Who "won" last night?....A Dem.'s perspective


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
Governor Kasich came off as the sanest, unifying and experienced voice offered by the GOP.

FOX's unprofessional and calculated bad treatment of Trump, will actually boost his standing among those conservatives who have had enough of professional politicians. (If Fox can't "own" a republican, the powerful network wants that individual out.)

Third, Christie's performance was better than expected.

(P.S. As someone else stated, Walker is as interesting as an old phone book.)
Governor Kasich came off as the sanest, unifying and experienced voice offered by the GOP.

FOX's unprofessional and calculated bad treatment of Trump, will actually boost his standing among those conservatives who have had enough of professional politicians. (If Fox can't "own" a republican, the powerful network wants that individual out.)

Third, Christie's performance was better than expected.

(P.S. As someone else stated, Walker is as interesting as an old phone book.)

Fair assessment. Kasich has been sounding the most sane and reasonable...which means he's dead in the water.
Kasich would be a great choice, but he is going to have to settle for being a VP candidate, a serious one, along with Rubio.

Trump had no trouble trumping the Foxters.

Walker is as exciting as vanilla pudding but made no gaffes.

As long as Trump is around, Christie will get no traction.

Bush should have, and could have, done better.
I thought Christie used an appeal to emotion to justify eroding privacy rights, which is illogical, and then using that bully pulpit made Rand, who had a sane and fair point, seem like an idiot..

Thats why debates are dog and pony shows. And Trump WAS unfairly attacked but DIDNT adequatly answer those attacks. His past is so deep that these things would only get worse, especially in a dirty Presedential campaign against an actual Democrat. Itll be a mud versus mud WWE extravaganza and really put the exclamation point on the dumbing down of our Country.

Trump, with his American Idol slash bully type appeal is winning over intelligence and sanity. All he has to keep saying is "its broken" and nobody probes him further and when they do, he artfully dodges or makes them feel stupid for questioning him.
It is difficult to define "win" in these political debates.

As I see it, there are three separate "scoring categories," two of which should be fairly irrelevant but aren't.

(a) Did the candidate seem "presidential"? Did s/he project an image of a Leader that the viewers would like to see in the White House?

(2) Did the candidate effectively communicate his/her points?

(iii) Was the substance of the candidate's points consistent with what the audience wanted to hear?

Contrast Trump with Walker. Trump was substantively made to look foolish (failed to back up his ridiculous claim about the Mexican government, failed to justify screwing his creditors out of billions through bankruptcy), but got generally positive reviews because many in the audience think bombast is leadership. Walker, from an accomplishments standpoint, was one of the top three people up there, but didn't look very "presidential" and didn't score well.

I wish this were like a tournament, where the losers have to go home and leave the future debates to those who did well. Hopefully, once there is some attrition it will be contagious.
Rand Paul's low swinging fruit / chldish comment about Christie hugging Obama made him look really small, too, to an independent anyhow.

Im sure to the had right it was like "oHhHh, get um!!"
Governor Kasich came off as the sanest, unifying and experienced voice offered by the GOP. :iagree:

FOX's unprofessional and calculated bad treatment of Trump, will actually boost his standing among those conservatives who have had enough of professional politicians. :iagree: (If Fox can't "own" a republican, the powerful network wants that individual out.) :iagree:

Third, Christie's performance was better than expected. :iagree:

(P.S. As someone else stated, Walker is as interesting as an old phone book.)

WOW!! how about that, :iagree: with 97% of that this librul said...., BUT!! that don't mean i will always agree with her.
Governor Kasich came off as the sanest, unifying and experienced voice offered by the GOP.

FOX's unprofessional and calculated bad treatment of Trump, will actually boost his standing among those conservatives who have had enough of professional politicians. (If Fox can't "own" a republican, the powerful network wants that individual out.)

Third, Christie's performance was better than expected.

(P.S. As someone else stated, Walker is as interesting as an old phone book.)

Of course you like Kasich. He is a wuss.

And Christie? A lib ass sucker.

Governor Kasich came off as the sanest, unifying and experienced voice offered by the GOP.

FOX's unprofessional and calculated bad treatment of Trump, will actually boost his standing among those conservatives who have had enough of professional politicians. (If Fox can't "own" a republican, the powerful network wants that individual out.)

Third, Christie's performance was better than expected.

(P.S. As someone else stated, Walker is as interesting as an old phone book.)

Of course you like Kasich. He is a wuss.

And Christie? A lib ass sucker.

A "wuss?"

Are they supposed to like....box people now?

It's obvious that FOX wants to pick the presidential candidate for the GOP and doesn't care about the voters.
I agree they were trying to marginalize certain ones...

Which one you think they were pulling for, ravi the angel of my nightmares?
Governor Kasich came off as the sanest, unifying and experienced voice offered by the GOP.

FOX's unprofessional and calculated bad treatment of Trump, will actually boost his standing among those conservatives who have had enough of professional politicians. (If Fox can't "own" a republican, the powerful network wants that individual out.)

Third, Christie's performance was better than expected.

(P.S. As someone else stated, Walker is as interesting as an old phone book.)

Of course you like Kasich. He is a wuss.

And Christie? A lib ass sucker.

A "wuss?"

Are they supposed to like....box people now?


She wants a live action figure! lol

Rand Paul's low swinging fruit / chldish comment about Christie hugging Obama made him look really small, too, to an independent anyhow.

Im sure to the had right it was like "oHhHh, get um!!"
I listen to a lot of talk radio, mostly left, but tune in to rightwing radio to see where they are at. Republicans, in general, have not nor will they forgive Christie for hugging Obama. I believe a recent Luntz panel on Hannity substantiated this as well. They have blood in their eyes over Chris Christie, he's not going anywhere.

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It was pretty much what we expected - a spectacle.

Drumpf was and is an embarrassment. The worse he behaves, the less presidential and respectful of the office, the country, the people he is, the more the RWs love him. I can't remember even one thing he said that actually referred to issues in any specific way. He's an entertainer. He could not possibly be less qualified. Indeed, the only thing that would make him less qualified for the office of president of the United States is if he had been dead for three days.

He had an opportunity this morning to be a man and a presidential candidate and stand up straight and tall and take responsibility but he chose to continue to make excuses and whine about how mean Kelly was to him. Shameful. Pootin is rubbing hands together because he knows he can and will make mince meat of him.

OTOH, Fox was reprehensible. They were unprofessional and were very obviously out to get Drumpf. But they're Fox. What else did anyone expect? He could have risen above that but he just doesn't have the substance to do that.

What we're seeing in Drumpf is exactly how he would behave on the world stage. He would bluster and bully and then deny, whine and blame others for his own actions.
Rand Paul's low swinging fruit / chldish comment about Christie hugging Obama made him look really small, too, to an independent anyhow.

Im sure to the had right it was like "oHhHh, get um!!"
I listen to a lot of talk radio, mostly left, but tune in to rightwing radio to see where they are at. Republicans, in general, have not nor will they forgive Christie for hugging Obama. I believe a recent Luntz panel on Hannity substantiated this as well. They have blood in their eyes over Chris Christie, he's not going anywhere.

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What a corny and small retarded subject to even judge someone basedupon.

Obama helped Christies disaster relief and he was grateful. What are they, 5 years old?

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