White Privilege

I remember back when I lived in Houston, I was pulled over and ticketed in the suburb of Bellaire. Google the city of Bellaire and check it out. Wiki has it as being 90+% white and Asian.

Well, I wanted to fight the ticket so I went to the court which was in the evening. The court room was packed full of people there to fight their tickets as well. The racial make up should be about 90+% white and Asian if, on average, those ticketed reflect the racial make-up of the city...right?

Aside from the Judge, an attorney some Mexican lady brought with her, and another defendant, nearly every defendant in the room was black or Hispanic (very few Hispanics by the way). We're talking about 150 defendants and one of them was white, in Bellaire, where 74% of the town is white.

When I hear about White Priviledge, I think it's an antiquated notion but it still exists and, to my mind, it is most prevalent here.

On the flip side of the coin, as many of you may know if you read my posts, I do credentialing for our health system. What that means is that I check to make sure current and prospective future employees have the licenses they say they have, the endorsements they claim, and generally are telling the baseline truth about their qualifications. I get "packets" from HR about each applicant or volunteer. Recently, the packets have started to include the race-based questions we have on the end of our on-line application. The part that wants you to self-identify whether you're white, black, latino, martian or whatever.

I have purposely refused to look at this. It doesn't affect their qualifications at all (alternate languages spoke, written are covered in another part of the application). I'm not in HR but I would bet that the message down there is that they need to have our staff mirror the city of Phoenix meaning hire more Hispanics. BS...I say hire the best person for the job and have your HR staff eliminate race from consideration to the positive or the negative. If the open job has two good candidates, you flip a coin.
I think the important thing to remember is that if you're born in this nation, you were born on second base. Some of the very rich were born on third base. Our air is relatively clean, our water is clean, our food is safe and plentiful; our safety nets have safety nets. Racists are most often ostracized in most of the country. There are churches, non-faith based groups, government programs that offer you training, housing, clothing, shelter... Nobody is checking your papers on the bus or the train (yet). You can go to the beach, the mountains, national parks and see true beauty in most places in this country.

The important thing to remember is, in my view, you didn't hit a double or a triple. Stop thinking you did.
Ok, what privilege?

Almost all sit-coms on TV now show white males as indolent idiots.

The days of the good old boys have gone and went.
The "white privileged" is something the SUPER RICH ELITE intentionally created to makes whites vote a certain way and make blacks vote another way, therefore they can control the elections by controlling the number of white and black voters via MEDIA and VOTING ACCESS.

Yes, the phenomenon of black oppression is real; however, the reason for which it REALLY exists is never taught, nor how it is created.

As such, it should not be taught in COMMUNIST (public) school.
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well, I cant blame the teacher, its true.

My father told me at a young age, as a white male I have certain privileges in this country and I need to be respectful and sensitive to those privileges.

Sage advice.

Somewhere in the never-neverland of liberal fantasies, there is a country founded by blacks that were equivalent of George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and john Adams.

The country, located in the same liberal never-neverland announced that they would welcome all comers, the tired and huddled masses, BUT they would have to be BLACK.

Until that country is found in reality, rather than just in the fertile imagination of liberal never-neverland, white people should have the privileges of being the descendents, or at least the same kind of people as the founders of the United States.

Those who disagree have a glorious, rich and prosperous continent, known as AFRICA to deploy to.
well, I cant blame the teacher, its true.

My father told me at a young age, as a white male I have certain privileges in this country and I need to be respectful and sensitive to those privileges.

Sage advice.

So daddy taught ya white guilt and how to self-loath...:confused:

No, his father taught him "noblesse oblige."

That expression means that the nobility are ethically obliged to treat decently the people of lower status in society.
I agree that as a white man I have certain responsibilities to myself, my family and my neighbors. I'm supposed to dress, talk and act like a white man. That means I can't walk around with my pants hanging down to my knees and I can't lace my conversations with vulgar language. I can't spend my days lazing around making babies I can't afford while drawing a welfare check from the state. I also can't put massive bass speakers in my car and 24" tires with spinners on my car. I can't drive up and down the road blaring my radio with the bass thumping so that everyone in a five mile radius can hear me coming and going. I also can't foul my neighborhood schools with drugs and shooting up neighborhoods of people who refuse to let their children work for me selling my drugs to their friends.
Yes, I'm proud to be a white man. If I weren't I'd be sorely tempted to swallow poison and hang myself while simultaneously setting myself on fire and putting a bullet into my own brain.

Well said! Prepare to be called a racist.
I remember back when I lived in Houston, I was pulled over and ticketed in the suburb of Bellaire. Google the city of Bellaire and check it out. Wiki has it as being 90+% white and Asian.

Well, I wanted to fight the ticket so I went to the court which was in the evening. The court room was packed full of people there to fight their tickets as well. The racial make up should be about 90+% white and Asian if, on average, those ticketed reflect the racial make-up of the city...right?

Aside from the Judge, an attorney some Mexican lady brought with her, and another defendant, nearly every defendant in the room was black or Hispanic (very few Hispanics by the way). We're talking about 150 defendants and one of them was white, in Bellaire, where 74% of the town is white.

When I hear about White Priviledge, I think it's an antiquated notion but it still exists and, to my mind, it is most prevalent here.

On the flip side of the coin, as many of you may know if you read my posts, I do credentialing for our health system. What that means is that I check to make sure current and prospective future employees have the licenses they say they have, the endorsements they claim, and generally are telling the baseline truth about their qualifications. I get "packets" from HR about each applicant or volunteer. Recently, the packets have started to include the race-based questions we have on the end of our on-line application. The part that wants you to self-identify whether you're white, black, latino, martian or whatever.

I have purposely refused to look at this. It doesn't affect their qualifications at all (alternate languages spoke, written are covered in another part of the application). I'm not in HR but I would bet that the message down there is that they need to have our staff mirror the city of Phoenix meaning hire more Hispanics. BS...I say hire the best person for the job and have your HR staff eliminate race from consideration to the positive or the negative. If the open job has two good candidates, you flip a coin.

Are you trying to say that ALL activities, legal or otherwise, are committed/done by the same proportion as the races in the population as a whole?

Are there 10% black opera singers?
Are there 10% whites in the NBA?
Are there 10% black swimmers in the Olympic Games?
Are there 10% white rap or R&B artists?
Are there 10% blacks in the cabinet of the first (half)black President of the United State?
Are there 10% white fruit pickers in California?
Are there 10% non-Hispanics who refuse to learn English?
Are there 10% of white immigrants who entered the United States illegally?

I could go on, but by now you may see that the activities of people are not necessarily in line with the percentage of their numbers compared to the population as a whole.

So, come to terms with the FACT that blacks are committing more crimes per capita and that is why you should not have been shocked at what you allegedly saw at traffic court.

You are welcome!
So, come to terms with the FACT that blacks are committing more crimes per capita and that is why you should not have been shocked at what you allegedly saw at traffic court.

You are welcome!

Committing more? Or being arrested and convicted more?
Ole whitey will soon be a "minority"...

And then the United States will be just like South Africa and Zimbabwe.


Only if you imagine that blacks will be a majority. They will actually never be a majority. Their minority status is getting smaller by the year. They are murdering and aborting themselves in proportions that would be considered genocidal if this were being done to them instead of doing it to themselves. Whites will be a minority compared to all of the other ethnicities in total. That's because we severely limit immigration from countries with a majority white population. Some whites we severely limit like whites from Africa. Whites as the largest minority group will exist for hundreds of years yet.

Black people, however, will be fighting over resources (and losing) with hispanics for many years go come.
the activities of people are not necessarily in line with the percentage of their numbers compared to the population as a whole.

So, come to terms with the FACT that blacks are committing more crimes per capita and that is why you should not have been shocked at what you allegedly saw at traffic court.

If people want me to view all races as equally competent, good, etc., they have to show me that all races have the same crime statistics. And the same accomplishment statistics.

If one race has far more crime, isn't that the very definition of inferiority?

If one race has far more inventions and technology and art and science, isn't that the very definition of superiority?
the activities of people are not necessarily in line with the percentage of their numbers compared to the population as a whole.

So, come to terms with the FACT that blacks are committing more crimes per capita and that is why you should not have been shocked at what you allegedly saw at traffic court.

If people want me to view all races as equally competent, good, etc., they have to show me that all races have the same crime statistics. And the same accomplishment statistics.

If one race has far more crime, isn't that the very definition of inferiority?

If one race has far more inventions and technology and art and science, isn't that the very definition of superiority?

Unless there is a great puppeteer, who couldn't give two damns about either whites or blacks, pulling the strings and throwing the smoke and turning the mirrors to make it look that way.

You think you're free and open minded because you embrace 75% or 90% of Classical Liberalism, but you're still being effortlessly controlled by those 10%-25% artificially created racial divisions. Why don't you write Mein Kampf 2. Here's the full text:


Not to mention, if you actually believe that whites are superior, and you consider yourself a moral person, then you must give blacks affirmative action. It is the idea that blacks are inferior which creates the moral argument for affirmative action, to say otherwise means you are immoral.

Of course the easy way out of that pickle is to simply accept all people are created equal, endowed with unalienable rights. Then you are not morally obliged to help a certain race.
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I remember back when I lived in Houston, I was pulled over and ticketed in the suburb of Bellaire. Google the city of Bellaire and check it out. Wiki has it as being 90+% white and Asian.

Well, I wanted to fight the ticket so I went to the court which was in the evening. The court room was packed full of people there to fight their tickets as well. The racial make up should be about 90+% white and Asian if, on average, those ticketed reflect the racial make-up of the city...right?

Aside from the Judge, an attorney some Mexican lady brought with her, and another defendant, nearly every defendant in the room was black or Hispanic (very few Hispanics by the way). We're talking about 150 defendants and one of them was white, in Bellaire, where 74% of the town is white.

When I hear about White Priviledge, I think it's an antiquated notion but it still exists and, to my mind, it is most prevalent here.

On the flip side of the coin, as many of you may know if you read my posts, I do credentialing for our health system. What that means is that I check to make sure current and prospective future employees have the licenses they say they have, the endorsements they claim, and generally are telling the baseline truth about their qualifications. I get "packets" from HR about each applicant or volunteer. Recently, the packets have started to include the race-based questions we have on the end of our on-line application. The part that wants you to self-identify whether you're white, black, latino, martian or whatever.

I have purposely refused to look at this. It doesn't affect their qualifications at all (alternate languages spoke, written are covered in another part of the application). I'm not in HR but I would bet that the message down there is that they need to have our staff mirror the city of Phoenix meaning hire more Hispanics. BS...I say hire the best person for the job and have your HR staff eliminate race from consideration to the positive or the negative. If the open job has two good candidates, you flip a coin.

Are you trying to say that ALL activities, legal or otherwise, are committed/done by the same proportion as the races in the population as a whole?

Are there 10% black opera singers?
Are there 10% whites in the NBA?
Are there 10% black swimmers in the Olympic Games?
Are there 10% white rap or R&B artists?
Are there 10% blacks in the cabinet of the first (half)black President of the United State?
Are there 10% white fruit pickers in California?
Are there 10% non-Hispanics who refuse to learn English?
Are there 10% of white immigrants who entered the United States illegally?

I could go on, but by now you may see that the activities of people are not necessarily in line with the percentage of their numbers compared to the population as a whole.
When you eliminate skill sets, historical preferences and other extenuating factors it pretty much balances out along societal lines.

The gist was there should have been more than 3 white people in the pool of defendants if the jurisdiction of the police force is the City of Bellaire.

So, come to terms with the FACT that blacks are committing more crimes per capita and that is why you should not have been shocked at what you allegedly saw at traffic court.

You are welcome!


Love it when boys try to act like men. :razz:

Have you ever been "let go with a warning" by the police who pull you over? Do you think as many blacks/Hispanics get let go with the same warning? The Sheriff here in Phoenix was told to stop targeting Hispanics. I'm sure that was just political correctness.

The fact of the matter is that crimes such as traffic violations largely depend on the mood of the police on any given day. One thing I read on Wiki Answers is that 40 times a law is violated before someone is cited for the infraction. How many Drivers on average violate traffic laws over times before they are actually cited You probably sped on the way to work this morning. I know I did.

Are you going to come to grips with your crime and turn yourself in?
So, come to terms with the FACT that blacks are committing more crimes per capita and that is why you should not have been shocked at what you allegedly saw at traffic court.

You are welcome!

Committing more? Or being arrested and convicted more?

Since blacks are well represented on police forces everywhere, it is safe to say that no black person gets arrested unjustly.

Since blacks are well represented in the judicial system, including judges, lawyers and juries, it is safe to say no black person is convicted unjustly.

Come to terms with the facts. Blacks commit more crime.

"Love it when boys try to act like men."

Are you talking about Obama??
well, I cant blame the teacher, its true.

My father told me at a young age, as a white male I have certain privileges in this country and I need to be respectful and sensitive to those privileges.

Sage advice.

So daddy taught ya white guilt and how to self-loath...:confused:

No, his father taught him "noblesse oblige."

That expression means that the nobility are ethically obliged to treat decently the people of lower status in society.


Hows that for status, now get yo nose out of CoNolies ass...:eek:

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