Who Benefits From All The Obama Spending Sprees?

Jul 14, 2011
To borrow from Democrats' well-worn demagoguery handbook, why is President Obama holding the entire American economy hostage to his own intransigent, ideological opposition to a balanced budget amendment?:cuckoo:
I would say GE has benefited most. They even have their CEO Jeffrey Immelt in there as this President's "Jobs Czar." And how much Taxes does GE pay? And how many sweet deals have been lined up for them by this White House? Corruption & Cronyism at its worst. But we have a corrupt Liberal/Democrat-Biased MSM as well. So very few understand what's really going on this White House. It's a real tragedy.
I would say GE has benefited most. They even have their CEO Jeffrey Immelt in there as this President's "Jobs Czar." And how much Taxes does GE pay? And how many sweet deals have been lined up for them by this White House? Corruption & Cronyism at its worst. But we have a corrupt Liberal/Democrat-Biased MSM as well. So very few understand what's really going on this White House. It's a real tragedy.

GE is sitting on 82Billion dollars in profits and pays ZERO tax..
I would say GE has benefited most. They even have their CEO Jeffrey Immelt in there as this President's "Jobs Czar." And how much Taxes does GE pay? And how many sweet deals have been lined up for them by this White House? Corruption & Cronyism at its worst. But we have a corrupt Liberal/Democrat-Biased MSM as well. So very few understand what's really going on this White House. It's a real tragedy.

GE is sitting on 82Billion dollars in profits and pays ZERO tax..

Yes GE has done very well with this President. Most people have no idea the amount of sweet deals that have been lined up for them by this White House. Their future deals will be worth several $Billions. If there was a Republican in there right now,our dumbed-down biased MSM would be freaking out over this stuff 24/7. But hey,it's their Hopey Changey One. So all is well i guess. What a country. :(
Weird - who else but the big biz corps are doing well over the past couple of years? The very people Obama rails against, makes you scratch your uh, head, and say WTF?
Weird - who else but the big biz corps are doing well over the past couple of years? The very people Obama rails against, makes you scratch your uh, head, and say WTF?

You watch a guy like Obama campaign against corrupt BushCo policies, promising for change and a new transparent Government; He then gets elected and not only emulates many of those policies but further expands upon them.

At this point if becomes quite apparent that the people behind the scenes that we never elect, that we don't even know their names are the puppet masters running the country.

Meet the new Boss- same as the old Boss
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Weird - who else but the big biz corps are doing well over the past couple of years? The very people Obama rails against, makes you scratch your uh, head, and say WTF?

You watch a guy like Obama campaign against corrupt BushCo policies, promising for change and a new transparent Government; He then gets elected and not only emulates many of those policies but further expands upon them.

At this point if becomes quite apparent that the people behind the scenes that we never elect, that we don't even know their names are the puppet masters running the country.

Meet the new Boss- same as the old Boss

My favourite song from my favourite band!
Weird - who else but the big biz corps are doing well over the past couple of years? The very people Obama rails against, makes you scratch your uh, head, and say WTF?

You watch a guy like Obama campaign against corrupt BushCo policies, promising for change and a new transparent Government; He then gets elected and not only emulates many of those policies but further expands upon them.

At this point if becomes quite apparent that the people behind the scenes that we never elect, that we don't even know their names are the puppet masters running the country.

Meet the new Boss- same as the old Boss

Obama needs to raise a BILLION dollars for his campaign. It will be funsies watching him try to swivel between his base and Wall Street, for contributions. "You can't fool all the people all the time?" :lol: Now he has a track record.
Weird - who else but the big biz corps are doing well over the past couple of years? The very people Obama rails against, makes you scratch your uh, head, and say WTF?
You guys suck, and are causing all our problems! And keep sending in those donations!

Weird - who else but the big biz corps are doing well over the past couple of years? The very people Obama rails against, makes you scratch your uh, head, and say WTF?

You watch a guy like Obama campaign against corrupt BushCo policies, promising for change and a new transparent Government; He then gets elected and not only emulates many of those policies but further expands upon them.

At this point if becomes quite apparent that the people behind the scenes that we never elect, that we don't even know their names are the puppet masters running the country.

Meet the new Boss- same as the old Boss

Obama needs to raise a BILLION dollars for his campaign. It will be funsies watching him try to swivel between his base and Wall Street, for contributions. "You can't fool all the people all the time?" :lol: Now he has a track record.
Rdean has summarized the leftist apologia for the dichotomy:

Actually, no.

You need to do a little more research than simply print numbers. That is, if you want the whole story.

Say you work at a company that has ten thousand employees. The employees hold fund raisers and bake sales and give private donations and then bundle the money together and contribute to their candidate's campaign listing the source as the company they work at. But the money doesn't come from the company itself, but from the employees.

Now say the company CEO and BOD give a large sum of money ALSO in the name of the company. But that comes from just a couple of people.

So it appears the company contributed to two campaigns, and they did. But from two very different groups of people. Personally, I relate to the employees. The Republican leadership relates to the CEO.

Unless it doesn't matter to you. Money is money no matter where it came from. That's how many Republicans see it. In that very "simple" way.
Got that? Corporate donations to Republicans come from the CEOs. Corporate donations to Democrats come from employee bake sales.


There is no lie so outrageous, so implausible, so stupid that leftists can't make themselves believe to excuse their double standards.
Weird - who else but the big biz corps are doing well over the past couple of years? The very people Obama rails against, makes you scratch your uh, head, and say WTF?
You guys suck, and are causing all our problems! And keep sending in those donations!


Actually, he just tells them the truth... "Guys, it's politics. I gotta play the game in public so we can continue screwing the American people."
Weird - who else but the big biz corps are doing well over the past couple of years? The very people Obama rails against, makes you scratch your uh, head, and say WTF?
You guys suck, and are causing all our problems! And keep sending in those donations!


Actually, he just tells them the truth... "Guys, it's politics. I gotta play the game in public so we can continue screwing the American people."
But the class-warfare base is eating it up. Idiots.
GE just announced their massive profits are up. But they're still not paying any Taxes. And the Economy still sucks. Maybe it's time for the Hopey Changey One to fire his "Jobs Czar" GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt? Just a suggestion anyway.
Government employees have benefited the most from Obama's spending!

We also have a welfare spending problem.

WSJ: The Road to a Downgrade
Medicare and Medicaid were launched in 1965 with fairy tale estimates of future costs.

Medicare, the program for the elderly, was supposed to cost $12 billion by 1990 but instead spent $110 billion. The costs of Medicaid, the program for the poor, have exploded as politicians like California Democrat Henry Waxman expanded eligibility and coverage. In inflation-adjusted dollars, Medicaid cost $4 billion in 1966, $41 billion in 1986 and $243 billion last year. Rather than bending the cost curve down, the government as third-party payer led to a medical price spiral.

LBJ launched other welfare programs—public housing, food stamps and many more—that have also grown over time. Last year, the panoply of welfare programs spent about $20,000 for every man, woman and child in poverty.

According to the most recent government data, today some 50.5 million Americans are on Medicaid, 46.5 million are on Medicare, 52 million on Social Security, five million on SSI, 7.5 million on unemployment insurance, and 44.6 million on food stamps and other nutrition programs. Some 24 million get the earned-income tax credit, a cash income supplement.

By 2010 such payments to individuals were 66% of the federal budget, up from 28% in 1965. (See the second chart.) We now spend $2.1 trillion a year on these redistribution programs, and the 75 million baby boomers are only starting to retire.

On Monday night Mr. Obama blamed President George W. Bush's "two wars" for the debt buildup. But national defense spending was 7.4% of GDP and 42.8% of outlays in 1965, and only 4.8% of GDP and 20.1% of federal outlays in 2010. Defense has not caused the debt crisis.

Many on the left still blame Ronald Reagan, but the debt increase in the 1980s financed a robust economic expansion and victory in the Cold War. Debt held by the public at the end of the Reagan years was much lower as a share of GDP (41% in 1988 and still only 40.3% in 2008) compared to the estimated 72% in fiscal 2011. That Cold War victory made possible the peace dividend that allowed Bill Clinton to balance the budget in the 1990s by cutting defense spending to 3% of GDP from nearly 6% in 1988.

Mr. Bush and Republicans did prove after 9/11 that the Washington urge to spend and borrow is bipartisan. Republicans launched a Medicare drug benefit, record outlays on education, the most expensive transportation bill in history, and home ownership aid that contributed to the housing bubble. The GOP's blunder was refusing to cut domestic spending to finance the war on terrorism. Guns and butter blowouts never last.

Then came Mr. Obama, arguably the most spendthrift president in history. He inherited a recession and responded by blowing up the U.S. balance sheet. Spending as a share of GDP in the last three years is higher than at any time since 1946 WWII.

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