Who speaks for the Children?


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
Economic policies since Reagan have had a negative effect on America, but they particularly affect the Children. Democrats and Lame Stream Media do not fight hard enough for our children or they simply neglect the effects so called compassionate conservatism has had on the working poor and especially on the children.

'The Decade of Lost Children' By Charles M. Blow

"The number of children living in poverty has increased by four million since 2000, and the number of children who fell into poverty between 2008 and 2009 was the largest single-year increase ever recorded."

America has lost its soul and replaced it with greed and the worship of corporate power. "As a report issued last week by the nonpartisan Center on Budget and Policy Priorities points out: “Of the 47 states with newly enacted budgets, 38 or more states are making deep, identifiable cuts in K-12 education, higher education, health care, or other key areas in their budgets for fiscal year 2012." http://www.nytimes.com/2011/08/06/opinion/the-decade-of-lost-children.html?src=me&ref=general

"It’s hard to see how we emerge from this downturn and its tumult a stronger nation if we allow vast swatches of our children to be lost. My fear is that we may not."

"Do not waste your time on Social Questions. What is the matter with the poor is Poverty; what is the matter with the rich is Uselessness." George Bernard Shaw
The churches that I am familiar with and know personally are focused on the children, but in many levels that are not recognized by most and in ways that do not necessarily mean three meals a day.

Perhaps impoverished children is not the worst issue and is not something we should be as concerned about as merely making sure that children from all walks of life are adequately feed the necessary nutrients for optimal growth and performance. The fact that there are so many impoverished children may be a call for some of the systems finest to be allowed to do their work without all the government's redtape and paperwork, yet that would be most unlikely considering the funding issues. Perhaps if the redtape and paperwork was minimized or even done away with then the costs for programs would not be what they are. Accountability is important but for most such is proven in the ecological change of the communities involved in time so it isn't something that will be readily recognized for several years.
Ah yes, raising TAXES is for the childreeeen.

Having and supporting abortion is for the childreeeen

Unions is for the childreeeen

this article was written by Charles Blow....nuff said.
Any hope for credibility in this thread went out the window the moment that you typed 'lamestream media'.
Any hope for credibility in this thread went out the window the moment that you typed 'lamestream media'.

This thread started out as without credibility. What more was there to lose?

Leftist talking points #5 - 'think of the children'. Boring.
...credibility in this thread went out the window the moment that you...
This thread started out as without credibility...
Exactly, and what it began with--
Economic policies since Reagan have had a negative effect on America, but they particularly affect the Children...
--is nonsense. If we like humanity then we love children and want them to live, prosper, and be happy. Let's compare the lives of children of the '80's to the lives of their parents. Replace mindless politics with observable fact. Today's twenty-somethings are more wealthy, better educated, are healthier, and have more stable families than their parents did. Anyone who disagrees is invited to ditch their sick attitudes and useless feelings and turn to the hard facts found in historical records.

Reality, love it or leave it.
...credibility in this thread went out the window the moment that you...
This thread started out as without credibility...
Exactly, and what it began with--
Economic policies since Reagan have had a negative effect on America, but they particularly affect the Children...
--is nonsense. If we like humanity then we love children and want them to live, prosper, and be happy. Let's compare the lives of children of the '80's to the lives of their parents. Replace mindless politics with observable fact. Today's twenty-somethings are more wealthy, better educated, are healthier, and have more stable families than their parents did. Anyone who disagrees is invited to ditch their sick attitudes and useless feelings and turn to the hard facts found in historical records.

Reality, love it or leave it.

Bullcrap! more 20 somethings have moved back in with mommie and daddy.
Grandparents are raising the grandchildren more and more, etc.
This thread started out as without credibility...
Exactly, and what it began with--
Economic policies since Reagan have had a negative effect on America, but they particularly affect the Children...
--is nonsense. If we like humanity then we love children and want them to live, prosper, and be happy. Let's compare the lives of children of the '80's to the lives of their parents. Replace mindless politics with observable fact. Today's twenty-somethings are more wealthy, better educated, are healthier, and have more stable families than their parents did. Anyone who disagrees is invited to ditch their sick attitudes and useless feelings and turn to the hard facts found in historical records.

Reality, love it or leave it.

Bullcrap! more 20 somethings have moved back in with mommie and daddy.
Grandparents are raising the grandchildren more and more, etc.

Yeah? and who's FAULT IS THAT..Reagan's? It certainly can't be the PEOPLE who are doing those things fault.:lol:
...Today's twenty-somethings are more wealthy, better educated, are healthier, and have more stable families than their parents did...
OK, I'm willing to admit that you live with and know a lot more about bullcrap than I ever will, but I'm not talking about that. Actual historical records of financial net worth show kids are richer. Enrollment and test scores show higher educational levels. Actuary tables show life expectancy has increased. Divorce rates have fallen. The only thing worse is your feelings but that's more a matter of choice than reality.
*lola* If only.... we did think more of the children than of the adults. It seems we are forever tiptoeing around adult feelings and insecurities while children are expected to adjust to whatever befalls upon them.
"Vote Democrat...For the Chidlren!!"

Yeah, that'll teach the little monsters!
Economic policies since Reagan have had a negative effect on America, but they particularly affect the Children. Democrats and Lame Stream Media do not fight hard enough for our children or they simply neglect the effects so called compassionate conservatism has had on the working poor and especially on the children.

'The Decade of Lost Children' By Charles M. Blow

"The number of children living in poverty has increased by four million since 2000, and the number of children who fell into poverty between 2008 and 2009 was the largest single-year increase ever recorded."

America has lost its soul and replaced it with greed and the worship of corporate power. "As a report issued last week by the nonpartisan Center on Budget and Policy Priorities points out: “Of the 47 states with newly enacted budgets, 38 or more states are making deep, identifiable cuts in K-12 education, higher education, health care, or other key areas in their budgets for fiscal year 2012." http://www.nytimes.com/2011/08/06/opinion/the-decade-of-lost-children.html?src=me&ref=general

"It’s hard to see how we emerge from this downturn and its tumult a stronger nation if we allow vast swatches of our children to be lost. My fear is that we may not."

"Do not waste your time on Social Questions. What is the matter with the poor is Poverty; what is the matter with the rich is Uselessness." George Bernard Shaw


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