Who would you rather as president managing the COVID-19 response, Trump or Biden?" (poll)

Who would you rather as president managing the COVID-19 response, Trump or Biden?"

  • Trump

    Votes: 75 68.2%
  • Biden

    Votes: 35 31.8%

  • Total voters
Biden was part of handling two pandemics and combines fewer people died than have done during this one.

I just read thru the H1N1 response from the government. BO & Sleazy Joe didn't do much if anything.
The summary says that Obama and Biden didn't do anything to reduce the infections and death toll.
There were 61m cases of the Swine Flu, that's 61,000,000 compared to 735,000 US cases for COVID so far.
Too bad that is incorrect. 12,000 died during H1N1, More than 34,000 are dead so far from COVID19.

and 60,000 died from the annual flu last year alone. you have the facts wrong on H1N1, 12,000 died from that before obozo did anything at all about it, or even acknowledged that it was here.

Do you find it funny that the CDC stats for March 2020 show zero deaths from the flu? They are lying to us, wake up.
No, I don't have it wrong. Nobody has to die from the annual flu. The reason people do is because they don't get vaccinated. When we can say this about COVID19, let me know. I am wide awake and don't need a sleepwalking conservative dreaming about how this is less harmful than the flu telling me anything.

some flu deaths are because anti-vaxers believe the stupidity that is put out by the fringe media. Most of them are people who get the vaccine but still catch a milder case of the flu and die because they have lung disease, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, or something else.

we are now seeing that the mortality rate from confirmed covid cases in healthy people is much less than half of 1%.

hydroxycloroquine has been shown as an effective mediine to defeat covid. But the problem is that it is very cheap and has gone generic so big pharma cannot make billions on it and therefore cannot send billions to the DNC. That is the only reason that it is not being used world wide to defeat this virus.

follow the money, it will lead you to the truth.
There has not been anything that proves hydroxycloroquine has been effective.

So it's like this, you can go get COVID19 if you want. You can go through all that sickness and suffering, come out alive and talk that 1 percent mortality bullshit all you want, but when you get it, you suffer for days and that is just something I choose to avoid.

the only thing that proves it works are cases of survival after taking it. Ask the black democrat state representative from Michigan if it works. Ask Dr Segal if it saved the life of his 96 year old father.

I don't want to get it either, but neither do I want to get flu, a cold, pneumonia, cancer, or any other disease that could put my life in danger.

The Chinese created this, they are responsible. the world has overreacted because the WHO lied about it for months. Now the anti-america democrats are trying to use it as a political weapon to hurt trump in november.

This crap needs to stop, we need the country back at work and we need to cancel our debt to China for the amount that this has cost the USA.
Trump is making decisions with his threatening and cajoling manner. He made 0 decisions for 2 months even though he had the information. He denied that there was a problem and blamed the Dems for a "hoax" and our country lost valuable time.
1. Threatening and cajoling is not making decisions. The governors make the decision to safely and responsibly allow people to get back to work.
2. Trump's daily briefings show that he has a handle on the response, including making sure that there were enough ventilators and hospital beds available.
3. China and the WHO said that there was no problem, and that there was "no human to human transmission". So who lied about the problem?
4. Trump called the dems fake outrage and constant criticisms a "hoax". Yet when TYrump imposed the travel ban from China the dams called it "xenophobia", and now call it a good move, so whose response was more responsible? Trump's response was the right move, especially compared to the EU.

Your faux outrage is just partisan politics in an election year.

Your pain is palpable as Dopey Donald Trump's insanity moves him closer to the exit every day.

Who is going to beat "Dopey Donald"? Please say Joe Biden.
That's who is going to beat him.

old senile Joe doesn't even know what state he is in, cannot put a logical sentence together and likes to fondle little girls. He has zero chance.

Keep fantasizing. The November election will jolt you back to reality.

I think the jolt will hit you, not me. Biden and one of the crazy far left dem females have zero change against Trump and Pence. ZERO. The american voters are not as dumb as CNN thinks they are.

It is very likely that the GOP will also hold the senate and take back the house. Pelosi is doing everything possible to ensure that.
Biden is about to beat trumps ass. You guys don't seem to understand that. trumps leadership has been piss poor and he has not made things better now than it was before he got there. The senators who chose to not have a trial are going to catch hell this fall and you ain't going to get the house back. Pelosi has done a great job. You apparently only get your information from the RWM and they are making things up.

trump is about to get destroyed by an ad campaign like no other. You just don't know what is about to slap trump in the upcoming months. More Americans have died in the last 7 weeks, less than 2 months, than died during the Korean war. We are now over 38,000 dead, that's more than 3 times the number that died during H1N1, with approximately 90 times fewer cases. And this along with impeachment has you believing that Biden has no chance. You are out of your mind.
Biden was part of handling two pandemics and combines fewer people died than have done during this one.

I just read thru the H1N1 response from the government. BO & Sleazy Joe didn't do much if anything.
The summary says that Obama and Biden didn't do anything to reduce the infections and death toll.
There were 61m cases of the Swine Flu, that's 61,000,000 compared to 735,000 US cases for COVID so far.
Too bad that is incorrect. 12,000 died during H1N1, More than 34,000 are dead so far from COVID19.

and 60,000 died from the annual flu last year alone. you have the facts wrong on H1N1, 12,000 died from that before obozo did anything at all about it, or even acknowledged that it was here.

Do you find it funny that the CDC stats for March 2020 show zero deaths from the flu? They are lying to us, wake up.
No, I don't have it wrong. Nobody has to die from the annual flu. The reason people do is because they don't get vaccinated. When we can say this about COVID19, let me know. I am wide awake and don't need a sleepwalking conservative dreaming about how this is less harmful than the flu telling me anything.

some flu deaths are because anti-vaxers believe the stupidity that is put out by the fringe media. Most of them are people who get the vaccine but still catch a milder case of the flu and die because they have lung disease, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, or something else.

we are now seeing that the mortality rate from confirmed covid cases in healthy people is much less than half of 1%.

hydroxycloroquine has been shown as an effective mediine to defeat covid. But the problem is that it is very cheap and has gone generic so big pharma cannot make billions on it and therefore cannot send billions to the DNC. That is the only reason that it is not being used world wide to defeat this virus.

follow the money, it will lead you to the truth.
There has not been anything that proves hydroxycloroquine has been effective.

So it's like this, you can go get COVID19 if you want. You can go through all that sickness and suffering, come out alive and talk that 1 percent mortality bullshit all you want, but when you get it, you suffer for days and that is just something I choose to avoid.

the only thing that proves it works are cases of survival after taking it. Ask the black democrat state representative from Michigan if it works. Ask Dr Segal if it saved the life of his 96 year old father.

I don't want to get it either, but neither do I want to get flu, a cold, pneumonia, cancer, or any other disease that could put my life in danger.

The Chinese created this, they are responsible. the world has overreacted because the WHO lied about it for months. Now the anti-america democrats are trying to use it as a political weapon to hurt trump in november.

This crap needs to stop, we need the country back at work and we need to cancel our debt to China for the amount that this has cost the USA.
The Chinese did not create a damn thing. I don't have to ask the black anyone about this. The medical profession at large has not endorsed this medicine as a cure. Nobody is using this for a political weapon but trump. Every word coming out of his mouth are how the democrats are doing this and that. That's political weaponizing and you believe what he says and then repeat it.
Biden was part of handling two pandemics and combines fewer people died than have done during this one.

I just read thru the H1N1 response from the government. BO & Sleazy Joe didn't do much if anything.
The summary says that Obama and Biden didn't do anything to reduce the infections and death toll.
There were 61m cases of the Swine Flu, that's 61,000,000 compared to 735,000 US cases for COVID so far.
Too bad that is incorrect. 12,000 died during H1N1, More than 34,000 are dead so far from COVID19.

and 60,000 died from the annual flu last year alone. you have the facts wrong on H1N1, 12,000 died from that before obozo did anything at all about it, or even acknowledged that it was here.

Do you find it funny that the CDC stats for March 2020 show zero deaths from the flu? They are lying to us, wake up.
No, I don't have it wrong. Nobody has to die from the annual flu. The reason people do is because they don't get vaccinated. When we can say this about COVID19, let me know. I am wide awake and don't need a sleepwalking conservative dreaming about how this is less harmful than the flu telling me anything.

some flu deaths are because anti-vaxers believe the stupidity that is put out by the fringe media. Most of them are people who get the vaccine but still catch a milder case of the flu and die because they have lung disease, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, or something else.

we are now seeing that the mortality rate from confirmed covid cases in healthy people is much less than half of 1%.

hydroxycloroquine has been shown as an effective mediine to defeat covid. But the problem is that it is very cheap and has gone generic so big pharma cannot make billions on it and therefore cannot send billions to the DNC. That is the only reason that it is not being used world wide to defeat this virus.

follow the money, it will lead you to the truth.
There has not been anything that proves hydroxycloroquine has been effective.

So it's like this, you can go get COVID19 if you want. You can go through all that sickness and suffering, come out alive and talk that 1 percent mortality bullshit all you want, but when you get it, you suffer for days and that is just something I choose to avoid.

the only thing that proves it works are cases of survival after taking it. Ask the black democrat state representative from Michigan if it works. Ask Dr Segal if it saved the life of his 96 year old father.

I don't want to get it either, but neither do I want to get flu, a cold, pneumonia, cancer, or any other disease that could put my life in danger.

The Chinese created this, they are responsible. the world has overreacted because the WHO lied about it for months. Now the anti-america democrats are trying to use it as a political weapon to hurt trump in november.

This crap needs to stop, we need the country back at work and we need to cancel our debt to China for the amount that this has cost the USA.
I don't have to ask the black anyone. The medical profession at large has not endorsed this medicine as a cure.

yep, because its cheap, available, and generic. Big pharma cannot make billions from it, so it must not work.

I am surprised at how naive you are about how this works.
Biden was part of handling two pandemics and combines fewer people died than have done during this one.

I just read thru the H1N1 response from the government. BO & Sleazy Joe didn't do much if anything.
The summary says that Obama and Biden didn't do anything to reduce the infections and death toll.
There were 61m cases of the Swine Flu, that's 61,000,000 compared to 735,000 US cases for COVID so far.
Too bad that is incorrect. 12,000 died during H1N1, More than 34,000 are dead so far from COVID19.

and 60,000 died from the annual flu last year alone. you have the facts wrong on H1N1, 12,000 died from that before obozo did anything at all about it, or even acknowledged that it was here.

Do you find it funny that the CDC stats for March 2020 show zero deaths from the flu? They are lying to us, wake up.
No, I don't have it wrong. Nobody has to die from the annual flu. The reason people do is because they don't get vaccinated. When we can say this about COVID19, let me know. I am wide awake and don't need a sleepwalking conservative dreaming about how this is less harmful than the flu telling me anything.

some flu deaths are because anti-vaxers believe the stupidity that is put out by the fringe media. Most of them are people who get the vaccine but still catch a milder case of the flu and die because they have lung disease, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, or something else.

we are now seeing that the mortality rate from confirmed covid cases in healthy people is much less than half of 1%.

hydroxycloroquine has been shown as an effective mediine to defeat covid. But the problem is that it is very cheap and has gone generic so big pharma cannot make billions on it and therefore cannot send billions to the DNC. That is the only reason that it is not being used world wide to defeat this virus.

follow the money, it will lead you to the truth.

Follow the filthy lucre and you will find Dopey Donald Trump and Jared Kushner.
Trump is making decisions with his threatening and cajoling manner. He made 0 decisions for 2 months even though he had the information. He denied that there was a problem and blamed the Dems for a "hoax" and our country lost valuable time.
1. Threatening and cajoling is not making decisions. The governors make the decision to safely and responsibly allow people to get back to work.
2. Trump's daily briefings show that he has a handle on the response, including making sure that there were enough ventilators and hospital beds available.
3. China and the WHO said that there was no problem, and that there was "no human to human transmission". So who lied about the problem?
4. Trump called the dems fake outrage and constant criticisms a "hoax". Yet when TYrump imposed the travel ban from China the dams called it "xenophobia", and now call it a good move, so whose response was more responsible? Trump's response was the right move, especially compared to the EU.

Your faux outrage is just partisan politics in an election year.

Your pain is palpable as Dopey Donald Trump's insanity moves him closer to the exit every day.

Who is going to beat "Dopey Donald"? Please say Joe Biden.
That's who is going to beat him.

old senile Joe doesn't even know what state he is in, cannot put a logical sentence together and likes to fondle little girls. He has zero chance.

Keep fantasizing. The November election will jolt you back to reality.

I think the jolt will hit you, not me. Biden and one of the crazy far left dem females have zero change against Trump and Pence. ZERO. The american voters are not as dumb as CNN thinks they are.

It is very likely that the GOP will also hold the senate and take back the house. Pelosi is doing everything possible to ensure that.
Biden is about to beat trumps ass. You guys don't seem to understand that. trumps leadership has been piss poor and he has not made things better now than it was before he got there. The senators who chose to not have a trial are going to catch hell this fall and you ain't going to get the house back. Pelosi has done a great job. You apparently only get your information from the RWM and they are making things up.

trump is about to get destroyed by an ad campaign like no other. You just don't know what is about to slap trump in the upcoming months. More Americans have died in the last 7 weeks, less than 2 months, than died during the Korean war. We are now over 38,000 dead, that's more than 3 times the number that died during H1N1, with approximately 90 times fewer cases. And this along with impeachment has you believing that Biden has no chance. You are out of your mind.

Very true.

Dopey Donald Trump has lost his prime credentials for reelection, low unemployment and high stockmarket.

Federal Government debt is going astronomic and will become unpayable.
Biden was part of handling two pandemics and combines fewer people died than have done during this one.

I just read thru the H1N1 response from the government. BO & Sleazy Joe didn't do much if anything.
The summary says that Obama and Biden didn't do anything to reduce the infections and death toll.
There were 61m cases of the Swine Flu, that's 61,000,000 compared to 735,000 US cases for COVID so far.
Too bad that is incorrect. 12,000 died during H1N1, More than 34,000 are dead so far from COVID19.

and 60,000 died from the annual flu last year alone. you have the facts wrong on H1N1, 12,000 died from that before obozo did anything at all about it, or even acknowledged that it was here.

Do you find it funny that the CDC stats for March 2020 show zero deaths from the flu? They are lying to us, wake up.
No, I don't have it wrong. Nobody has to die from the annual flu. The reason people do is because they don't get vaccinated. When we can say this about COVID19, let me know. I am wide awake and don't need a sleepwalking conservative dreaming about how this is less harmful than the flu telling me anything.

some flu deaths are because anti-vaxers believe the stupidity that is put out by the fringe media. Most of them are people who get the vaccine but still catch a milder case of the flu and die because they have lung disease, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, or something else.

we are now seeing that the mortality rate from confirmed covid cases in healthy people is much less than half of 1%.

hydroxycloroquine has been shown as an effective mediine to defeat covid. But the problem is that it is very cheap and has gone generic so big pharma cannot make billions on it and therefore cannot send billions to the DNC. That is the only reason that it is not being used world wide to defeat this virus.

follow the money, it will lead you to the truth.

Follow the filthy lucre and you will find Dopey Donald Trump and Jared Kushner.

show us how. Neither has any financial interest in hydroxycholoroquine or any big pharma. but the DNC does, Pelosi does, Schumer does, Soros does.

Yes, lets follow the money and always leads back to corrupt democrats or one world order assholes.
Trump is making decisions with his threatening and cajoling manner. He made 0 decisions for 2 months even though he had the information. He denied that there was a problem and blamed the Dems for a "hoax" and our country lost valuable time.
1. Threatening and cajoling is not making decisions. The governors make the decision to safely and responsibly allow people to get back to work.
2. Trump's daily briefings show that he has a handle on the response, including making sure that there were enough ventilators and hospital beds available.
3. China and the WHO said that there was no problem, and that there was "no human to human transmission". So who lied about the problem?
4. Trump called the dems fake outrage and constant criticisms a "hoax". Yet when TYrump imposed the travel ban from China the dams called it "xenophobia", and now call it a good move, so whose response was more responsible? Trump's response was the right move, especially compared to the EU.

Your faux outrage is just partisan politics in an election year.

Your pain is palpable as Dopey Donald Trump's insanity moves him closer to the exit every day.

Who is going to beat "Dopey Donald"? Please say Joe Biden.
That's who is going to beat him.

old senile Joe doesn't even know what state he is in, cannot put a logical sentence together and likes to fondle little girls. He has zero chance.

Keep fantasizing. The November election will jolt you back to reality.

I think the jolt will hit you, not me. Biden and one of the crazy far left dem females have zero change against Trump and Pence. ZERO. The american voters are not as dumb as CNN thinks they are.

It is very likely that the GOP will also hold the senate and take back the house. Pelosi is doing everything possible to ensure that.
Biden is about to beat trumps ass. You guys don't seem to understand that. trumps leadership has been piss poor and he has not made things better now than it was before he got there. The senators who chose to not have a trial are going to catch hell this fall and you ain't going to get the house back. Pelosi has done a great job. You apparently only get your information from the RWM and they are making things up.

trump is about to get destroyed by an ad campaign like no other. You just don't know what is about to slap trump in the upcoming months. More Americans have died in the last 7 weeks, less than 2 months, than died during the Korean war. We are now over 38,000 dead, that's more than 3 times the number that died during H1N1, with approximately 90 times fewer cases. And this along with impeachment has you believing that Biden has no chance. You are out of your mind.

Very true.

Dopey Donald Trump has lost his prime credentials for reelection, low unemployment and high stockmarket.

Federal Government debt is going astronomic and will become unpayable.

so now Trump created covid 19 because he wanted to tank the economy???? Are you a complete partisan lunatic?

where were you when the kenyan doubled the national debt in just 8 years? Obozo added more to our debt than all previous presidents COMBINED, and you were silent about that, now because we have a bi-partisan bill that increases the debt to fight the virus, that is somehow totally Trump's fault?

your partisan sickness has destroyed your brain.
We were played. The marxist Dim shitstains root for china flu deaths and a great depression. Plugs has regressed to the level of a 5-year old.

These facts will become more self-evident over the next few months.Trump will take 43 states.
Biden was part of handling two pandemics and combines fewer people died than have done during this one.

I just read thru the H1N1 response from the government. BO & Sleazy Joe didn't do much if anything.
The summary says that Obama and Biden didn't do anything to reduce the infections and death toll.
There were 61m cases of the Swine Flu, that's 61,000,000 compared to 735,000 US cases for COVID so far.
Too bad that is incorrect. 12,000 died during H1N1, More than 34,000 are dead so far from COVID19.

and 60,000 died from the annual flu last year alone. you have the facts wrong on H1N1, 12,000 died from that before obozo did anything at all about it, or even acknowledged that it was here.

Do you find it funny that the CDC stats for March 2020 show zero deaths from the flu? They are lying to us, wake up.
No, I don't have it wrong. Nobody has to die from the annual flu. The reason people do is because they don't get vaccinated. When we can say this about COVID19, let me know. I am wide awake and don't need a sleepwalking conservative dreaming about how this is less harmful than the flu telling me anything.

some flu deaths are because anti-vaxers believe the stupidity that is put out by the fringe media. Most of them are people who get the vaccine but still catch a milder case of the flu and die because they have lung disease, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, or something else.

we are now seeing that the mortality rate from confirmed covid cases in healthy people is much less than half of 1%.

hydroxycloroquine has been shown as an effective mediine to defeat covid. But the problem is that it is very cheap and has gone generic so big pharma cannot make billions on it and therefore cannot send billions to the DNC. That is the only reason that it is not being used world wide to defeat this virus.

follow the money, it will lead you to the truth.

Follow the filthy lucre and you will find Dopey Donald Trump and Jared Kushner.

show us how. Neither has any financial interest in hydroxycholoroquine or any big pharma. but the DNC does, Pelosi does, Schumer does, Soros does.

Yes, lets follow the money and always leads back to corrupt democrats or one world order assholes.

Remove the masks and it is Dopey Donald Trump and Jared Kushner.
  • Thanks
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Trump is making decisions with his threatening and cajoling manner. He made 0 decisions for 2 months even though he had the information. He denied that there was a problem and blamed the Dems for a "hoax" and our country lost valuable time.
1. Threatening and cajoling is not making decisions. The governors make the decision to safely and responsibly allow people to get back to work.
2. Trump's daily briefings show that he has a handle on the response, including making sure that there were enough ventilators and hospital beds available.
3. China and the WHO said that there was no problem, and that there was "no human to human transmission". So who lied about the problem?
4. Trump called the dems fake outrage and constant criticisms a "hoax". Yet when TYrump imposed the travel ban from China the dams called it "xenophobia", and now call it a good move, so whose response was more responsible? Trump's response was the right move, especially compared to the EU.

Your faux outrage is just partisan politics in an election year.

Your pain is palpable as Dopey Donald Trump's insanity moves him closer to the exit every day.

Who is going to beat "Dopey Donald"? Please say Joe Biden.
That's who is going to beat him.

old senile Joe doesn't even know what state he is in, cannot put a logical sentence together and likes to fondle little girls. He has zero chance.

Keep fantasizing. The November election will jolt you back to reality.

I think the jolt will hit you, not me. Biden and one of the crazy far left dem females have zero change against Trump and Pence. ZERO. The american voters are not as dumb as CNN thinks they are.

It is very likely that the GOP will also hold the senate and take back the house. Pelosi is doing everything possible to ensure that.
Biden is about to beat trumps ass. You guys don't seem to understand that. trumps leadership has been piss poor and he has not made things better now than it was before he got there. The senators who chose to not have a trial are going to catch hell this fall and you ain't going to get the house back. Pelosi has done a great job. You apparently only get your information from the RWM and they are making things up.

trump is about to get destroyed by an ad campaign like no other. You just don't know what is about to slap trump in the upcoming months. More Americans have died in the last 7 weeks, less than 2 months, than died during the Korean war. We are now over 38,000 dead, that's more than 3 times the number that died during H1N1, with approximately 90 times fewer cases. And this along with impeachment has you believing that Biden has no chance. You are out of your mind.

Very true.

Dopey Donald Trump has lost his prime credentials for reelection, low unemployment and high stockmarket.

Federal Government debt is going astronomic and will become unpayable.

so now Trump created covid 19 because he wanted to tank the economy???? Are you a complete partisan lunatic?

where were you when the kenyan doubled the national debt in just 8 years? Obozo added more to our debt than all previous presidents COMBINED, and you were silent about that, now because we have a bi-partisan bill that increases the debt to fight the virus, that is somehow totally Trump's fault?

your partisan sickness has destroyed your brain.

Dopey Donald Trump is going to add more to the debt in one term than Obama did in 2 terms.

Dopey Donald Trump is going to blow away all unemployment records with massive unemployment emerging.

Dopey Donald Trump is not going to preside over MAGA. He is creating year zero to make MAGA happen for later Democrat Presidents.
Trump by all means, Biden does not even know what day it is
That's a lie.
This is NOT a LIE...
Six times Biden described major events in his life that never happened
Joe Biden claimed twice recently that he met with Parkland, Florida, shooting survivors when he was vice president, despite the fact FACT: that he was already out of office when the attack took place.
1) Biden said his helicopter was “forced down” near Osama bin Laden’s lair in Afghanistan
He later referred to “the superhighway of terror between Pakistan and Afghanistan where my helicopter was forced down.”
FACT: The helicopter actually landed to wait out a snowstorm, according to the Associated Press.
2) Biden said he was a coal miner
“I hope you won’t hold it against me, but I am a hard-coal miner, anthracite coal, Scranton, Pennsylvania,” Biden said
FACT: Hell, I might be president now if it weren't for the fact I said I had an uncle who was a coal miner. Turns out I didn't have anybody in the coal mines, you know what I mean? I tried that crap — it didn't work,” he said during an interview with Jon Stewart.
3) Biden said he was “shot at” in Iraq
"inside the Green Zone, where I have been seven times and shot at.”
a Biden campaign aide told the Hill that the then-senator was staying at a hotel in the Green Zone when a mortar landed several hundred yards away.
4) Biden said he called Slobodan Milošević a “damn war criminal” to his face
John Ritch, a senate aide who attended the Milošević meeting, told the Post he did not recall Biden making such a dramatic pronouncement.
5. Biden said he participated in sit-ins at segregated restaurants and movie theaters
When Biden dropped out of the 1988 presidential race amid his plagiarism scandal, he said the extent of his civil rights participation was working at an all-black swimming pool for a summer in college.
6. Biden said he criticized President George W. Bush during lengthy private meetings in the Oval Office
Bush aides told Fox News in 2009 that they did not recall Biden ever meeting alone with the president or making such a comment.
Biden was part of handling two pandemics and combines fewer people died than have done during this one.

I just read thru the H1N1 response from the government. BO & Sleazy Joe didn't do much if anything.
The summary says that Obama and Biden didn't do anything to reduce the infections and death toll.
There were 61m cases of the Swine Flu, that's 61,000,000 compared to 735,000 US cases for COVID so far.
Too bad that is incorrect. 12,000 died during H1N1, More than 34,000 are dead so far from COVID19.

and 60,000 died from the annual flu last year alone. you have the facts wrong on H1N1, 12,000 died from that before obozo did anything at all about it, or even acknowledged that it was here.

Do you find it funny that the CDC stats for March 2020 show zero deaths from the flu? They are lying to us, wake up.
No, I don't have it wrong. Nobody has to die from the annual flu. The reason people do is because they don't get vaccinated. When we can say this about COVID19, let me know. I am wide awake and don't need a sleepwalking conservative dreaming about how this is less harmful than the flu telling me anything.

some flu deaths are because anti-vaxers believe the stupidity that is put out by the fringe media. Most of them are people who get the vaccine but still catch a milder case of the flu and die because they have lung disease, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, or something else.

we are now seeing that the mortality rate from confirmed covid cases in healthy people is much less than half of 1%.

hydroxycloroquine has been shown as an effective mediine to defeat covid. But the problem is that it is very cheap and has gone generic so big pharma cannot make billions on it and therefore cannot send billions to the DNC. That is the only reason that it is not being used world wide to defeat this virus.

follow the money, it will lead you to the truth.
There has not been anything that proves hydroxycloroquine has been effective.

So it's like this, you can go get COVID19 if you want. You can go through all that sickness and suffering, come out alive and talk that 1 percent mortality bullshit all you want, but when you get it, you suffer for days and that is just something I choose to avoid.

the only thing that proves it works are cases of survival after taking it. Ask the black democrat state representative from Michigan if it works. Ask Dr Segal if it saved the life of his 96 year old father.

I don't want to get it either, but neither do I want to get flu, a cold, pneumonia, cancer, or any other disease that could put my life in danger.

The Chinese created this, they are responsible. the world has overreacted because the WHO lied about it for months. Now the anti-america democrats are trying to use it as a political weapon to hurt trump in november.

This crap needs to stop, we need the country back at work and we need to cancel our debt to China for the amount that this has cost the USA.
I don't have to ask the black anyone. The medical profession at large has not endorsed this medicine as a cure.

yep, because its cheap, available, and generic. Big pharma cannot make billions from it, so it must not work.

I am surprised at how naive you are about how this works.

The vaccine would be free so the only payer would be the government and they only pay the low bid. The fact is that hydroxycloroquine has not been proven to work.
Trump by all means, Biden does not even know what day it is
That's a lie.
This is NOT a LIE...
Six times Biden described major events in his life that never happened
Joe Biden claimed twice recently that he met with Parkland, Florida, shooting survivors when he was vice president, despite the fact FACT: that he was already out of office when the attack took place.
1) Biden said his helicopter was “forced down” near Osama bin Laden’s lair in Afghanistan
He later referred to “the superhighway of terror between Pakistan and Afghanistan where my helicopter was forced down.”
FACT: The helicopter actually landed to wait out a snowstorm, according to the Associated Press.
2) Biden said he was a coal miner
“I hope you won’t hold it against me, but I am a hard-coal miner, anthracite coal, Scranton, Pennsylvania,” Biden said
FACT: Hell, I might be president now if it weren't for the fact I said I had an uncle who was a coal miner. Turns out I didn't have anybody in the coal mines, you know what I mean? I tried that crap — it didn't work,” he said during an interview with Jon Stewart.
3) Biden said he was “shot at” in Iraq
"inside the Green Zone, where I have been seven times and shot at.”
a Biden campaign aide told the Hill that the then-senator was staying at a hotel in the Green Zone when a mortar landed several hundred yards away.
4) Biden said he called Slobodan Milošević a “damn war criminal” to his face
John Ritch, a senate aide who attended the Milošević meeting, told the Post he did not recall Biden making such a dramatic pronouncement.
5. Biden said he participated in sit-ins at segregated restaurants and movie theaters
When Biden dropped out of the 1988 presidential race amid his plagiarism scandal, he said the extent of his civil rights participation was working at an all-black swimming pool for a summer in college.
6. Biden said he criticized President George W. Bush during lengthy private meetings in the Oval Office
Bush aides told Fox News in 2009 that they did not recall Biden ever meeting alone with the president or making such a comment.
trump has told over 16,000 lies as president. I know Biden is not perfect but he is way, way better than trump.
I cast my ballot for Biden because I believe the media would be far less influential with Biden at the helm. Trump immediately lost the high ground to the media by at first making Pence the point man on the issue.
The "news" media sank in mud the day Trump tossed his hat in the ring.

The media brought attention to Trump's putrid behavior, misinformation campaign and lack of knowledge about governing.
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We were played. The marxist Dim shitstains root for china flu deaths and a great depression. Plugs has regressed to the level of a 5-year old.

These facts will become more self-evident over the next few months.Trump will take 43 states.
LOL! Not going to happen. If Biden has regressed to a 5 year old, trump is an infant.
Trump is making decisions with his threatening and cajoling manner. He made 0 decisions for 2 months even though he had the information. He denied that there was a problem and blamed the Dems for a "hoax" and our country lost valuable time.
1. Threatening and cajoling is not making decisions. The governors make the decision to safely and responsibly allow people to get back to work.
2. Trump's daily briefings show that he has a handle on the response, including making sure that there were enough ventilators and hospital beds available.
3. China and the WHO said that there was no problem, and that there was "no human to human transmission". So who lied about the problem?
4. Trump called the dems fake outrage and constant criticisms a "hoax". Yet when TYrump imposed the travel ban from China the dams called it "xenophobia", and now call it a good move, so whose response was more responsible? Trump's response was the right move, especially compared to the EU.

Your faux outrage is just partisan politics in an election year.

Your pain is palpable as Dopey Donald Trump's insanity moves him closer to the exit every day.

Who is going to beat "Dopey Donald"? Please say Joe Biden.
That's who is going to beat him.

old senile Joe doesn't even know what state he is in, cannot put a logical sentence together and likes to fondle little girls. He has zero chance.

Keep fantasizing. The November election will jolt you back to reality.

I think the jolt will hit you, not me. Biden and one of the crazy far left dem females have zero change against Trump and Pence. ZERO. The american voters are not as dumb as CNN thinks they are.

It is very likely that the GOP will also hold the senate and take back the house. Pelosi is doing everything possible to ensure that.
Biden is about to beat trumps ass. You guys don't seem to understand that. trumps leadership has been piss poor and he has not made things better now than it was before he got there. The senators who chose to not have a trial are going to catch hell this fall and you ain't going to get the house back. Pelosi has done a great job. You apparently only get your information from the RWM and they are making things up.

trump is about to get destroyed by an ad campaign like no other. You just don't know what is about to slap trump in the upcoming months. More Americans have died in the last 7 weeks, less than 2 months, than died during the Korean war. We are now over 38,000 dead, that's more than 3 times the number that died during H1N1, with approximately 90 times fewer cases. And this along with impeachment has you believing that Biden has no chance. You are out of your mind.
Biden is going to be tied in with the Chinese. It does not matter what you say.
Trump is making decisions with his threatening and cajoling manner. He made 0 decisions for 2 months even though he had the information. He denied that there was a problem and blamed the Dems for a "hoax" and our country lost valuable time.
1. Threatening and cajoling is not making decisions. The governors make the decision to safely and responsibly allow people to get back to work.
2. Trump's daily briefings show that he has a handle on the response, including making sure that there were enough ventilators and hospital beds available.
3. China and the WHO said that there was no problem, and that there was "no human to human transmission". So who lied about the problem?
4. Trump called the dems fake outrage and constant criticisms a "hoax". Yet when TYrump imposed the travel ban from China the dams called it "xenophobia", and now call it a good move, so whose response was more responsible? Trump's response was the right move, especially compared to the EU.

Your faux outrage is just partisan politics in an election year.

Your pain is palpable as Dopey Donald Trump's insanity moves him closer to the exit every day.

Who is going to beat "Dopey Donald"? Please say Joe Biden.
That's who is going to beat him.

old senile Joe doesn't even know what state he is in, cannot put a logical sentence together and likes to fondle little girls. He has zero chance.

Keep fantasizing. The November election will jolt you back to reality.

I think the jolt will hit you, not me. Biden and one of the crazy far left dem females have zero change against Trump and Pence. ZERO. The american voters are not as dumb as CNN thinks they are.

It is very likely that the GOP will also hold the senate and take back the house. Pelosi is doing everything possible to ensure that.
Biden is about to beat trumps ass. You guys don't seem to understand that. trumps leadership has been piss poor and he has not made things better now than it was before he got there. The senators who chose to not have a trial are going to catch hell this fall and you ain't going to get the house back. Pelosi has done a great job. You apparently only get your information from the RWM and they are making things up.

trump is about to get destroyed by an ad campaign like no other. You just don't know what is about to slap trump in the upcoming months. More Americans have died in the last 7 weeks, less than 2 months, than died during the Korean war. We are now over 38,000 dead, that's more than 3 times the number that died during H1N1, with approximately 90 times fewer cases. And this along with impeachment has you believing that Biden has no chance. You are out of your mind.

Very true.

Dopey Donald Trump has lost his prime credentials for reelection, low unemployment and high stockmarket.

Federal Government debt is going astronomic and will become unpayable.

so now Trump created covid 19 because he wanted to tank the economy???? Are you a complete partisan lunatic?

where were you when the kenyan doubled the national debt in just 8 years? Obozo added more to our debt than all previous presidents COMBINED, and you were silent about that, now because we have a bi-partisan bill that increases the debt to fight the virus, that is somehow totally Trump's fault?

your partisan sickness has destroyed your brain.
There was no Kenyan.

The last president added debt mostly in his first two years because if he had not done that, America would have gone into a depression.
Trump is making decisions with his threatening and cajoling manner. He made 0 decisions for 2 months even though he had the information. He denied that there was a problem and blamed the Dems for a "hoax" and our country lost valuable time.
1. Threatening and cajoling is not making decisions. The governors make the decision to safely and responsibly allow people to get back to work.
2. Trump's daily briefings show that he has a handle on the response, including making sure that there were enough ventilators and hospital beds available.
3. China and the WHO said that there was no problem, and that there was "no human to human transmission". So who lied about the problem?
4. Trump called the dems fake outrage and constant criticisms a "hoax". Yet when TYrump imposed the travel ban from China the dams called it "xenophobia", and now call it a good move, so whose response was more responsible? Trump's response was the right move, especially compared to the EU.

Your faux outrage is just partisan politics in an election year.

Your pain is palpable as Dopey Donald Trump's insanity moves him closer to the exit every day.

Who is going to beat "Dopey Donald"? Please say Joe Biden.
That's who is going to beat him.

old senile Joe doesn't even know what state he is in, cannot put a logical sentence together and likes to fondle little girls. He has zero chance.

Keep fantasizing. The November election will jolt you back to reality.

I think the jolt will hit you, not me. Biden and one of the crazy far left dem females have zero change against Trump and Pence. ZERO. The american voters are not as dumb as CNN thinks they are.

It is very likely that the GOP will also hold the senate and take back the house. Pelosi is doing everything possible to ensure that.
Biden is about to beat trumps ass. You guys don't seem to understand that. trumps leadership has been piss poor and he has not made things better now than it was before he got there. The senators who chose to not have a trial are going to catch hell this fall and you ain't going to get the house back. Pelosi has done a great job. You apparently only get your information from the RWM and they are making things up.

trump is about to get destroyed by an ad campaign like no other. You just don't know what is about to slap trump in the upcoming months. More Americans have died in the last 7 weeks, less than 2 months, than died during the Korean war. We are now over 38,000 dead, that's more than 3 times the number that died during H1N1, with approximately 90 times fewer cases. And this along with impeachment has you believing that Biden has no chance. You are out of your mind.

Very true.

Dopey Donald Trump has lost his prime credentials for reelection, low unemployment and high stockmarket.

Federal Government debt is going astronomic and will become unpayable.

so now Trump created covid 19 because he wanted to tank the economy???? Are you a complete partisan lunatic?

where were you when the kenyan doubled the national debt in just 8 years? Obozo added more to our debt than all previous presidents COMBINED, and you were silent about that, now because we have a bi-partisan bill that increases the debt to fight the virus, that is somehow totally Trump's fault?

your partisan sickness has destroyed your brain.

No. Trump didn't create anything. It is his response or lack thereof which is in question.

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