Who Would Most Likely Attack Iran: President Obama Or President Romney?


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
I'm convinced that Romney would like to be a WAR PRESIDENT, so I have little doubt that he would quickly align with Israel and attack Iran - BEFORE allowing diplomacy and sanctions sufficient time to become effective. If Obama ever attacks Iran, it will only happen as a last resort after all other non-military options have been exhausted. Obama is playing political chess - Romney is playing political checkers (King Me).

Obama Signs Executive Order Imposing New Sanctions On Iranian Government, Central Bank

Elect Romney, Get War in Iran? | | AlterNet

Leslie H. Gelb: Israel and Netanyahu, Pipe Down the Threats of War on Iran - The Daily Beast
U.S. Jews Should Heed Top Israeli Soldiers Who Oppose Bombing Iran

By Peter Beinart

Some of Israel’s leading soldiers and spies are warning against bombing Iran. American Jews should listen to them rather than accept Netanyahu’s apocalyptic claim that Tehran’s nuclear program is an existential threat to the state. Plus, Niall Ferguson rejects the arguments against attacking Iran.

There’s nothing American Jews love more than Israeli soldiers, except perhaps, Israeli spies. Go to American synagogues—especially Orthodox synagogues—and you’ll find boys wearing green-and-yellow skullcaps bearing the Israel Defense Force’s Hebrew acronym. A central element of the Birthright Israel program, which aims to instill a love of Israel and Judaism in young American Jews, is their mifgash, or encounter—often R-rated—with Israeli soldiers. For my Bar Mitzvah, I was given a tome celebrating the exploits of Israel’s external and internal spy agencies, the Mossad and Shin Bet. My 6-year-old son recently came back from the library of his Jewish school carrying a volume entitled Keeping Israel Safe: Serving the Israel Defense Forces.

So perhaps American Jews should start noticing that an astonishing number of Israel’s top soldiers and spies are warning against bombing Iran. It began last summer, when Meir Dagan, fresh from a highly successful, eight-year stint as head of the Mossad, called attacking Iran “the stupidest thing I have ever heard.” He noted that while in office, he had joined with Yuval Diskin, director of the Shin Bet, and Gabi Ashkenazi, chief of staff of the Israeli Defense Fund, to block this “dangerous adventure.”

Since then, a throng of current and former security officials have issued similar warnings. In December, Dagan’s successor at Mossad, Tamir Pardo, suggested that an Iranian nuclear weapon was not an existential threat. This month, another former Mossad chief, Efraim Halevy, declared that “it is not in the power of Iran to destroy the state of Israel.” Former IDF chief of staff Dan Halutz added that “Iran poses a serious threat but not an existential threat” and that bombing would mean “taking upon ourselves a task that is bigger than us.” It’s remarkable, when you think about it. Almost every week, Israeli security officials say things about Iran’s nuclear program that, if Barack Obama said them, would get him labeled anti-Israel by American Jewish activists and the GOP.

The struggle between Israel’s civilian and military leaders eerily evokes the struggle inside the Bush administration over war with Iraq. Like Dick Cheney, Benjamin Netanyahu has only one mode: apocalyptic. His idols are Winston Churchill and Revisionist Zionist leader Vladimir Jabotinsky, both men famed for having foreseen the Nazi menace when others looked away. And throughout his career, Netanyahu has plugged virtually every adversary Israel faces into the Hitler role. In 1993, when then–Foreign Minister Shimon Peres brokered the Oslo Accords, Netanyahu compared him with Neville Chamberlain. In his 1993book, A Place Among the Nations, reissued in 2000 as A Durable Peace, Netanyahu compared the Palestinian effort “to gouge Judea and Samaria [the West Bank] out of Israel” to the Nazi effort to force Czechoslovakia to cede the “Sudeten district.” In a CNN interview with Piers Morgan in 2011, Netanyahu analogized negotiating with Hamas to negotiating with Hitler. And in 2006 he told an American Jewish audience that “it’s 1938 and Iran is Germany.”

More: U.S. Jews Should Heed Top Israeli Soldiers Who Oppose Bombing Iran - The Daily Beast

The Israeli Anti-Attack-Iran Brigade Speaks Out

Leslie H. Gelb: Israel and Netanyahu, Pipe Down the Threats of War on Iran - The Daily Beast
Obama. But then I think war may be happening regardless who is in charge. But i hope thats not true.
Romney has said he wants to spend more money on our military - even though its already bigger than the next 13 combined. He has also said he wants to attack Iran. If I remember right, of the Clown Car Candidates, only Paul has not said he wants to attack or go to war with Iran.

I suspect they say they want war so we'll think they have balls that they really don't have.

I still say President Obama's way is better ... no war, surgical strike, take out the target, no American deaths, no hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths and no draining what the R's think of as our Petty Cash Fund.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKGdkqfBICw]Obama: "My Muslim Faith" - YouTube[/ame]
I'm convinced that Romney would like to be a WAR PRESIDENT, so I have little doubt that he would quickly align with Israel and attack Iran - BEFORE allowing diplomacy and sanctions sufficient time to become effective. If Obama ever attacks Iran, it will only happen as a last resort after all other non-military options have been exhausted. Obama is playing political chess - Romney is playing political checkers (King Me).

Obama Signs Executive Order Imposing New Sanctions On Iranian Government, Central Bank

Elect Romney, Get War in Iran? | | AlterNet

Leslie H. Gelb: Israel and Netanyahu, Pipe Down the Threats of War on Iran - The Daily Beast

The answer to your STUPID question is.......................ISRAEL.
Obama/Romney? What's the difference? They're just two Global Elite-endorsed Harvard boys. The joke's on us again.
Both would now that Iraq is over and AFG is winding down. It actually looks like Syria is next, followed by Iran.

If I was Iranian and in the military I'd wonder what my chances of survival would be knowing that 1,000,000 Iranians would probably die.
It's difficult to know what Mitt would do on any given day. He might feel one way on Monday, another way on Tuesday, back to Monday on Wednesday, like Tuesday on Thursday, then like Monday AND Tuesday on Friday, and then, um, well, uhh. Then, before you know it, it's "Saturday". On Sunday, he drives dogs down the Freeway strapped to the top of his car.

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