CNN engaging in divisive race hysteria suggesting white people have an easier leg up.

None of the former based on spending power
Perhaps they are 'pandering' to the call for more DEI in advertising.

But minority buying power is hard to ignore.

African American market growth​

In 2020, African American economic clout energized the U.S. consumer market as never before. The buying power of African Americans rose to $1.6 trillion, or 9% of the nation’s total buying power.

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So an over representation of blacks is your idea of correct diversity?

Simply warp reality to fit lib ideals?

No thanks
They are indeed overrepresented in the ads. Worse, they are being misrepresented. In one ad a black husband and wife are presented with Anglo first names.
So 30,000+ blacks being stopped and frisked vs fewer than 10,000 whites being stopped and frisked is not an indication of whites having a leg-up when it comes to how law enforcement views the public?
What color were the officers that stopped them, what is the nature of the stop and what was the circumstance in the community they were stopped (e.g. a recent crime happened), what neighborhood or community area were the stops made? When statistics just throw out aggregated values at a high level, you don't know, and the infographic sets the context that all white, people are evil.
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What color were the officers that stopped them, what is the nature of the stop and what was the circumstance in the community they were stopped (e.g. a recent crime happened), what neighborhood or community area were the stops made? When statistics just throw out aggregated values at a high level, you don't know, and the infographic sets the context that all white, people are evil.
20K more interactions with the police--initiated by the police and you see nothing wrong with that except to wonder what the race of the police officers was? Why not just ask how many had facial hair too?
They are indeed overrepresented in the ads. Worse, they are being misrepresented. In one ad a black husband and wife are presented with Anglo first names.
Actually there is a silver lining that I must point out

The blacks in advertising are for the most part “acting white”

Very few ghetto bums with gold teeth and a comb in their hair are hawking stuff on TV

That sends a subliminal message to black people that white culture is the thing to aspire to
20K more interactions with the police--initiated by the police and you see nothing wrong with that except to wonder what the race of the police officers was? Why not just ask how many had facial hair too?
It's just objective that blacks represent roughly 13-14% of the United States population, yet commit the majority of violent crimes. What's to see, outside of your subjectively based racial infographic?
It's just objective that blacks represent roughly 13-14% of the United States population, yet commit the majority of violent crimes. What's to see, outside of your subjectively based racial infographic?
And if you were to look at the info graphic, you’ll see that the amount of times the police found something that justified the stop and frisk was 2% across all races.

The point that you’re ignoring is that if you’re white, you don’t have to worry as much about the police stopping you and looking for a reason to arrest you. If you’re black, you have a 66% better chance of that happening.
I cited the statistics. If anything, with the advent of MAGA, race division has only gotten worse as he legitimizes your hatred.
Right it couldn't possibly be shit like Biden telling people that Republicans are going to put Black people back in chain. By the way dumbass I was married to a Black women who is more Conservative than me you know the kind of person that Biden says ain't Black and shit stains like you call a traitor.
And if you were to look at the info graphic, you’ll see that the amount of times the police found something that justified the stop and frisk was 2% across all races.

The point that you’re ignoring is that if you’re white, you don’t have to worry as much about the police stopping you and looking for a reason to arrest you. If you’re black, you have a 66% better chance of that happening.
You do know that more white people are killed by cops than black ?
Right it couldn't possibly be shit like Biden telling people that Republicans are going to put Black people back in chain.
Correct. That has nothing to do with the oceans of hatred you guys have for anyone who is different and disagrees with you.
By the way dumbass I was married to a Black women who is more Conservative than me you know the kind of person that Biden says ain't Black and shit stains like you call a traitor.
Sure you are.
You do know that more white people are killed by cops than black ?

Which should be the case since there are more white people than black people.

Yet, somehow, in the stats I cited...3X as many blacks were stopped and frisked by the cops.
They are indeed overrepresented in the ads. Worse, they are being misrepresented. In one ad a black husband and wife are presented with Anglo first names.
Since when do 30-year-old black couples have names like "Ann" and "John". :auiqs.jpg:
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Which should be the case since there are more white people than black people.

Yet, somehow, in the stats I cited...3X as many blacks were stopped and frisked by the cops.

Some lowIQ dishonest posters spin lie twist cherry-pick deflect ridicule etc. You are the chocolate queen of disgusting falshoods. Common sense is not in your empty head.

When you want to catch gators you go to Louisiana. When you want to slow crime (stop &frisk). You go to high crime areas, probably not Salt Lake City?

Almost all black areas are high crime areas with packs roaming around looking for victims. Many are armed or up to no good. They get caught up and you yell foul?

High Crime Black areas are a nogozone for all non-black. So 98% of stops end up being Black. Probably a 50% hit rate on stops. You Go where the vermin are to reduce vermin. Everyone knows but you. Sad and tiring that you are in the population able to walk freely.//
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Which should be the case since there are more white people than black people.

Yet, somehow, in the stats I cited...3X as many blacks were stopped and frisked by the cops.
Sigh .. it's just not clicking with you. What type of "stop and frisk" activity would you expect to find in say, Harlem?
Sigh .. it's just not clicking with you. What type of "stop and frisk" activity would you expect to find in say, Harlem?

So you’re stating the cops intentionally went into black neighborhoods and got the same 2% they got on fifth avenue?
So you’re stating the cops intentionally went into black neighborhoods and got the same 2% they got on fifth avenue?
I didn't state anything .. I asked the question, "what would the results be in Harlem?" You can twist the words .. but again .. blacks make up a small share of the overall population, yet commit the majority of violent crimes. Now throw on top of that the surge of illegal aliens and we'll be hearing how hispanics and blacks are over-targeted. :rolleyes: How do you think this effects the juror selection process?

Sorry .. your infographic is an unobjective attempt to propose crime and juror selection is because of racial discrimination.

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