White people are idiots as mini race war breaks out in chopchazistan

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
brInwashed whites savage. iggers.jpeg


And another shooting in marxist chop...probably an Amish gunman ...or boogaloo boi trying to make peaceful chopsians look bad
Most crime will go unreported, since the media will never cover any 'negative' news about their pet groups, like BLM thugs, faggots, AntiFa, Democrats, pedophiles, trannies, criminal illegal aliens, black racists, etc.
Democrats eat their own. It'll get a lot worse after they run out of statues to tear down, stores to loot and sidewalks to color.
Bu buh but buh muh allies !
I have a black box on my social media dimtwitted account .

Lefty groups always destroy each other

If they wiped all us out tomorrow they'd start on each other the following day ...
It's like watching Muslims argue with each other over politics and you understand why Israel exists.

Jews give them someone else to shoot.

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