Who fights against whom? Not USA & NATO, but practically Germany fights against Russia in Ukraine

Russia has an old enemy.


You know you are an idiot and you have not any idea about how to avoid to ruin Russia totally. Tip: Take your soldiers - leave the Ukraine. Result: Your self-made war is over. Tell me please why it is so difficult to do the right things and so easy to make the wrong things. Why is it so difficult for you to do better nothing than to do what's evil and to murder others on not any reason to have to do so? Why do you do this totally stupid, senseless and criminal war?
Yes . Why did the US and Nazi Germany -- see Stasi agent Merkel-- start the conflict in Ukey Land ?

The Fourth Reich knows that it is fighting for its very life and dear Uncle P will be thinking about the 30 million killed by the Third Reich Nazis .
Yes . Why did the US and Nazi Germany -- see Stasi agent Merkel-- start the conflict in Ukey Land

I should really found the Dr. Frankenstein GmbH for brain transplantations. I could make trillions with cheap exchange brains for everyone who needs it. But unfortunatelly think always the worst idiots they are most clever.

The Fourth Reich knows that it is fighting for its very life and dear Uncle P will be thinking about the 30 million killed by the Third Reich Nazis .

Bad luck that the Nazi idiots killed the wrong idiots and not idiots like your grandparents who had been punished with and from their children while they educated gnomes like you.

Btw: Why uses a Russian like you the same type of "Soviet"-propaganda as Donald Trump is using?
True, true - it does not seem very likely that Russia upon liberating Poland will share the spoils with Germany again - Goddamnit, all because of this Scholz
Russian, take your soldiers - leave the Ukraine. ¿Comprende?

Fritz, you can't have a say in things dealing with matters of justice or war and peace. Your job is to sit tight in a corner and tremble with fear, praying Russians don't come and whoop your behind again. And, quit that barking sheet you call music, it's nauseating.
They should take out Germany first to secure their six. ;)
Come on be realistic - the real threat are these mean, militarily armed to the teeth, and ever ready to strike Austrians. After-all Silesia and Galicia (Ukrainian: Галичина; Halychyna) used to be theirs.
Kind of a funny fact from the battle grounds of the Ukistan: Russians and DPR/LNR fighters call their foe Nemcy (Nemec singular, aka Fritz or just Fascist/German, which are practically the same in a Russian mind), exactly the way they called their foe during the Great Patriotic War, also known to the rest of the world as WW2.
Fritz, you can't have a say in things dealing with matters of justice or war and peace. Your job is to sit tight in a corner and tremble with fear, praying Russians don't come and whoop your behind again. And, quit that barking sheet you call music, it's nauseating.

Not a very interesting hate song which you sing here with a bad voice. Prussians - "Fritz" is a Prussian name - are by the way not existing any longer. Prussia was once this in the "Holy Roman Empire of German (=united) Nation" (later: German Empire plus Austrian-Hungarian empire) what is called today "Oblast Kaliningrad" (Kaliningrad = Königsberg = capital of Prussia). You and your allies murdered and/or displaced the Germans there - or with other words: You genocided the Prussians.

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Not a very interesting hate song which you sing here with a bad voice. Prussians - "Fritz" is a Prussian name - are by the way not existing any longer. Prussia was once this in the "Holy Roman Empire of German (=united) Nation" (later: German Empire plus Austrian-Hungarian empire) what is called today "Oblast Kaliningrad" (Kaliningrad = Königsberg = capital of Pussia). You and your allies murdered and/or displaced the Germans there - or with other words: You genocided the Prussians.

We don't give a f. You'll stay Fritz for us forever. Especially after your dummkopf of a chancellor aka "liver sausage" gave a green light to Leopards be shipped to Ukiestan. Boy, how I wish they did get there for real and we could see them all burn!!!
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Kind of a funny fact from the battle grounds of the Ukistan: Russians and DPR/LNR fighters call their foe Nemcy (Nemec singular, aka Fritz or just Fascist/German, which are practically the same in a Russian mind), exactly the way they called their foe during the Great Patriotic
War, also known to the rest of the world as WW2.

If you are really interested in history, "Alexander" (=the criminal prototype for many other criminals in history). I guess the Prussians not had been Germans in their origin. The Prussians used a very restricted code when they spoke German and their rulers nearly never spoke German. The rulers prefered to speak Polish, French and a short time before world war 1+2 English. Emperor William II of Germany was educated from his grandma Queen Victoria. It is said in the first 300 years of the kingdom Prussia the kings there had been called "Kings over Prussia" - so I guess within this 300 years the people there - the Prussians - slowly started to speak German and to become Germans. Later they threw out Austria from Germany and conquered one by the next German country and made them to "colonies of Prussia" (no joke!). Later they started with a colonisation in a similar sense of this what you know from the Brits. The Prussian emperor over Germany William II had been also a Brit. And this "confrontation" - indeed an imitation - was the main reason why Great Britain fought in World War 1+2 against Germany, wan in both wars thanks of the USA - and lost their empire.
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After you tried to genocide them first. ...

"We" never tried to genocide the Prussians, full-time-idiot. They had been Germans. "We" tried to avoid to come in a war with the Prussians. What historical science calls "German empire" after 1870 do I often call only "Prussian empire".

And you and your allies genocided not only the Prussians - you genocided also the Silesians, the Bohemians, the so called Sudeten, the Moravians and so on. Also the "Siebenbürgen" (in Transsilvanien) are not existing any longer as also many Germans on many other places of the world where once Germans had lived. After world war 2 slowly nearly all German speaking cultures from all over the world came home and decided to die here. The Amish and few others are seldom exceptions.

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Who cares about your fucking prussians? Nobody distinguishes between prussians, germans, austrians or whatever the fuck, you were all fascists to us and remain as such till today so shut up and hide.
We don't give a f. You'll stay Fritz for us forever.

"We" is you and the devil, I guess. Nevertheless I have absolutelly not any problem with the wonderful name "Fritz". But you have a very heavy character deficit which will kill you sooner or later, Russian.

Especially after your dummkopf of a chancellor aka "liver sausage" gave a green light to Leopards be shipped to Ukiestan. Boy, how I wish they did get there for real and we could see them all burn!!!
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Who cares about your fucking prussians? Nobody distinguishes between prussians, germans, austrians or whatever the fuck, you were all fascists to us and remain as such till today so shut up and hide.


I fear it will come a day when I will have to decide to save the life of a human being or to save the life of a bee and I will decide to save the life of the bee.

That's interesting🤔. Sounds like it's the Russians' habit to subject nations to slavery. When was it they did that first, I can't remember offhand?
Ukraine is an obvious example. The Russians take all the men out of the lands they conquer, and force them into their army. They take the children and ship them off to Russia.

However, that's always been Russian policy. It didn't start with Ukraine.

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