Whoever is behind these caravans is doing a big disservice to illegal aliens...

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Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
My image of illegal aliens used to be honest, hard-working folk who just want to work.

That image is now changing to illegal aliens being violent leftist radicals who have absolutely no respect for the United States and its laws.

They are even burning American flags after putting swatzikas on them.
My image of illegal aliens used to be honest, hard-working folk who just want to work.

That image is now changing to illegal aliens being violent leftist radicals who have absolutely no respect for the United States and its laws.

They are even burning American flags after putting swatzikas on them.

Image if the US worked with these countries to improve the quality of life there. Maybe these caravans wouldn't need to exist.

Instead you have Trump trying to "get the best deal for the US" which isn't actually the best deal for he US.

Look at the EU, with former Warsaw Pact countries having been in the EU for 14 years now, and trade for countries like Germany and France is booming there.
My image of illegal aliens used to be honest, hard-working folk who just want to work.

That image is now changing to illegal aliens being violent leftist radicals who have absolutely no respect for the United States and its laws.

They are even burning American flags after putting swatzikas on them.

Image if the US worked with these countries to improve the quality of life there. Maybe these caravans wouldn't need to exist.

Instead you have Trump trying to "get the best deal for the US" which isn't actually the best deal for he US.

Look at the EU, with former Warsaw Pact countries having been in the EU for 14 years now, and trade for countries like Germany and France is booming there.

Annex the shitholes and make them like US.
We need to stop the person who is paying these people to act this way. It's illegal to pay people to break the law.
Image if the US worked with these countries to improve the quality of life there. Maybe these caravans wouldn't need to exist.

Instead you have Trump trying to "get the best deal for the US" which isn't actually the best deal for he US.

Look at the EU, with former Warsaw Pact countries having been in the EU for 14 years now, and trade for countries like Germany and France is booming there.
Yes it is always Trumps fault because he is trying to make our country better. That make no sense. Just admit you hate Trump.

Geeeezzzzzzzzzz! Fly
My image of illegal aliens used to be honest, hard-working folk who just want to work.

That image is now changing to illegal aliens being violent leftist radicals who have absolutely no respect for the United States and its laws.

They are even burning American flags after putting swatzikas on them.
----------------------------------------------- i love hearing about your attitude change BRook .
My image of illegal aliens used to be honest, hard-working folk who just want to work.

That image is now changing to illegal aliens being violent leftist radicals who have absolutely no respect for the United States and its laws.

They are even burning American flags after putting swatzikas on them.

Image if the US worked with these countries to improve the quality of life there. Maybe these caravans wouldn't need to exist.

Instead you have Trump trying to "get the best deal for the US" which isn't actually the best deal for he US.

Look at the EU, with former Warsaw Pact countries having been in the EU for 14 years now, and trade for countries like Germany and France is booming there.

Annex the shitholes and make them like US.

Oh, bullying.
Image if the US worked with these countries to improve the quality of life there. Maybe these caravans wouldn't need to exist.

Instead you have Trump trying to "get the best deal for the US" which isn't actually the best deal for he US.

Look at the EU, with former Warsaw Pact countries having been in the EU for 14 years now, and trade for countries like Germany and France is booming there.
Yes it is always Trumps fault because he is trying to make our country better. That make no sense. Just admit you hate Trump.

Geeeezzzzzzzzzz! Fly

No, I didn't say it was Trump's fault, jeezus kryst. You need to read WHAT THE FUCK I WROTE.
My image of illegal aliens used to be honest, hard-working folk who just want to work.

That image is now changing to illegal aliens being violent leftist radicals who have absolutely no respect for the United States and its laws.

They are even burning American flags after putting swatzikas on them.

It hasn't occurred to you that Donald J. Trump is behind these caravans? As for the swastikas, Trump has certainly earned them. His racist, rhetoric was both insulting to the migrants, and triggering to those who defend them.

Trump has done everything possible to create a phony border crisis as an excuse to both build the wall, and to close the Southern Border. While I agree that it appears that most of the people in this caravan are economic migrants rather than assylum seekers, why not let them make their claims and then send them home? The answer: Trump doesn't get to play the hero.

Trump has deliberately slowed the numbers allowed to cross the border daily and claim assylum. After travelling on foot for months, the migrants are now crammed into tent cities awaiting processing. Trump has slowed the process to increase the frustration levels, and to degrade the living conditions to make the camps festering cesspools and increase migrant unrest with both the wait and the living conditions.

Then you get a protest as we saw on the weekend, which then becomes an excuse to fire teargas and further inflame the situation. The "dangerous caravan" becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, not because these people are lawless and dangerous, but because they are desperate and frustrated, and Trump is increasing their levels of frustration and desperation on purpose to have exactly this response. Then he can save he "saved" American from this invasion by barbarian hoardes.

By creating this phony border crisis, then solving it, Trump gets to be a big hero. This is a common trick that despots use to ingratiate them to the population, or in the case of Trump, his dumbass base. Mike Harris, another authoritarian asshole, used a similar tactic to go after the Ontario education funding model. He created a "funding crisis in education", which he then solved by taking school funding away from the municipalities and having the province take it over. He then "punished" school boards which "overspent", which just happened to be Ottawa and Toronto - two cities with a much higher cost of living and much higher wages than any of the other jurisdictions, but which were funded at exactly the same level as country schools with much lower housing costs and wages.

There is no border crisis. Caravans of migrants have been coming for years, and they have been dealt with accordingly. Illegal border crossings are their lowest levels in 70 years. This is a bullshit propaganda move on the part of the Trump admninistration.
My image of illegal aliens used to be honest, hard-working folk who just want to work.

That image is now changing to illegal aliens being violent leftist radicals who have absolutely no respect for the United States and its laws.

They are even burning American flags after putting swatzikas on them.

Image if the US worked with these countries to improve the quality of life there. Maybe these caravans wouldn't need to exist.

Instead you have Trump trying to "get the best deal for the US" which isn't actually the best deal for he US.

Look at the EU, with former Warsaw Pact countries having been in the EU for 14 years now, and trade for countries like Germany and France is booming there.
isn't gas at like $7 a gallon in France?
My image of illegal aliens used to be honest, hard-working folk who just want to work.

That image is now changing to illegal aliens being violent leftist radicals who have absolutely no respect for the United States and its laws.

They are even burning American flags after putting swatzikas on them.

Who says anyone is 'behind' them?

You've been sniffing too many Soros conspiracies on Fox.
My image of illegal aliens used to be honest, hard-working folk who just want to work.

That image is now changing to illegal aliens being violent leftist radicals who have absolutely no respect for the United States and its laws.

They are even burning American flags after putting swatzikas on them.

Who says anyone is 'behind' them?

You've been sniffing too many Soros conspiracies on Fox.
Thousands of migrants did not suddenly decide to walk to America without someone prompting them to do just that. Someone is feeding these people. Someone is organizing these people. And you don't care.
My image of illegal aliens used to be honest, hard-working folk who just want to work.

That image is now changing to illegal aliens being violent leftist radicals who have absolutely no respect for the United States and its laws.

They are even burning American flags after putting swatzikas on them.

Image if the US worked with these countries to improve the quality of life there. Maybe these caravans wouldn't need to exist.

Instead you have Trump trying to "get the best deal for the US" which isn't actually the best deal for he US.

Look at the EU, with former Warsaw Pact countries having been in the EU for 14 years now, and trade for countries like Germany and France is booming there.
isn't gas at like $7 a gallon in France?

I'm sure if you eat enough beans, gas is free.

Not sure what gas prices have to do with anything though.
My image of illegal aliens used to be honest, hard-working folk who just want to work.

That image is now changing to illegal aliens being violent leftist radicals who have absolutely no respect for the United States and its laws.

They are even burning American flags after putting swatzikas on them.

They aren’t that. They are nothing more then marks being used by the political elite in Washington. When some stupid illegal chick gets snapped in a picture holding a CS gassed baby that she likely stole from someone, Trump will be held responsible along with the border patrol. Have to say, this band of trash from the south are cowards for putting woman and children between them and the cops. When it kicks off down there Token half negro will be 100% to blame.
My image of illegal aliens used to be honest, hard-working folk who just want to work.

That image is now changing to illegal aliens being violent leftist radicals who have absolutely no respect for the United States and its laws.

They are even burning American flags after putting swatzikas on them.

Image if the US worked with these countries to improve the quality of life there. Maybe these caravans wouldn't need to exist.

Instead you have Trump trying to "get the best deal for the US" which isn't actually the best deal for he US.

Look at the EU, with former Warsaw Pact countries having been in the EU for 14 years now, and trade for countries like Germany and France is booming there.
isn't gas at like $7 a gallon in France?

I'm sure if you eat enough beans, gas is free.

Not sure what gas prices have to do with anything though.
Has a lot to do with the quality of life there. You're one of them libs who can't think for himself eh.
Something I find alarming is that very rational and intelligent people are buying the Trump is a nazi thing. Joe Scott, who posts interesting science videos, did a video where he claims Trump said all Mexicans are rapists. How can a guy who talks about math and dark matter fall for the media spin that Trump said this? It is saddening that rational people want to believe the bias, or else they would not just adopt whatever they are being told.
My image of illegal aliens used to be honest, hard-working folk who just want to work.

That image is now changing to illegal aliens being violent leftist radicals who have absolutely no respect for the United States and its laws.

They are even burning American flags after putting swatzikas on them.

Image if the US worked with these countries to improve the quality of life there. Maybe these caravans wouldn't need to exist.

Instead you have Trump trying to "get the best deal for the US" which isn't actually the best deal for he US.

Look at the EU, with former Warsaw Pact countries having been in the EU for 14 years now, and trade for countries like Germany and France is booming there.
You can't work with the governments of these countries. The governments aren't in charge. The gangs are in charge. Who are the gangs? They are the very people in the caravans. That's why they are still victims of gang violence when they come here.
My image of illegal aliens used to be honest, hard-working folk who just want to work.

That image is now changing to illegal aliens being violent leftist radicals who have absolutely no respect for the United States and its laws.

They are even burning American flags after putting swatzikas on them.

It hasn't occurred to you that Donald J. Trump is behind these caravans? As for the swastikas, Trump has certainly earned them. His racist, rhetoric was both insulting to the migrants, and triggering to those who defend them.

Trump has done everything possible to create a phony border crisis as an excuse to both build the wall, and to close the Southern Border. While I agree that it appears that most of the people in this caravan are economic migrants rather than assylum seekers, why not let them make their claims and then send them home? The answer: Trump doesn't get to play the hero.

Trump has deliberately slowed the numbers allowed to cross the border daily and claim assylum. After travelling on foot for months, the migrants are now crammed into tent cities awaiting processing. Trump has slowed the process to increase the frustration levels, and to degrade the living conditions to make the camps festering cesspools and increase migrant unrest with both the wait and the living conditions.

Then you get a protest as we saw on the weekend, which then becomes an excuse to fire teargas and further inflame the situation. The "dangerous caravan" becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, not because these people are lawless and dangerous, but because they are desperate and frustrated, and Trump is increasing their levels of frustration and desperation on purpose to have exactly this response. Then he can save he "saved" American from this invasion by barbarian hoardes.

By creating this phony border crisis, then solving it, Trump gets to be a big hero. This is a common trick that despots use to ingratiate them to the population, or in the case of Trump, his dumbass base. Mike Harris, another authoritarian asshole, used a similar tactic to go after the Ontario education funding model. He created a "funding crisis in education", which he then solved by taking school funding away from the municipalities and having the province take it over. He then "punished" school boards which "overspent", which just happened to be Ottawa and Toronto - two cities with a much higher cost of living and much higher wages than any of the other jurisdictions, but which were funded at exactly the same level as country schools with much lower housing costs and wages.

There is no border crisis. Caravans of migrants have been coming for years, and they have been dealt with accordingly. Illegal border crossings are their lowest levels in 70 years. This is a bullshit propaganda move on the part of the Trump admninistration.
---------------------------- GO Trump !!
My image of illegal aliens used to be honest, hard-working folk who just want to work.

That image is now changing to illegal aliens being violent leftist radicals who have absolutely no respect for the United States and its laws.

They are even burning American flags after putting swatzikas on them.

Image if the US worked with these countries to improve the quality of life there. Maybe these caravans wouldn't need to exist.

Instead you have Trump trying to "get the best deal for the US" which isn't actually the best deal for he US.

Look at the EU, with former Warsaw Pact countries having been in the EU for 14 years now, and trade for countries like Germany and France is booming there.

Annex the shitholes and make them like US.

Oh, bullying.

Bullying what? Rapists, fascists, and murderers?
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