Who and what is the Beast in Perdition?

The keeper of lost souls....you do not want to meet him...
Do you mean the man of perdition? The lawless one?
The Beast...perdition in Christianity is purgatory or hell...the Beast is said to be a four legged leopard/man...with a mouth like a Lion and the size of the largest Bear...or something like that....
You are confusing three different things in scripture.
That Man of Sin, the son of perdition. His story is found in 2 Thessalonians 2.
The beast overcomes the two witnesses in Revelation 11.
Those things that have the aspect of a horse,the head of a man, teeth like a lion and a sting in their tale are what our Maker uses to scourge the world after the saved are taken up.(the rapture)
The man of perdition, the Beast, the Man of Lawlessness, the Destroyer, The Rider on the Pale Horse, Apollyon, Abaddon, are all the descriptions and names for the Anti Christ... and yes, he is a man, with flesh, but possessed by evil or the Devil, Satan, Lucifer...

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