White-supremacist groups: We will revolt if Trump disappoints us

When you preach & campaign on hate you'll draw a hateful crowd. They came crawling out of the woodwork for Comrade Trump.

So fucking sick of these brainwashed, propaganda-victim, idiot liberals. What exactly did he say that was racist?

And why is putin all of a sudden such a bad guy because Trump is friendly with him - but when conservatives were screaming that putin is slaughtering hundreds of thousands in syria - the same people liberals love, namely muslims - the left hardly uttered a peep? How many mass protests did we see when putin's mass bombing campaign was going on in syria? Were even one of you fucking hypocrite/fraud liberals standing in front of the russian embassy to complain putin was murdering huge numbers of people? The left in the US is utterly full of fucking shit.


This is one, and it fact it was so bad that the largest Latino cable network in this country cut him off, (Univision).
Univision cuts ties with Donald Trump, Miss USA pageant over Mexican remarks

Then he insulted Judge Curiel, who was born in Indiana stating he wouldn't get a fair trial over the Fraud & Racketeering charges he was facing over Trump University because he was of Mexican Heritage.
Trump Says Judge’s Mexican Heritage Presents ‘Absolute Conflict’

Even Paul Ryan said Trump made a racist comments.

Your ears were probably filled with masonry from trying to get that wall built.

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