Who? —— If Not Hillary Clinton


Sep 23, 2010
Way back when Hillary Clinton first ran for the US Senate she took to using Victoria’s pronoun. It must be in the Rodham genes because Chelsea is using it, too:

Chelsea Clinton endorses mom: We need a woman in the White House
June 14, 2013 | 2:52 pm | Modified: June 14, 2013 at 2:55 pm

Chelsea Clinton endorses mom: We need a woman in the White House | WashingtonExaminer.com

There’s nothing wrong with Chelsea plugging her mother, but she does not speak for everybody; especially if she means a liberal Democrat woman.

I’m pretty sure Chelsea was not saying “We need a woman in the White House.” when Sarah Palin was running for VP. Had John McCain not been such a loser Sarah would be a lock in 2017 —— possibly president today because McCain probably would have blown it.

One thing is certain, in 2016 only the parasite class will vote for a continuation of Barack Taqiyya’s Administration. Hillary Clinton believes everything Barack Taqiyya believes. More importantly, she will use the same people he used in addition to resurrecting women from the Clinton years. (Remember Janet Reno, Madeleine Albright, Jamie Gorelick, and Joycelyn Elders?)

In fact, should Clinton get the nomination in 2016 the one and only way she can distance herself from the current liar in chief is to claim she will lead from the front rather than the rear. I’m taking bets that Clinton’s entire campaign will be built on a promise of strong leadership. Hell, you can blame Charles Krauthammer for throwing Clinton a life preserver:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4OI_wl-t84&feature=player_embedded]Bill O'Reilly, Krauthammer Tear Apart 'Bystander President': Leading From Behind, Legacy in Trouble - YouTube[/ame]​

Who? —— if not Hillary Clinton. Answer: Damned if I know.

List every Democrat woman in Congress, in the federal courts, in the Administration, behind the scenes in the White House, in, or running, scandal-ridden bureaucracies, and you’ll see that every one of them is corrupt, a liar, a baby butcher, and a UN-loving, Constitution-hating, double-dealing Socialist. To be fair you can throw in a few Republican RINO like Senator Susan Collins and retired Senator Olympia Snowe. There is not a one of them that can be held up as a role model for young girls.

Finally, Barack Taqiyya defeated a decent, intelligent, woman in 2008. Now, look at the women who are up to their eyeballs in every scandal from Benghazi to the IRS to the EPA to see what he gave the country in return for his victory.
What difference does it make?

To Crusader Frank: I cannot determine what you’re referring to.

In any event, I might not be around in 2016; so I hope a few who read this thread will save and use this column by Jeffrey T. Brown to remind everyone of just what Hillary Clinton is:

June 15, 2013
Hillary Clinton's Legacy of Scandal
By Jeffrey T. Brown

Articles: Hillary Clinton's Legacy of Scandal

Here are a few excerpts that I believe matter a great deal:

Let us not also forget that notwithstanding the scandal-grenades going off all around us, Mrs. Clinton diligently plans her run for the presidency, even while several of those scandals are obviously and entirely her responsibility, exposing the State Department during her tenure as an utter sewer of corruption, cronyism, and fatal incompetence.

For as long as Hillary Clinton has been on the national scene, she has left a path of destruction and wreckage in her wake that is both impressive and terrible to behold.


As with her husband, the goal has always been the attainment of power masquerading as public service.


. . . while testifying before congressional investigators as first lady, she answered "I don't know" or "I don't remember" 250 times?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWQureIC1QM&feature=player_embedded]HILLARY CLINTON PARODY: Try to Remember - YouTube[/ame]​

Wherever Mrs. Clinton goes, destruction follows. Of course, like the current president, nothing is ever her fault. She knows nothing. She is the innocent victim of all around her, . . .


Make no mistake: the Clintons, and Hillary Clinton in particular, hold the American public in utter contempt,. . .


. . . news broke this week about the culture of pure corruption, decay, immorality, criminality, and scandal that has been our Department of State under Mrs. Clinton.


. . . we are being treated to a preview of coming attractions. Indeed, every day under President Obama is a preview of the presidency of Hillary Clinton, if we are so reckless as to accept her self-serving proposal of figurative marriage. Unlike Mr. Obama, however, about whom we knew nothing before his rise, the Hillary Clinton preview of coming attractions has been running on a near-continuous loop for the better part of 30 years.

There is one thing that does not matter to Democrats. Irrespective of who gets the Democrat party’s nomination in 2016 the party’s base will vote for that candidate. Kermit Gosnell could get the nomination and run his campaign from his jail cell by showing videos of him butchering live infants and the base will vote for him. No scandal, no amount of destruction previously done by the candidate, is enough to vote against free stuff.
I do not know how this story will play out:

(CNN) -- A documentary on the 1996 explosion that brought down TWA Flight 800 offers "solid proof that there was an external detonation," its co-producer said Wednesday.

I can answer this question if the documentary turn outs to be correct:

Asked why such information might have been suppressed, Stalcup said, "That's a question that should be answered when this investigation gets reopened."

Answer: The Clintons were in the White House. They got away with the Waco Massacre in 1993. TWA Flight 800 went down in July 1996 —— an election year. The last thing the Clintons wanted was having to deal with the possibility that more dead Americans were murdered on their watch. Remember that Janet Reno was co-president Hillary Clinton's attorney general; so she was in charge of the investigation the documentary challenges.

Filmmaker asserts new evidence on crash of TWA Flight 800
By Mike M. Ahlers,
CNN updated 1:37 PM EDT, Wed June 19, 2013

Filmmaker asserts new evidence on crash of TWA Flight 800 - CNN.com
"Who? —— If Not Hillary Clinton""

Probably Chris Christie.....( who knows what he really is? )
I can answer this question if the documentary turn outs to be correct:

Asked why such information might have been suppressed, Stalcup said, "That's a question that should be answered when this investigation gets reopened."

Answer: The Clintons were in the White House. They got away with the Waco Massacre in 1993. TWA Flight 800 went down in July 1996 —— an election year. The last thing the Clintons wanted was having to deal with the possibility that more dead Americans were murdered on their watch. Remember that Janet Reno was co-president Hillary Clinton's attorney general; so she was in charge of the investigation the documentary challenges.

Jack Cashill also ties the Clintons to TWA Flight 800. Other than the “election year” tie-in Cashill’s reasons are different than mine. My excerpts focus on the Clintons, while Cashill’s piece includes a lot of good stuff that will become more important if this story heats up —— as I suspect it will.

When James Sanders and I produced the video documentary “Silenced” on this subject 12 years ago and the book “First Strike” two years after that, we made the marketing mistake of identifying the logic of the cover-up.

That logic led to the White House. Sixteen years ago, in the home stretch of a difficult re-election campaign, Bill Clinton faced a problem very similar to one that Barack Obama would face in 2012. This is something the media did not want to know, let alone share.

An event took place that threatened the “peace and prosperity” theme of his campaign – specifically, the shoot-down of this doomed airliner with 230 people on board 12 minutes out of JFK.

Although the word was not used back then, the Clinton White House, with the help of a complicit media, rewrote the event’s “narrative” to assure re-election. Again, as with Benghazi, that narrative was clumsily improvised almost on a daily basis.

Knowing the media had his back, Clinton responded much as Obama did: deny, obfuscate and kick the investigatory can down the road until after the election.

One central figure appeared in each drama: Hillary Clinton. She stood by Obama’s side in the Rose Garden on Sept. 12 as he spun reality into confection.

Throughout that long night of July 17, 1996, she holed up with Bill and Sandy Berger in the White House family quarters, assessing their narrative options much as Obama did on Sept. 11, 2012.


In an emotional sequence towards the documentary’s end, a young female family member of one of the deceased sums up the anguish that she and so many others close to the investigation have felt: “It’s very frustrating that nobody gives a sh** anymore.”

One suspects that Hillary “What difference does it make” Clinton would have only confirmed this woman’s worst suspicions.

The only way TWA Flight 800 can hurt Barack Taqiyya is if he makes the wrong choice.

1. Order the National Transportation Safety Board to deny the request to reopen the investigation.

2. Reopen the investigation and reaffirm the NTSB’s original finding.

3. Order his media to put a lid on the story so it will disappear before 2016.

4. Throw the Clintons under the bus.

Number 4 assumes the Clintons do not have enough dirt on Barack Taqiyya to compel his support.

Brand-new TWA 800 film to finally spill beans?
Jack Cashill exposed corruption behind original investigation
Published: 20 hours ago

Brand-new TWA 800 film to finally spill beans?
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I wouldn't support Sarah Palin going into office either. If McCain had made it in I dont think she would be president now. I think someone else would be up there. Why do you care if the Clinton kid supports her mother or not?

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