Who speaks for the Children?

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Who speaks for the Children?

The parents.

Its rather simple..... Don't have them if you cant afford them. Its called personal responsibility.
Economic policies since Reagan have had a negative effect on America, but they particularly affect the Children. Democrats and Lame Stream Media do not fight hard enough for our children or they simply neglect the effects so called compassionate conservatism has had on the working poor and especially on the children.

'The Decade of Lost Children' By Charles M. Blow

"The number of children living in poverty has increased by four million since 2000, and the number of children who fell into poverty between 2008 and 2009 was the largest single-year increase ever recorded."

America has lost its soul and replaced it with greed and the worship of corporate power. "As a report issued last week by the nonpartisan Center on Budget and Policy Priorities points out: “Of the 47 states with newly enacted budgets, 38 or more states are making deep, identifiable cuts in K-12 education, higher education, health care, or other key areas in their budgets for fiscal year 2012." http://www.nytimes.com/2011/08/06/opinion/the-decade-of-lost-children.html?src=me&ref=general

"It’s hard to see how we emerge from this downturn and its tumult a stronger nation if we allow vast swatches of our children to be lost. My fear is that we may not."

"Do not waste your time on Social Questions. What is the matter with the poor is Poverty; what is the matter with the rich is Uselessness." George Bernard Shaw

That's "your man" leading the way, trickle up poverty, coming to you and yours, soon! When he has a chance to promote "jobs", he chooses to impede them. When he has a chance to give businesses a stable outlook, he gives them threats and intimidation.

I get that you hate the rich, but the working man needs a business for a job, "your" guy is forcing the nation into poverty. He rubs elbows with the rich, he plays with the rich and makes deals with the rich, and all you can do it attack the business man that is trying to keep his head above water (his back is up against the wall too). If you want to help "the children" do away with the Dept of Education (the money that goes for salaries for all those administrators sure would pay for a lot of beans and rice), and let the states deal with education on the taxpayers desires, not a propoganda program of liberal philosophy that has failed everywhere it has been implemented. There are a lot of other programs/departments that could be cut to put money back into the economy, too.
Who speaks for the Children?

The parents.

Its rather simple..... Don't have them if you cant afford them. Its called personal responsibility.

Nonsense. The Constitution says we all have the right to have taxpayer-financed children.

Right, USMB lefties?

The government is mommy and daddy....and mommy has a HUGE teat to suck off of..with what would seem to be and endless supply of money...... oops i mean milk
Who speaks for the Children?

The parents.

Its rather simple..... Don't have them if you cant afford them. Its called personal responsibility.

Nonsense. The Constitution says we all have the right to have taxpayer-financed children.

Right, USMB lefties?

The government is mommy and daddy....and mommy has a HUGE teat to suck off of..with what would seem to be and endless supply of money...... oops i mean milk

Well it seems that mommy is an A-cup instead of a Double-D.
Who speaks for the Children?

The parents.

Its rather simple..... Don't have them if you cant afford them. Its called personal responsibility.

Nonsense. The Constitution says we all have the right to have taxpayer-financed children.

Right, USMB lefties?

The government is mommy and daddy....and mommy has a HUGE teat to suck off of..with what would seem to be and endless supply of money...... oops i mean milk
Not quite endless.

Economic policies since Reagan have had a negative effect on America, but they particularly affect the Children. Democrats and Lame Stream Media do not fight hard enough for our children or they simply neglect the effects so called compassionate conservatism has had on the working poor and especially on the children.

'The Decade of Lost Children' By Charles M. Blow

"The number of children living in poverty has increased by four million since 2000, and the number of children who fell into poverty between 2008 and 2009 was the largest single-year increase ever recorded."

America has lost its soul and replaced it with greed and the worship of corporate power. "As a report issued last week by the nonpartisan Center on Budget and Policy Priorities points out: “Of the 47 states with newly enacted budgets, 38 or more states are making deep, identifiable cuts in K-12 education, higher education, health care, or other key areas in their budgets for fiscal year 2012." http://www.nytimes.com/2011/08/06/opinion/the-decade-of-lost-children.html?src=me&ref=general

"It’s hard to see how we emerge from this downturn and its tumult a stronger nation if we allow vast swatches of our children to be lost. My fear is that we may not."

"Do not waste your time on Social Questions. What is the matter with the poor is Poverty; what is the matter with the rich is Uselessness." George Bernard Shaw

Yep the problem has nothing to do with our borders and Immigration policy huh. ;) Good one.

Ray Stevens - Come to the USA
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Economic policies since Reagan have had a negative effect on America, but they particularly affect the Children.

"It’s hard to see how we emerge from this downturn and its tumult a stronger nation if we allow vast swatches of our children to be lost. My fear is that we may not."

For conservatives this is not an issue – if children are lost due to poverty or other economic factors, so be it – it’s an acceptable consequence and will serve as an incentive for others to do better.

Conservatives believe humans are motivated by only two factors: fear and greed.
Economic policies since Reagan have had a negative effect on America, but they particularly affect the Children.

"It’s hard to see how we emerge from this downturn and its tumult a stronger nation if we allow vast swatches of our children to be lost. My fear is that we may not."

For conservatives this is not an issue – if children are lost due to poverty or other economic factors, so be it – it’s an acceptable consequence and will serve as an incentive for others to do better.

Conservatives believe humans are motivated by only two factors: fear and greed.

Well, I thought all the liberals who care more have taken CARE of this problem already?
Sheeesh, how many years have they been going on about this?
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I wonder if we'd see a article from the Mr. Blowhard about...Who speaks for all the children that ARE WILLINGLY ABORTED.

Naaaaaaaaaaa, they can't BE USED so why bother.
The heartless republicans and conservatives of today flat out astound me, not one intelligent reply from any of them. While Social Darwinism as an economic and political concept died long ago, the self centered greed of SD lives on in the American right.

While the OP was about America it is estimated that 150 million live and work in sweatshops and enslavement. How many here purchase Nike for instance? Here is a piece on the sweatshop policies of Nike. Frequently Asked Questions

While the right wing in America worships at the corporate trough and bows to big money, there are people in this world who do fight for the children. Get the word out.

'Who Represents the Poor?' by Pranab Bardhan

"In the last few decades, labor unions have become weaker everywhere. Increased global competition is eroding the revenues that capital used to share with organized labor, and the outflow of investments abroad—or even the credible threat of it—has made union positions precarious.

But in much of the developing world, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have partly filled the gap by enrolling groups of (often informal) workers in microfinance and social-insurance programs, delivering health and education services, agitating against the abuse of human rights and environmental degradation, and empowering disadvantaged social groups such as women and indigenous people. Where unions stressed worker rights, the emphasis has now shifted to citizens’ rights to minimum dignity, livelihood, and socially guaranteed protection. This is a major advance in social movements over the narrow goals of union workers because the overwhelming majority of workers and peasants in poor countries do not belong to unions." http://www.bostonreview.net/BR36.4/pranab_bardhan_who_represents_the_poor.php
*lola* If only.... we did think more of the children than of the adults. It seems we are forever tiptoeing around adult feelings and insecurities while children are expected to adjust to whatever befalls upon them.

Much of what is wrong with the current younger generation is that they were spooiled rotten and the world revolved around them.
When I grew up and we had company the children stayed from under foot. Now one cannot even visit for the children having to be the focus of everything.
...Today's twenty-somethings are more wealthy, better educated, are healthier, and have more stable families than their parents did...
OK, I'm willing to admit that you live with and know a lot more about bullcrap than I ever will, but I'm not talking about that. Actual historical records of financial net worth show kids are richer. Enrollment and test scores show higher educational levels. Actuary tables show life expectancy has increased. Divorce rates have fallen. The only thing worse is your feelings but that's more a matter of choice than reality.

Umm slow housing sales proves my point. More children to buy homes less homes sold where do they live?

Do a bit of research on the subject I know i will never get past the bullcrap with you.
The heartless republicans and conservatives of today flat out astound me, not one intelligent reply from any of them. While Social Darwinism as an economic and political concept died long ago, the self centered greed of SD lives on in the American right.

While the OP was about America it is estimated that 150 million live and work in sweatshops and enslavement. How many here purchase Nike for instance? Here is a piece on the sweatshop policies of Nike. Frequently Asked Questions

While the right wing in America worships at the corporate trough and bows to big money, there are people in this world who do fight for the children. Get the word out.

'Who Represents the Poor?' by Pranab Bardhan

"In the last few decades, labor unions have become weaker everywhere. Increased global competition is eroding the revenues that capital used to share with organized labor, and the outflow of investments abroad—or even the credible threat of it—has made union positions precarious.

But in much of the developing world, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have partly filled the gap by enrolling groups of (often informal) workers in microfinance and social-insurance programs, delivering health and education services, agitating against the abuse of human rights and environmental degradation, and empowering disadvantaged social groups such as women and indigenous people. Where unions stressed worker rights, the emphasis has now shifted to citizens’ rights to minimum dignity, livelihood, and socially guaranteed protection. This is a major advance in social movements over the narrow goals of union workers because the overwhelming majority of workers and peasants in poor countries do not belong to unions." Boston Review — Pranab Bardhan: Who Represents the Poor?

good grief, you should change your name to BLOW. you both do it.:lol:
Here's a clue, you all WORRY about your own children if you have any, and the Republicans and Conservative you spew as heartless, WILL TAKE CARE OF THEIR OWN. I personally wouldn't want someone like you or the Blow to care about my children. you are both nuts.
Economic policies since Reagan have had a negative effect on America, but they particularly affect the Children.

"It’s hard to see how we emerge from this downturn and its tumult a stronger nation if we allow vast swatches of our children to be lost. My fear is that we may not."

For conservatives this is not an issue – if children are lost due to poverty or other economic factors, so be it – it’s an acceptable consequence and will serve as an incentive for others to do better.

Conservatives believe humans are motivated by only two factors: fear and greed.
You don't know any conservatives in real life, do you?
Economic policies since Reagan have had a negative effect on America, but they particularly affect the Children.

"It’s hard to see how we emerge from this downturn and its tumult a stronger nation if we allow vast swatches of our children to be lost. My fear is that we may not."

For conservatives this is not an issue – if children are lost due to poverty or other economic factors, so be it – it’s an acceptable consequence and will serve as an incentive for others to do better.

Conservatives believe humans are motivated by only two factors: fear and greed.

Yes.....kill em all.

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