Hamas atrocities expose peril of liberals’ long embrace of Palestinians and Iran

The point is that Nordhausen was not a death camp, and like most work camps, were mostly socialists, not Jews.
Notice that Nordhausen had over 60 buildings.
Death camps do not need 60 buildings, since the only survivors from one day to the next are a couple hundred workers to carry the bodies.
The main problem was dysentery, cholera, and typhus.
They make people skinny, even though they are not being starved.

There certainly were death camps in the war, but they were not in Germany, and very few in Germany knew they existed.

Guy, I don't talk to shit head holocaust deniers. My dad saw what he saw, and he was horrified by it. That there were worse places is nothing to be proud of.

Also, the Germans knew damned well what was going on. You can't keep that sort of thing a secret. It's why Sgt. Schultz "I know Nothink!" line was so funny to post-war America. The German denial of the shit they were doing was pathetic.

First of all, Kuwait was actually part of Iraq.
It had been stolen by the British around 1890, and the Emir was a Bedouin who was not native and brutal.
Look at a map, obviously Kuwait is the coastline of Iraq.

Kuwait was stolen from the Ottoman Empire, not Iraq, which didn't exist until the British created it.

Second is that Saddam could not let the Emir regain control, since he would then again start stealing oil.
Third is that Saddam did immediately negotiate a withdraw, and we then illegally annihilated his troops on the Highway of Death.

Saddam had plenty of his own oil, he didn't need to steal the Emir's. The real problem was the Emir loaned him a shitload of money to fight Iran, and wanted that money back.

It took one day for Saddam to invade Kuwait, it would have taken one day to pull his troops back. Instead he played a game of chicken with the UN and lost.
There is way to defend what Israel has done for 80 years and is doing now.
Hamas is not only justified, but you have to wonder why they waited so long?
^^^ and this is the poster who claims he Jewish.
Allowing our troops to be exposed to attack and danger makes Biden look weak in the eyes of Muslims and the world.
We've lost two men already. There will be more if we don't react decisively against the Houthi's and ultimately Iran.
All in all it's Biden and his followers that have become a Clear and Present Danger to America.
yeah----but muslims have some reason to like him
There was not a single "death camp" in Germany or any area the US troops got to.
All the death camps were tiny and totally obliterated before the Russians got to them, since they were almost all in Poland.
By March 1945, the prisoner population in Ohrdruf reached 11,700. The prisoners included people of various nationalities—French, Belgian, German, Hungarian, Czech, Latvian, Italian, Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, and Yugoslav. In addition, the camp housed prisoners who the Nazis judged as anti-social, plus homosexuals and Jews. In early April, with the oncoming advance of Allied forces, the SS evacuated almost all of the prisoners in a death march to Buchenwald. Many prisoners who were too weak or ill to partake in the march were summarily killed.

Ohrdruf was the first Nazi camp to be liberated by US forces. On April 12, a week after the camp’s liberation, Generals Dwight D. Eisenhower, George S. Patton, and Omar Bradley toured the site, led by a prisoner familiar with the camp. Numerous corpses were found scattered around the camp grounds, lying where they were killed prior to the camp’s evacuation. A burned out pyre was discovered with the charred remains of prisoners, proof of the SS’s hurried evacuation and attempt to cover their crimes. Evidence of torture was present, and prisoners demonstrated for the generals various torture methods used by the guards. In a shed, a pile of roughly 30 emaciated bodies were discovered, sprinkled with lime in an attempt to cover the smell. Patton, a man privy to the violent scenes of war, refused to enter this shed as the sights and smells in the camp had previously caused him to vomit against the side of a building. German citizens from the nearby town of Ohrdruf were forced to view the camp and bury the dead, a practice that was later repeated in other camp liberations. Following the tour, the mayor of Ohrdruf and his wife were discovered to have hung themselves in their home.

Guy, I don't talk to shit head holocaust deniers. My dad saw what he saw, and he was horrified by it. That there were worse places is nothing to be proud of.

Also, the Germans knew damned well what was going on. You can't keep that sort of thing a secret. It's why Sgt. Schultz "I know Nothink!" line was so funny to post-war America. The German denial of the shit they were doing was pathetic.

Kuwait was stolen from the Ottoman Empire, not Iraq, which didn't exist until the British created it.

Saddam had plenty of his own oil, he didn't need to steal the Emir's. The real problem was the Emir loaned him a shitload of money to fight Iran, and wanted that money back.

It took one day for Saddam to invade Kuwait, it would have taken one day to pull his troops back. Instead he played a game of chicken with the UN and lost.

Nope. Kuwait met Iraq's OPEC quota during the war with Iran. So did Saudi Arabia. KSA forgave the debt. Kuwait refused.
Nope. Kuwait met Iraq's OPEC quota during the war with Iran. So did Saudi Arabia. KSA forgave the debt. Kuwait refused.
And this is why I think we should have told KSA and Kuwait to go fuck themselves, because they created their own problem.
Everyone I know is defending Hamas.
They have been removed by force from 85% of their land, and forced into concentration camps on only 15% of the land they own and had paid for.
They can not survive on that small area, with their trade cut off from the blockade.
So they are slowly being starved to death, and had no alternative.

And by the way, Saddam NEVER turned against the US.
Before Desert Storm, he asked US ambassador Glasspie, for permission to invade Kuwait for stealing oil.
The US ambassador said we did not care.
We turned traitor to Saddam, not the other way around.
They were removed because they attacked Israel from that land, and Israel created separation because of those attacks.

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