White Nationalist Epithet Is A Smear

you ar
Anyone that believes in the sovereignty of our country is labeled a nazi/nationalist to try to smear them. It’s ridiculous, and seen for what it is anymore.
"You know what a globalist is? A globalist is a person that wants the globe to do well, frankly, not caring about our country so much," Trump said. "And you know what, we can’t have that."

The crowd began booing as Trump moved on to his preferred descriptor.

"You know, they have a word. It sort of became old-fashioned. It’s called a nationalist," he continued. "And I say, 'Really, we’re not supposed to use that word?' You know what I am? I'm a nationalist. ... Use that word."

So, Trump himself is calling himself a nationalist. Smearing himself?

Nationalist is not a smear when used by normal people in the proper sense of the word. It's a smear when you loons use the following bogus logic;

1. Some people are racists
2. Some people are white
3. Some people believe in Natinalism instead of Globalism.
4. There for white people are Racist White Nationalists (who believe in racial segregation).
It's not the proper useage of the word to describe those who believe a nation's social mores are diminished by citizens of one racial group or descended form immigrants form a specific region/race?

No, it's not a proper usage of the word. The left has tried to redefine it as such, but that doesn't make their definition valid.
The left hasn't redefined it - the nationalists themselves have.

You are incorrect.
I'm seeing the Left amping up their use of the epithet "White Nationalist" to smear any Caucasian who expresses patriotic views in support of the U.S. as a sovereign nation.

Calling someone a RACIST is worn out. Normal people see it for the fake "cry wolf" that it is. So now, the Prog-Dems are accusing Normal White people of being what is actually the roots of the Prog-Dem ideology: Neo-KKK.

Don't be fooled. The Real White Racists are the Democrat-Prog descendants of the Democrat Ku Klux Klan.

The reporter who spoke to Trump basically said that he had called himself a "nationalist" and this had emboldened White Nationalists. Now, there are clearly White Nationalists out there, some are on this forum and actually admit to being White Nationalists.

Just because some people admit to being White Nationalist (Segretationalists), doesn't make the terms Nationalist and Nationalism suspect when used by normal people.

The point is that the reporter used FACTS of what had been said, and asked Trump if that had caused White Nationalists to become emboldened. What's wrong with that?
you ar
"You know what a globalist is? A globalist is a person that wants the globe to do well, frankly, not caring about our country so much," Trump said. "And you know what, we can’t have that."

The crowd began booing as Trump moved on to his preferred descriptor.

"You know, they have a word. It sort of became old-fashioned. It’s called a nationalist," he continued. "And I say, 'Really, we’re not supposed to use that word?' You know what I am? I'm a nationalist. ... Use that word."

So, Trump himself is calling himself a nationalist. Smearing himself?

Nationalist is not a smear when used by normal people in the proper sense of the word. It's a smear when you loons use the following bogus logic;

1. Some people are racists
2. Some people are white
3. Some people believe in Natinalism instead of Globalism.
4. There for white people are Racist White Nationalists (who believe in racial segregation).
It's not the proper useage of the word to describe those who believe a nation's social mores are diminished by citizens of one racial group or descended form immigrants form a specific region/race?

No, it's not a proper usage of the word. The left has tried to redefine it as such, but that doesn't make their definition valid.
The left hasn't redefined it - the nationalists themselves have.

You are incorrect.

In what way precisely?
you ar
"You know what a globalist is? A globalist is a person that wants the globe to do well, frankly, not caring about our country so much," Trump said. "And you know what, we can’t have that."

The crowd began booing as Trump moved on to his preferred descriptor.

"You know, they have a word. It sort of became old-fashioned. It’s called a nationalist," he continued. "And I say, 'Really, we’re not supposed to use that word?' You know what I am? I'm a nationalist. ... Use that word."

So, Trump himself is calling himself a nationalist. Smearing himself?

Nationalist is not a smear when used by normal people in the proper sense of the word. It's a smear when you loons use the following bogus logic;

1. Some people are racists
2. Some people are white
3. Some people believe in Natinalism instead of Globalism.
4. There for white people are Racist White Nationalists (who believe in racial segregation).
It's not the proper useage of the word to describe those who believe a nation's social mores are diminished by citizens of one racial group or descended form immigrants form a specific region/race?

No, it's not a proper usage of the word. The left has tried to redefine it as such, but that doesn't make their definition valid.
The left hasn't redefined it - the nationalists themselves have.

You are incorrect.
"Nationalist" has different meaning to different people. Its dog-whistle politics.
Just like how Lee Atwater explained how you cant say ******, ****** anymore. You need to say forced busing and state rights.
Anyone that believes in the sovereignty of our country is labeled a nazi/nationalist to try to smear them. It’s ridiculous, and seen for what it is anymore.
"You know what a globalist is? A globalist is a person that wants the globe to do well, frankly, not caring about our country so much," Trump said. "And you know what, we can’t have that."

The crowd began booing as Trump moved on to his preferred descriptor.

"You know, they have a word. It sort of became old-fashioned. It’s called a nationalist," he continued. "And I say, 'Really, we’re not supposed to use that word?' You know what I am? I'm a nationalist. ... Use that word."

So, Trump himself is calling himself a nationalist. Smearing himself?

Nationalist is not a smear when used by normal people in the proper sense of the word. It's a smear when you loons use the following bogus logic;

1. Some people are racists
2. Some people are white
3. Some people believe in Natinalism instead of Globalism.
4. There for white people are Racist White Nationalists (who believe in racial segregation).
It's not the proper useage of the word to describe those who believe a nation's social mores are diminished by citizens of one racial group or descended form immigrants form a specific region/race?

No, it's not a proper usage of the word. The left has tried to redefine it as such, but that doesn't make their definition valid.

Something you're not getting here.

In the phrase "white nationalism", the adjective "white" is not a descriptor of the person holding the view. It's a description of the type of nation they advocate. A white one.

Get it now?

In other words quoting your own definition, if Nationalism means "exalting one nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other nations or supranational groups" --- then White Nationalism means "exalting one's white nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other races or supranational groups".
Anyone that believes in the sovereignty of our country is labeled a nazi/nationalist to try to smear them. It’s ridiculous, and seen for what it is anymore.
"You know what a globalist is? A globalist is a person that wants the globe to do well, frankly, not caring about our country so much," Trump said. "And you know what, we can’t have that."

The crowd began booing as Trump moved on to his preferred descriptor.

"You know, they have a word. It sort of became old-fashioned. It’s called a nationalist," he continued. "And I say, 'Really, we’re not supposed to use that word?' You know what I am? I'm a nationalist. ... Use that word."

So, Trump himself is calling himself a nationalist. Smearing himself?

Nationalist is not a smear when used by normal people in the proper sense of the word. It's a smear when you loons use the following bogus logic;

1. Some people are racists
2. Some people are white
3. Some people believe in Natinalism instead of Globalism.
4. There for white people are Racist White Nationalists (who believe in racial segregation).
It's not the proper useage of the word to describe those who believe a nation's social mores are diminished by citizens of one racial group or descended form immigrants form a specific region/race?

No, it's not a proper usage of the word. The left has tried to redefine it as such, but that doesn't make their definition valid.

Something you're not getting here.

In the phrase "white nationalism", the adjective "white" is not a descriptor of the person holding the view. It's a description of the type of nation they advocate. A white one.

Get it now?

In other words quoting your own definition, if Nationalism means "exalting one nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other nations or supranational groups" --- then White Nationalism means "exalting one's white nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other races or supranational groups".
You all are the ones that added white to it.
I'm seeing the Left amping up their use of the epithet "White Nationalist" to smear any Caucasian who expresses patriotic views in support of the U.S. as a sovereign nation.

Calling someone a RACIST is worn out. Normal people see it for the fake "cry wolf" that it is. So now, the Prog-Dems are accusing Normal White people of being what is actually the roots of the Prog-Dem ideology: Neo-KKK.

Don't be fooled. The Real White Racists are the Democrat-Prog descendants of the Democrat Ku Klux Klan.
Just when you think the Democrats can go no lower than they already have, they surprise you by going even lower.

The Press Conference today was a 'lack of civility' orgy and the biggest example of Disrespect for the President by the media we have seen today!

As if Acosta's behavior was not bad enough, PBS's Yamiche Alcindor flat-out used her opportunity to ask the President a question during the Press Conference to call him a 'White Supremacist' / 'Racist'!

Alcindor: "You have called yourself a 'Nationalist'. There are some people that say that now the Republican Party is seen as supporting white nationalists because of your rhetoric. What do you make of that?"


In her own question she starts of by admitting the President has called himself a 'NATIONALIST'.
-- There is a distinct difference between 'Nationalist' and 'White Nationalist', and if Alcindor is TOO STUPID to know the difference she should not have a job as a reporter!

She goes on to say, "There are some people that say..."
- She is admitting that there are people calling who are calling the President a White Nationalist, is supporting and emboldening White Nationalists'.

The President did not have to ask who she meant by 'SOME PEOPLE' - EVERYONE knows who has done so and continues to do so - Democrats and hate-driven snowflakes!

Again, there was no question here - this was just Alcindor publicly calling the President a racist. She did not expect or really want an answer - what answer was supposed to give to the question / statement that 'There are some who believe you are a racist White Supremacist Supporter'?!

President Trump responded appropriately by declaring her question / comment to be both racist itself as well as an insult to the President of the United States!
- Can you imagine such behavior / disrespect being given to Barry by the press? (Of course this would never happen because the liberal press worshipped Obama!)

*** ALSO, I want to point out how the Liberal media across the country have all locked arms in solidarity in writing / telling THEIR story about what actually happened and what was really asked/ said in an attempt to hide Alcindor's racist insulting 'question' and to paint the President as being a dictatorial press-hating tyrant! I spent 5 - 10 minutes looking through articles and reports by the media on this story, and 98% of them all leave out the exact question Alcindor asked. They paraphrase their version of what was asked - refusing to actually report the exact words she used / question she asked - and focus on the President's response.

IMO, not only should have Acosta's Press credentials have been revoked, Alcindor whould have been kicked to the curb as well!

Trump to PBS: Question About White Nationalism "Such A Racist Question"

Black reporter asks Trump about calling himself a 'nationalist,' Trump calls question 'racist'
I'm seeing the Left amping up their use of the epithet "White Nationalist" to smear any Caucasian who expresses patriotic views in support of the U.S. as a sovereign nation.

Calling someone a RACIST is worn out. Normal people see it for the fake "cry wolf" that it is. So now, the Prog-Dems are accusing Normal White people of being what is actually the roots of the Prog-Dem ideology: Neo-KKK.

Don't be fooled. The Real White Racists are the Democrat-Prog descendants of the Democrat Ku Klux Klan.

The worst thing about all this is real White Nationalists are PROUD about being white Nationalists, it's kind of a requirement for the whole thing.

The Left conflates patriotic white people with white supremacists because the latter are statistically irrelevant. The high end estimate for the KKK in the U.S. is 8,000 people. There are more members of the Jedi Religion than that. The SPL puts together a hodge podge list of "white nationalist" groups to make this look like an epidemic... its not. They include European Pagan religious groups on the list.

As for as nationalism..that used to be called "patriotism". Patriots embarrass liberal Democrats to no end because patriotism makes them look so despicable in comparison.

But you should also consider their genocidal tendacies towards whites. Anything that makes that a little more obvious has to be bad for them. Fo rexample...simply change one word in some of their organizations dedicated to racist principles....

Congressional WHITE Caucus
National Association for the Advancement of WHITE People
La BLANCO Raza (The WHITE Race)
National Jewish WHITE Council
WHITE Lives matter

The Democrat Platform mentions their racial agenda seven times in their 2016 platform...everything from their push for segregated black colleges
"...We will strengthen our nation’s public and private Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Predominantly Black Institutions..."

To their claim that only one particular races's lives matter....

"… We will push for a societal transformation to make it clear that black lives matter..."

Party Platform - Democrats

Trying swapping the words "black" for "white" in the above and watch their terror. Democrats are virulently racist. They have no problem with racism. They just have a problem with whites.

I'm seeing the Left amping up their use of the epithet "White Nationalist" to smear any Caucasian who expresses patriotic views in support of the U.S. as a sovereign nation.

Calling someone a RACIST is worn out. Normal people see it for the fake "cry wolf" that it is. So now, the Prog-Dems are accusing Normal White people of being what is actually the roots of the Prog-Dem ideology: Neo-KKK.

Don't be fooled. The Real White Racists are the Democrat-Prog descendants of the Democrat Ku Klux Klan.

The worst thing about all this is real White Nationalists are PROUD about being white Nationalists, it's kind of a requirement for the whole thing.

The Left conflates patriotic white people with white supremacists because the latter are statistically irrelevant. The high end estimate for the KKK in the U.S. is 8,000 people. There are more members of the Jedi Religion than that. The SPL puts together a hodge podge list of "white nationalist" groups to make this look like an epidemic... its not. They include European Pagan religious groups on the list.

As for as nationalism..that used to be called "patriotism". Patriots embarrass liberal Democrats to no end because patriotism makes them look so despicable in comparison.

But you should also consider their genocidal tendacies towards whites. Anything that makes that a little more obvious has to be bad for them. Fo rexample...simply change one word in some of their organizations dedicated to racist principles....

Congressional WHITE Caucus
National Association for the Advancement of WHITE People
La BLANCO Raza (The WHITE Race)
National Jewish WHITE Council
WHITE Lives matter

The Democrat Platform mentions their racial agenda seven times in their 2016 platform...everything from their push for segregated black colleges
"...We will strengthen our nation’s public and private Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Predominantly Black Institutions..."

To their claim that only one particular races's lives matter....

"… We will push for a societal transformation to make it clear that black lives matter..."

Party Platform - Democrats

Trying swapping the words "black" for "white" in the above and watch their terror. Democrats are virulently racist. They have no problem with racism. They just have a problem with whites.
It's a shame I can not give you more than one 'Winner'!
Anyone that believes in the sovereignty of our country is labeled a nazi/nationalist to try to smear them. It’s ridiculous, and seen for what it is anymore.
"You know what a globalist is? A globalist is a person that wants the globe to do well, frankly, not caring about our country so much," Trump said. "And you know what, we can’t have that."

The crowd began booing as Trump moved on to his preferred descriptor.

"You know, they have a word. It sort of became old-fashioned. It’s called a nationalist," he continued. "And I say, 'Really, we’re not supposed to use that word?' You know what I am? I'm a nationalist. ... Use that word."

So, Trump himself is calling himself a nationalist. Smearing himself?

Nationalist is not a smear when used by normal people in the proper sense of the word. It's a smear when you loons use the following bogus logic;

1. Some people are racists
2. Some people are white
3. Some people believe in Natinalism instead of Globalism.
4. There for white people are Racist White Nationalists (who believe in racial segregation).
It's not the proper useage of the word to describe those who believe a nation's social mores are diminished by citizens of one racial group or descended form immigrants form a specific region/race?

No, it's not a proper usage of the word. The left has tried to redefine it as such, but that doesn't make their definition valid.

Something you're not getting here.

In the phrase "white nationalism", the adjective "white" is not a descriptor of the person holding the view. It's a description of the type of nation they advocate. A white one.

Get it now?

In other words quoting your own definition, if Nationalism means "exalting one nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other nations or supranational groups" --- then White Nationalism means "exalting one's white nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other races or supranational groups".

I am perfectly copacetic with my OP and subsequent comments. The Left is intent on fomenting a race war and has labeled white people who are patriotic "White Nationalists". I refuse to comply with their hate.
I'm seeing the Left amping up their use of the epithet "White Nationalist" to smear any Caucasian who expresses patriotic views in support of the U.S. as a sovereign nation.

Calling someone a RACIST is worn out. Normal people see it for the fake "cry wolf" that it is. So now, the Prog-Dems are accusing Normal White people of being what is actually the roots of the Prog-Dem ideology: Neo-KKK.

Don't be fooled. The Real White Racists are the Democrat-Prog descendants of the Democrat Ku Klux Klan.

The worst thing about all this is real White Nationalists are PROUD about being white Nationalists, it's kind of a requirement for the whole thing.

The Left conflates patriotic white people with white supremacists because the latter are statistically irrelevant. The high end estimate for the KKK in the U.S. is 8,000 people. There are more members of the Jedi Religion than that. The SPL puts together a hodge podge list of "white nationalist" groups to make this look like an epidemic... its not. They include European Pagan religious groups on the list.

As for as nationalism..that used to be called "patriotism". Patriots embarrass liberal Democrats to no end because patriotism makes them look so despicable in comparison.

But you should also consider their genocidal tendacies towards whites. Anything that makes that a little more obvious has to be bad for them. Fo rexample...simply change one word in some of their organizations dedicated to racist principles....

Congressional WHITE Caucus
National Association for the Advancement of WHITE People
La BLANCO Raza (The WHITE Race)
National Jewish WHITE Council
WHITE Lives matter

The Democrat Platform mentions their racial agenda seven times in their 2016 platform...everything from their push for segregated black colleges
"...We will strengthen our nation’s public and private Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Predominantly Black Institutions..."

To their claim that only one particular races's lives matter....

"… We will push for a societal transformation to make it clear that black lives matter..."

Party Platform - Democrats

Trying swapping the words "black" for "white" in the above and watch their terror. Democrats are virulently racist. They have no problem with racism. They just have a problem with whites.

Thank you and yes, applying the Left's linguistic tricks and New Rules back at them is the Big Tell.
I'm seeing the Left amping up their use of the epithet "White Nationalist" to smear any Caucasian who expresses patriotic views in support of the U.S. as a sovereign nation.

Calling someone a RACIST is worn out. Normal people see it for the fake "cry wolf" that it is. So now, the Prog-Dems are accusing Normal White people of being what is actually the roots of the Prog-Dem ideology: Neo-KKK.

Don't be fooled. The Real White Racists are the Democrat-Prog descendants of the Democrat Ku Klux Klan.

The worst thing about all this is real White Nationalists are PROUD about being white Nationalists, it's kind of a requirement for the whole thing.

The Left conflates patriotic white people with white supremacists because the latter are statistically irrelevant. The high end estimate for the KKK in the U.S. is 8,000 people. There are more members of the Jedi Religion than that. The SPL puts together a hodge podge list of "white nationalist" groups to make this look like an epidemic... its not. They include European Pagan religious groups on the list.

As for as nationalism..that used to be called "patriotism". Patriots embarrass liberal Democrats to no end because patriotism makes them look so despicable in comparison.

But you should also consider their genocidal tendacies towards whites. Anything that makes that a little more obvious has to be bad for them. Fo rexample...simply change one word in some of their organizations dedicated to racist principles....

Congressional WHITE Caucus
National Association for the Advancement of WHITE People
La BLANCO Raza (The WHITE Race)
National Jewish WHITE Council
WHITE Lives matter

The Democrat Platform mentions their racial agenda seven times in their 2016 platform...everything from their push for segregated black colleges
"...We will strengthen our nation’s public and private Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Predominantly Black Institutions..."

To their claim that only one particular races's lives matter....

"… We will push for a societal transformation to make it clear that black lives matter..."

Party Platform - Democrats

Trying swapping the words "black" for "white" in the above and watch their terror. Democrats are virulently racist. They have no problem with racism. They just have a problem with whites.
It's a shame I can not give you more than one 'Winner'!

I gave her one for you (and me). :)
"You know what a globalist is? A globalist is a person that wants the globe to do well, frankly, not caring about our country so much," Trump said. "And you know what, we can’t have that."

The crowd began booing as Trump moved on to his preferred descriptor.

"You know, they have a word. It sort of became old-fashioned. It’s called a nationalist," he continued. "And I say, 'Really, we’re not supposed to use that word?' You know what I am? I'm a nationalist. ... Use that word."

So, Trump himself is calling himself a nationalist. Smearing himself?

Nationalist is not a smear when used by normal people in the proper sense of the word. It's a smear when you loons use the following bogus logic;

1. Some people are racists
2. Some people are white
3. Some people believe in Natinalism instead of Globalism.
4. There for white people are Racist White Nationalists (who believe in racial segregation).
It's not the proper useage of the word to describe those who believe a nation's social mores are diminished by citizens of one racial group or descended form immigrants form a specific region/race?

No, it's not a proper usage of the word. The left has tried to redefine it as such, but that doesn't make their definition valid.

Something you're not getting here.

In the phrase "white nationalism", the adjective "white" is not a descriptor of the person holding the view. It's a description of the type of nation they advocate. A white one.

Get it now?

In other words quoting your own definition, if Nationalism means "exalting one nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other nations or supranational groups" --- then White Nationalism means "exalting one's white nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other races or supranational groups".

I am perfectly copacetic with my OP and subsequent comments. The Left is intent on fomenting a race war and has labeled white people who are patriotic "White Nationalists". I refuse to comply with their hate.

What you're actually refusing to do is take the definition for what it means because you want to make a Checkers Speech out of it.

Don't delude yourselves that that ploy isn't transparent.

And sure enough, in comes a perfect example. Post 528.
"You know what a globalist is? A globalist is a person that wants the globe to do well, frankly, not caring about our country so much," Trump said. "And you know what, we can’t have that."

The crowd began booing as Trump moved on to his preferred descriptor.

"You know, they have a word. It sort of became old-fashioned. It’s called a nationalist," he continued. "And I say, 'Really, we’re not supposed to use that word?' You know what I am? I'm a nationalist. ... Use that word."

So, Trump himself is calling himself a nationalist. Smearing himself?

Nationalist is not a smear when used by normal people in the proper sense of the word. It's a smear when you loons use the following bogus logic;

1. Some people are racists
2. Some people are white
3. Some people believe in Natinalism instead of Globalism.
4. There for white people are Racist White Nationalists (who believe in racial segregation).
It's not the proper useage of the word to describe those who believe a nation's social mores are diminished by citizens of one racial group or descended form immigrants form a specific region/race?

No, it's not a proper usage of the word. The left has tried to redefine it as such, but that doesn't make their definition valid.

Something you're not getting here.

In the phrase "white nationalism", the adjective "white" is not a descriptor of the person holding the view. It's a description of the type of nation they advocate. A white one.

Get it now?

In other words quoting your own definition, if Nationalism means "exalting one nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other nations or supranational groups" --- then White Nationalism means "exalting one's white nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other races or supranational groups".
You all are the ones that added white to it.

I didn't make it up. I just interpret what's there.

Consider me like the Supreme Court of English. :)
Nationalist is not a smear when used by normal people in the proper sense of the word. It's a smear when you loons use the following bogus logic;

1. Some people are racists
2. Some people are white
3. Some people believe in Natinalism instead of Globalism.
4. There for white people are Racist White Nationalists (who believe in racial segregation).
It's not the proper useage of the word to describe those who believe a nation's social mores are diminished by citizens of one racial group or descended form immigrants form a specific region/race?

No, it's not a proper usage of the word. The left has tried to redefine it as such, but that doesn't make their definition valid.

Something you're not getting here.

In the phrase "white nationalism", the adjective "white" is not a descriptor of the person holding the view. It's a description of the type of nation they advocate. A white one.

Get it now?

In other words quoting your own definition, if Nationalism means "exalting one nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other nations or supranational groups" --- then White Nationalism means "exalting one's white nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other races or supranational groups".

I am perfectly copacetic with my OP and subsequent comments. The Left is intent on fomenting a race war and has labeled white people who are patriotic "White Nationalists". I refuse to comply with their hate.

What you're actually refusing to do is take the definition for what it means because you want to make a Checkers Speech out of it.

Don't delude yourselves that that isn't transparent.

I am addressing the way the Left is using the term for propaganda purposes, bub.
It's not the proper useage of the word to describe those who believe a nation's social mores are diminished by citizens of one racial group or descended form immigrants form a specific region/race?

No, it's not a proper usage of the word. The left has tried to redefine it as such, but that doesn't make their definition valid.

Something you're not getting here.

In the phrase "white nationalism", the adjective "white" is not a descriptor of the person holding the view. It's a description of the type of nation they advocate. A white one.

Get it now?

In other words quoting your own definition, if Nationalism means "exalting one nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other nations or supranational groups" --- then White Nationalism means "exalting one's white nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other races or supranational groups".

I am perfectly copacetic with my OP and subsequent comments. The Left is intent on fomenting a race war and has labeled white people who are patriotic "White Nationalists". I refuse to comply with their hate.

What you're actually refusing to do is take the definition for what it means because you want to make a Checkers Speech out of it.

Don't delude yourselves that that isn't transparent.

I am addressing the way the Left is using the term for propaganda purposes, bub.

No, you're cherrypicking. And you're better than that. I think.

Why would you want to defend racists anyway? Just because it gets you votes?
No, it's not a proper usage of the word. The left has tried to redefine it as such, but that doesn't make their definition valid.

Something you're not getting here.

In the phrase "white nationalism", the adjective "white" is not a descriptor of the person holding the view. It's a description of the type of nation they advocate. A white one.

Get it now?

In other words quoting your own definition, if Nationalism means "exalting one nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other nations or supranational groups" --- then White Nationalism means "exalting one's white nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other races or supranational groups".

I am perfectly copacetic with my OP and subsequent comments. The Left is intent on fomenting a race war and has labeled white people who are patriotic "White Nationalists". I refuse to comply with their hate.

What you're actually refusing to do is take the definition for what it means because you want to make a Checkers Speech out of it.

Don't delude yourselves that that isn't transparent.

I am addressing the way the Left is using the term for propaganda purposes, bub.

No, you're cherrypicking. And you're better than that. I think.

That's your lame excuse to deflect attention from the fact that the Left is demonizing white people on an increasing basis.

But thanks for playing.
Something you're not getting here.

In the phrase "white nationalism", the adjective "white" is not a descriptor of the person holding the view. It's a description of the type of nation they advocate. A white one.

Get it now?

In other words quoting your own definition, if Nationalism means "exalting one nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other nations or supranational groups" --- then White Nationalism means "exalting one's white nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other races or supranational groups".

I am perfectly copacetic with my OP and subsequent comments. The Left is intent on fomenting a race war and has labeled white people who are patriotic "White Nationalists". I refuse to comply with their hate.

What you're actually refusing to do is take the definition for what it means because you want to make a Checkers Speech out of it.

Don't delude yourselves that that isn't transparent.

I am addressing the way the Left is using the term for propaganda purposes, bub.

No, you're cherrypicking. And you're better than that. I think.

That's your lame excuse to deflect attention from the fact that the Left is demonizing white people on an increasing basis.

But thanks for playing.

I appreciate the illustration of the point I just made. Complete with generalization fallacy. Nice touch.
"You know what a globalist is? A globalist is a person that wants the globe to do well, frankly, not caring about our country so much," Trump said. "And you know what, we can’t have that."

The crowd began booing as Trump moved on to his preferred descriptor.

"You know, they have a word. It sort of became old-fashioned. It’s called a nationalist," he continued. "And I say, 'Really, we’re not supposed to use that word?' You know what I am? I'm a nationalist. ... Use that word."

So, Trump himself is calling himself a nationalist. Smearing himself?

Nationalist is not a smear when used by normal people in the proper sense of the word. It's a smear when you loons use the following bogus logic;

1. Some people are racists
2. Some people are white
3. Some people believe in Natinalism instead of Globalism.
4. There for white people are Racist White Nationalists (who believe in racial segregation).
It's not the proper useage of the word to describe those who believe a nation's social mores are diminished by citizens of one racial group or descended form immigrants form a specific region/race?

No, it's not a proper usage of the word. The left has tried to redefine it as such, but that doesn't make their definition valid.

Something you're not getting here.

In the phrase "white nationalism", the adjective "white" is not a descriptor of the person holding the view. It's a description of the type of nation they advocate. A white one.

Get it now?

In other words quoting your own definition, if Nationalism means "exalting one nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other nations or supranational groups" --- then White Nationalism means "exalting one's white nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other races or supranational groups".
You all are the ones that added white to it.
No. That was the white nationalists. It is whst they call themselves.

It seens like the move now is to split the the term ... and sanitize it. Nstionalism has akways had a dark side. It is a termbased on exclusion not inclusion.
Nationalist is not a smear when used by normal people in the proper sense of the word. It's a smear when you loons use the following bogus logic;

1. Some people are racists
2. Some people are white
3. Some people believe in Natinalism instead of Globalism.
4. There for white people are Racist White Nationalists (who believe in racial segregation).
It's not the proper useage of the word to describe those who believe a nation's social mores are diminished by citizens of one racial group or descended form immigrants form a specific region/race?

No, it's not a proper usage of the word. The left has tried to redefine it as such, but that doesn't make their definition valid.

Something you're not getting here.

In the phrase "white nationalism", the adjective "white" is not a descriptor of the person holding the view. It's a description of the type of nation they advocate. A white one.

Get it now?

In other words quoting your own definition, if Nationalism means "exalting one nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other nations or supranational groups" --- then White Nationalism means "exalting one's white nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other races or supranational groups".
You all are the ones that added white to it.
No. That was the white nationalists. It is whst they call themselves.

It seens like the move now is to split the the term ... and sanitize it. Nstionalism has akways had a dark side. It is a termbased on exclusion not inclusion.

Just because a tiny fringe of people call themselves White Nationalists does not mean that all Patriotic White People are racial segregationists.

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