Who Dumped Thousands Of Haitian Illegals (Headed For Florida) In Del Rio Texas

The Leftist media creates yet another fake atrocity....and yet DEMOCRATS ARE IN CHARGE of the people who supposedly committed the atrocity.

Oh really. You have proof they were actually flown back, or are you just taking CNN's word for it?
I've heard they're sending them at night into various processing centers.

Isn't it strange how the courts ordered the Biden Adm to reinstate Trump's "Remain In Mexico" policies.....and within days....10,000 Haitian invade our border in one place? How does 10,000 Haitians walk from South America without running into Mexican and Central American authorities? I don't give a darn where they were living up until now....they all were helped to get to Del Rio TX last week...and more are coming.

At the same time Biden is sending over 126,000 Afghans (many unvetted) all over the US....he's bringing Haitians here damned near as fast. Seems the only thing the Biden Adm does well is human-trafficking and lying to the America public.

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