Who Knew You Could Impeach A President Soley Because He Has A 99.9 Percent Of Being Re-Elected?


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
Is this what Al Green said? :laughing0301:
Really? so liberals actually want to impeach Trump only because it sure looks like he will win another "Reagan Like" landslide.
Ok,,,Fine...let the proceedings Begin !!!
:RockOn: :laugh2:
The only way to stop this anti Trump nonsense is to go out and vote for him again.......it won't completely stop it but that will remove the top layer of dem hatred....and as a bonus we will watch as leftwing media talking head after talking head gets their asses canned....lmao....
We may find out if a past president can be retroactively impeached.....

Those Prog talking heads deserve more then being canned. A lot more. Their rhetoric has gotten people killed and made tens of millions of working class people poorer. And they have used Saul Alinsky tactics to the max even accusing others for what they do. They know they are safe for they have the globalists behind them for now.
The only way to stop this anti Trump nonsense is to go out and vote for him again.......it won't completely stop it but that will remove the top layer of dem hatred....and as a bonus we will watch as leftwing media talking head after talking head gets their asses canned....lmao....
i dont know if this remark got a lot of airplay, but im pretty sure it was al green who brought this up,,,,i think he said "We need to impeach trump or else he will win/be re elected in 2020"......looks like al green is the one who needs to be impeached
Is this what Al Green said? :laughing0301:
Really? so liberals actually want to impeach Trump only because it sure looks like he will win another "Reagan Like" landslide.
Ok,,,Fine...let the proceedings Begin !!!
:RockOn: :laugh2:
Good. Let them begin.
Saturday on MSNBC, Rep. Al Green (D-TX) said he is concerned if the Democrats do not begin impeachment proceedings in the House President Donald Trump will win the election in 2020.

Green said, “I’m concerned if we don’t impeach this president, he will get re-elected. If we don’t impeach him, he will say he’s been vindicated. He will say the Democrats had an overwhelming majority in the House and didn’t take up impeachment. He will say we had a constitutional duty to do and we didn’t. He will say he’s been vindicated.”
Saturday on MSNBC, Rep. Al Green (D-TX) said he is concerned if the Democrats do not begin impeachment proceedings in the House President Donald Trump will win the election in 2020.

Green said, “I’m concerned if we don’t impeach this president, he will get re-elected. If we don’t impeach him, he will say he’s been vindicated. He will say the Democrats had an overwhelming majority in the House and didn’t take up impeachment. He will say we had a constitutional duty to do and we didn’t. He will say he’s been vindicated.”
i guess we will be hearing "We need to impeach,,ah,,46? 47?,,,uhh" from Maxine for four years again.
What should we think when the (democrat) House Speaker says "democrats will not tolerate another Trump administration"? They torched cars and smashed windows last inauguration day. How will they top that? Are they grooming some no name agency to overthrow the government?
What should we think when the (democrat) House Speaker says "democrats will not tolerate another Trump administration"? They torched cars and smashed windows last inauguration day. How will they top that? Are they grooming some no name agency to overthrow the government?
me and my best buddy joe biden are looking forward to attending the next vagina rally in 2021
The only way to stop this anti Trump nonsense is to go out and vote for him again.......it won't completely stop it but that will remove the top layer of dem hatred....and as a bonus we will watch as leftwing media talking head after talking head gets their asses canned....lmao....
what about Pence? should we impeach him too?

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