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Who are the "sons of God" in Genesis 6?

The point is that, after all, parable is the only applicable term to the entire Bible. Matt.13:34 testifies to this in describing how Jesus taught.

No, that is simply false. The bible contains numerous different types of writing, that is not even debated among people who study the bible.

Yes, Jesus spoke to people in parables at that time, but He did that for a reason. But that's not the topic of this thread.

As I said in the original post, this thread was for believing Christians. But I'm beginning to realize that it's pointless to try to post threads for Christians here, because almost every time it turns into a thread where atheists or others steer it in the direction they want it to go. Since that's what usually happens, I probably won't post any more threads here.

Don't stop doing it, buttercup. Keep posting.

Thanks.... is it because I post controversial stuff? Haha. I'd actually like to get away from debating. I've been posting on discussion forums for a lot of years, since the late 90's. And although it can be fun, and at times it might be worthwhile, it can also be a time sucker, and there's a lot of negative energy, you know? Thankfully there are also good people who are more positive and calm.

OK, Buttercup. Let me tell you what happened. So, hundreds of thousands of years ago man existed on this earth. He wasn't too bright. He was a knuckle dragger, seriously. He could not walk upright for long periods of time. Now, at the same time that man was here on Earth hundreds of thousands of years ago there was another race here. If you are deep in the UFO movement, those people are called the Nordics. With males standing between seven and nine feet tall, and the smallest females still at six and a half feet, the Nordics are tall, your giants. Light skinned, blue eyes, blond or red hair, and here is the real kicker. They have six fingers and six toes on each hand. How that ties to Grenada can be subject to another discussion. But got to warn you, that will pull you deep into the rabbit hole.

So, here is the thing. The Nordic were like the galaxies doctors. They study life, and for hundreds, maybe thousands of years, they had remained a bystander with the human race. They merely studied, maybe did a little probing back in the day, but not anymore. Since they spent all that time studying, well they were not much for warriors. Another alien subjugated them, the Annuaki, pretty sure that is how to spell it, but really, you can spell it however you want.

Now, you ever hear of David Icke, ah, google him. Anyways, the Annuaki were a cold=blooded, reptilian species. They defeated the Nordics in a war and in so doing, discovered the worm-hole that permitted travel to the Earth. Now the Nordic's might have been all about studying, and learning, and yeah, pharmaceutical benefits from the diverse plant life. Well the Annuaki were all about exploiting, the mineral wealth. That, in order to fuel their war machine. And the way they saw it, these human animals could be utilized to help support the exploitation of the Earth. Yeah, yeah, I know--all kinds of interpretations into modern times.

Well, how did that turn out? Not so good. Damn humans dumber than a box of rocks. No stamina, pretty much quit working due to boredom more than anything, and not even intelligent enough to respond to discipline. It was a fiasco. So, the Annuaki went to the Nordics, told them to manipulate the genetics of the humans, incorporate some of their intelligent Annuaki genes into the the mix.

Well, I will pick it up some more, but promise, it directly reflects the answer to your initial question. But here is the thing, you can't even genetic engineer between hot-blooded and cold blooded species. Oh man, is it a disaster. An abomination really. You picking this up? But figure I hit the length. Let me know if I should continue, catch up back at you within a few days.
There's a cryptic scripture in Genesis 6 that has been a source of controversy and debate, for centuries. I'm talking about Genesis 6:4, which says "...the sons of God came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them."

Today, Christians are divided on how to interpret Genesis 6:4. But among early Christians and Jewish scholars, up until about the 4th century, the standard interpretation was that "the sons of God" in Genesis 6:4 referred to angels. Those angels fell from grace, of course, so they are referred to as fallen angels.

The offspring of the "sons of God" and the "daughters of men" were the Nephilim, who were said to be giants.

As I'm sure the Christians here know, the other interpretation is the "Sethite" view, which is taught in most seminaries today. That's the view that the term "sons of God" was referring to the line of Seth.

If you're a believer, what is your take on Genesis 6:4?

I've studied this topic, and based on what I've learned, the Sethite view doesn't add up. For a number of reasons. So, although I'm not closed-minded on this, I agree with the Angelic view. I'll elaborate later, if this thread gets any response. (Right now I have to get going.)

Here's a very good video on this topic. If you have the time and you're interested in this topic, I highly recommend you watch it:

The ones in Genesis 6 are referring to the spiritual leaders. Once Enoch was taken, his followers had fallen away once the bridegroom was taken from them.
David always mentioned in his songs of How the mighty has fallen. That he was referring to them and all the way down to Samson and Saul.
Son of God means spirit, which that is the way they have had called ghostly apparitions. But the son of man means human.
The apparition that spoken to George Washington called George, the son of the republic, which means he was of the group called the republic.

In this verse of Daniel, they have saw a ghostly apparition in the fire, that they have called it the son of gods.
And so son means something that is related to or branched from a source.

Daniel 3:25
He said, “Look! I see four men walking around in the fire, unbound and unharmed, and the fourth looks like a son of the gods.”

As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we believe that angels are men and that "angel" simply means messenger. We do not believe that angels are a separate species than mankind. There are several examples in the bible of angels being men. According to our doctrine, angels that minister to this earth belong to it. In other words, those who minister to this earth either will come to this earth as mankind, are currently on the earth as mankind, or have in the past existed on this earth as mankind.

Doctrine and Covenants 130:4-5
4 In answer to the question—Is not the reckoning of God’s time, angel’s time, prophet’s time, and man’s time, according to the planet on which they reside?
5 I answer, Yes. But there are no angels who minister to this earth but those who do belong or have belonged to it.

Since we believe that angels are men and that all angels who minister to this earth belong to it, then angels who do not have a body cannot bear children. As spirits, we do not believe that unembodied spirits have the capacity to have children. Since Jesus was the first to resurrect, nobody before the days of Christ who minister to this earth could have come to this earth and had children with we mortals who currently live on the earth. So we do not believe that angels came down and had intercourse with the daughters of men and had children through them.

We believe that the faithful followers of God were considered to be the "Sons of God". To maintain faithfulness among the children of god, it was believed that intermarrying outside of the faith was dangerous to ones faith. Seeking out the marriage or sexual immorality with those outside the faith had a high chance of introducing false teachings among the children of god as well as destroying the faith of the "Sons of God". So in Genesis 6:4, we believe this is speaking of those who are born among the faithful seeking after the women of the unfaithful or pagan peoples around them. We see this problem throughout the Bible but one of the most prominent was Samson going after Delilah. This is what we believe is meant by the sons of God coming in unto the daughters of men and bearing them children.
There's a cryptic scripture in Genesis 6 that has been a source of controversy and debate, for centuries. I'm talking about Genesis 6:4, which says "...the sons of God came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them."

Today, Christians are divided on how to interpret Genesis 6:4. But among early Christians and Jewish scholars, up until about the 4th century, the standard interpretation was that "the sons of God" in Genesis 6:4 referred to angels. Those angels fell from grace, of course, so they are referred to as fallen angels.

The offspring of the "sons of God" and the "daughters of men" were the Nephilim, who were said to be giants.

As I'm sure the Christians here know, the other interpretation is the "Sethite" view, which is taught in most seminaries today. That's the view that the term "sons of God" was referring to the line of Seth.

If you're a believer, what is your take on Genesis 6:4?

I've studied this topic, and based on what I've learned, the Sethite view doesn't add up. For a number of reasons. So, although I'm not closed-minded on this, I agree with the Angelic view. I'll elaborate later, if this thread gets any response. (Right now I have to get going.)

Here's a very good video on this topic. If you have the time and you're interested in this topic, I highly recommend you watch it:

Ancient aliens. There's the Watchers, too. Maybe it's our translations, but there does seem to be a different race they're talking about at times that does mysterious things.
As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we believe that angels are men and that "angel" simply means messenger. We do not believe that angels are a separate species than mankind. There are several examples in the bible of angels being men. According to our doctrine, angels that minister to this earth belong to it. In other words, those who minister to this earth either will come to this earth as mankind, are currently on the earth as mankind, or have in the past existed on this earth as mankind.

Doctrine and Covenants 130:4-5
4 In answer to the question—Is not the reckoning of God’s time, angel’s time, prophet’s time, and man’s time, according to the planet on which they reside?
5 I answer, Yes. But there are no angels who minister to this earth but those who do belong or have belonged to it.

Since we believe that angels are men and that all angels who minister to this earth belong to it, then angels who do not have a body cannot bear children. As spirits, we do not believe that unembodied spirits have the capacity to have children. Since Jesus was the first to resurrect, nobody before the days of Christ who minister to this earth could have come to this earth and had children with we mortals who currently live on the earth. So we do not believe that angels came down and had intercourse with the daughters of men and had children through them.

We believe that the faithful followers of God were considered to be the "Sons of God". To maintain faithfulness among the children of god, it was believed that intermarrying outside of the faith was dangerous to ones faith. Seeking out the marriage or sexual immorality with those outside the faith had a high chance of introducing false teachings among the children of god as well as destroying the faith of the "Sons of God". So in Genesis 6:4, we believe this is speaking of those who are born among the faithful seeking after the women of the unfaithful or pagan peoples around them. We see this problem throughout the Bible but one of the most prominent was Samson going after Delilah. This is what we believe is meant by the sons of God coming in unto the daughters of men and bearing them children.
The Bible says that we are to mimic the ways that it is done in the heavenly realm. But it says that there only can be one Lord of the house, King of the kingdoms or one Father. That is why God has appointed us to do certain task except playing the role of the Father. It was never meant for us to have an earthly king. But whatever the children of God asked for, that He gives them what they asked for.
But angels don't have any sexual desires, but they only have desires to be with and serve God, and which that it is hard for us to mimic. It is because we crave for earthly things that gives us physical pleasure. but it says at the resurrection, that we will all be circumcised from these fleshly desires.

Matthew 6:10
your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

Deuteronomy 11:18

Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads.

Matthew 22:30
At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.

If we acknowledge the Book of Enoch and the ancient jewish texts on Lilithe and such, it can be assumed that the "Sons of God" came down before the fall (implying a chronological error in Genesis), fell in love with women, were then forbidden and forcibly broken up by the Almighty.

Seeing that Satan was in love with Lilithe and vice versa, I think it may just be the reason Satan and the other "sons of God" declared war on the Almighty, to retain their wives.

Needless to say they lost.

Yeah, I know it's my own theory, but after parsing all the texts, that seems to be the most likely true story about what caused the war in heaven.

The dating of Enoch varies from scholar to scholar. However, it seems most agree the earliest parts of the book were written during the pre-Maccabaean period. This would place it sometime before 164 B.C.E. Dates for the earliest portions have ranged from sometime in the 300's B.C.E. to 200 B.C.E.

The Book of Enoch
There's a cryptic scripture in Genesis 6 that has been a source of controversy and debate, for centuries. I'm talking about Genesis 6:4, which says "...the sons of God came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them."

Today, Christians are divided on how to interpret Genesis 6:4. But among early Christians and Jewish scholars, up until about the 4th century, the standard interpretation was that "the sons of God" in Genesis 6:4 referred to angels. Those angels fell from grace, of course, so they are referred to as fallen angels.

The offspring of the "sons of God" and the "daughters of men" were the Nephilim, who were said to be giants.

As I'm sure the Christians here know, the other interpretation is the "Sethite" view, which is taught in most seminaries today. That's the view that the term "sons of God" was referring to the line of Seth.

If you're a believer, what is your take on Genesis 6:4?

I've studied this topic, and based on what I've learned, the Sethite view doesn't add up. For a number of reasons. So, although I'm not closed-minded on this, I agree with the Angelic view. I'll elaborate later, if this thread gets any response. (Right now I have to get going.)

Here's a very good video on this topic. If you have the time and you're interested in this topic, I highly recommend you watch it:

Ancient aliens. There's the Watchers, too. Maybe it's our translations, but there does seem to be a different race they're talking about at times that does mysterious things.

There are many old legends.. like After the Fall Adam and Eve were separated for 130 years .. Adam cohabited with Lilith ad she gave birth to demons. Ultimately Adam and Eve were reunited and forgiven.
4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

I was 8 the first time I read this passage and thought that giants referred to really really large people. I no longer believe that. Now I see them as Alexanders or Kublai Khans or even David's Mighty men. The Sethite view I do not accept. Scripture tells us of more than one type of angel. If sons of God does refer to angels, it was certainly not the Seraphim.

Please keep posting and ignore the trolls.
4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

I was 8 the first time I read this passage and thought that giants referred to really really large people. I no longer believe that. Now I see them as Alexanders or Kublai Khans or even David's Mighty men. The Sethite view I do not accept. Scripture tells us of more than one type of angel. If sons of God does refer to angels, it was certainly not the Seraphim.

Please keep posting and ignore the trolls.

Lots of ancient legends have Adam and Eve being 90 feet tall. Eve's grave in Jidda is 90 feet long and very narrow.
I truly believe that the Bible shows that there are no FALLEN ANGELS in the Old Testament. Please allow me to explain why, using the Bible.

I believe that the Statement made by Jesus where he said he beheld Satan Falling Like Lightening From heaven - this was a prophecy of a future event. OR a past event where Satan had entered the earth. BUT - I do not believe Satan and his Angels have fallen from heaven in the Bible - or yet have been thrown out of heaven - I mean, not yet..

the Bible clearly shows that the spiritual forces of evil even today and at the time when the New testament was written - they were and are today - located / dwelling / located and residing here on earth and their POWERS also are active today - in The Celestials / heavenlies.

Eph 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in The Celestials / heavenlies

This Greek word in The Celestials / heavenlies
The spiritual wickedness are even today - in - The Celestials / heavenlies

Also located, where the Angels - who are themselves ““ Spirits ““ are also located - today
the principalities, powers, the rulers of the darkness of this world, the powers of spiritual wickedness and the POWERS OF GOOD are CURRENTLY / NOW in - The Celestials / heavenlies \

What does this mean -
spiritual wickedness in The Celestials / heavenlies ? When the New Testament was written, the authors believed that Satan and his Angels were not kicked out of heaven but were on earth and also held power in the Celestials / heavenlies

Eph 1:20 Which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him in his own right in the The Celestials / heavenlies

Eph 2:6
And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in The Celestials / heavenlies in Christ Jesus:

Eph 3:10 To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in The Celestials / heavenlies might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God,

Eph 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in The Celestials / heavenlies in Christ:

Don’’ t you agree - that the powers of spiritual wickedness in The Celestials / heavenlies …… - this is also where The Anointing and Spirit Of God and the Powers of his Angels also are located. Does this seem very clear in God’’ s word. ?

From the very beginning we see in - Rev 1: Verse - 1

That the Book Of Revelation is - The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, TO SHEW unto his servants THINGS WHICH MUST SHORTLY COME TO PASS; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John:
Verse - :3 Blessed he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein:


From the very beginning, in Revelation, we see clearly that the entire Book is dedicated to - SHEWING unto his servants

In fact, my friends, there is not a single event or happening revealed in Revelation that mentions, brings up or reveals a single event from the past.

Every single last event in the Book is solely and entirely { only } about the Present and the Future only.
Also, very important - we notice the Greek word : π* λ* α* ν* ω* ν* - meaning deceived ““

Rev 20:10 And the devil that ““ deceived = π* λ* α* ν* ω* ν* ““ them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.
Again this same Greek word is used in

Rev 12:9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceived = π* λ* α* ν* ω* ν* ““ the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

This is what is very, very important, notice what The Holy Spirit is saying here - it is saying that ““ Satan, which had deceived the whole / entire world - was cast out into the earth, and his ANGELS were cast out with him.

From the very beginning, in Revelation, we see clearly that the entire Book is dedicated to - SHEWING unto his servants

Nothing from the past is revealed, transpiring or ongoing in the Book Of Revelation.

What The Holy Spirit is saying here, in the original manuscripts - it is saying that ““ SATAN, WHICH HAD DECEIVED THE WHOLE / ENTIRE WORLD - WAS CAST OUT INTO THE EARTH, AND HIS ANGELS WERE CAST OUT WITH HIM.
We are not talking about Satan or a Cherub falling out of the heavens or being CAST OUT of heaven because he rebelled against God by misguiding and tricking two confused sinners named Adam and Eve in a little tiny miniature secluded garden. Nor are we find anywhere in the manuscripts that angels were cast out for lusting after women and having relations with them.

Satan and his Angels are CAST OUT _ ONLY _ AFTER THEY HAD - deceived the whole entire world. The manuscripts are very clear.

The passages in Revelation are very chronological, very event- ly laid out step by step, event by event, exactly as God will do.

Chapter - 1. ”” Jesus commands John to Write a book and sent the book to the churches.

Saying - Write in a book what you have seen, WHAT IS NOW and what WILL TAKE PLACE LATER”” - not the past events and past timeline of his creation.

Rev 4:1 - in the manuscripts - continues to clarify and distinguish that this has absolutely nothing to do with the past. Saying Come up hither, and I WILL SHEW THEE THINGS WHICH MUST BE HEREAFTER.

Rev 12:11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.

Rev 12:12 Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.

If we read the book from the beginning, relying upon the original manuscripts the Bible bears these facts out clearly. - Satan and His Angels are thrown out of heaven / FALLEN - only after they HAD succeeded in DECEIVING THE WHOLE / ENTIRE WORLD - then - WAS CAST OUT INTO THE EARTH, AND HIS ANGELS WERE CAST OUT WITH HIM.

Please respond to my post in love and kindness and help me to understand what it is that you would like me to see in your translation. Please pray for me and I will do the same for you.

In love, respect and honesty.

The Trinitarian Translators changed the original manuscript message - altering the message in a number of passages - to insert the modern popular theology that the Giants were the product of fallen Angels mating with humans.

I can show you every single one of these changes - original manuscripts matter.
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There's a cryptic scripture in Genesis 6 that has been a source of controversy and debate, for centuries. I'm talking about Genesis 6:4, which says "...the sons of God came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them."

Today, Christians are divided on how to interpret Genesis 6:4. But among early Christians and Jewish scholars, up until about the 4th century, the standard interpretation was that "the sons of God" in Genesis 6:4 referred to angels. Those angels fell from grace, of course, so they are referred to as fallen angels.

The offspring of the "sons of God" and the "daughters of men" were the Nephilim, who were said to be giants.

As I'm sure the Christians here know, the other interpretation is the "Sethite" view, which is taught in most seminaries today. That's the view that the term "sons of God" was referring to the line of Seth.

If you're a believer, what is your take on Genesis 6:4?

I've studied this topic, and based on what I've learned, the Sethite view doesn't add up. For a number of reasons. So, although I'm not closed-minded on this, I agree with the Angelic view. I'll elaborate later, if this thread gets any response. (Right now I have to get going.)

Here's a very good video on this topic. If you have the time and you're interested in this topic, I highly recommend you watch it:

The ones in Genesis 6 are referring to the spiritual leaders. Once Enoch was taken, his followers had fallen away once the bridegroom was taken from them.
David always mentioned in his songs of How the mighty has fallen. That he was referring to them and all the way down to Samson and Saul.
Son of God means spirit, which that is the way they have had called ghostly apparitions. But the son of man means human.
The apparition that spoken to George Washington called George, the son of the republic, which means he was of the group called the republic.

In this verse of Daniel, they have saw a ghostly apparition in the fire, that they have called it the son of gods.
And so son means something that is related to or branched from a source.

Daniel 3:25
He said, “Look! I see four men walking around in the fire, unbound and unharmed, and the fourth looks like a son of the gods.”

The problem arises when you study when Daniel and Enoch were written.

Genesis 5:24 Enoch walked with God, and then he was no more, because God had taken him away. Enoch walked faithfully with God; then he was no more, because God took him away. walking in close fellowship with God. Then one day he disappeared, because God took him. Enoch walked with God, and he was not, for God took him.

The Book of Enoch Index
The Book of Enoch, written during the second century B.C.E., is one of the most important non-canonical apocryphal works, and probably had a huge influence on early Christian, particularly Gnostic, beliefs. Filled with hallucinatory visions of heaven and hell, angels and devils,
There's a cryptic scripture in Genesis 6 that has been a source of controversy and debate, for centuries. I'm talking about Genesis 6:4, which says "...the sons of God came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them."

Today, Christians are divided on how to interpret Genesis 6:4. But among early Christians and Jewish scholars, up until about the 4th century, the standard interpretation was that "the sons of God" in Genesis 6:4 referred to angels. Those angels fell from grace, of course, so they are referred to as fallen angels.

The offspring of the "sons of God" and the "daughters of men" were the Nephilim, who were said to be giants.

As I'm sure the Christians here know, the other interpretation is the "Sethite" view, which is taught in most seminaries today. That's the view that the term "sons of God" was referring to the line of Seth.

If you're a believer, what is your take on Genesis 6:4?

I've studied this topic, and based on what I've learned, the Sethite view doesn't add up. For a number of reasons. So, although I'm not closed-minded on this, I agree with the Angelic view. I'll elaborate later, if this thread gets any response. (Right now I have to get going.)

Here's a very good video on this topic. If you have the time and you're interested in this topic, I highly recommend you watch it:

The ones in Genesis 6 are referring to the spiritual leaders. Once Enoch was taken, his followers had fallen away once the bridegroom was taken from them.
David always mentioned in his songs of How the mighty has fallen. That he was referring to them and all the way down to Samson and Saul.
Son of God means spirit, which that is the way they have had called ghostly apparitions. But the son of man means human.
The apparition that spoken to George Washington called George, the son of the republic, which means he was of the group called the republic.

In this verse of Daniel, they have saw a ghostly apparition in the fire, that they have called it the son of gods.
And so son means something that is related to or branched from a source.

Daniel 3:25
He said, “Look! I see four men walking around in the fire, unbound and unharmed, and the fourth looks like a son of the gods.”

The problem arises when you study when Daniel and Enoch were written.

Genesis 5:24 Enoch walked with God, and then he was no more, because God had taken him away. Enoch walked faithfully with God; then he was no more, because God took him away. walking in close fellowship with God. Then one day he disappeared, because God took him. Enoch walked with God, and he was not, for God took him.

The Book of Enoch Index
The Book of Enoch, written during the second century B.C.E., is one of the most important non-canonical apocryphal works, and probably had a huge influence on early Christian, particularly Gnostic, beliefs. Filled with hallucinatory visions of heaven and hell, angels and devils,

Jesus told them that the kingdom of God is among us. But we are disconnected from this spiritual realm.
Jesus told the blind man to wash his eyes. He saw people as trees. And then he washed his eyes again. Then he saw things as everyone else had perceived things.
In the spiritual realm, everything are perceived by our spiritual nature. But our spiritual images changes with our attitude. Like the ancient people changes their names. Naomi changed her name and Pharaoh changed Joseph name. Even Jacob and Sarai name were changed. That the name was like a title of their personality or position. That it can fluctuates at anytime. That is why they have given God several names. That it was describing what kind of God He was to them.

2 Kings 2:11
As they were walking along and talking together, suddenly a chariot of fire and horses of fire appeared and separated the two of them, and Elijah went up to heaven in a whirlwind.

2 Kings 6:17
And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.

John 6:62
Then what if you see the Son of Man ascend to where he was before!

John 3:13

No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven—the Son of Man.
There's a cryptic scripture in Genesis 6 that has been a source of controversy and debate, for centuries. I'm talking about Genesis 6:4, which says "...the sons of God came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them."

Today, Christians are divided on how to interpret Genesis 6:4. But among early Christians and Jewish scholars, up until about the 4th century, the standard interpretation was that "the sons of God" in Genesis 6:4 referred to angels. Those angels fell from grace, of course, so they are referred to as fallen angels.

The offspring of the "sons of God" and the "daughters of men" were the Nephilim, who were said to be giants.

As I'm sure the Christians here know, the other interpretation is the "Sethite" view, which is taught in most seminaries today. That's the view that the term "sons of God" was referring to the line of Seth.

If you're a believer, what is your take on Genesis 6:4?

I've studied this topic, and based on what I've learned, the Sethite view doesn't add up. For a number of reasons. So, although I'm not closed-minded on this, I agree with the Angelic view. I'll elaborate later, if this thread gets any response. (Right now I have to get going.)

Here's a very good video on this topic. If you have the time and you're interested in this topic, I highly recommend you watch it:

The ones in Genesis 6 are referring to the spiritual leaders. Once Enoch was taken, his followers had fallen away once the bridegroom was taken from them.
David always mentioned in his songs of How the mighty has fallen. That he was referring to them and all the way down to Samson and Saul.
Son of God means spirit, which that is the way they have had called ghostly apparitions. But the son of man means human.
The apparition that spoken to George Washington called George, the son of the republic, which means he was of the group called the republic.

In this verse of Daniel, they have saw a ghostly apparition in the fire, that they have called it the son of gods.
And so son means something that is related to or branched from a source.

Daniel 3:25
He said, “Look! I see four men walking around in the fire, unbound and unharmed, and the fourth looks like a son of the gods.”

The problem arises when you study when Daniel and Enoch were written.

Genesis 5:24 Enoch walked with God, and then he was no more, because God had taken him away. Enoch walked faithfully with God; then he was no more, because God took him away. walking in close fellowship with God. Then one day he disappeared, because God took him. Enoch walked with God, and he was not, for God took him.

The Book of Enoch Index
The Book of Enoch, written during the second century B.C.E., is one of the most important non-canonical apocryphal works, and probably had a huge influence on early Christian, particularly Gnostic, beliefs. Filled with hallucinatory visions of heaven and hell, angels and devils,

Jesus told them that the kingdom of God is among us. But we are disconnected from this spiritual realm.
Jesus told the blind man to wash his eyes. He saw people as trees. And then he washed his eyes again. Then he saw things as everyone else had perceived things.
In the spiritual realm, everything are perceived by our spiritual nature. But our spiritual images changes with our attitude. Like the ancient people changes their names. Naomi changed her name and Pharaoh changed Joseph name. Even Jacob and Sarai name were changed. That the name was like a title of their personality or position. That it can fluctuates at anytime. That is why they have given God several names. That it was describing what kind of God He was to them.

2 Kings 2:11
As they were walking along and talking together, suddenly a chariot of fire and horses of fire appeared and separated the two of them, and Elijah went up to heaven in a whirlwind.

2 Kings 6:17
And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.

John 6:62
Then what if you see the Son of Man ascend to where he was before!

John 3:13

No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven—the Son of Man.

My point is that the book of Daniel and the book of Enoch were written after 200 BC.
For someone believing that the book of Daniel was not truly authored by Daniel

their premise is based upon facts - they doubt that Daniel was written by Daniel, 2600 years ago.........

1.... the fact that they do not have faith that the Bible was inspired by the Holy Spirit and
2...... the fact that there are no original manuscripts of Daniel that exist.

This is really a matter of faith - does an individual believe in prophecy and foretelling the future.

Because of the FACT that there are no manuscripts of Daniel that date back 200 years before Yahashua

this has caused great doubt in the credibility of the authenticity that Daniel was written by Daniel.

So this is a matter of faith and FAITH is all that there is for the vindication of Daniel and many other books of the Old Testament.

With the Italian / Canaanite Roman Government destroying every Hebrew manuscript they could find and also destroying the Hebrew Temple, there are many, many things about the Old Testament and the Hebrew people themselves that simply cannot be vindicated.

The Italian / Canaanites destroyed everything they could possibly destroy about the Hebrew race.
Then their relatives " the Muslims came along 700 years later and also did the same.

AND - Then we have the Roman Catholic and Protestant Trinitarians who banned the translation of the entire bible for nearly 2000 years after Yahashua. The Trinitarians have made war and a violent mob aggression against the Jews, their history, culture and their right to exist as a nation and a people.

Trinitarians have completely severed and cut off anything that exposes their corrupted and perverted translations of the Old and New Testament.

So in reality any faith, any hope, any belief in the BIbles genuineness , legitimacy, authenticity and credibility is truly a matter of faith in believing that God inspired the Old Testament authors to write the Old Testament.

Most all manuscripts and Hebrew artifacts and evidential material have been completely destroyed by Italian Canaanites - then the Trinitarians and then Muslims - as the Trinitarians banned, outlawed and prohibited all translations of any of the Bible into a modern language until nearly 2000 years after Yahashua.

The Roman Catholic, Adolf Hitler tried his best to put the nail in the coffin - to completely eradicate, extinguish and eliminate all evidence that God loves the Jews and has promised to gather the jews back to their homeland. The Catholics and Protestants in Italy and Germany worked with Hitler in every intimate way to make this a reality.

The Muslims and Trinitarians have attempted - Every possible method that exists - to cast the Old Testament into the most brutal, harsh, and barbaric savage and cruel depiction that they possibly were able.
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