WHO warns of imminent spread of untreatable superbug gonorrhoea


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
By Kate Kelland, Health and Science Correspondent

LONDON, July 7 (Reuters) - At least three people worldwide are infected with totally untreatable "superbug" strains of gonorrhoea which they are likely to be spreading to others through sex, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Friday.

Giving details of studies showing a "very serious situation" with regard to highly drug-resistant forms of the sexually-transmitted disease (STD), WHO experts said it was "only a matter of time" before last-resort gonorrhoea antibiotics would be of no use.

WHO warns of imminent spread of untreatable superbug gonorrhoea

Maybe if we didn't have TV indoctrinated the past four generation into screwing before marriage we wouldn't see an explosion of so many disease today. And yeah , yeah it's been around forever the point is if we would have listened to those grandmothers and their " OLD FASHIONED" ways maybe many would never have become STD victims.

Now in this decade we have the hate of church, God, public schools teaching grade school kids where the hell to stick at, we have gays, tranny's teaching kids basically the same bs.

We have media, we have music videos that basically have them on stage doing pole dancing as if in a strip club and the pathetic trendy liberal parents who allow their kids to watch it all.

We have planned parenthood teaching so many young women, if you get pregnant hey just go have it sucked out of you no problem which in turn takes away EVEN MORE responsibility in who you sleep with.

Now we have third world zombies moving the hell into the Country helping to bring it in on top of other diseases and the trendy's who end up laying in bed with them will help spread it.

Gawd dam wake the fk up idiots.
Contrary to what you seem to believe, teenagers don't need indoctrination by TV programs to want sex. They tend to develop that interest all by themselves.
Oral sex is producing dangerous gonorrhoea and a decline in condom use is helping it to spread, the World Health Organization has said.

It warns that if someone contracts gonorrhoea, it is now much harder to treat, and in some cases impossible.

The sexually transmitted infection is rapidly developing resistance to antibiotics.

Experts said the situation was "fairly grim" with few new drugs on the horizon.

Oral sex spreading unstoppable bacteria - BBC News

Contrary to what you seem to believe, teenagers don't need indoctrination by TV programs to want sex. They tend to develop that interest all by themselves.

Psychological brainwashing helps them think of it sooner than they should. That's hard for some to figure out.

Showing 3rd graders where the hell a penis goes, is not something they think about all by themselves without the help of a teacher telling them, music telling them, tv shows telling them, friend's who also get sexually trained tell them.
C;mon. use some realistic thinking.

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