White Students Blocked From Going to Class = Democrats Political Suicide Over DACA

I'm sorry, but I have have to laugh at people who utter any form of "woe be we" rhetoric about the "plight" of white folks in the U.S. I mean really, do you have any idea of the racial composition of any of the organizations wherein congregate the people who make and influence all the major policy decisions -- public and private -- that happen in the U.S?
  • Corporation boards of directors and ranks of senior executive leadership/management, including but not limited to:
    • Media and telecommunications
    • Technology
    • Transportation
    • Aerospace and defense
    • Public utilties
  • Boards of key NGO associations and organizations like the Bar, the AMA, AARP, various labor unions, the Red Cross, the Chamber of Commerce, several unions, the NRA, etc., etc., etc.
  • Top public and private colleges and universities -- student bodies and administrations
  • Top positions in local, state and federal government, including the U.S. military and USIC
  • Prestigious (not merely pricey) golf, country and social clubs
  • List of the richest people in the U.S.
  • Membership and leadership of think tanks including:
    • Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs
    • Heritage Foundation
    • Brookings Institution
    • Council on Foreign Relations
    • Cato Institute
    • Kaiser Family Foundation
The list can easily go on and on....Yet the OP-er would have have us believe that a group of, what, 50 students blocking one entryway at one university is illustrative of white's hold on control of what goes on in the U.S. is in material jeopardy!

Well, I'm sorry, but against the reality of the positions of great influence held by white folks what those children are doing is but a novel diversion worthy of nothing more than a mere chuckle over their naivete. Sorry, but for all it accomplished or ever could, that protest is all hat and no cattle, much as is every other student protest against what they construe as white folks' dominance in the conception and implementation of everything that matters in the U.S. Anyone who doesn't realize that quite simply isn't paying attention.
Cream rises to the top through hard work...not protest, crying, and racism. :206:
I'm sorry, but I have have to laugh at people who utter any form of "woe be we" rhetoric about the "plight" of white folks in the U.S. I mean really, do you have any idea of the racial composition of any of the organizations wherein congregate the people who make and influence all the major policy decisions -- public and private -- that happen in the U.S?
  • Corporation boards of directors and ranks of senior executive leadership/management, including but not limited to:
    • Media and telecommunications
    • Technology
    • Transportation
    • Aerospace and defense
    • Public utilties
  • Boards of key NGO associations and organizations like the Bar, the AMA, AARP, various labor unions, the Red Cross, the Chamber of Commerce, several unions, the NRA, etc., etc., etc.
  • Top public and private colleges and universities -- student bodies and administrations
  • Top positions in local, state and federal government, including the U.S. military and USIC
  • Prestigious (not merely pricey) golf, country and social clubs
  • List of the richest people in the U.S.
  • Membership and leadership of think tanks including:
    • Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs
    • Heritage Foundation
    • Brookings Institution
    • Council on Foreign Relations
    • Cato Institute
    • Kaiser Family Foundation
The list can easily go on and on....Yet the OP-er would have have us believe that a group of, what, 50 students blocking one entryway at one university is illustrative of white's hold on control of what goes on in the U.S. is in material jeopardy!

Well, I'm sorry, but against the reality of the positions of great influence held by white folks what those children are doing is but a novel diversion worthy of nothing more than a mere chuckle over their naivete. Sorry, but for all it accomplished or ever could, that protest is all hat and no cattle, much as is every other student protest against what they construe as white folks' dominance in the conception and implementation of everything that matters in the U.S. Anyone who doesn't realize that quite simply isn't paying attention.
Your forgetting that MSM, college professoriate, and public education system are all socialist.
I'm sorry, but I have have to laugh at people who utter any form of "woe be we" rhetoric about the "plight" of white folks in the U.S. I mean really, do you have any idea of the racial composition of any of the organizations wherein congregate the people who make and influence all the major policy decisions -- public and private -- that happen in the U.S?
  • Corporation boards of directors and ranks of senior executive leadership/management, including but not limited to:
    • Media and telecommunications
    • Technology
    • Transportation
    • Aerospace and defense
    • Public utilties
  • Boards of key NGO associations and organizations like the Bar, the AMA, AARP, various labor unions, the Red Cross, the Chamber of Commerce, several unions, the NRA, etc., etc., etc.
  • Top public and private colleges and universities -- student bodies and administrations
  • Top positions in local, state and federal government, including the U.S. military and USIC
  • Prestigious (not merely pricey) golf, country and social clubs
  • List of the richest people in the U.S.
  • Membership and leadership of think tanks including:
    • Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs
    • Heritage Foundation
    • Brookings Institution
    • Council on Foreign Relations
    • Cato Institute
    • Kaiser Family Foundation
The list can easily go on and on....Yet the OP-er would have have us believe that a group of, what, 50 students blocking one entryway at one university is illustrative of white's hold on control of what goes on in the U.S. is in material jeopardy!

Well, I'm sorry, but against the reality of the positions of great influence held by white folks what those children are doing is but a novel diversion worthy of nothing more than a mere chuckle over their naivete. Sorry, but for all it accomplished or ever could, that protest is all hat and no cattle, much as is every other student protest against what they construe as white folks' dominance in the conception and implementation of everything that matters in the U.S. Anyone who doesn't realize that quite simply isn't paying attention.
They are not “children.” They are subversives taking a space on a campus that should be afforded to more grateful students.
I'm sorry, but I have have to laugh at people who utter any form of "woe be we" rhetoric about the "plight" of white folks in the U.S. I mean really, do you have any idea of the racial composition of any of the organizations wherein congregate the people who make and influence all the major policy decisions -- public and private -- that happen in the U.S?
  • Corporation boards of directors and ranks of senior executive leadership/management, including but not limited to:
    • Media and telecommunications
    • Technology
    • Transportation
    • Aerospace and defense
    • Public utilties
  • Boards of key NGO associations and organizations like the Bar, the AMA, AARP, various labor unions, the Red Cross, the Chamber of Commerce, several unions, the NRA, etc., etc., etc.
  • Top public and private colleges and universities -- student bodies and administrations
  • Top positions in local, state and federal government, including the U.S. military and USIC
  • Prestigious (not merely pricey) golf, country and social clubs
  • List of the richest people in the U.S.
  • Membership and leadership of think tanks including:
    • Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs
    • Heritage Foundation
    • Brookings Institution
    • Council on Foreign Relations
    • Cato Institute
    • Kaiser Family Foundation
The list can easily go on and on....Yet the OP-er would have have us believe that a group of, what, 50 students blocking one entryway at one university is illustrative of white's hold on control of what goes on in the U.S. is in material jeopardy!

Well, I'm sorry, but against the reality of the positions of great influence held by white folks what those children are doing is but a novel diversion worthy of nothing more than a mere chuckle over their naivete. Sorry, but for all it accomplished or ever could, that protest is all hat and no cattle, much as is every other student protest against what they construe as white folks' dominance in the conception and implementation of everything that matters in the U.S. Anyone who doesn't realize that quite simply isn't paying attention.
They are not “children.” They are subversives taking a space on a campus that should be afforded to more grateful students.

Isn't it amazing that they have the gonads to do this in America, but didn't have the guts to do it in their country of origin?
I hope this gets a lot of press!
Insofar as you've in ~30 minutes posted ten one sentence remarks in this thread, effectively "bumping" it each time, it's in the wee hours of the morning getting pley of "press" from you, now isn't it.....LOL​
That was not my intent... why would I do that? They weren't my threads.
Did you pay attention to Nancy Pelosi today, it was everything but a call to mass murder.
She is known as the Wicked Witch from the West. Dhe just proved it again today.
She stood and blathered like an idiot for hour upon hour today...political suicide.
Nancy Pelosi marathon speech on DACA sets record - CNNPolitics
And most of the Dreamers couldn't understand English...
that's fine. most americans can't understand pelosi.
Stunts like this from what has now become “mainstream Democrats” is why GOP is doing sooooo well in election cycles and will continue to do well in 2018. Thank’s idiots...keep up the good work...keep pushing your party to leftist extremism over issues like DACA. Democrats would rather support illegals than the American people.

I’m actually quite happy about this...it’s time for dumbass White Americans that have been suckered to wake the fuck up and unite to take their country back. We have way too many ignorant fools that have been programmed by Chuck, Nancy and educators. They have been taught to be supportive of Mexicans taking their country from them...in fact, they have been taught to pay Mexicans to take their country from them.
Fuck that and fuck these filthy wetbacks...get angry, stay angry and make a fucking difference....ITS TIME!
Every time I see this kind of stupid shit happening I become less sympathetic toward the 'dreamers'. Do we really want to assure ourselves of ever more of these problems, protests, riots, whining.

They should be thrilled to have others paying their way through school. Especially when so many of them are obviously not ready for college (or probably high school). Lamebrains. They appreciate nothing about this country.
And you are not alone. If you would have told me 5 years ago I would feel this way, I would say you are crazy. They are fucking themselves with this bullshit.

I told the wife back in the eighties what was coming and she said I was overreacting.
Of course she now admits I had it right all along.
I hope this gets a lot of press!

This was about a year and a half ago.
Yep...and no press.

And you can imagine the shit storm if it were a chain of white students blocking minorities.
And that is the problem. If whites began to fight back, they are shown kkk sheets and accused of being racist. So..they back off. Well guess what? The backing off is close to coming to an end. Very close. Then fucking watch out.
I hope this gets a lot of press!

It might have, 4 years ago when it happened, this link about the NY school is two years old.

Don't feed the race baiters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Does it matter if it was 2 years ago? The problem is still ongoing and only getting much much worse.
I hope this gets a lot of press!

It might have, 4 years ago when it happened, this link about the NY school is two years old.

Don't feed the race baiters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Does it matter if it was 2 years ago? The problem is still ongoing and only getting much much worse.

That would make it a current event instead of history, wouldn't it? Dragging crap form 2-4 years ago does nothing to advance or resolve what's happening today.

Every time I see this kind of stupid shit happening I become less sympathetic toward the 'dreamers'. Do we really want to assure ourselves of ever more of these problems, protests, riots, whining.

They should be thrilled to have others paying their way through school. Especially when so many of them are obviously not ready for college (or probably high school). Lamebrains. They appreciate nothing about this country.
And you are not alone. If you would have told me 5 years ago I would feel this way, I would say you are crazy. They are fucking themselves with this bullshit.
I used to be extremely supportive of blacks and their concerns.

No more.

BLM imbeciles, the never-ending riots, high crime, non-stop whining, obnoxious behavior like that exhibited at the Bernie event, and many more negative behaviors have changed my mind completely. Now I just think blacks are a royal pain in the ass. Hell, we even have Affirmative Action Oscars. How fucking pathetic is that. They should at least call them the "Leroy". Lol...
Last edited:
Every time I see this kind of stupid shit happening I become less sympathetic toward the 'dreamers'. Do we really want to assure ourselves of ever more of these problems, protests, riots, whining.

They should be thrilled to have others paying their way through school. Especially when so many of them are obviously not ready for college (or probably high school). Lamebrains. They appreciate nothing about this country.
And you are not alone. If you would have told me 5 years ago I would feel this way, I would say you are crazy. They are fucking themselves with this bullshit.


The democrats are at the best when we're fighting for the American people, the worker and things that help the American people. It insanity to watch my party fight for non-Americans so hard, while doing next to nothing when it comes to protect the worker and the poor. It is disgusting.
I agree completely.

I left the Dem party decades ago because of their weak-assed stance on immigration. I want our pols to put America first. Period.

The more immigration we have, legal and illegal, the more problems we seem to have. In our area we're, unfortunately, seeing a lot of African and Haitian immigrants. Why...? What the fuck are our politicians thinking? How are these folks going to help us. Do Americans need or want these people to be imported? And do we really want more BLM supporters and members? Fuck no.

Let's help our own poor and struggling people. How about helping the folks in Appalachia for a fucking change?
Every time I see this kind of stupid shit happening I become less sympathetic toward the 'dreamers'. Do we really want to assure ourselves of ever more of these problems, protests, riots, whining.

They should be thrilled to have others paying their way through school. Especially when so many of them are obviously not ready for college (or probably high school). Lamebrains. They appreciate nothing about this country.
And you are not alone. If you would have told me 5 years ago I would feel this way, I would say you are crazy. They are fucking themselves with this bullshit.


The democrats are at the best when we're fighting for the American people, the worker and things that help the American people. It insanity to watch my party fight for non-Americans so hard, while doing next to nothing when it comes to protect the worker and the poor. It is disgusting.
I agree completely.

I left the Dem party decades ago because of their weak-assed stance on immigration. I want our pols to put America first. Period.

The more immigration we have, legal and illegal, the more problems we seem to have. In our area we're, unfortunately, seeing a lot of African and Haitian immigrants. Why...? What the fuck are our politicians thinking? How are these folks going to help us. Do Americans need or want these people to be imported? And do we really want more BLM supporters and members? Fuck no.

Let's help our own poor and struggling people. How about helping the folks in Appalachia for a fucking change?

The wife and I's first house was in a lower middle class predominantly white neighborhood.
After around thirteen years that began to change as mexicans moved in,the crime rate sky rocked and home values went stagnant.
Thank God we got out when we did,I wouldnt live there now for any reason.
I'm sorry, but I have have to laugh at people who utter any form of "woe be we" rhetoric about the "plight" of white folks in the U.S. I mean really, do you have any idea of the racial composition of any of the organizations wherein congregate the people who make and influence all the major policy decisions -- public and private -- that happen in the U.S?
  • Corporation boards of directors and ranks of senior executive leadership/management, including but not limited to:
    • Media and telecommunications
    • Technology
    • Transportation
    • Aerospace and defense
    • Public utilties
  • Boards of key NGO associations and organizations like the Bar, the AMA, AARP, various labor unions, the Red Cross, the Chamber of Commerce, several unions, the NRA, etc., etc., etc.
  • Top public and private colleges and universities -- student bodies and administrations
  • Top positions in local, state and federal government, including the U.S. military and USIC
  • Prestigious (not merely pricey) golf, country and social clubs
  • List of the richest people in the U.S.
  • Membership and leadership of think tanks including:
    • Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs
    • Heritage Foundation
    • Brookings Institution
    • Council on Foreign Relations
    • Cato Institute
    • Kaiser Family Foundation
The list can easily go on and on....Yet the OP-er would have have us believe that a group of, what, 50 students blocking one entryway at one university is illustrative of white's hold on control of what goes on in the U.S. is in material jeopardy!

Well, I'm sorry, but against the reality of the positions of great influence held by white folks what those children are doing is but a novel diversion worthy of nothing more than a mere chuckle over their naivete. Sorry, but for all it accomplished or ever could, that protest is all hat and no cattle, much as is every other student protest against what they construe as white folks' dominance in the conception and implementation of everything that matters in the U.S. Anyone who doesn't realize that quite simply isn't paying attention.
NONE of that is relevant in any way. NONE of those organizations have EVER done anything to help white people, and most of them have done a ton to destroy us.

What they did at UC Berkeley is far more harmful than people posting “hateful” comments in a Cheerios commercial YouTube comment section, or even what happened initially at Charlottesville, but yet it was the Cheerios story that got the media’s attention and Unite the Right was demonized as a KKK rally that wanted to kill all non-whites before anyone knew who the hell Heather Heyer was, because it fits THEIR(the institutions that we supposedly control) narrative.

If there were really so much “white privilege” and “dominance” there wouldn’t be a MASSIVE institutionalized effort to get rid of it.

If white privilege were really thing then anti-white racism stories would dominate the news cycle day after day and even the most heinous white caused hate crimes would be actively covered up.

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