Who Owns the Media? Industry Giants, Saudi Princes and Australian Robber Barons


What! Me Worry?
Mar 23, 2013

Who Owns The News?

Who Really Determines What You Will Or Will Not See On TV Or Read In The Newspaper?

In the early years of our democracy the "free press" was all that stood between greedy corporate interests, government corruption and you and me....

That began to change as a powerful institution known as the Council On Foreign Relations gained power, and the trend toward total corporate media control rapidly accelerated during the Bush era with media consolidation.

Suddenly the old rule that one corporation could not own all of the town's news outlets was gone....Companies like Clear Channel Communications suddenly began to buy up every radio station, TV outlet and newspaper in major markets, effectively controlling everything that people read, watched and heard. The pattern of media consolidation has increased during the last eight years to the point that now only a few corporations control the news that we watch.

What Liberal or Right Wing Media? It's Just Corporate Media.

Who really controls the media? Is the so called "liberal media," that the right complains about, controlled by Hollywood and liberal special interests? Is Fox News controlled by the Republican Party? If you believe any of these generalizations you are dead wrong, and the truth will shock you.

Here are the top twenty media corporations in the U.S. according to mediaowners.com -- All but two of the following, #18 and #19, are not members of the Council On Foreign Relations.

1. Time Warner Inc.
2. Walt Disney Company
3. Viacom Inc.
4. News Corporation
5. CBS Corporation
6. Cox Enterprises
7. NBC Universal
8. Gannett Company, Inc.
9. Clear Channel Communications Inc.
10. Advance Publications, Inc.
11. Tribune Company
12. McGraw-Hill Companies
13. Hearst Corporation
14. Washington Post Company
15. The New York Times Company
16. E.W. Scripps Co.
17. McClatchy Company
18. Thomson Corporation
19. Freedom Communications, Inc.
20. A&E Television Networks
Actually the people keep all those horrible corporations going by buying the product except in some rare instances like PBS where taxpayers are forced to contribute to left wing propaganda. Personally I would rather trust any corporation on the list for news than the government
Actually the people keep all those horrible corporations going by buying the product except in some rare instances like PBS where taxpayers are forced to contribute to left wing propaganda. Personally I would rather trust any corporation on the list for news than the government

Of course you would. You're a known idiot.

Here's the issue. Take one of those megacorps, let's say Time Warner.
Here's what they own and control within their own sphere:

TV: One television station and the Warner Brothers Television Group; Warner Brothers Television; Warner Horizon Television; CW Network (50 percent stake); TBS; TNT; Cartoon Network; truTV; Turner Classic Movies; Boomerang; CNN; HLN; CNN International; HBO; Cinemax; Space; Infinito; I-Sat; Fashion TV; HTV; Much Music; Pogo; Mondo TV; Tabi; CNN Español

Online Holdings: Warner Brothers Digital Distribution; TMZ.com; KidsWB.com

Print: Time, Inc.; 22 magazines including People, Sports Illustrated, Time, Life, InStyle, Real Simple, Southern Living, Entertainment Weekly and Fortune

Entertainment: Warner Brothers; Warner Brothers Pictures; New Line Cinema; Castle Rock; WB Studio Enterprises, Inc.; Telepictures Productions, Inc.; Warner Brothers Animation, Inc.; Warner Home Video; Warner Premiere; Warner Specialty Films, Inc.; Warner Brothers International Cinemas

Other: Warner Brothers Interactive Entertainment; DC Entertainment; DC Comics

Same kind of deal for NewsCorp:
TV: Twenty-seven television stations and FOX Broadcasting Company (FOX Network, MyNetworkTV); FOX News; FOX Business; FOX News Radio Network; FOX News Talk Channel; FSN (12 regional sports networks); FX; SPEED; FUEL TV; Fox College Sports; Fox Movie Channel; Fox Soccer Channel; Fox Soccer Plus; Fox Pan American Sports; Fox Deportes; Big Ten Network; National Geographic U.S.; Nat Geo Adventure; Nat Geo Music; Nat Geo Wild; Fox International Channels; Utilisima; Fox Crime; NEXT; FOX History & Entertainment; the Voyage Channel; STAR World; STAR Movies; NGC Network International; NGC Network Latin America; LAPTV; Movie City; City Mix; City Family; City Stars; City Vibe; the Film Zone; Cinecanal; Elite Sports Limited; BabyTV; STAR India; STAR Taiwan; ESPN STAR Sports; Shine Limited

Online Holdings: Hulu.com (32 percent minority share)

Print: HarperCollins Publishers; the New York Post; the Daily News; News International (the Times; the Sunday Times; the Sun); News Limited (146 newspapers in Australia); Dow Jones (Wall Street Journal, Barron's, SmartMoney, Factiva, Dow Jones Newswires, Dow Jones Local Media, Dow Jones VentureSource)

Telecom: Satellite: BSkyB (39 percent minority share); SKY Italia

Entertainment: Fox Filmed Entertainment; Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment; Twentieth Century Fox Television; Twentieth Television; Fox Television Studios

Other: Marketing/advertising: News America Marketing Group; News Outdoor; Fox Library; IGN Entertainment, Inc.; Making Fun, Inc.; Wireless Generation

I took these lists from here; had I taken them from Wiki you, dear reader, would have been scrolling down all day (have a look). This list doesn't even mention a lot of stuff.

So we have the model of a single media behemoth,let's call it EnormoCorp, running simultaneously within its sphere: television stations; television networks; radio stations; movies; internet access companies and cable channels; advertising billboards; sports teams; sports arenas; record (CD) companies; book publishers; newspapers; search engines; games; magazines; comic books... in other words every conceivable way for humans to channel information. Think about the implications of that.

For just one thing that becomes a self-feeding fake news creation machine. When the same company that owns a book publisher also owns radio and TV stations, and magazines, and cable companies, and internet search engines (I'll stop there) it has all the tools to create its own buzz-bubble to give the impression that this new book is what everybody's talking about. If their TV talking head needs a manufactured career, there's magazine and newspaper articles ready at the drop of a phone call. And right after this interview with the star of the new movie put out by (our) production company, we'll feature a song by the hot new artist you've been reading about in (our) magazines, seeing and hearing on (our) TV and radio stations, who just happens to be on our CD label. Yeah, they're real.

Then we come to news. Obviously with all these channels of info at the ready to create and steer any illusion at will, you're ready to create your own news and in fact, decide what the news is. Or on the other side of the coin if you're, say General Electric and you're heavily invested in 'defense' contracts and there are inconvenient goings-on in that area this week, well you're ready to dictate what the news isn't. And to spin it in your favor from every angle, from what looks from the outside like "independent" sources.

And then of course once you've decided what the news is you get to imprint it into the culture through your movies, magazines, websites, books, games, and DC comics (Time Warner).

That is WAAAAY too much power in one place.

Information should be diverse -- not monolithic. We forget too easily that both the corporation and the broadcaster are allowed to exist at the pleasure of the people -- not the other way around.
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Imagine if government controlled the media. It would be as broke as social security and as dull as Bill Moyers. Opinions from euros are like ass holes but when are American lefties who enjoy the freedom of the 1st Amendment going to quit whining? Corporations aren't the enemy. They keep the economy running while stupid politicians are trying to ruin it.
Imagine if government controlled the media. It would be as broke as social security and as dull as Bill Moyers. Opinions from euros are like ass holes but when are American lefties who enjoy the freedom of the 1st Amendment going to quit whining? Corporations aren't the enemy. They keep the economy running while stupid politicians are trying to ruin it.

Technically correct -- corporations aren't the enemy. Sheep like you who keep enabling them by bending over are. I just laid out some of the reasons why. Our sterling Congress and sleazeball president bent our whole country over with the Telecommunications Act of 1996, and a few other strokes by a few other corporate whores, notably Michael Powell, a perfect example of entrenched Washington nepotism giving away an important post to a clearly unqualified asshole.

Government can't "control the media". That would run directly counter to the First Amendment. I mean, duh.
So we have the model of a single media behemoth,let's call it EnormoCorp, running simultaneously within its sphere: television stations; television networks; radio stations; movies; internet access companies and cable channels; advertising billboards; sports teams; sports arenas; record (CD) companies; book publishers; newspapers; search engines; games; magazines; comic books... in other words every conceivable way for humans to channel information. Think about the implications of that.
I think most of the people here do not have the mental flexibility to do that.

Excellent posting, Pogo.

I often wonder about the sanity of people who manage to understand that the government is a great threat to freedom, yet are complacent about the dangers of giant corporate monopolies -- cherishing the delusion that these Masters of the Universe are their friends or allies. I, sensibly, regard both government power and monopoly corporate power as vampires out to get us.

I think only an expert on the number of angels dancing on the point of a pin would be able to distinguish any essential difference between Stalinist State Capitalism and Mega-Corporate Monopoly Power.

Also, it is idiotic to imagine that monopoly corporations "are not the enemy." If government is the enemy, then so are mega-corporations. Indeed, they are often much greater enemies than government, since there is much less over-sight of their evil machinations, hidden from the public in their CEO offices.

As for the news, it is not just that these monopoly mega-corporations own and control the news -- bad as that is -- it is that they have all the super-sophisticated resources of modern brainwashing techniques, the subtlety of which ordinary Joe-Schmo can not even begin to assess or understand or take effective countermeasures against. Most Americans simply drown in a sea of brainwashing and are quite unaware of their conditioned mental slavery. The vanity of Americans -- which for all practical purposes is infinite -- prevents them from seeing how their minds are molded, while, absurdly, they have the delusion that no one can pull any tricks over on them!

As long as both government and big business have the power and means to brainwash me and others without our being aware of it, I will certainly continue to regard both of them as enemies.

Information should be diverse -- not monolithic. We forget too easily that both the corporation and the broadcaster are allowed to exist at the pleasure of the people -- not the other way around.
Yeah, that is the theory in civics classrooms, but, I think, the REALITY is quite the reverse, and has been so for a long time.

---Paul Goodman
So we have the model of a single media behemoth,let's call it EnormoCorp, running simultaneously within its sphere: television stations; television networks; radio stations; movies; internet access companies and cable channels; advertising billboards; sports teams; sports arenas; record (CD) companies; book publishers; newspapers; search engines; games; magazines; comic books... in other words every conceivable way for humans to channel information. Think about the implications of that.
I think most of the people here do not have the mental flexibility to do that.

Excellent posting, Pogo.

I often wonder about the sanity of people who manage to understand that the government is a great threat to freedom, yet are complacent about the dangers of giant corporate monopolies -- cherishing the delusion that these Masters of the Universe are their friends or allies. I, sensibly, regard both government power and monopoly corporate power as vampires out to get us.

I think only an expert on the number of angels dancing on the point of a pin would be able to distinguish any essential difference between Stalinist State Capitalism and Mega-Corporate Monopoly Power.

Also, it is idiotic to imagine that monopoly corporations "are not the enemy." If government is the enemy, then so are mega-corporations. Indeed, they are often much greater enemies than government, since there is much less over-sight of their evil machinations, hidden from the public in their CEO offices.

As for the news, it is not just that these monopoly mega-corporations own and control the news -- bad as that is -- it is that they have all the super-sophisticated resources of modern brainwashing techniques, the subtlety of which ordinary Joe-Schmo can not even begin to assess or understand or take effective countermeasures against. Most Americans simply drown in a sea of brainwashing and are quite unaware of their conditioned mental slavery. The vanity of Americans -- which for all practical purposes is infinite -- prevents them from seeing how their minds are molded, while, absurdly, they have the delusion that no one can pull any tricks over on them!

As long as both government and big business have the power and means to brainwash me and others without our being aware of it, I will certainly continue to regard both of them as enemies.

Information should be diverse -- not monolithic. We forget too easily that both the corporation and the broadcaster are allowed to exist at the pleasure of the people -- not the other way around.
Yeah, that is the theory in civics classrooms, but, I think, the REALITY is quite the reverse, and has been so for a long time.

---Paul Goodman

Absolutely. It always kills me that the same wags who scream the loudest about "Big Government" infringing on their liberties -- and rightly so -- suddenly get all silent and complacent and fawning when Big Corporatia does the same thing; they do an about-face so fast it boggles the mind. :disbelief: No one's ever explained that paradox.


All the more ironic considering who's in charge of the government in a corporatocracy... the best gummint money can buy.
Imagine if government controlled the media. It would be as broke as social security and as dull as Bill Moyers. Opinions from euros are like ass holes but when are American lefties who enjoy the freedom of the 1st Amendment going to quit whining? Corporations aren't the enemy. They keep the economy running while stupid politicians are trying to ruin it.

Technically correct -- corporations aren't the enemy. Sheep like you who keep enabling them by bending over are. I just laid out some of the reasons why. Our sterling Congress and sleazeball president bent our whole country over with the Telecommunications Act of 1996, and a few other strokes by a few other corporate whores, notably Michael Powell, a perfect example of entrenched Washington nepotism giving away an important post to a clearly unqualified asshole.

Government can't "control the media". That would run directly counter to the First Amendment. I mean, duh.

If corporations don't keep the media running who else is there? The government? Lefties hate lobbyists and corporations and foreign wealth and sometimes the Constitution. What do they like? Anarchy, socialism, fascism, communism?
Imagine if government controlled the media. It would be as broke as social security and as dull as Bill Moyers. Opinions from euros are like ass holes but when are American lefties who enjoy the freedom of the 1st Amendment going to quit whining? Corporations aren't the enemy. They keep the economy running while stupid politicians are trying to ruin it.

Technically correct -- corporations aren't the enemy. Sheep like you who keep enabling them by bending over are. I just laid out some of the reasons why. Our sterling Congress and sleazeball president bent our whole country over with the Telecommunications Act of 1996, and a few other strokes by a few other corporate whores, notably Michael Powell, a perfect example of entrenched Washington nepotism giving away an important post to a clearly unqualified asshole.

Government can't "control the media". That would run directly counter to the First Amendment. I mean, duh.

If corporations don't keep the media running who else is there? The government? Lefties hate lobbyists and corporations and foreign wealth and sometimes the Constitution. What do they like? Anarchy, socialism, fascism, communism?

SMALL BUSINESS, Einstein. Private owners. You and me. OK, well not you but everybody else.
(Oprah voice) "You get a radio license and you get a radio license and you get a TV license..."

"We the People". That's who.

Damn, some people are thick.
Technically correct -- corporations aren't the enemy. Sheep like you who keep enabling them by bending over are. I just laid out some of the reasons why. Our sterling Congress and sleazeball president bent our whole country over with the Telecommunications Act of 1996, and a few other strokes by a few other corporate whores, notably Michael Powell, a perfect example of entrenched Washington nepotism giving away an important post to a clearly unqualified asshole.

Government can't "control the media". That would run directly counter to the First Amendment. I mean, duh.

If corporations don't keep the media running who else is there? The government? Lefties hate lobbyists and corporations and foreign wealth and sometimes the Constitution. What do they like? Anarchy, socialism, fascism, communism?

SMALL BUSINESS, Einstein. Private owners. You and me. OK, well not you but everybody else.
(Oprah voice) "You get a radio license and you get a radio license and you get a TV license..."

"We the People". That's who.

Damn, some people are thick.

"We the people" are invested in corporations. Every pension system is invested in corporate wealth. The DOW is all about corporate wealth. How is social security doing? As long as the "OWS" anarchists haven't shut down the DOW "we the people" can still buy a share or 100,000 shares in the media of our choice. Here's a tip, if America invested in fossil fuel the way the Saudis do and made energy cheap enough for small businesses to survive it might change the equation a bit.
If corporations don't keep the media running who else is there? The government? Lefties hate lobbyists and corporations and foreign wealth and sometimes the Constitution. What do they like? Anarchy, socialism, fascism, communism?

SMALL BUSINESS, Einstein. Private owners. You and me. OK, well not you but everybody else.
(Oprah voice) "You get a radio license and you get a radio license and you get a TV license..."

"We the People". That's who.

Damn, some people are thick.

"We the people" are invested in corporations. Every pension system is invested in corporate wealth. The DOW is all about corporate wealth. How is social security doing? As long as the "OWS" anarchists haven't shut down the DOW "we the people" can still buy a share or 100,000 shares in the media of our choice. Here's a tip, if America invested in fossil fuel the way the Saudis do and made energy cheap enough for small businesses to survive it might change the equation a bit.

Wrong. SOME of we are wealthy enough to be invested; but that's got nothing to do with who has access to the media. Nor does fossil fuel. Here's the point here: when EnormoCorp owns an entire media empire, and when virtually all of media is owned and operated by half a dozen EnormoCorps, there's nothing left for you and me.

It's called oligarchy. And it can't be gone soon enough.
SMALL BUSINESS, Einstein. Private owners. You and me. OK, well not you but everybody else.
(Oprah voice) "You get a radio license and you get a radio license and you get a TV license..."

"We the People". That's who.

Damn, some people are thick.

"We the people" are invested in corporations. Every pension system is invested in corporate wealth. The DOW is all about corporate wealth. How is social security doing? As long as the "OWS" anarchists haven't shut down the DOW "we the people" can still buy a share or 100,000 shares in the media of our choice. Here's a tip, if America invested in fossil fuel the way the Saudis do and made energy cheap enough for small businesses to survive it might change the equation a bit.

Wrong. SOME of we are wealthy enough to be invested; but that's got nothing to do with who has access to the media. Nor does fossil fuel. Here's the point here: when EnormoCorp owns an entire media empire, and when virtually all of media is owned and operated by half a dozen EnormoCorps, there's nothing left for you and me.

It's called oligarchy. And it can't be gone soon enough.

Wrong. It's called democracy. Corporations invest in media operations to make money. Everybody has access to the media. How could the system operate any other way? Should we empower government bureaucracies to determine which corporations should be allowed to invest in lucrative markets like the media? Despite the government run education system in the US, Americans are still smart enough to determine which news analysis they like and they are smart enough to keep their kids away from the trash that is run on cable TV and produced by Hollywood.
"We the people" are invested in corporations. Every pension system is invested in corporate wealth. The DOW is all about corporate wealth. How is social security doing? As long as the "OWS" anarchists haven't shut down the DOW "we the people" can still buy a share or 100,000 shares in the media of our choice. Here's a tip, if America invested in fossil fuel the way the Saudis do and made energy cheap enough for small businesses to survive it might change the equation a bit.

Wrong. SOME of we are wealthy enough to be invested; but that's got nothing to do with who has access to the media. Nor does fossil fuel. Here's the point here: when EnormoCorp owns an entire media empire, and when virtually all of media is owned and operated by half a dozen EnormoCorps, there's nothing left for you and me.

It's called oligarchy. And it can't be gone soon enough.

Wrong. It's called democracy. Corporations invest in media operations to make money. Everybody has access to the media.

Wrong. It's got absolutely nothing to do with "democracy"; it's the opposite. And your last two sentences directly contradict each other. If "everyone has access to the media", walk into one of your local radio stations --any one, your choice, and broadcast your reply to this post. Let me know when to tune in.

Don't bother, because it won't happen. You can't do that, and neither can I. And let's be clear: when I speak of "access to the media" I mean access to using the media -- not access to ingesting it. I mean active access -- not passive.

How could the system operate any other way? Should we empower government bureaucracies to determine which corporations should be allowed to invest in lucrative markets like the media?

We already do, and have been doing so since the 1920s. It's called the FCC. And they've been giving away the store for a long long time. And by "store" I mean the resource of the public airwaves, which by definition belong to we the people --- not to corporatia. We allow them to use a given piece of that electronic real estate "in the public interest, convenience and necessity". It is a privilege we give them-- not a right. And I might add, we give them that electronic real estate for free. Let's restate that: we give them a resource to make money, often big big money, a resource that we own, for literally nothing. Do you run a business in a building in a prime commercial location that you get rent-free? Sweet deal, or what?

Despite the government run education system in the US, Americans are still smart enough to determine which news analysis they like and they are smart enough to keep their kids away from the trash that is run on cable TV and produced by Hollywood.

This entire passage is completely irrelevant to the point. The point here is who has access to the public fora. Not how parents rear their kids, not fossil fuels, not the stock market.
Related to that though, goes back to my original post here: when all that news analysis is run by EnormoCorp, then it is EnormoCorp that determines what the news is. Would you want the bureaucrazy of the control-crazed government telling you what the news is? Of course not. So how is it suddenly OK for the bureaucrazy of control-crazed corporatia to do the same thing?

When TelComm 96 was being mashed together in Congress, who did we have to tell us it was going on? The MSM. That is, the same entity that stood to gain from giving away the store. You know how much coverage they actually gave to the issue? Nineteen minutes. That's all of the networks put together, total for the entire period.

THAT is how it works, that's the threat here. Wake up.
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"We the people" are invested in corporations. Every pension system is invested in corporate wealth. The DOW is all about corporate wealth. How is social security doing? As long as the "OWS" anarchists haven't shut down the DOW "we the people" can still buy a share or 100,000 shares in the media of our choice. Here's a tip, if America invested in fossil fuel the way the Saudis do and made energy cheap enough for small businesses to survive it might change the equation a bit.

Wrong. SOME of we are wealthy enough to be invested; but that's got nothing to do with who has access to the media. Nor does fossil fuel. Here's the point here: when EnormoCorp owns an entire media empire, and when virtually all of media is owned and operated by half a dozen EnormoCorps, there's nothing left for you and me.

It's called oligarchy. And it can't be gone soon enough.

Wrong. It's called democracy. Corporations invest in media operations to make money. Everybody has access to the media. How could the system operate any other way? Should we empower government bureaucracies to determine which corporations should be allowed to invest in lucrative markets like the media? Despite the government run education system in the US, Americans are still smart enough to determine which news analysis they like and they are smart enough to keep their kids away from the trash that is run on cable TV and produced by Hollywood.
I have no problem with corporate ownership of the media but I do have a problem when control is concentrated in such a small number of giant corporations.

The average American watches 153 hours of television a month. Sadly, most Americans don't even stop to think about who is feeding them the endless hours of news and entertainment that they constantly ingest. Most Americans don't really seem to care about who owns the media. But they should. The truth is that each of us is deeply influenced by the messages that are constantly being pounded into our heads by the mainstream media.
The media constantly refer to themselves as the 4th Estate. Look it up.
"We the people" are invested in corporations. Every pension system is invested in corporate wealth. The DOW is all about corporate wealth. How is social security doing? As long as the "OWS" anarchists haven't shut down the DOW "we the people" can still buy a share or 100,000 shares in the media of our choice. Here's a tip, if America invested in fossil fuel the way the Saudis do and made energy cheap enough for small businesses to survive it might change the equation a bit.

Wrong. SOME of we are wealthy enough to be invested; but that's got nothing to do with who has access to the media. Nor does fossil fuel. Here's the point here: when EnormoCorp owns an entire media empire, and when virtually all of media is owned and operated by half a dozen EnormoCorps, there's nothing left for you and me.

It's called oligarchy. And it can't be gone soon enough.

Wrong. It's called democracy. Corporations invest in media operations to make money. Everybody has access to the media. How could the system operate any other way? Should we empower government bureaucracies to determine which corporations should be allowed to invest in lucrative markets like the media? Despite the government run education system in the US, Americans are still smart enough to determine which news analysis they like and they are smart enough to keep their kids away from the trash that is run on cable TV and produced by Hollywood.

There's very little choice anymore. All the big media is pro corporate. This is why the media won't discuss the trans pacific partnership that's been in the planning for several years, Nafta on steroids. They're the hand maidens of big corporations, same as our politicians.

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