loser attacks 2 women with a fucking brick. Are there no real men in this community?

Well its their own fault----they work which makes others who want to claim victimhood look bad and then they are much smaller which makes to easy of targets to pass up.

Plus, democrats dont give a fuck about asians anyway. Their pandering goes exclusively to black people, illegals, gays and trannies. Asians dont make the list so they are on their own.

Right wingers love Asian folks. Didn't the President just sign a Asian Crime Bill.

Yes, and it was sold by saying it would stop racist whites from attacking asians. Thats why we now point out every attack on asians because, its always a black attacker, which makes you democrats look fucking stupid, which is a lot of fun for us conservatives.
Just kidding. Its always a black guy. One despicable coward slinks out of the store while another loser attacks 2 women with a fucking brick. Are there no real men in this community?

Well its their own fault----they work which makes others who want to claim victimhood look bad and then they are much smaller which makes to easy of targets to pass up.

Plus, democrats dont give a fuck about asians anyway. Their pandering goes exclusively to black people, illegals, gays and trannies. Asians dont make the list so they are on their own.

Right wingers love Asian folks. Didn't the President just sign a Asian Crime Bill.

No comment on the video in the OP?

Just kidding. Its always a black guy. One despicable coward slinks out of the store while another loser attacks 2 women with a fucking brick. Are there no real men in this community?

Well its their own fault----they work which makes others who want to claim victimhood look bad and then they are much smaller which makes to easy of targets to pass up.

Plus, democrats dont give a fuck about asians anyway. Their pandering goes exclusively to black people, illegals, gays and trannies. Asians dont make the list so they are on their own.

Right wingers love Asian folks. Didn't the President just sign a Asian Crime Bill.

It is you that talks like this. With a megaphone at its loudest level. You love being on the stage. But you do not build the stage and what is around it. And people want you to. Like they do.
Hopefully the women are ok and the guy is put behind bars for a long time.

And what was up with the guy casually leaving the store as the woman was getting her head bashed? C’mon guy. Do something!
Just kidding.

I hope so. There is no such thing really as a 'White Nationalist.' This is just another made up term by the Left to attack conservatives with. Nationalism is patriotism, can be any color, and has no racial overtone to it at all. They get away with this by promoting their other made up term: White supremacists---- again, anyone of any race can feel that way, but somehow in the liberal's mind, they believe only WHITE people capable of it.

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