Who Sez 'Liberalism Is A Mental Disorder'????

Conyrolling people's lives, issuing edicts, controlling their actions - and comoliance by threats a d force...The need to control and rule others.. Hitler, among others, had that same 'mental disorder'.
Hitler was a fascist, not a liberal.
The desire to control and rule by force is a common trait anong the 2. Evil is evil.
One can't help but notice that none of the screechers care to comment on, or dispute, this:

"Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the former psychiatrist-in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital and its current Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry, said that transgenderism is a “mental disorder” that merits treatment, that sex change is “biologically impossible,” and that people who promote sexual reassignment surgery are collaborating with and promoting a mental disorder."

I'm certain they'd love to screech that Donald Trump isn't presidential....

....yet the ingénue in the White House is pushing an agenda that everyone must know is purely a mental disorder.

America has become 'Alice in Wonderland.'
Conyrolling people's lives, issuing edicts, controlling their actions - and comoliance by threats a d force...The need to control and rule others.. Hitler, among others, had that same 'mental disorder'.
Hitler was a fascist, not a liberal.

The two terms are not mutually exclusive, and indeed authoritarianism exists on the left and the right extremes and is definately a sign of mental illness.
Conyrolling people's lives, issuing edicts, controlling their actions - and comoliance by threats a d force...The need to control and rule others.. Hitler, among others, had that same 'mental disorder'.
Hitler was a fascist, not a liberal.

Hitler was a Nazi....a national socialist.
Stalin, a communist.....an international socialist.

Both are Leftists....as you and Obama are.

Even you know that......don't you?
Conyrolling people's lives, issuing edicts, controlling their actions - and comoliance by threats a d force...The need to control and rule others.. Hitler, among others, had that same 'mental disorder'.
Hitler was a fascist, not a liberal.
The desire to control and rule by force is a common trait anong the 2. Evil is evil.
The control of liberalism is why you and the OP can post really stupid shit.

A little more control would be a good thing in this case since you are both wrong and both idiots.
Conyrolling people's lives, issuing edicts, controlling their actions - and comoliance by threats a d force...The need to control and rule others.. Hitler, among others, had that same 'mental disorder'.
Hitler was a fascist, not a liberal.
The desire to control and rule by force is a common trait anong the 2. Evil is evil.
The control of liberalism is why you and the OP can post really stupid shit.

A little more control would be a good thing in this case since you are both wrong and both idiots.

not for nothing, but that didn't make one bit of sense.
Conyrolling people's lives, issuing edicts, controlling their actions - and comoliance by threats a d force...The need to control and rule others.. Hitler, among others, had that same 'mental disorder'.
Hitler was a fascist, not a liberal.

Hitler was a Nazi....a national socialist.
Stalin, a communist.....an international socialist.

Both are Leftists....as you and Obama are.

Even you know that......don't you?
Obama and I are liberals. Liberals founded this nation. Suck it, paste queen.
Conyrolling people's lives, issuing edicts, controlling their actions - and comoliance by threats a d force...The need to control and rule others.. Hitler, among others, had that same 'mental disorder'.
Hitler was a fascist, not a liberal.
The desire to control and rule by force is a common trait anong the 2. Evil is evil.
The control of liberalism is why you and the OP can post really stupid shit.

A little more control would be a good thing in this case since you are both wrong and both idiots.

not for nothing, but that didn't make one bit of sense.
If it didn't make sense to you I can't help you. Only some stupid can be fixed and yours is beyond repair.
Conyrolling people's lives, issuing edicts, controlling their actions - and comoliance by threats a d force...The need to control and rule others.. Hitler, among others, had that same 'mental disorder'.
Hitler was a fascist, not a liberal.

Hitler was a Nazi....a national socialist.
Stalin, a communist.....an international socialist.

Both are Leftists....as you and Obama are.

Even you know that......don't you?
Obama and I are liberals. Liberals founded this nation. Suck it, paste queen.
The country was founded by men who wanted a 'king' / ruler? Is that what liberals are teaching you in indoctrination camps (schools/colleges) now?

'Nuff said.
Conyrolling people's lives, issuing edicts, controlling their actions - and comoliance by threats a d force...The need to control and rule others.. Hitler, among others, had that same 'mental disorder'.
Hitler was a fascist, not a liberal.

The two terms are not mutually exclusive, and indeed authoritarianism exists on the left and the right extremes and is definately a sign of mental illness.

"...left and the right extremes..."

Time to clarify:

The "Second Greatest Lie" is also designed to benefit Leftists. It is that the political spectrum has communists on the left, and the Nazis on the right. It is a conscious and carefully crafted lie. And it is because the Left controls the schools and the media that it has been allowed to survive.

This is what a careful study of history shows:
When the worldwide recession, known as the Great Depression, caused many to believe that capitalism had failed,big government command and control economies took control,promising solutions.

The economic plans of Mussolini, Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin and Franklin Roosevelt were all variations on the same theme.

a. Many government school grads have been trained to see FDR as a demigod.
"Comparisons of the New Deal with totalitarian ideologies were provided from all sides. A Republican senator described the NRA as having gone “too far inthe Russian direction,” and a Democrat accused FDR of trying “to transplant Hitlerism to every corner of this country.” Wolfgang Schivelbusch, “Three New Deals,” p. 27.

This thread will expound on that "Second Greatest Lie."

By doing so, it will explain why Leftist government schools won't teach real history.

While there certainly is a far Left.....we are exposing it in this thread.....there is no far Right in this country.
Conyrolling people's lives, issuing edicts, controlling their actions - and comoliance by threats a d force...The need to control and rule others.. Hitler, among others, had that same 'mental disorder'.
Hitler was a fascist, not a liberal.

Hitler was a Nazi....a national socialist.
Stalin, a communist.....an international socialist.

Both are Leftists....as you and Obama are.

Even you know that......don't you?
Obama and I are liberals. Liberals founded this nation. Suck it, paste queen.

Liberals didn't found this nation you dumb fuck. If the people who founded this country were alive today they would think the liberals of today were from outer space.
Conyrolling people's lives, issuing edicts, controlling their actions - and comoliance by threats a d force...The need to control and rule others.. Hitler, among others, had that same 'mental disorder'.
Hitler was a fascist, not a liberal.

Hitler was a Nazi....a national socialist.
Stalin, a communist.....an international socialist.

Both are Leftists....as you and Obama are.

Even you know that......don't you?
Obama and I are liberals. Liberals founded this nation. Suck it, paste queen.
The country was founded by men who wanted a 'king' / ruler? Is that what liberals are teaching you in indoctrination camps (schools/colleges) now?

'Nuff said.
And just who wants a king? Trumpers, not liberals.
Conyrolling people's lives, issuing edicts, controlling their actions - and comoliance by threats a d force...The need to control and rule others.. Hitler, among others, had that same 'mental disorder'.
Hitler was a fascist, not a liberal.

Hitler was a Nazi....a national socialist.
Stalin, a communist.....an international socialist.

Both are Leftists....as you and Obama are.

Even you know that......don't you?
Obama and I are liberals. Liberals founded this nation. Suck it, paste queen.

Liberals didn't found this nation you dumb fuck. If the people who founded this country were alive today they would think the liberals of today were from outer space.
As I said, your kind of stupid cannot be fixed.

I have no idea who you mean by 'liberals', and neither do you.
Conyrolling people's lives, issuing edicts, controlling their actions - and comoliance by threats a d force...The need to control and rule others.. Hitler, among others, had that same 'mental disorder'.
Hitler was a fascist, not a liberal.

The two terms are not mutually exclusive, and indeed authoritarianism exists on the left and the right extremes and is definately a sign of mental illness.

"...left and the right extremes..."

Time to clarify:

The "Second Greatest Lie" is also designed to benefit Leftists. It is that the political spectrum has communists on the left, and the Nazis on the right. It is a conscious and carefully crafted lie. And it is because the Left controls the schools and the media that it has been allowed to survive.

This is what a careful study of history shows:
When the worldwide recession, known as the Great Depression, caused many to believe that capitalism had failed,big government command and control economies took control,promising solutions.

The economic plans of Mussolini, Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin and Franklin Roosevelt were all variations on the same theme.

a. Many government school grads have been trained to see FDR as a demigod.
"Comparisons of the New Deal with totalitarian ideologies were provided from all sides. A Republican senator described the NRA as having gone “too far inthe Russian direction,” and a Democrat accused FDR of trying “to transplant Hitlerism to every corner of this country.” Wolfgang Schivelbusch, “Three New Deals,” p. 27.

This thread will expound on that "Second Greatest Lie."

By doing so, it will explain why Leftist government schools won't teach real history.

While there certainly is a far Left.....we are exposing it in this thread.....there is no far Right in this country.

OF COURSE there is a far right in this country.

They are simply more restrained and less apt to incite violence to get their way than the far left.
Conyrolling people's lives, issuing edicts, controlling their actions - and comoliance by threats a d force...The need to control and rule others.. Hitler, among others, had that same 'mental disorder'.
Hitler was a fascist, not a liberal.

Hitler was a Nazi....a national socialist.
Stalin, a communist.....an international socialist.

Both are Leftists....as you and Obama are.

Even you know that......don't you?
Obama and I are liberals. Liberals founded this nation. Suck it, paste queen.
The country was founded by men who wanted a 'king' / ruler? Is that what liberals are teaching you in indoctrination camps (schools/colleges) now?

'Nuff said.
And just who wants a king? Trumpers, not liberals.

Trumpers? LOL point to one example of someone who supports Trump who wants a King

You're as stupid and partisan as she is.
Conyrolling people's lives, issuing edicts, controlling their actions - and comoliance by threats a d force...The need to control and rule others.. Hitler, among others, had that same 'mental disorder'.
Hitler was a fascist, not a liberal.

The two terms are not mutually exclusive, and indeed authoritarianism exists on the left and the right extremes and is definately a sign of mental illness.

"...left and the right extremes..."

Time to clarify:

The "Second Greatest Lie" is also designed to benefit Leftists. It is that the political spectrum has communists on the left, and the Nazis on the right. It is a conscious and carefully crafted lie. And it is because the Left controls the schools and the media that it has been allowed to survive.

This is what a careful study of history shows:
When the worldwide recession, known as the Great Depression, caused many to believe that capitalism had failed,big government command and control economies took control,promising solutions.

The economic plans of Mussolini, Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin and Franklin Roosevelt were all variations on the same theme.

a. Many government school grads have been trained to see FDR as a demigod.
"Comparisons of the New Deal with totalitarian ideologies were provided from all sides. A Republican senator described the NRA as having gone “too far inthe Russian direction,” and a Democrat accused FDR of trying “to transplant Hitlerism to every corner of this country.” Wolfgang Schivelbusch, “Three New Deals,” p. 27.

This thread will expound on that "Second Greatest Lie."

By doing so, it will explain why Leftist government schools won't teach real history.

While there certainly is a far Left.....we are exposing it in this thread.....there is no far Right in this country.

OF COURSE there is a far right in this country.

They are simply more restrained and less apt to incite violence to get their way than the far left.

1.There is no "Far Right" in this country.
As is always important .....let's define terms.

The terms far right and far left are relative to some understood center.

To be "far," one's positions must be radical relative to that center.
American traditions, values, and history represent that center.

The premise
here is that, if I can show that the values called 'Far Right' are actually at the center of American traditions, values, and history represent that center, well then, they cannot be correctly awarded the modifier "Far."

"Radical" is important to the discussion. It means
"especially of change or action relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of something; far-reaching or thorough" (see Google.)

Any objection so far?

2. There is no "far right" in this country.
To be 'far,' it must be at a distance to the center:American traditions, values, and history represent that center.

There are so very many ways to prove same.....

Let's take as an example,traditional marriage, that involves one man and one woman, and compare that with homosexual marriage..
....which is the radical position?
Hence, Far Left.

Need convincing? Well, a common social reference is 'the nuclear family.'It has always meant:
" a family group that consists only of father, mother,and children"Definition of NUCLEAR FAMILY

How about 'traditional family'?
"A traditional familyisa family structure that consists ofa man, womanand one or more of their biological or adopted children. In most traditional families,the man and woman are husband and wife."Traditional Family: Definition & Concept | Study.com

So....as far as the concept of marriage and family, where do we find the radical position?
The Left.
Hence, 'Far Left.'

So far, far from the center, that they cannot point to a single philosopher, sage, or religious leader throughout history who has endorsed homosexual marriage.

...see if you can come up with any radical positions by conservatives, the right wing.
Hitler was a fascist, not a liberal.

Hitler was a Nazi....a national socialist.
Stalin, a communist.....an international socialist.

Both are Leftists....as you and Obama are.

Even you know that......don't you?
Obama and I are liberals. Liberals founded this nation. Suck it, paste queen.
The country was founded by men who wanted a 'king' / ruler? Is that what liberals are teaching you in indoctrination camps (schools/colleges) now?

'Nuff said.
And just who wants a king? Trumpers, not liberals.

Trumpers? LOL point to one example of someone who supports Trump who wants a King

You're as stupid and partisan as she is.
Trump does nothing but talk about the kingly things he, alone, will do, and the scum for Trump loves it.

That is a king, he has no idea the rest of the government actually exists.
Hitler was a Nazi....a national socialist.
Stalin, a communist.....an international socialist.

Both are Leftists....as you and Obama are.

Even you know that......don't you?
Obama and I are liberals. Liberals founded this nation. Suck it, paste queen.
The country was founded by men who wanted a 'king' / ruler? Is that what liberals are teaching you in indoctrination camps (schools/colleges) now?

'Nuff said.
And just who wants a king? Trumpers, not liberals.

Trumpers? LOL point to one example of someone who supports Trump who wants a King

You're as stupid and partisan as she is.
Trump does nothing but talk about the kingly things he, alone, will do, and the scum for Trump loves it.

That is a king, he has no idea the rest of the government actually exists.
Nice partisan, opinionated diatribe...

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