Whites riot over pumpkins in NH and Twitter turns it into epic lesson about Ferguson


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2010

White riot over a Pumpkin....something.

lice were forced to descend on Keene, New Hampshire Saturday night after students and outside agitators turned the city’s 24th annual Pumpkin Festival into “a destination for destructive and raucous behavior.”

Those words — spoken by Keene State College President Anne Huot to CNN — only begin to describe the scene, which led to dozens of arrests and hospitalizations.

One rioter, Steven French, told the Keene Sentinel that he traveled from Haverhill, Massachusetts to attend the festival because he knew it would be “f*cking wicked.” :rock:

“It’s just like a rush. You’re revolting from the cops,” he continued. “It’s a blast to do things that you’re not supposed to do.”

The police viewed the behavior of French and his cohorts less favorably, barricading streets and firing tear gas into crowds in an effort to disperse them.

Meanwhile, on Twitter, users marveled at how different the police response to these unruly young adults was to another recent event:

People on Twitter started to wonder:

Black Girl in Maine @blackgirlinmain

"Why are they tearing up their own community?" #keenepumpkinfest

12:13 AM - 19 Oct 2014

Sara Benincasa @SaraJBenincasa

White people in New Hampshire really need to do some self-reflection and regulate their animal impulses in the wake of #keenepumpkinfest.
Ray WertVerified account‏@raywert

Look at these thug gang-bangers in Keene, NH. #pumpkinfest

Brian Fleurantin @BrFleurantin
Where are the leaders in the white community? They need to speak out #pumpkinfest

Imraan Siddiqi @imraansiddiqi

The pumpkin-consuming community needs to be loud and clear with their condemnation of this behavior. Trust me, I'm an expert.

Kevin Gosztola @kgosztola

How many of the defiant white youth causing mayhem & destruction come from fatherless families? #PumpkinRiot

AiJusWanaWrite @SorahyaM

#AreThoseGangSigns? “@johnvmoore: The the Great #PumpkinRiot of 2014 is a real thing. #fb pic.twitter.com/5ZuIT0Wk3u

12:55 AM - 19 Oct 2014

Jessica Nicolaides @J_Nicolaides

I think if nothing else, this will start a much needed dialogue on pumpkin relations in America. #pumpkinfest

1:16 AM - 19 Oct 2014

So, why should I or anyone for that matter give a shit about this?

Seriously, who cares? Doe s the OP lie awake at night obsessing over this kinda shit?
nobody cares if whites riot......once in a blue moon. Young whites have always engaged in stoopid levels of stoopidity when drunk. Its over after a few hours......athough I would LOVE to smack that guy French upside of the head a couple of dozen times!!!:slap::slap::slap:

But when blacks start rioting, the folks head immediately for their gun cabinets.
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So this was really nothing more than like when college kids rioting when they win a big football game.
nobody cares if whites riot......once in a blue moon. Young whites have always engaged in stoopid levels of stoopidity when drunk. Its over after a few hours......athough I would LOVE to smack that guy French upside of the head a couple of dozen times!!!:meow:

But when blacks start rioting, the folks head immediately for their gun cabinets.

They always riot over really important stuff...Like pumpkins and sports games. Dont worry tho, they arent "out of control rioters" when they are white they're considered "a few unruly (or overzealous) fans"
Ohhh gawd you noobs try so hard. Unless I'm missing something this "riot" would be Governments favorite version of "riot" to deal with. Police show up to tell people to stop damaging pumpkins and not party too hard.

I think the OP cares about race a little more than is healthy.

Your sig makes me thing you're trying to say

Riot Too!

Could you imagine the pure hate comming from the ignorant left if people started threads claiming :"blacks riot ________."

BTW, I like the picture of the Asian guy on to of the car smiling. You should start another thread called "Asians Riot too!"

CC, you're the definition of racist, you care about skin color first, second and last... Shit, you voted for President based on skin color.
I was involved (sort of) in a race riot once. I just happened to be drunk and with a bunch of rich rednecks who responded to a call from other rich rednecks that a fight was going to go down somewhere. It turned out to be a white on black thing that the white kids very much instigated. By participation consisted of defending myself when someone decided me standing there made me a likely easy target. They were wrong. Always felt bad about it, but you have to defend yourself.
BTW, I like the picture of the Asian guy on to of the car smiling. You should start another thread called "Asians Riot too!"

Yeah, but he was just behind the wheel of that car. :eusa_shifty:

What's with you people and race based sigs? It's an honest question, like I do wonder what the answer is.

My sig comes from the most recent Republican advertisement. Funny that you think its wrong for me to post it but totally fine for Republicans to do so.

How racist of me :doubt:
BTW, I like the picture of the Asian guy on to of the car smiling. You should start another thread called "Asians Riot too!"

Yeah, but he was just behind the wheel of that car. :eusa_shifty:

What's with you people and race based sigs? It's an honest question, like I do wonder what the answer is.

You people? What do you mean "you people"? :mad:

"You people" as in You people that have sigs with race baiting content... Like I clearly stated. What else could I possibly mean by "What's with you people and race based sigs?" Seems incredibly clear and to the point to me. In fact it seems like to not understand the question one would have to lack the ability to read a simply sentence and understand it.'

So... Any answer to the question or do you need me to define "you people" in context of people that post race baiting *racist* pictures, videos and comments in their sig further? Not sure if I can dumb it down any further but I might be able to break it down in baby speak if you like. And by baby speak I mean how parents talk to their 3 year old.

White riot over a Pumpkin....something.

lice were forced to descend on Keene, New Hampshire Saturday night after students and outside agitators turned the city’s 24th annual Pumpkin Festival into “a destination for destructive and raucous behavior.”

Those words — spoken by Keene State College President Anne Huot to CNN — only begin to describe the scene, which led to dozens of arrests and hospitalizations.

One rioter, Steven French, told the Keene Sentinel that he traveled from Haverhill, Massachusetts to attend the festival because he knew it would be “f*cking wicked.” :rock:

“It’s just like a rush. You’re revolting from the cops,” he continued. “It’s a blast to do things that you’re not supposed to do.”

The police viewed the behavior of French and his cohorts less favorably, barricading streets and firing tear gas into crowds in an effort to disperse them.

Meanwhile, on Twitter, users marveled at how different the police response to these unruly young adults was to another recent event:

People on Twitter started to wonder:

Black Girl in Maine @blackgirlinmain

"Why are they tearing up their own community?" #keenepumpkinfest

12:13 AM - 19 Oct 2014

Sara Benincasa @SaraJBenincasa

White people in New Hampshire really need to do some self-reflection and regulate their animal impulses in the wake of #keenepumpkinfest.
Ray WertVerified account‏@raywert

Look at these thug gang-bangers in Keene, NH. #pumpkinfest

Brian Fleurantin @BrFleurantin
Where are the leaders in the white community? They need to speak out #pumpkinfest

Imraan Siddiqi @imraansiddiqi

The pumpkin-consuming community needs to be loud and clear with their condemnation of this behavior. Trust me, I'm an expert.

Kevin Gosztola @kgosztola

How many of the defiant white youth causing mayhem & destruction come from fatherless families? #PumpkinRiot

AiJusWanaWrite @SorahyaM

#AreThoseGangSigns? “@johnvmoore: The the Great #PumpkinRiot of 2014 is a real thing. #fb pic.twitter.com/5ZuIT0Wk3u

12:55 AM - 19 Oct 2014

Jessica Nicolaides @J_Nicolaides

I think if nothing else, this will start a much needed dialogue on pumpkin relations in America. #pumpkinfest

1:16 AM - 19 Oct 2014

That is what happens when the police condone the behavior of white self entitled feral goons
BTW, I like the picture of the Asian guy on to of the car smiling. You should start another thread called "Asians Riot too!"

Yeah, but he was just behind the wheel of that car. :eusa_shifty:

What's with you people and race based sigs? It's an honest question, like I do wonder what the answer is.

My sig comes from the most recent Republican advertisement. Funny that you think its wrong for me to post it but totally fine for Republicans to do so.

How racist of me :doubt:

Link to where I said it was fine for Republicans to post it. Here comes the big avoidance we're used to from you.

And yes, Republicans are purely moronic for using it if that is the case... Just as you are for posting it here. Mainly because knowing your political affiliation it seems partisan considering Hillary talks with a "black swagger" when in front of blacks... Yet, "That dun seem to bother you none."


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