Who here actually "believes" this Trumpian claim???

Tiny little baby country makes a threat... did you pee your pants about that, bitch boy?
Lol, when Trump called him rocket man. You libs Shit yourself saying Trump was going to start world war 3. Now your saying he was never a threat. Go back to your safe space, till you get better talking points.
NK was never a threat. While Trump starting WW3 remains a threat.
You loons said that when he called him rocket man. My God you people cannot remember your own talking points.
Hey, idiot, Trump starting WW3 remains as big a threat as ever. So he praised the murderous dicatator instead of lobbing elementary school insults at him for a day. Nothing changed other than North Korea getting leverage and their sanctions from China and Russia lifted.
If Obama had done what Trump has, you would be saying Obama is greeting near to world peace. Get over it Trump is doing a great job, and every one of the liberals predictions about Trump. Turned out to be wrong.
Oy Vey losing never loses its sting for you.
Losing what? I neither lost nor gained anything, while rocket man got one over on our now disgraced nation.
The only way our great country becomes a disgrace. If more people begin to think like you. Thank God, you're a minority.
Your sick ideology relies on Russian sabotage and an electoral system that’s meant to circumvent the will of the majority. So to claim to be part of the majority is embarrassing, even for you.

blackflag is a gas. Ann Frankly she is a communist.
Yeah, Anne Frank died in a gas oven.. HAHA. Wow, that’s what humor is like in Trump’s Nazi movement...

No she didnt. She died of typhus.
NK was never a threat. But now their dictator is a legitimized word leader, who Trump praised and who’s Generals Trump saluted.

Oy Vey losing never loses its sting for you.
Losing what? I neither lost nor gained anything, while rocket man got one over on our now disgraced nation.
The only way our great country becomes a disgrace. If more people begin to think like you. Thank God, you're a minority.


how many past presidents are on record saying what a great guy Un and his family is ?

make up something else and pull it out of your ass.
None, because they didn't have a chance to meet with him. Then comes along Trump, he is the man!

:cuckoo: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Trump declares North Korea 'no longer a nuclear threat' - CNNPolitics

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump declared Wednesday that the North Korean regime no longer poses a nuclear threat following his summit with Kim Jong Un, even though the meeting produced no verifiable proof that the rogue regime will discontinue its nuclear program.

In a series of tweets, Trump sought to take political credit for the summit but risked undermining the US strategy in the region.
"Just landed - a long trip, but everybody can now feel much safer than the day I took office," Trump tweeted as he arrived back in Washington. "There is no longer a Nuclear Threat from North Korea."


Wow, just like that. Donald ended a nuclear threat. Do you believe him?
NK was never a threat. But now their dictator is a legitimized word leader, who Trump praised and who’s Generals Trump saluted.

NK was never a threat. But now their dictator is a legitimized word leader,

That new "legitimacy" must be very valuable.
What's it get him? Better tickets at the next Springsteen concert?
Better table at the Dictators Club?
Lady Gaga performing at his next birthday party?

What exactly does it get him?
Do you have your own list?
Well he certainly solved the N Korean problem of Joint military exercises between S. Korea and it's allies.

I wonder what Russian problem he want to solve next!
Bill Clinton told us "for the first time in modern history there are no ICBM missiles aimed at the U.S." right after he shipped nuclear technology and hardware to N.K. and sold ICBM technology to China against the advice of practically everyone in the intelligence field. President Trump might have the N.K. issue solved just by bringing N.K. to the negotiating table after every other president since Truman failed to do so. Aren't we as Americans hoping that N.K. stands down from it's nuclear insanity or are lefties secretly hoping for another shooting war like Truman's insanity?
Bill Clinton told us "for the first time in modern history there are no ICBM missiles aimed at the U.S." right after he shipped nuclear technology and hardware to N.K.
Why do you parrot fake memes?

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