White Nationalist Group Protested by Jewish Nationalist Group

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004

White Nationalist Group's Meeting Prompts Protest
Jewish Defense Organization Urges Herndon Hotel to Halt 'Neo-Nazi' Conference in February

By Fredrick Kunkle
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, December 13, 2007; Page VA03

A militant Jewish group is pressing a Herndon hotel to halt an upcoming conference organized by a white nationalist group based in Northern Virginia.

The Jewish Defense Organization is calling on supporters to push the Crowne Plaza Dulles Airport hotel into canceling a Feb. 22-24 conference for the New Century Foundation and its American Renaissance Magazine. The Jewish group calls the foundation a "neo-Nazi" organization and says that it has worked with white supremacist and former presidential candidate David Duke.

So why doesn't the Jewish group set up its OWN program??

White Nationalist Group's Meeting Prompts Protest
Jewish Defense Organization Urges Herndon Hotel to Halt 'Neo-Nazi' Conference in February

By Fredrick Kunkle
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, December 13, 2007; Page VA03

A militant Jewish group is pressing a Herndon hotel to halt an upcoming conference organized by a white nationalist group based in Northern Virginia.

The Jewish Defense Organization is calling on supporters to push the Crowne Plaza Dulles Airport hotel into canceling a Feb. 22-24 conference for the New Century Foundation and its American Renaissance Magazine. The Jewish group calls the foundation a "neo-Nazi" organization and says that it has worked with white supremacist and former presidential candidate David Duke.

So why doesn't the Jewish group set up its OWN program??

Wow, extremists don't like extremists. No there, there.
Wow, extremists don't like extremists. No there, there.

Hilarious. What I love is that if Joyce got the "white" Country he wanted, he would be then complaining about which group of "whites" did not belong in his world.
what is the name of the hotel, and its number.

this is ridiculous, were gonna take away peoples free speech rights because we dont like what they have to say, this is america not nazi germany.


White Nationalist Group's Meeting Prompts Protest
Jewish Defense Organization Urges Herndon Hotel to Halt 'Neo-Nazi' Conference in February

By Fredrick Kunkle
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, December 13, 2007; Page VA03

A militant Jewish group is pressing a Herndon hotel to halt an upcoming conference organized by a white nationalist group based in Northern Virginia.

The Jewish Defense Organization is calling on supporters to push the Crowne Plaza Dulles Airport hotel into canceling a Feb. 22-24 conference for the New Century Foundation and its American Renaissance Magazine. The Jewish group calls the foundation a "neo-Nazi" organization and says that it has worked with white supremacist and former presidential candidate David Duke.

So why doesn't the Jewish group set up its OWN program??
what is the name of the hotel, and its number.

this is ridiculous, were gonna take away peoples free speech rights because we dont like what they have to say, this is america not nazi germany.

Funny thing is, for some inside baseball, Jared Taylor is pretty friendly with some Jews and even invites them to write for his magazine and speak at his conference (Nicholas Stix, Michael Hart, Michael Levin). He'd be the first to say he understands why Israel wants to remain Jewish, and not Arab-Jewish, for instance. Jared's also appeared on black media a few times and speaks alongside black folks from time to time.

Harder-cores like Alex Linder lay into him for this.

Anyway, I personally do think Jews as a group are sharply competitive with us whites, but I don't anticipate for a minute that they're all going to leave the US. I would like to see us, as white gentiles, give them a little competition for the power spoils of this great nation. As it stands, Jews pretty much run the show... why shouldn't WE run the show, yo?
It's amazing, and ironic as hell, that pro-white organizations in America don't take notes from the zionists organizations in israel. After all, if jews can get away with ethnic criteria on citizenship...
Indian tribes have claimed the US nation as it's own ethnic playground?

Thats news to me.
You have to prove ethnic percentage to obtain a tribal card, and tribal rights. And they do NOT like their blood diluted.
indeed, RESERVATIONS are just like nations, aren't they?

clearly the AMISH validate a white America too then, eh?

stop being silly and go post your evidence for god in the appropriate thread.
I don't believe the Amish require a genealogy which proves you have "enough" white blood to join their clique. Or deny children medical benefits if they don't meet the quota.
Yet your charge is that, somehow, ethnic proof of native heritage AMONGST THE TRIBE ON A RESERVATION validates the zionist claim to the NATION OF ISRAEL?

So, does ANY group that has member validate a racist nation then? 'Cause, the amish probably still require that satanists can't become their leaders, you know... What exactly does this green light for Israel? non-muslim leaders? The boy scouts don't allow girls in their ranks.. Say, what lesson can a NATION take away from that?

Tell me, Allie... Would you be opposed to the United States filtering their government leaders according to race just like Israel? Mind you remember Olmerts very own words: without a pal nation there is no hope for a JEWISH israel.
See, I'm not convinced it's race with Israel. I think it's religion. I know it's race with the Indians. It certainly isn't religion.

I wasn't making an excuse for Israel being racist, if they really are.

Flibberdygidget. Sorry.
Hey, I've posted my evidence. I highly doubt that a single Walter Sobcheck will ever be PM of Israel. Race, Ethnicity, religion. it's all discrimination. Fine, we can make it about religion. CLEARLY many in this nation see it as a christian country. So, how would you feel about the US declaring that jews cannot participate?

in fact, it's awfully funny how it bounces back and forth between ethnicity and dogma per criticism. But, maybe yuo can tell me why it's RELIGION that becomes the acceptable filter when israel decides who can and who can't participate equally.

also, don't let me keep you from reading the articles I posted. I invite you to read the words for yourself.
But you can't equate religion requirements with race requirements. One is a group of ideas...there's nothing wrong with wanting the members of your society to have like ideals. The other is about blood composition. Something that has nothing to do with ideals or anything else but genetics.

If your'e going to say groups (or countries) can't require their members to abide by a common code, then you eliminate cohesive groups altogether and you're left with anarchy.
May I narrow down that excuse to the point where non-white, non-christians are the only participants in American politics?

Do you think William Joyce would jump on what you offer in a heartbeat?

yes, we in America have a common set of ideals.. it's called the Constitution. The very same Constitution that once narrowed down the common critera to exclude you and certainly jews. WE have made amends to correct this kind of narrow approach to our myriad of eligible identities that qualify for Constitutional protection. Making excuses for Israel in 2007 so that they can filter out the non-jews, ethnic or religious, is just that: an excuse.
The reason Israel exists is to give that group of people with that common religion a place to call their own.

I don't have a problem with it. The Torah or the constitution...it's still a common set of ideals, and people naturally segregate themselves into idea-based groups.

I do have a problem with people segregating based upon genetic makeup. It's like breeding animals.
So then, again, we in America can filter out all the jews then? This is going to be GREAT news for ole WJ!

hey, these United States were created for White Europeans. If Israel gets to keep the racism then so can everyone else. In fact, since Israel is the nation FOR jews then I guess you wouldn't mind if we collected American jews behind a giant concrete wall until they decided to go back to their jewish nation so that AMERICA can similarly be it's own original nation for white europeans, yes?

Whats good for the goose, Allie.

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